I've just bought a used laptop running XP Home. It comes with a system recovery disk. Can I use that to do a clean install of the OS so as to remove every trace of the previous owner whose name keeps popping up in folders that can't be deleted or re-named.
Purchased a Presario SR1220nx two months ago. It came with a 'System Recovery Disk".(SRD) Is this all I would need incase of a complete software problem to get back in operation again or should I be copying some additional OS files to a CD ? What are the disadvantages of the SRD and the advantages of having the WinXP software ? Seems to me that the SRD is all that I need in case of a failure?
HP MEDIA CENTER COMPUTER WITH XP. I noted the D disk, labeled as HP RECOVERY DISK when I click MY COMPUTER is 96% full. Is there a way to delete some of these files,do I need this much space tied up?
Have VAIO VCG RC310G. Windows XP current SP. Tried to load audo disc to Itunes. System crashed. No picture on screen (black). Tried to use F8 safe mode start without success. Have system recovery dvd. Placed in drive. Turned off machine. Turned on. No screen, just black. Hear fan and drive spinning.Checked monitor and see the Analog/Digital message on the screen, (seems to be working.) This is the limit of my knowledge. Any ideas on how to get the recovery disk to be seen by the computer? Help Juscause (I despartely need it). ps, not worried about the data on the computer, but I would like to recovery if possible.
I was wondering how to create a reformat disk for a compaq presario SR2013WM. model # "RE468AA".Last year a tech came out to bring me another hard drive.He said that i need to make a "format disk" we had the option to use 26 "c.d.'s" or 2 "dvd-r" he made the system recovery disk in front of my eyes.does anyone know how to go thru the step's and make one ? if so please list all i need to know.
Im trying to help my dad get his computer working again. We bought the MCD's for the packard bell computer he owns and first we were struck with a glue part error 5. However we seemed to fix this through a format and re creating the hidden sector. We then ran the CD's and it went seemingly fine through the installation process, then finally we took out MCD 1 as we were told, the PC restarted and we were faced with another issue:'Invalid system Disk. Replace the disk.'Were now stuck on this. I have tried reinstalling again, also I've tried to create another bootdisk just incase but due to me having Vista I couldn't help him much there as it didn't install. I had already formatted and reinstalled the hidden partition and now im stuck as im only 16 and not very farmiliar with the boot process. So I would appreciate any help if you would be able to.
I lost my system recovery disc. I also lost all of my games that came with windows...free cell, solitaire, paint..etc. I just want those back. Can I run a system recovery program on windows without a disc
I need to do a System Recovery to restore my system back to its factory settings (I'm using WinXP Home). When I hit F10 upon startup in order to access the system recovery, nothing happens- it boots as it would regularly. I was able to boot up using the CD, and am now in the System Recovery console. Might anyone tell me what I need to do to perform a non-destructive, or even a destrucitve system recovery?
I want to reformat my hard drive but my computer of 2 years only came with a recovery disc. Do I have to purchase winxp to install the os? i need to purchase recovery disc where n how i proceed?
All you need is a laptop or a pc with hal.dll error and another laptop or cpu running any other os....ok here we go all you need is a usb or flash drive 256 mb and sometimes mabee smaller.. now download slax 6.1.1 ( small stripped down version of linux capable of booting fully from usb) just extract it to the usb drive and run the bootinst file ( if using vista u need to go to cmd first then type the usb drive (ex.. d: ) then enter then type boot cd enter then bootinst.bat .....once the file opens continue with instructions and your almost there... Now put the usb into the pc or laptop with hal.dll error ..... when boot menu is up type watever it says (like hit the f key for boot order or boot menue or something) when u hit the f key then change boot order to usb hard drive to the 1 slot and save and exit....now onlmost there just start the computer and let slax boot this will take a few minutes and if the letters on the screene stop just wait it out for a couple of minutes.
i have 2 computers both gateways.one is a e-4200 xp home edition and the other is a 819 gm xp media center. i took the recovery disk from the media center and put it on my e-4200 computer thinking it would speed it up. well i was wrong. and now i want to take it off and i don't no how .i have been working on it for 2 days and i am still at the same spot where i was when i started. does any one no what i can do to resolve this probleam. i do not have the recovery disk for the e-4200 computer to restore it back .
