Msiexec.exe Did Not Install Right

May 17, 2006

I recently got a new laptop from someone. The hard drive was bad so I replaced it with a new 80g segate one. I loaded Windows XP SP2 on a disk I had burnt as a backup. Lots of time when I install stuff it suddenly just quits out of the installer.
When I try to install Office XP the install quits and I get a error with the msiexec.exe install

I have tried updating to version 2 of the installer and also have done the microsoft updates for the os. Im not sure why im still getting the errors, possibly the msiexec.exe didnt install right? If so is there a quick fix for this or should redo the OS?

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Msiexec.exe Crashes Every Time

Sep 30, 2007

I am having problems with installing new programs that require Windows Installer. Apparently, msiexec.exe crashes each and every single time I use Windows Installer, and the moddll responsible for this was ntdll.dll.

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Msiexec.exe Starting Itself After Each Reboot

Jul 7, 2009

I have this bothersome msiexec.exe which automatically starts after each reboot without installing anything, is there any way to know which file it is accessing to install so that i can delete it ?!

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Msiexec.exe Eating Cpu - Computer Getting Slow Down

Jan 17, 2008

What would cause msiexec.exe to use all of the cpu on a computer? There are multiple copies of it running in the task manager. I checked google and found that it's supposed to be a necessary program. Why would is cause a computer to run so slow?

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Get Two Sets Of Messages MSIEXEC.exe - On Start

Apr 22, 2007

I think... its that.. are they linked to Microsoft update because that isnt working either, my copy of windows is genuine and i once could get updates

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Install Won't Go Away / Install Went Into The Actual Install Mode

Dec 5, 2009

while trying to fix another problem, by repairing WP on an Averatec 3200, the Install went into the actual install mode, rather than the repair mode. As I don't have the security key (someone who will go un-named, but I have my suspicions, threw away the plastic CD holder with the key taped to the back) I can't continue the install and I can't get the install off the computer. The reason that I was trying to repair is that I have the Log-on Virus which makes it impossible to log on and do anything about the virus. Can't even get to SAFE mode to try to remove the virus with Spyware Doctor.

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Turn Off Computer Supposed To Install An Important Security Update - Wont Install

Dec 2, 2006

When i click the turn off computer button it is supposed to install an important security update. The update thing never goes away even though it looks like the update has been installad.

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5730.0011)

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Monitor Drivers Unable To Install On Fresh Windows 2000 Install

Apr 18, 2005

HI, I just installed windows 2000 professional onto my computer. Everything works fine except that the resolution is really grainy. On some web sites I cannot even make out what the words are. I found out that when I go into my monitor settings in display properties I am unable to install the drivers for my monitor. Does anybody know a way in which I can get around this.

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XPsp2 Fresh Install / Doesn't Prompt To Install New Hardware

Sep 25, 2007

I have just installed a fresh copy of windows XP sp2 on 2 machines. Both Dell Optiplex desktops. Usually it prompts that it has found new hardware for each device it hasn't found drivers for. Device manager lists them with a yellow exclamation icon.Problem I have now though is that the fresh install of XP does not show these prompt at all, although device manager lists them and if i go in there and update driver the device works.The problem I have is that basically i usually copy a driver heirarchy to the systemdrive and point the registry at them, which results in automatic installation on boot. This no longer works and I assume they are related as it doesn't look like it's automatically trying to install these devices.Is there a setting somewhere, seems very strange, what with it being a fresh install?

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Install Directx 9.0 - Extracts Files But Doesnt Install Components

Feb 24, 2008

i also get the same problem with my windows xp update and the service packs.

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Install Directx On My Computer: Find/ Download/ Install?

Aug 18, 2010

I need to install directx on my coputer, don't know how.

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Trying To Install Printer / Rpc Server Is Unavailable Error / Won't Install

Mar 19, 2005

I'm trying to install my printer, usb, lexmark x75 all in one. When I try to install it I get a weird rpc server is unavailable error and it won't install it.

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Fresh Install Windows Home / Locking Up At End Of Install

Feb 14, 2005

I have two computers, one I use for gaming, the other for school. Both computers had 60gb Maxtor (school with lots of room, gaming with about 10 gb free). My school HD took a powder (the evil clicky noise of doom), but I was able to back up my files prior to that. Me being a quick thinker, I decide to upgrade my gamer puter to a 120gb (don't wanna go too nutso, as I am considering building a much superior computer), and put the good 60 gb in my old Athlon 700. Problem? I cannot get Windows XP Home to complete install on my gamer computer. (Athlon 700 installed just fine with 'good' 60gb).Gamer Computer: Athlon 1800+, 512MB DDR Ram 2100, KR7A Raid MOBO, GeForce3 Ti 200 (128MB DDR RAM), SB Audigy 2(AGP).

