Every time I try to run MSPaint in my XP home system, it get crashed with a msg saying "Paint has encountered a problem and needs to close." the error report it wants to send to microsoft is a large file, i dont know which one is the specific error code.
There was a power outage where I live today and since then my computer won't start up. I am running Windows XP Pro. When I turn it on, this is the message that I get:A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any Windows updates you might need.
I am trying to fix a friend's computer. When starting up, I get the following error message:Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
but I got an error that c:windowssystem32configsystem could not be copied because it could not be found. The computer has Windows XP SP2.
We had an Acer Netbook Aspire One crash a couple of weeks ago. We have tried to restore and a varety of other things.The Netbook DOES NOT have a CD drive nor do we have an external CD drive.We have a 1Gig USB stick, We ended up by having to order 2 discs from Acer - 1 to fix the partition and one to fix Windows.How do we make the stick bootable? Would prefer it in simple terms please.
I was on Firefox, which didn't have flash, so i decided to switch to Internet explorer, when i opened the program, my screen froze and i could not click on anything, it began to flash randomly, I couldn't do anything so i shut down the computer by the power button. I restarted the computer everything still working, and went back into Internet explorer 8 to see if it was still doing it. Yet again it happened and I powered down. When i started it again, the bios screen had small faint lines going though it in some places it continued to boot and got to a blue screen, and then nothing happens.
Have VAIO VCG RC310G. Windows XP current SP. Tried to load audo disc to Itunes. System crashed. No picture on screen (black). Tried to use F8 safe mode start without success. Have system recovery dvd. Placed in drive. Turned off machine. Turned on. No screen, just black. Hear fan and drive spinning.Checked monitor and see the Analog/Digital message on the screen, (seems to be working.) This is the limit of my knowledge. Any ideas on how to get the recovery disk to be seen by the computer? Help Juscause (I despartely need it). ps, not worried about the data on the computer, but I would like to recovery if possible.
Aside from Paint lagging, the rest of my computer is kinda slow lately, and there are a bunch of SVCHOST.exe's that seem to be running when i look at the task manager. I killed the one that was taking up the most memory usage and the computer was slightly better... in Paint, I could actually use the Pencil tool without lagging, but the scrolling and paintbucket was laggy still.
I recently purchased a new computer that came free with it's own Photo Shop program, so every time I try to edit a picture in My Pictures folder it opens THAT program instead of PAINT, which is what I want to edit the pictures in. Anyone got any clues how to set it right?
I found that paint program is not visible in start>Programs>accessories. Then I checked in control panel, in windows components , in accessories the paint is selected but it is not visible in program list. What is the
I have installed/reinstalled MS Paint several times and restarted my computer. It is there but I cannot paste or copy. I had registry mechanic on my computer and since then it has not worked.
My Microsoft Paint utility has vanished. I am running XP Home on a Dell Inspiron 6000. Yet have tried Google, I have also tried doing a windows search.
i was recently going through the Windows XP services shutting down various components that are not necessarily needed that take up RAM. Personally, I have plenty of RAM and didn't really have a problem with it, but wanted to see what would change so I could tweak my girlfriends computer which is running sluggish, even after doubling her RAM to over a gig. (Getting more HD soon...) Everything is fine, however,
I realized that my calculator/ MS Paint/ and all the games under 'Accessories' are missing. I can't seem to figure out what component of Windows is linked with those particular programs. /WinXP%20Services.htm
I key ctrl/alt/and prtscn to cache screen shots. I can no longer save to Paint. The pencil icon is on first instead of the select. It will not show the paste button on the drop down menu only the select all.
I can use paint using my scanner but not screen shots which I use all the time.
Ive looked everywhere and i still cant find the paint program. Ive looked in accesories, program files and even searched with searching wizard. can someone tell me where else to look.
I somehow removed some of the Accessories programs like games and Paint. I need the paint program. But when I tried to reinstall it in the Control Panel, it told me I need the Window XP CD-ROM which I dont have right now.
When using Paint and I go to save an image I get the attached message. It's not an error, but the normal text is replace by squares. I've tried to uninstall paint then reinstall it through add/remove but it did not change anything. My scans show no viruses or spyware either.
How to figure out why the Windows Accessories Programs "Calculator," "Paint," and "Wordpad" appear to have been disabled in my PC (XP Professional)? I tried to find where the "Calculator" program may be lodged in the hard drive, for example, so as to bring back the application from wherever it is apparently hiding. I typed "C:WINDOWS/system32/calc.exe" into the "Run" command. The message box that opened read like this: "Windows cannot find C:WINDOWS/system32/calc.exe." The message box then suggests to "....click the Start button, and then click Search." "Search" could not find the file. But it was accessible before from the Start-> Menu->All Programs->Accessories.
Some how and some way MS paint and all accessories were removed from my PC. When I try to reinstall I need to use OEM SP2 CD... I don't have it and never have.. I HAD a Recovery DVD (Lost It), had a recovery partition (Removed It.. Don't ask..) Now what can I do with out paying some ridiculous fee. BTW this is an HP a330n
The problems we're having don't sound very similar, but they all happened around the same time.
Internet explorer only works if we put in the full address, with the "http://www." and everything. If we try to leave any part of the address out, it takes several minutes and then normally tells us that the page could not be found.
Accessing the "My Computer" for the first time takes several minutes. We've had to add direct links to all of our drives in order to get any work done.
When we open up pictures, they show up in "Jasc Paint Shop Photo Album" just fine. Then we get a window that says "Server Busy. This action could not be completed because the other program is busy." It doesn't matter whether we chose "Switch to" or "Retry," the window just keeps popping up again.
In addition, our computer is no longer able to communicate with our printer, but if I remember correctly, that problem occured before the ones I've listed above. I only include it here for completeness.
I've run McAfee, at least one on-line virus scanner, and Ad-aware on this system. None have turned up any problems. I've been suspicious of the "CT*" programs, but besides some coincidental evidence, I don't really know anything.
Thank you very much!
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 9:36:32 PM, on 8/7/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)