My old laptop died and I now have a brand new, factory sealed Toshiba Satellite Pro, model L300. It came with trial versions of MS Office. I don't want to use the trial version since I have a perfectly good version that I porchased a few years ago. (It's the Teacher and student Edition 2003.) At first I tried installing the 2003 version that I own. It seems to go through the install procedure to the end, but when I try to open OUTLOOK, I get an error that states the MAPI32.DLL" is corrupt.
I spoke with Toshiba but they were not a great help. The told me to go the ADD?Remove and remove the MSOFFICE trial version, which I did. I also removed the 2003 Version so that I could "start from scratch", so to speak, trying to keep things "graceful". The same error occurs after installing the 2003 software, and oddly, some of the 2007 software still seems to be there!. Probably residing in the registry somewhere.
I have a compq computer(SR2034NX) that has crashed. I tried the recovery disks that I had made. But they do not work. When I turn on the computer it goes directly to the recovery page, ask for the disk and says it the wrong one, I know that is it correct, Is their any way I can download the recovery disk again put it on to a zip drive then transfer it to my computer, or can I connect the 2 computers together and transfer it that way, ro can I pick up a disk locally
I just bought a laptop off ebay and it has windows xp pro installed. I did not recieve a recovery disk or a windows xp pro disk, but its has a Certificate of Authenticity sticker (the licensed product key associated with the computer). I have a xp pro disk from my install i did on my desktop, can i use my xp pro disk from my desktop and the license from the COA sticker and do a fresh install of windows on the laptop with no problems.
I have ghost 2003 installed on my pc and want to create a Recovery Disc (Windows XP and installed drivers). The only problem is I have no floppy drive. Could anyone give me step by step details on how to do this. I have tried ghost boot wizard (need a floppy).I have tried Disk to Image and then Image to Disk. I wiped out all that was on the 1st drive (C) and Partition (D) and all that was on the 2nd drive (E). I don't know how it happened but it did. I have now reinstalled Windows and all the drivers but I still want to make a recovery disc.
I need to reinstall Windows XP, but I don't have the disk. I can't even remember if I got one. I have the Toshiba recovery disk. Do Toshiba include the normal Windows cd? I've torn the house apart looking for it. I found all the other stuff that came with my laptop, but not that.Will the recovery disk do the same thing? If not, is it possible to use an XP installer cd from another computer?
My XP Home recovery disk will not install or repair anymore (the last few days I did have it up and running - but after trying to install SP2 it's crashing again). So my final chance to get this system back up and running is to try and install a "retail version" XP Pro to a new hard drive.
Can you perform a 'full installation' from a product that is listed as "upgrade" I found what I feel is a good deal on eBay - the blurb states that you can (boot from CD drive) and then when promted just insert your original XP Home or WIN98 disk which sorts out the "key problem". I have listed what this Power Seller says - I have also emailed previous buyers who say it's a great product - legal etc. But these buyers had installed over a working copy of Windows 2000 and XP Home....
The way my recovery partition works on my netbook is when it was first used (I didnt not use it first) is it creates an image of the system when all the system has been setup then when ever I have to use the recovery it used that image to just overwirte and replace everything.I have access to the partition where the Recovery is stored and I have my Recovery Disk but as its a netbook I have no Drive, I can copy the disk files onto my Pen drive (if my pen drive is big enough)
I want to know if there is anyway I can change it so I can use the recovery and do it from scratch like when it was first turned on (first use) because there are setting there and other items that I want to change. If I could do it by editing the files in the partition that would be easier but I can try and use the disk if needs be?