It is a RAID mobo, but i do not use the raid functionality, I did not have a problem before(I have my HD and my 2 roms on ide now). I go through the install steps, and I get to the very very end, where it states you are about to start Windows XP, and then it hangs, and thats it.I have tried to ensure there are no conflicts, I pulled out my sound card as well as my network card, and 're-seated' my video card and RAM. I have tried looking at using a winxp bootup floppy, booted into safe mode (the only error it detects is the missing RAID, no conflicts detected there). Heck, I even swapped out mouse and keyboard. I tried putting back the good 60gb back in the pc, and reformatting, but still get the same thing(sometimes the screen is black, sometimes the icky blue of xp, but that's it).I have no idea now. I did make sure that my bios was up to date before taking down the system originally, and it was, so no change was made there. Even swapped out the ribbon cables to ensure nothing was damaged on original removal.

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SP3 Install Gets Stuck On Running Processes After Install

Jul 8, 2008

I just installed sp2 but forgot that there was a third service pack. Started the install sp3, 2 or 3 hours later. It appears to be stuck on the stage of "running processes after install". I have gone all over the internet looking for a proper answer to what I should do.I have terminated a few processes that are not needed at the moment. e.g. Google Toolbar something something, iTunes Helper and iPod service. I feel the solution is to end a certain process somewhere but have no idea which one. The cancel button is also grayed out and I am updating through windows update.The computer is not completely frozen. I can still open other windows and move the mouse.

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Cant Install SP2 - Company Copy? Wont Let Me Install SP2

Jan 17, 2006

For some reason when i validate my XP it says its some kind of company copy or something and wont let me install SP2. Is there anyway of just downloading it and manually installing it

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After Install Of Cd And Restart Wont Finish Install?

Mar 14, 2008

I have a deskstar 7K250 60 GB HDD hard drive and Im installing into a compaq with a motherboard cr 120 (i know putting big hard drive into that crap) anyway and the other hard drive is a Seagate Medalist 6423. well the desk star was originally partitioned into 2 drives I kinda unpartitioned it and repartitioned it later.Now then with the Seagate in their as the master I can still use the deskstar to store data. however if i try to load XP on the deskstar alone it will get through the dos format and all the way till it restarts.

after it restarts it wont load the os all the cables are connected its been partitioned into 2 drives again (though i dont think that had anything to do with it) although i think its pointless cuz i do get the 1720 SMART error but i hope thats a false sign.cuz when i have the seagate as the master im able to use it for just storing **** but Im just at my wits end and im thinkin of going "office space" on the hard drive plz i need help idk if its not compatible or what. any help would be appreciated.

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NVIDIA Nforce 4 Drivers: To Install, Or Not To Install?

Mar 11, 2006

Alrighty everyone, I believe there have been a few posts about this in other forums ect.. But I would like to here this from the experts here, and personal experiences. I have a Giga-byte K8NXP-SLI motherboard (yeah I know, I realize my mistake now...), and this board has an Nforce 4 SLI chipset. I do use the SATA-II/SATA-3G connection on the board, I run two 300GB Maxtor Diamondmax 10 SATA drives. I have installed the Nforce 4 SATA-Floppy F6 drivers on the XP install and now have not nearly as many issues as before with this chipset

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New OS Install, Some Drivers Missing / Unable To Install?

Jul 7, 2008

I just purchased a used Dell Dimension 4700, it came without the OS installed or the resource cd with all the drivers. I installed the OS this afternoon, but in the device manager serveral yellow ? came up. The flags are listed for the ethernet controller, multimedia audio controller, PCI modem, SM Bus controller, unknown device, and the video controller (vga compatible).

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Won't Install / Kept Ketting Blue Screen During Install

Apr 1, 2006

I have a problem installing XP. Here is a quick bit of history :When I initially installed XP, kept ketting blue screen during install. Took the PC back to the supplier and they 'changed something in the bios' and then it worked fine. Hard drive crashed.Have had to replace hard drive and during the process lost all BIOS settings. Managed to get an image of the drive onto new drive, but some files are corrupt, so tried to do a repair install of XP, but when it gets to the installing devices bit, the PC just reboots, installation restarts, gets to the installing devices bit and then the PC just reboots and so on.I'm assuming this is the same problem with the BIOS settings but I don't know what to change. It is an award BIOS and the motherboard is as GA-8S648FX.

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Not Able To Install Windows Xp Themes After A Fatal Install

Oct 7, 2009

My themes were all working fine but one unfortunate day i was installing one of the themes and it asked me to reboot from then on am not able to use any of the downloaded themes but i can use the themes i had installed prior to that i can use the themes i installed after that fatal installation. now the problems am facing are if i double click on a windows visual style file the themes (normally a window open with a preview of the theme) i dont get the preview of the new theme but the preview of the previously applied theme. If at all i save all the windows visual file to default themes folder and the go to properties->themes-> i just get a black box in center and if i apply that i get windows classic theme *the other problem is i get shrill noise which is unberable sometimes from the pc. i dunno how to rectify it.

