Local Repair Sp2 CD - Recovery Partition - Different Key No

May 22, 2008

I asked my local rep for a XP mce sp2 cd, as none came with my machine (recovery partition). He informed me that he could, for a nomonal fee, supply me with such a cd but with a different ket No. on it. I then asked the obvious question: If I use the key on the side of my machine, which I'm sure I must, will that cd then, work for me? He said he was'nt sure and would get back to me. I'm just wondering what are your thoughts on this?

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Ntfs Partition Recovery - Repair

Feb 24, 2007

I had a ntfs file partition poo on its self. i moved the disk to another computer and it can see the disk but partition magic only sees it as an "other" partition. is there any way to repair it enough to get some irreplaceable files off of it. or is there a recommended program. i plan to wipe it after that and do a clean install

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Recovery After Partition Deleted The Partition

Jan 5, 2008

Is it possible to recover data from an external HD that I accidently deleted the partition and created a new one I just got a "new" computer - it's actualy a hand-me-down that I was trying to do a clean install of Windows XP on. I booted it up with the XP disk in the CD drive, and thought I was telling it to delete the existing partition and create a new one on the C: drive, but I didn't realize that it was also recognizing the external drive, which was already plugged into a USB port (why I even went ahead and plugged it in I don't know - that was stupid mistake It was the first one listed, and I thought it was telling me that there were two partitions on the internal drive, not two drives I also didn't pay attention to the size it was telling me the drive was (stupid mistake #2), I just told it to create a partition with the maximum possible size

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NTLRD Repair - C: Partition Was Corrupted

Feb 27, 2006

I change the hard drives from one computer CICERO to a HP pavillion , the Ciicero had 2 hard drives 20 and 120 MB , HP had 40 MB ok well , the fisical install was ok master and slave , jumpers set all ok , then when the time to power the Hp now with the HD's from cicero 20 and 120 mb. the screen give the " NTLRD missing press any key to restart" OOPSSsss!!! I did a search between the forums and found this link with this fix ; So now I'm in the screen for the Repair I press "yes" it told me that my C: partition was corrupted and the new bootsector was successfully written ok now what is the next step?? I got the C: waiting to type in some command but dont know which one , I try typing CD nothing then ATTRIB -H NTLDR it display that the system cannot find the file or directory specified.

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Recovery Disk Will Not Install / Repair

Oct 19, 2007

My XP Home recovery disk will not install or repair anymore (the last few days I did have it up and running - but after trying to install SP2 it's crashing again). So my final chance to get this system back up and running is to try and install a "retail version" XP Pro to a new hard drive.

Can you perform a 'full installation' from a product that is listed as "upgrade" I found what I feel is a good deal on eBay - the blurb states that you can (boot from CD drive) and then when promted just insert your original XP Home or WIN98 disk which sorts out the "key problem". I have listed what this Power Seller says - I have also emailed previous buyers who say it's a great product - legal etc. But these buyers had installed over a working copy of Windows 2000 and XP Home....

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Certificate Recovery Repair Program

Jul 22, 2009

A few weeks ago I did a scan with a registry repair program. Some how it deleted the certificate for the encrypted files on my external hard drive. Because of this I don't have access to any encrypted files on the drive. I've never intentionally backed up the certificate for this drive.Is there anyway to recover this certificate...without buying some expensive program?

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Dynamic Disk Recovery - How To Repair

Feb 11, 2008

I have been having trouble removing spyware etc from my XP Pro machine, I decided in the end the best thing to do was a complete format. I had recently converted my HD and it's 3 partitions to a dynamic disk, without thinking whilst going through the XP text setup, I clicked delete partition for C: and created a new one, this in turn deleted the dynamic disks, I never clicked format after I had created the new partition and quit the installation. I removed the hard disk and put it in another XP machine, I can see the 3 dynamic volumes using the disk management tool and the all say failed, I cannot get them back online or figure out how to repair them.

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Recovery Cd Not Shown Repair Option

Jan 28, 2005

My sister in law called me for help she has a E Machine T1120 with XP Home its 3 or 4 years old.She was trying to clean out unused and old programs and made the mistake of trying to uninstall MS Money and now she's getting error messages.I told her that XP has a repair function but her recovery cd from emachines dosn't seem to give the repair option it has a choice of reinstall with wipe of hard drive or command line.

