Automatic Recovery

Aug 4, 2007

Its a headache installaing all the applications all over again once the system has crashed or if i need to do a clean install.So, i wish to know if i can get a program or a method to create an automated recovery from an image tat is present in another partion. Can it be added to the Boot menu or start automated recovery with shortcut key? it should not ask for any CD or anything of tat sort during recovery.

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Creating Recovery CD For - Automatic Streaming

Nov 5, 2007

As per advice received here, I would like to create a Recovery CD including SP2 and all more recent updates received from Microsoft. However, it appears that you may not be able to do so unless you have an XP Operating System CD. Most computers come without such a creature unfortunately and neither of my systems have them.
Is it possible to create such a Recovery disk using the OS Recovery CD which came with my Compaq/HP laptop?Or else, is it possible to copy just the SP2 plus all other Microsoft downloads without having to manually execute each and every file?

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Automatic Restart After Shutdown - Automatic Updates Enabled

Apr 27, 2007

xp pro sp2 automatic updates enabled. My computer restarts automatically after shut down. This happens sometimes immediately, sometimes after a delay of up to 10 minutes. I tried using third party shut down programs, but that did not help. However if I let the computer go into hibernate, it shuts down and does not restart. I do not have Roxio installed, and in the settings for startup and recovery the automatic restart is disabled.

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Automatic Restart On Boot Unless Choose "Disable Automatic Restart"?

Aug 13, 2009

I have searched around a bit to see if others have ran into this problem, but I have had no luck so far. When I start my computer, it pops up with the standard menu it uses when an OS error has caused a restart. I can't get it too load windows using safe mode, last known good configuration, or normal mode. I never even see the windows loading screen, it restarts immediately.

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Unmountable Volume - Can't Launch Recovery Console Through Recovery Disc?

Sep 5, 2008

Hoping to avoid a full reinstall of Windows XP, I'd like to try some repair procedures. The problem is, when I launch my "Vaio PCV-RS430G" recovery disc it goes straight to Sony's proprietary recovery interface which provides ONLY the preset option to wipe my 'c' drive and reinstall Windows. According to some MS articles I've read, an XP recovery disc should allow me to access the Windows Recovery Console (by typing "R" at the welcome screen). Can anyone suggest how I can bypass the Sony recovery and get to the Windows Recovery Console?

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Dell Recovery CD With A New Build - Use Media Center RECOVERY CD

Dec 15, 2007

I had a Dell with XP Media Center Edition on it and I am going to make a new build. My question is, can I use the XP Media Center RECOVERY CD that came with the dell if I were to have a new CD KEY?

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Recovery Console To Recovery Registry

Nov 27, 2009

Trying to recover my registry from being corrupted. I am in Windows XP Pro recovery console. But when I try At the Recovery Console command prompt, type the following lines, pressing ENTER after you type each line: md tmp copy c:windowssystem32 configsystem c:windows mpsystem.bak. It says I cannot copy the file. The file cannot be copied.

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Creating SP2 Recovery File Disc Before Running OS Recovery Disc?

Sep 7, 2005

I looking for a way to make sure my Operation System is working correctly? I have a recovery disc for Windows XP PRO, but it says that it will wipe out all of my upgrades if I use it?Is there a Service Pack 2 Recovery File that I can download to a My desktop, and then burn to a CD?

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Lost Sp3 System Recovery Disc - Run A System Recovery Program?

Sep 17, 2008

I lost my system recovery disc. I also lost all of my games that came with cell, solitaire, paint..etc. I just want those back. Can I run a system recovery program on windows without a disc

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Computer Not On After Off Automatic

Mar 10, 2006

I left my computer on over night in the morning it was off/ I can't get it to start up it is a Packard bell 5055 its 6years old I can't afford a new one is there something I can do so I can get it working for a bit longer.

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Automatic Linkage Of Camera

Feb 21, 2006

When I plug my digital camera into the dock, it used to automatically take me to My Pictures, or latleast ask me what I wanted to do with them. It does nothjing, and I have to go to Start-My Computer. F drive etc just to get to the pictures to move them.

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Virus - Automatic Shutdown In 1 Sec

Mar 23, 2009

how to resolve this virus. Everytime i type cmd in run, it automatically shutdown my pc in 1 sec. I have mcafee it detects some of the viruses but still theres a virus in my pc. i wanna know the specific name in of this virus and to resolve it.