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Install Direct X Without Re-Install Operating System

Jan 23, 2008

Accidentally removed my Direct X from my machine Win XP SP2 32bit. Now when i do dxdiag, in the system tab it shows directX version: not found. Is there anyway to restore this directX without having to re-install windowx again?

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BSOD Error/Unable To Re-install / New Install?

Dec 5, 2007

After suffering months of freezing PC and blue screens (primarily the dreaded kernel stack error. I have done tried all the recovery tricks from here and MS website, done chkdsk /f & /r repeatedly over four days without using the PC in between, and all the other stuff from here and Microsoft. Bought an expensive Reg cleaner and run it repeatedly. No luck. No recently installed soft or hardware. New Dell desktop. 1 year of trouble-free life until this. I now boot from the recovery XP CD (it includes SP2) to try to reformat the whole shebang and it gets as far as loading setup files OK, then as usual tries to start load windows installation and ... blue screen. STOP error 0x0000007B (OXF78D2524 OXC0000034, OX00000000, OX00000000).
Decided to buy a new HDD and install XP on that. (3 weeks from Dell!) and in machine. Old one disconnected. Tried installing XP from disk. It stalls at exactly the same moment as before (loads up preliminary files, gets to ""starting Windows" and then the dreaded blue screen with the same error message as before. 0X0000007B (OXF78D2524, 0XC0000034, 0X00000000, 0X00000000). So presumably not HD (although always good to have one). Have downloaded Memtest and run it for 24 hours. No RAM errors reported.

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SP2 Won't Install: Error Saying It Could Not Fully Install?

Sep 6, 2005

Basically my windows xp servicepack 2 doesn't fully install, it usually closes with an error saying it could not fully install.

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Updates Won't Install After Repair Install Of XP

Nov 9, 2007

I was using Latitude D600 and Latitude D620. After completeing a Repair install of Windows XP, Windows update will not install. I didn't get any error messages. It downloads all of the updates but fails to install.

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In Doing A Repair Install, The Install Is Stalled

Apr 18, 2007

Upon a normal reboot tonight, my XP Pro would not reboot. It hung on a screen immediately after the Windows XP scroll, it went to a blue screen with a "Windows XP" on it, where normally I see the WELCOME screen before Windows and the desktop appears. So the stall came at a SECOND Windows XP screen. After researching on the Net and talking to a couple of friends, and failing to get into Windows in Safe Mode (it stalled again at the same place), I started a Windows Repair reinstall.

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Original Install Cd Gone, How To Do A Repair/install?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a Dell Dimension with XP. XP is in need of repair. The original XP cd is gone. Dell sent me a replacement but when it is inserted the "cannot continue since the version of XP on your system is newer than the one on the cd" message. I know a new cd can be made that will include the SP3 update with it. But to do this isn't the original cd with the product key required I still have the product key but am having trouble continuing.

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Install Something From A CD It Automaticlly Attempts To Install In C

Aug 3, 2005

i have 1 250G HD with three partitions, C: is only 5G and is only for OS but whenever i try to install something from a CD it automaticlly attempts to install in C:, what do i have to do to get it to install on a different partition?

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Cant Install OS With Gateway Install Cd Disk

Aug 28, 2009

Have new build but can't install OS using Gateway install disks have PC with the followings P5KPL-AM SE motherboard

-Intel dual core E2200
-2 gig ddr2 memory
-40 gig IDE hard drive (wiped clean)
(have Gateway install disks for Windows XP Home with key # and coa sticker taped to jewel case)
-Sony CD-RW (CRX230AE)
-5in1 card reader

**NO floppy disk drive

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Cant Install Install In Compaq Presario

Aug 25, 2009

i have a compaq presario notebook.when i m going to install windows xp sp2 then after drivers loading it shows a error message that suggest me to virus check and chkdisk.but after doing that it didn't work.

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On Clean Install, Cant Install Office

Jun 17, 2008

This one has really got me stumped, and even worse, I need this stuff installed ASAP,So yesterday I formatted/install windows xp pro sp2, I did my usual thing, windows updates, fire fox,Skype. I then tried to install MS Office 2007 Enterprise. I (still do) recieved the following error message, "Setup cannot find Office.en-usdwtrig20.exe. Browse to a valid installation source, and then click OK", allowing me to browse for dwtrig20.exe.dwtrig20.exe IS THERE, the installation works perfectly on another machine of mine!I then tried to install MS Visual Studio 2008 Pro, this time, i received an error while trying to install Visual Studio. It failed while installing "Visual Studio Web Authoring Component". I extracted this component and attempted to install it 'on its own' and it failed.

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Create Software Install White 7zip Silencer Helper Software Create Install Whit

Jan 26, 2010

Software Create Install 7zip silent

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