First off I've searched this but haven't found the relavent information I'm looking for. Chances are I've looked or searched in the wrong places.I've heard I need to boot from disk then format, to do a clean XP install when do I format and how.Also, I'm going to be getting more RAM very shortly, probably tomorrow, and I think this is the majority of the slow, lagging problems I've been having with the laptop (only 256 now) and I was wondering if I should hold off on the re-install untill I put the new RAM in there or does that not matter.
My computer has just crashed, and i just found out that i have lost the Toshiba Recovery CD. Apparently, according to my dad's computer friend, there are 'some sites' that provide downloads of a "boot file" that is able to recover the Windows Operating system. i honestly think that is just bogus
I have a Toshiba A105.with windows xp os. I got stupid this am and thought I would run my recovery disk. No real problems with the laptop I was just hoping to clear up outlook. I started the disk and remember I had pictures I had not copied to disk yet. are they gone forever or any chance I can get them back.I only ran disk a few minutes and canceled it. but computer will not start up i get a message NTLDR is missing. I would be more than willing to take it somewhere for repair if you think they can save the pictures if not I guess I will just put the disk back in and restore it.
I have Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (all data are taken from Magical Jelly Bean) which is Installed from 'OEM' media in a PC Info QuestXPAND. I have the Info Quest recovery CD-ROM for windows XP Home Edition SP2 and I want to format my hard disk and reinstall windows. The problem is that I scratched the sticker which brought the product key on in a crisis of complete stupidity. I do not have a product key. If I format the disk will the recovery-cd-rom ask for a product key; If so, can I give the OEM product key that is given by Magical Jelly Bean and I'm guessing is different from the key that was on the sticker?
I have been having trouble removing spyware etc from my XP Pro machine, I decided in the end the best thing to do was a complete format. I had recently converted my HD and it's 3 partitions to a dynamic disk, without thinking whilst going through the XP text setup, I clicked delete partition for C: and created a new one, this in turn deleted the dynamic disks, I never clicked format after I had created the new partition and quit the installation. I removed the hard disk and put it in another XP machine, I can see the 3 dynamic volumes using the disk management tool and the all say failed, I cannot get them back online or figure out how to repair them.
He recently bought a Dell XPS 410 that has WindowsXP on it. He bought it right before the change over to Vista. Anyhoo, He doesnt have Windows Recovery disk, but he does have a priated version of WindowsXP. My question is, say his OS had to be reinstalled could he use a program like Jelly Bean and get the key from his current system, write it down and use it when he reloads windows with this priated copy? Would Microsoft recognize it as being genuine? I told him he shouldnt be using the pirated copy, and just go out and buy the Vista.
My son was trying to get access to my computer & couldn't get past the password so inserted the recovery disk & now ALL of my files are gone (pictures, music, banking...etc). Is there any way to get this info back? I tried to use a restore point, but there are none prior to the day he used the recovery disk.
i went to start my computer up, xp will no longer load the first screen that say compaq loads, then a bios type screen the it just stops, it goes black. i took it to a computer shop and he said it was my mother board so he put my harddrive in a new computer and told me to reinstall xp. well when i get home i realize i no longer have the recovery disk or any type of boot disk, so how do i go about reinstalling xp now. please help i need my computer for work tommorow
I think that the recovery disk that come with the computer is damaged in some way. When I reinstalled XP Home, since I bought a new motherboard, there would be files that couldn't be copied to the computer. Everytime I reinstalled it, there would be different files that would not copy.
I have a Compaq Presario SR1930NX, it previously belonged to my brother and when I recieved it it was a virus addled mess. Luckily, or so I thought, it had a recovery partition. The problem was I did not know how to use it.
In my searches I found this forum, and specifically this thread, http://tinyurl.com/26cud9k
Armed with this knowledge I went back to my computer and started it up. I tried both F10 and F11, I can't remember which but one did nothing and the other sent me to the standard BIOS menu that I could reach by hitting Esc. Is there some kind of BIOS update I need to run to fix this? Or am I just hosed and have to shell out money to try and get a recovery disc?