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Pci.sys Not Found - Access Recovery Console Repair

Nov 24, 2009

It all started when I was busy typing out an essay I heard my computer making some weird noise. It's the sort of noise I hear when my computer turns off completely. I decided after hearing it enough times to turn off my computer then turn it back on after a couple of minutes.Upon turning it on it gave me a black screen saying WINDOWSDRIVERSISAPNP.SYS could not be found and to insert the Windows XP CD and to hit 'r' to access recovery console to repair it, fine. I don't have my Dell's Windows XP Media Centre Edition CD (don't even think I got one back in 05) so I got a friend to give me a pirated XP Music Edition, Pirated XP Media Centre, and I even took my cousins LEGIT Windows XP Edition.

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Repair: Abp480n5.sys Is Corrupt - Recovery Of Files

Jan 7, 2009

I'm trying to repair XP after a virus problem but I keep getting the message:
abp480n5.sys is corrupt unable to continueCan I get the file from anywhere? What else can I do? Can I repair XP another way?

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OS Repair Failed - Recovery Console Inaccessible

Dec 5, 2008

Let me preface this by saying I'm a fairly advanced user, a software developer by trade, and I've been digging through google and ms tech support pages trying to find a solution to this. The last time I used this machine it was on SP2. I gave it to my wife well over a year ago and have no idea when or IF SP3 was installed. Of course I don't have the OS disks anymore. She brought it to me yesterday with the dreaded BSOD. I can't be sure what triggered it. Maybe a failed SP3 install, maybe some Chemdraw trial software...I can't be sure.

So I acquired an XP SP3 disc and ran the repair. I got a new BSOD about some missing executable, which I was able to install in the recovery console after entering an empty password. That got me back to my original BSOD so no luck. So my theory is that maybe SP3 is the problem and procede to acquire an XP SP2 disc instead, which happened to be a Dell distribution disc, which was probably a bad idea, but it seemed to work as any other disc would. Now I get a new BSOD telling me I'm missing msvcrt.dll. Which makes sense because EVERY repair that I've done, regardless of disc or service pack, has been unable to copy msvcrt.dll AND msvcp60.dll. Although only after repairing to SP2, do I get the specific BSOD message that this file is missing....

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Repair By Using Recovery Console - Safe Mode

May 5, 2010

I rebooted, and instead of coming up directly to my desktop, it came up with the log-in screen for the Administrator and me. I selected me, and it came up in safe-mode with the cmd shell. Ok, this is important... I went into msconfig, and safe-mode was NOT selected. So thinking that I needed to do a repair, I inserted my original XP disc and booted into the recovery console. First, I did the normal stuff, like chkdsk and so forth. I also looked at my boot.ini. Everything appeared normal. So I rebooted, same problem.

Went back into the recovery console and did a repair. Everything went along smoothly and guess what! After the first reboot, it gave me the infamous "You are in Safe Mode... you can't do what you are doing in safe mode... you are a bad person and you need to be punished". (Obviously, I'm paraphrasing here). And I'm in the endless reboot cycle. So, I've tried everything (almost) and I would prefer not to do a full re-install. I tried using bootcfg, but this didn't help any since it doesn't say "safe-mode". (Although I did go through the motions). I also deleted my boot.ini and it gave me an error message (no boot.ini, or whatever), and still got stuck in the endless reboot cycle. I also did a fixboot, which didn't help either. And I attempted to do a fixmbr, but I got scared from the "if you do this you are really screwed" message, and didn't proceed.

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System Repair Tool Using For Specific Partition Format

May 23, 2005

Is it possible for me to use the system repair tool (the one that comes up when you boot from the Windows XP CD and press R at the menu) to format only a specific partition on a hard drive, or do you always have to erase the whole drive.

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Two Local Disk - 7.82mb On Local DiskC -74.5gm On Local DiskD

Jul 18, 2005

i have two local disks: local disk ( c ) and local disk ( D )...
i can't reformatt my compputer because local disk ( C ) don't have enough
space, how do i ease local disk ( D )??? i have 7.82mb on local disk ( C )
and 74.5gm on local disk ( D ).

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System Recovery Disc Not Full - Repair Install

Nov 1, 2007

I have an HP computer that only has the system recovery disc and not the full xp disc. SP2 came with the install. I have an XP disc just with SP1a can I do a repair install with that and then just install SP2 after?

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Repair Function In Recovery Console / Hard Drives Do Not Show Up

Jul 28, 2009

This is an older Dell Dimension desktop pc. It is running a RAID configuration with 2 drives. When I try to do the repair function in the recovery console, the hard drives do not show up in the MAP commmand. Also they are not listed in the Windows setup. However, they do show up in the BIOS, but not available in the boot sequence.I am not that familiar with RAID, are the drives fried or is the system not able to recognize b/c of the RAID?

