My Web Search Is Trying To Install On Computer / Microsoft Antispyware Is Popping Up
Jan 26, 2005
my web search is trying to install on my computer but microsoft antispyware is popping up asking if i will allow it or remove it i click remove then when i restart it keeps coming back i got 3 xp usernames and it only comes up on 2of them and if i ran hjt will it matter what username i run it on??Here is a description that pops up with mas spyware alert.
Just upgraded to the new beta version of Microsoft Antispyware that was released in June 2005.It keeps downloading and installing the same definitions, and reports that the new definitions are installed. When I click on updates, it does the same over and over again. I don't believe the new definitions are actually being installed. Is anybody else having the same problem?I uninstalled and reinstalled the MS Antispyware software and the same problem remains
using win xp IE6 w/ sp 2 running microsoft anti spyware .. It popped up saying it was moving my favorites to a different shell folder. I was not doing anything so I took it as a spyware ,so I block it ....Bad move .now when I click favorites I get nothing. I found it it microsoft antispyware events...( has decided to prevent a change to the user's defined shell folders from Favorites to %USERPROFILE%Favorites.)but it shows no way to unblock it or change
I have had windows update problems. I am now at the point where the following show in the add or remove programs. ( No other .net framework versions show) Installed is .net.Framework 3.5 SP1 Installed is Update for Microsoft >Net Framework 3.5 SP1 (KB963707) Installed is Microsoft Compression Client Pack 1.0 for Windows XP What other .net framework versions need to be installed? In what order should the versions be installed? What Web site do i download the versions from? O/S is Windows xp home sp2.
Unable to install Adobe flash player. Tried going to site (uninstall, reinstall MANY times) with no luck. Read some of these other recent posts regarding, tried those suggestions, still no luck. Now the window for installing keeps popping up on its own asking me if I want to install, I click yes and nothing happens.
how to add or delete msagent characters in the Window Search Companion feature? I presently have Merlin, Robby, Rover and Genie. I would like to delete a couple of them and add a couple of other msagent characters - Peedy and Oscar. I haven't found anywhere in the knowledge base of MS -
I'm using Windows XP. When working in Microsoft explorer and double-click on any folder it does not open the folder, it opens Search window. Only way I can open and see content of my folder is to right click on folder and choose explore.
Has anyone had a problem with a pop-up using the above name and freezing your computer? Can anyone tell me if this is a legit Microsoft product and website or not?
On my computer are installed (besides the XP firewall), MS AntiSpyware Beta 1, AVG7.0.308 and LavaSoft Adaware 6. Do I need all three, or would AntiSpyware do the job alone?
I hope somebody can help me, although I suspect the PC has breathed it's last. On starting up, it hangs and won't go any further. I get the system information screen, then it just stops and the light doesn't flicker at all. I don't get any beeps either which I suspect is not a good sign. Does anybody have any suggestions for what I might do next? The PC is running (or not as the case may be) Windows
I am running XP Pro and have two accounts on my computer. Last night when my wife signed in on her account (I was previously signed in) she noticed a PONG sound which repeated itself about every five seconds. She doesn't remember exactly when it started but she thinks it started after she signed in and before starting any applications. I couldn't locate a source so I turned off her computer hoping whatever was causing it would cease and desist.No such luck. The same thing happed again tonight. I signed on first with no problem, but shortly after she signed on to her account the ponging started again. This time I did a restart and signed on to her account first. Great! No pong sound! But as soon as I signed into my own account it started again. In fact it is happening right now as I write this. Can you hear it? I am running ProcessGuard and RegDefend, along with a slew of antispyware. Nothing has come up, and my computer seems to be running fine otherwise. Anyone have any ideas what is causing this? I have never heard of this before (pun intended).
I'm running a 3 year old version of XP pro and it has gotten progressively slower booting up. Seems like about two to three minutes or so ( I should time it). I've run msconfig and there doesn't seem to be anything too obvious and I don't want to screw with things I'm not sure of as well. Also, when launching Outlook Express ,any browser and Word are really slow also. Excel is fine. Seems really odd. I've run antivirus, antispyware, defrag all to no avail
Have windows xp home edition, version 5.1 - Service pack 1.(an additional laptop) Could not download Norton(license for 3 home computers, ok on my vista), then tried avg, both said to install sp2.Gone to microsoft downloads and when updates haver been checked they recommend to install sp2, but all attempts have failed. Is there any free antivirus downloads that are compatible for SP1, or another way to install SP2
I'm sorry to keep bothering you guys but you are the only ones who have ever helped me fix anything. Here is the problem. Microsoft security update detects updates and programs needed but will not install these to my computer.(Microsoft doesn't seem to be able to help me with this)Can you help me? Tell me what information you need and I will try to comply.
ok so my computer had randomly crashed and would not boot up the operating system so i reinstalled windows xp fresh from the CD, service pack 2 and now i cant install any updates. i've tried the solutions which tell me to go do more things, and then those won't work which say more things and its an endless cycle. Some where in this cycle its said stuff about error code 1083 for installing windows support files and something about BITS. I have no idea what to do.