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Automatic Shutdown WithMessage

Jul 29, 2009

For the third time in about three weeks Windows has had to shut down. The error message advises me to check for BIOS update with the hardware vendor and to disable caching and shadowing. (I checked with Dell and ran their automatic scans; they report all okay.) The details in the error message are:*** Stop: OxOOOOOO8E (OXCOOOOOO5), OXBF90714C, OxB31149F8, OxOOOOOOOO *** Win32k.sys Address BF90714C base at BF 8000000, Datestamp 49e87572 I do not know what this means, what it might be telling me about my system, nor do I know what I should do about it

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Setting For Automatic Optimize?

Jul 14, 2005

I just bought a new Dell XPS Generation 5 CPU with Windows XP Home Edition. I was playing around the other day and found a new setting that allowed the computer to automaticly optimize my HD after i have been idle for a set amount of time. I have not been able to find this setting since then. If anyone knos how to get to this setting so it can be modified please email me or post a rely to this thread.

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Automatic Updates Keeps Disabling Itself?

Aug 6, 2008

This problem just started occurring today. Whenever I lock the computer, then unlock it, automatic updates turns itself off and the red alert pops up in the taskbar. Same goes for when I restart the computer.

How can I fix this? I never turned them off and when I try to re-enable them, the security center tells me that it can't re-enable them for some reason, so I have to do it manually. However, the problem persists even after I turn them back on.

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Automatic IE7 Address Bar - Get Features

Jan 15, 2007

A friend of mine is running Windows XP Home, and using IE7 to surf. When I went over to help him with a Wi-Fi connectivity problem, I found that when typing a URL into the IE7 Address Bar, when I hit enter, I would see a Windows Box pop up telling me that it couldn’t find the URL. When I type a URL into my IE7, the “http://www.” is automatically added. I never have to use the “CNTRL/ENTER” trick that actually does work on his PC for each URL that’s typed.

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Cannot Disable Automatic Downloads

Sep 14, 2009

I have been trying to disable automatic downloads using the Control Panel. firstly using the "Automatic Download" icon.that produced a respite of 1 or 2 days before the little yellow shield appeared at the bottom of my screen again.then i tried using the "Administrative tools" section. this also produced a temporary lull but the yellow shield keeps reappearing

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Automatic Restart On Reboot

Mar 3, 2006

I have tried to look for a similar problem here at TSG, but I couldn't find one so I decided to post. I have a desktop computer that I got about a year ago, it's running XP Pro on Pentium 4 3.2GHz system, has 512 ram and I think a 200Gb HDD. Lately it has been restarting, usually when I try to, eg: listen to music and surf the web, which is nothing strenuous, especially for a computer which I thought was pretty good. All of a sudden though, it has just restarted itself and, and as soon as it gets to the Windows XP loading screen, it restarts again and again. I can never get past the XP loading screen. I have a lot of valuable information on the computer and so I was hoping that someone would be able to help me fix this issue without formatting if possible.

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Find The Automatic Reboot.

Sep 21, 2008

My friend is running Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2 and occasionally his computer shuts itself down then restarts it's self.I have run diagnostics on every component in his system and they all passed.

Can I eliminate this problem by shutting off the automatic reboot; And, if so, where would I find that?

If needed, I have a floppy with a list of the programs running in the back ground on his computer.

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SyncToy Automatic Syncronization

Aug 7, 2005

I need to have my laptop automatically syncronize with a network drive whenever it is connected to that drive. How do I do this either with SyncToy or by another method?

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When To Trust Automatic Updates?

Sep 28, 2007

Can anyone help me to understand the following behavior I have seen on my system regarding Windows auto updates.On 2 different occasions there have been 20+ recommended windows updates. Initially there were just 2 (Windows Installer 3.1 and KB898461). I noticed there were 20+ after opening Outlook Express for the first time (which auto loaded windows messenger and put itself in the registry to run before my security programs). I changed my settings on outlook express, and messenger (and removed it from the registry). After changing this and rebooting my recommended updates went back down to 2.Again I noticed that my updates jumped back up, after I downloaded and installed Adobe Reader 8.1. I ran ccleaner, checked my registry and rebooted - they were gone again (back down to the same 2 I started with). I am not installing these updates, and am now wondering if I really should be installing them or not. Why are they appearing and then disappearing? How do I know if they are safe? Is it possible that a virus or hijacker could be creating these false updates. or am I being too cautious. I am definitely a bit suspect to lots of behavior on my computer now as I am recovering from a nasty virus that somehow took over my system while I was running Norton Security. I used to do automatic updates, but have now changed it to notify me. I am also running better security progams.