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Forgot Admin Password - Windows Repair - Recovery Console

Jul 27, 2007

First off, i have a 60gb ide drive for my windows installation (3 other drives for storage), and i got a 150gb Raptor X, which is sata. I cloned the 60gb boot drive onto the raptor, but it didnt boot, and said the HAL was corrupt. My guess would be that the hardware abstraction layer got all defunct when it saw the new sata drive, but was expecting an ide? After all that, i decided to run a chkdsk on the ide drive, and clone it again, to see if it booted. I used the recovery console on a windows xp pro disc, but alas, i couldnt chkdsk because i forgot my admin password. Stupid me.

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SP3 Slipstreaming Recovery Partition

May 4, 2008

I have an interesting problem regarding SP3. When I install it, my PC won't boot unless into safe mode, however it runs so slow it takes an hour to start up. I was able to uninstall SP3 and my computer went back to normal. Also, I would like to attempt to slipstream an HP recovery partition with SP3. My last attempt wasn't successful, but I haven't tried very hard. I have an extra HDD so I should be able to copy the partition to that and mess with it there while leaving the regular partition intact. Has anyone been successful with something like this in the past?

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Pavillion 713 HP Recovery Partition

Mar 9, 2005

A friend's HP 713 was badly trashed by trojans (various) making it just possible to get the user data off and ready to use the HP_Recovery process to re-install Windows XP and the standard apps. I started everything going OK and then we encountred an electrical blackout.When power returned and I powered up, the dreaded "hal.dll is missing " came up. I used the windows XP SP1 CD I had received with my HP laptop to successfully re-install XP but I haven't got the correct calls (short-cuts) to activate the HP_RECOVERY and I am not sure that the root directory of HP_RECOVERY is still OK..There are several folders one called MiniNT which has within it a system32 folder.I suspect it is a cutdown windows system that rebuilds the real system.

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Extract From Recovery Partition

Aug 1, 2007

I got a HP a year or two ago and it doesnt have any recovery CD's but a recovery partition on the hard drive. Everytime I recover my system it recovers the OS with all of the junk trial software. I'm just wondering if there is anyway to extract just XP from that partition so that next time I have to recover I don't have to spend hours uninstalling and deleting all that junk. That partition is filled up with over 6gb of of stuff...XP fits on a cingle CD so you can imagine how much crap I have to put up with.

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Can't Access Recovery Partition

Sep 5, 2009

I run windows XP on a HP Pavillon DV2000 Laptop.I recently tried to configure my partition to dual boot with linux Ubuntu.Everything went well and worked except that now I cant do a system reinstallation using HP's software in XP.He just can't find the recovery partition.It say's the recovery partition can't be found and no software is available to reinstall system.but wether I open Easus partition master or Partition Magic,I see the HP_Recovery partition but no letters is associated to it.

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Unable To Use Recovery Partition?

Jan 4, 2009

On my laptop I have Windows xp Media center edition and I want to reformat the hard drive and reinstall Windows xp Media center edition. The problem I have is I don't have a disk for it. The Windows xp Media center edition is on the D drive (HP recovery) Normally I seen it on the bootup menu ( hit a key to recover) but it is no longer there. Also if I go to my computer and hit the d drive it tells me I can't get on it because its the recovery partition. What can i do to get to that partition?

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Repartition Mistake HP Recovery Partition

May 3, 2007

I inadvertently resized my windows partition. When I attempted to reboot, I got a hal error. The HP recovery utility then partially ran, but disk 2 is missing from my recovery cd's. because that is not what I wanted to do. I tried booting the recovery console and running FIXMBR, but that didn't work either. I looked at the drive with Knoppix. It shows the HP recovery partition and also shows a partition that is hidden. Looking at the drive on my roommates laptop, the recovery partition is visible, but not seeing the other partition

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Load The Drivers From The Recovery Partition?

Feb 6, 2008

Have a friend with a really screwed up hard drive; need to reformat C: and do a clean Win XP reinstall. Am not familiar with the way HP sets up their computers with C: and D: partitions, the D: partition being the "recovery" partition. I first thought I could use that to restore the HD to what was there when the computer was purchased in 2005, but it appears that the only items in the recovery partition are the original application programs and drivers -- no Windows OS.