Ihave windows xp pro and it I think this all happened when i installed an antispyware program it asked me to restart my computer i did and i hasnt worked since itll get to the "windows is starting up" screen then it goes black and starts all over again ive tried every option in f8 same thing every single time.I also dont have a windows cd to reinstall is there anything i can do?
I dont usually receive problems from microsoft updates, but this one is getting on my nerves a bit. See, I am at a college in california, and there is this program called "Cisco Clean Access" which is like a toll booth to use the internet here. You have a student ID and a password.for some reason, the campus administrators changed Cisco Clean Access so that it requires everyone to update their computers, mainly PC people. I just got my desktop up and running after installing 2 new GPU's and a PSU, and am now updating it. I have the updates, but one of them is giving me some lip! here "Updates were unable to be successfully installed.
I have installed win xp sp2. What updates should I install? Are there any updates I would better not install, because of errors with programs or such? I do have a legal win xp cd, but I just don't want microsoft to scan the pc whenever they want.
Yesterday I got a notice from microsoft that a critical update was ready to install. I downloaded the update after closing all other open windows. After the installation was complete it restarted the computer after which my compter would not completly boot up. I had to boot in safe-mode and do a system restore to get it working right. Today I have the same notice so I went to the windows update page, and saw the update was there. I didn't download it because of what happened before. So I went to my installed update history and it said it was successfully updated. I looked at the update again and it said the update was 0 kbs. Can you tell me what happened and why now the up date says 0 kps to be installed?
When i try to install framework from WindowsXP CD,it does not do anything.What could i do.Can i find it in the CD,tell me.I dont want to install it from internet or update
This morning I found the computer unexpectedly hung up on "e:setup trying to install Microsoft Office 2003, but can't find installer." I didn't initiate anything, but after cancelling out repeatedly and restarting, it happened again.I restored the Registry First Aid registry backup from last night's scan and on reboot did not get the message . But, I've had random instances lately where the "explorer.exe" hangs on reboot. My Logitech keyboard died, and Friday night I tried to install software for new Microsoft keyboard and mouse new from Costco. It appeared to install, but I couldn't hook it up without it's s saying it wasn't found and did I want to uninstall old keyboard, etc
Have a laptop that i got in 2003 and i bought microsoft office pro with it. well my laptop is having problems and i have an extended warranty on it, the company said that the harddrive might have to be formated and i should backup everything. since my laptop didn't come with office and the cd got lost with the move to college, is there a way to copy the office program files? what im talking about is how with a game you can copy the folder .programs files/ea games/need for speed. like that and if you copy that folder to another computer it will work without having to be installed. i know its not in the registry.
I just did a clean re-install of windows xp home edition and I cannot go to any microsoft site. I tried going to start menu then clicking windows update but it comes up page not found. I have tried both IE and Firefox to go directly to microsoft's website to get service pack 3 and all the updates but it won't go to any microsoft website. It just comes up page not found. What could be causing this?
I want to reinstall Windows XP on our Toshiba laptop but I don't want to reinstall from the Toshiba disks due to the bloatware that the disks installs (like the disk utility, antivirus, etc software). I'd like to install the OS from a Microsoft Windows XP CD but wondered if the Microsoft disk would even install onto the Toshiba and if so, would the laptop function properly? Thanks.
I have MS XP HE SP3. Try as I may, I cannot install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1. I need this to install Paint.NET. I have MS Framework 2.0 installed, and this Update is directly from MS Updates. The only message I get after trying to install is: Installation was unsuccessful. I have tried ending any unnecessary Processes through Task Manager, but to no avail
I have the same problem with some programs that I want to install in my pc. I receive this problem error message:C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows Applications. Choose Close to terminate the operation. There are several softwares that I would like to install on my pc but I cant because of this error One is a game, the other one is a program I need ot make programs and the last one is a typing software.Is there a way that I can install them on my pc?
I am getting ready to install this to test some software and I wonder about the uninstall process. I did not find it addressed on Microsoft's website.If it works, I will be getting some new hardware and I will not need it on the original PC any more.
I got a new system Pentium 4 3GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 800MHz FSB with windows XP Professional, Office 2003 that replaces Pentium 3 300MHz 128MB RAM. I was sohappy because I do not need to use Virtual memory any more and windows xpboots up in a minute. I started installing all the development applicationsin the news system
I ran setup.exe to install Visual Studio 6.0 using DVD. It crashed. I thought DVD is bad or corrupted and used some other CD. Still Visual Studio6.0 installation wizard is crashing. When it crashed, a dialog box comes upand asks whether I can send report to Microsoft or debug. I sent report to Microsoft. Nothing happend more than that. I tried to debug using visualstudio .net. It gives the following error message.