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IE Toolbar Gone After Automatic Update

Jul 14, 2009

Am using XP, and noticed problems after the automatic update to IE8, which happened for me on 7/8. When we tried to use IE8, the toolbar had disappeared. I have no room on the bar to right click it, because it has a Google search window on the right side. In addition, IE doesn't even show in Windows Task Manager as an application when the browser is open--only as a process. I was able to uninstall IE8 (after uninstalling SP3) and go back to IE7, but it has the same issue--no toolbar. I tried the Fixit offered by Microsoft (50157) for this problem, but it did nothing. I tried doing a regedit to delete the ITBarLayout value under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/software/Microsoft/IE/Toolbar/Shellbrowser (although it wasn't specifically labeled ITBarLayout, but was the only entry with a value, sorry I haven't worked with the registry much). I was able to do a successful System Restore to 7/5, but that did nothing. I am at a loss--should I try to reinstall IE8? SP3 first?

Besides this, since the System Restore my Norton Internet Security 2009 has an error in the browser protection, and I am unable to download the fix for that because IE won't stay open when I try to download the Norton Removal Tool. My mom has gotten the same browser problem, so I think something happened to both of us through the automatic update to IE8. She is also on XP.

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Automatic Updates Get Upgrade To Sp3

Oct 8, 2008

Recently downloaded XP Service pack 3 to Service pack 1 because I needed to install XP again. So now I'm in service pack 1, and I want the automatic updates so they can hook me back up with service pack three. Though. The automatic updates aren't working? How do I get them back? Any way around automatic updates to get upgraded to service pack 3?

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Win 2K Can't Copy - Automatic Reboots

Mar 14, 2006

I have been running Windows 2000 on a home built system for about three years. I recently started having problems with the system shutting down, continuous automatic reboots, Blue screen etc.I decided to go with the scorched-earth approach and re-partition and re-format the HD (Maxtor 80GB) and reinstall the OS. On installation of the OS I kept getting "Was not copied correctly" - "CD may be damaged" for an alphabet soup of files; ir41.qc.dll ir41.qcx.dll ir50_32.dll ir50_qc.dll ir50_qcx.dll lvcam.sys lvcodek.sys lvsound.sys mdm656n5.inf mdmlt3.inf wbdbase.fra wbdbase.nld wbdbase.sveand so on..

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Turning Off Automatic Updates

Aug 16, 2005

I have turned off auto updating on my XP Pro system.How can I stop the red shield appearing in the task bar and the bubble reminder always telling me that my computer is at risk because I have turned off auto updating? avast! Antivirus: Outbound Guaranteed virus free Virus Database (VPS): 0533-0, 15/08/2005 Tested on: 16/08/2005 03:13:21 avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2005 ALWIL Software.

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Disable Automatic Updates?

Aug 12, 2005

This is very confusing. I have always had "Automatic updates" turned off but for some very strange reason, today I got that little icon that said updates were being installed. When I checked Automatic updates, it's now set to update automatically and I don't have the choice to change it back. I Also noticed that " Software Distribution Service 2" was downloaded today. I have no idea what that is since I haven't downloaded anything.

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Computer Automatic Restart

Feb 19, 2004

My computer keeps restarting after me being on it for around 5 mintues, sometimes less, sometimes I can go for about 30 minutes before it restarts. I have tried my virus scan and adaware but it will not go through because it restarts constantly. It was missing some file I can not remember what it was. Also the last time it restarted I got these errors. Error Loading Language Resource DLL (na EvtRes.dll) and Runtime Error

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Using The System Recovery Console To Perform A System Recovery?

Aug 23, 2006

I need to do a System Recovery to restore my system back to its factory settings (I'm using WinXP Home). When I hit F10 upon startup in order to access the system recovery, nothing happens- it boots as it would regularly. I was able to boot up using the CD, and am now in the System Recovery console. Might anyone tell me what I need to do to perform a non-destructive, or even a destrucitve system recovery?

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Recovery Console Just Like Compaq Recovery Console For Home?

Jan 11, 2007

My question is regarding the recovery console available on Compaq machines. Is there a similar program to the Compaq recovery console that allows for the home user to install and back up their systems in a nearly identical manner as to how to Compaq R.C. works?

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Compaq Recovery Tools CD /Compaq System Recovery

Aug 18, 2008

I'm running Windows XP SP3 with everything up to date as far as I know. I have the complete set of my PC's OEM Disks that I've used once when my OS was completely messed up, had Geeks Rescue out and they couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I know what they are for.What I'm not understanding are the several tools I'm afraid to open listed in my "Start"/"All Programs" I have both "Compaq"/"Compaq Presario PC Tools" with "Compaq Application Recovery"/"Compaq Recovery CD-DVD Creator"/"Compaq Recovery Tools CD"/"Compaq Support Information"/"Compaq System Recovery"/"Remote Assistance"/"Safety and Comfort Guide"

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Automatic Updates Download But Won't Install In Xp Pro

Sep 6, 2007


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