So, my first question is, have I missed/am not seeing that Windows IS on the recovery partition and that running the recovery program will wipe C: clean and reinstall everything INCLUDING Windows XP. . . or will it just reinstall the original applications and drivers, but leave everything else as is?

2nd question: If the recovery partition does not include Windows, will I encounter any problems if I reformat C: to wipe it clean and reinstall XP from a genuine MS Win XP CD, then use the recovery partition to reinstall the original applications and drivers?

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Recovery Without Deleting Backup Partition?

Oct 5, 2007

I decided to format my computer because it was going really slow...So i got paragon partition manager and created a logical partition called "backup" and dragged all my important files into that partition. then i used killdisk to format my C: partition. Now i use my recovery disk and it says " All files, including data files on the user partition will be lost and the original factory shipped files will will be recovered to the users partition." Will this delete my backup partition too? If it does, how do i recover windows while keeping my partition with the backup files on it? The files are reallly important...

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Restoring From The Recovery Data In The Hd Partition?

Oct 27, 2007

i want to restore my computer to its original configuration. i know the in the partition named -: (yeah, its like that) lies the information for it, but the computer on startup will not give me that choice (like pressing f10 to restore)... my question is "how do I restore manually using all that data in there?"
any thoughs or comments welcomed

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HDD Data Recovery From Lost Partition?

Dec 30, 2007

I was running on Windows XP SP2 working fine for me. Last week when I connected to the internet while browsing may be some virus came into it and my Laptop (Acer Aspire 5050) start malfunctioning. I decided to install windows XP SP2 again, while installing it started formatting my hard drive without prompting for it in the mean while it got restarted and I lost my whole data. I again repartitioned it and install windows XP some how.

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Recovery Partition/Disk: Using Or Recovering As New?

Oct 15, 2009

The way my recovery partition works on my netbook is when it was first used (I didnt not use it first) is it creates an image of the system when all the system has been setup then when ever I have to use the recovery it used that image to just overwirte and replace everything.I have access to the partition where the Recovery is stored and I have my Recovery Disk but as its a netbook I have no Drive, I can copy the disk files onto my Pen drive (if my pen drive is big enough)

I want to know if there is anyway I can change it so I can use the recovery and do it from scratch like when it was first turned on (first use) because there are setting there and other items that I want to change. If I could do it by editing the files in the partition that would be easier but I can try and use the disk if needs be?

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Corrupt Partition - Data Recovery Suggestions?

Feb 26, 2005

let's just say me and my PC haven't been getting along very well lately . In the last 2 weeks I've successfully fought off a nasty CWS infection, subsequently upgraded to XP SP2 and all the latest patches, and now this. I was using the machine yesterday morning, and it was exceedingly sluggish. Task Manager showed that TurboTax which I'd left running wasn't responding. I repeatedly attempted to close TT, and 2 minutes later it finally closed. Instead of rebooting immediately, I went to IE to browse the web. A few minutes later the machine came screeching to a halt. No BSOD, just frozen.

I resigned myself to using the reset button. On the reboot, the machine started to load XP, then reset on its own back to the BIOS splash screen. I attempted to reboot normally, same thing. Last known good configuration, same thing. Safe Mode, same thing. So, XP is hosed. I loaded the System Recovery console and started looking around. Dir reports a problem enumerating directories on C:/. Chkdisk reports there are errors it can't fix.

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Data And Partition Recovery: Getting Alerts All The Time?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm going to go ahead and appologize if I'm a bit unclear anywhere in this post as I'm not 100% certain how to phrase what happened. Also if this isn't in the proper forum.A few days ago I got the following alerts from avast.3/4/2010 9:22:41 PM 1267755761 SYSTEM 1216 Sign of "Win32:Rootkit-gen [Rtk]" has been found in "C:WINDOWSsystem32driversNpfs.SYS" file. I clicked delete when they popped up and proceeded to attempt to restart my computer in safe mode to run mbam to get rid of an "antivirus" program that installed itself on my computer. When I tried to restart though I kept getting an "Invalid form id" error and had to do a system recovery.

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System Recovery Compaq Partition Wont Work

Nov 23, 2008

Umm yea I am normally decent with pcs but recently after I let my friend use it for the weekend there are things wrong such as. Speed Slowed, Some AV software saying 146 infections. I dont know how to explain the problem.
But When I go to use it now it just ignores my pressing. Im kinda getting pissed since no recovery CDs. It is Windows XP Home Edition says on sticker. Is it possible to boot the D: drive (The recovery partition) with command prompt. Or am I screwed since it just ignores me pressing f10.

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