Recovery After Partition Deleted The Partition

Jan 5, 2008

Is it possible to recover data from an external HD that I accidently deleted the partition and created a new one I just got a "new" computer - it's actualy a hand-me-down that I was trying to do a clean install of Windows XP on. I booted it up with the XP disk in the CD drive, and thought I was telling it to delete the existing partition and create a new one on the C: drive, but I didn't realize that it was also recognizing the external drive, which was already plugged into a USB port (why I even went ahead and plugged it in I don't know - that was stupid mistake It was the first one listed, and I thought it was telling me that there were two partitions on the internal drive, not two drives I also didn't pay attention to the size it was telling me the drive was (stupid mistake #2), I just told it to create a partition with the maximum possible size

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Deleted Partition - Save Deleted Files

Jul 30, 2005

First I booted from the Windows XP cd because I wanted to format the C drive. I had forgotten I had my external hard drive still plugged in and I accidently deleted the partition for it and created a new one. I didn't FORMAT it, but then when I started up my computer, all the files were gone. So does that mean my files are premanently deleted or can I save the files somehow?.

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Deleted Partition - Getting Back Deleted Partitions

May 3, 2006

I accidentally Deleted a partition how can i get it back?

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Recovering A Deleted Partition?

Sep 12, 2005

I've searched the internet for a simple way to do this, but it seems it all revolves around paying for the privilege, hence I hope you can help. I introduced a new hard drive into my machine which was going to be the primary drive, along with a secondary hard drive which contained all my MP3, MPEGs, JPEGs, etc. And before I go further, the second HDD hadn't been backed up for new a year. As I type this, I now understand the importance and value behind ackup!! Anyway, I inserted my Windows XP operating disk, and started the
machine. It went through the usual start up procedure, asked me to format and partition the new hard drive BUT, for some unknown reason, when I was prompted to choose which HDD

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Deleted Active Partition - Eek

Apr 21, 2008

Ok, to start out, I know I am an idiot...I am a little too advanced a user to do something like this.Anyway, I have a 70 G IDE hard drive that originally had no partitions, loaded with XP. My buddy helped me to make a new partition (with Partition Magic) to re-install a new copy of XP as the old one was running pretty slow and had a bunch of crap on there.So then I had a dual boot system, and everything was grand. Then, after I yanked all the stuff I wanted off the original installation of XP, which was drive c:, I deleted it (Partition Magic again). My buddy had told me to re-format it, not delete it.

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Deleted Partition But Not Mbr - Spare Hd

Oct 18, 2006

I accidentaly deleted my partition without overwriting it or formatting it. I know the data is accessible, but I dont have a spare hd.

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Restore Deleted Partition And Files

Jul 16, 2006

I deleted the partition on my External Hard Drive that held my backup files. I can see the files using Recover My Files. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing and are there any other options or software that I should research/explore?

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Recover Deleted Partition - OS On Disk

Jan 17, 2008

I accidentally started to install a new version of XP Home on an existing partition that had a good working XP home on it. I got to the point on the install where it highlighted the good partition and I hit "L" to erase it. At that point I stopped and tried a repair from the XP Home disk but no luck. Since it didn't overwrite it (probably just erased some pointers) is there any way to get back the good partition/OS that was on this disk?

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Deleted The Active Partition - Getting Back In To PC

Apr 21, 2008

Trying to tidy up my PC, I deleted the partition that had Win 98 on as I no longer use it. I have a much larger partition with Win XP, that I use all the time. With Partition Magic I deleted the Win98 partition, and now my PC wont load as I must have deleted the Active partition. How can I get into my PC to make the XP partition to be the Active partition. Then it will boot up. I am not very familiar with Dos

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Sp3 Partition Deleted - Start Installation

Sep 27, 2010

installed linux on my hp mini 1010nr and erased the little partition that had sp 3 behind it. i bought an external drive to reinstall my win xp os but it says it can't install because it needs sp3, how do i fix this.

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Extracting Data From A Deleted Partition

Sep 3, 2009

I was reformatting a friends Laptop with a new O/S. I backed up 680MB of pictures, documents onto my external Hard drive. I checked twice that the data was on there before reformatting. After I reformatted for some reason it won't let me access this file on my external H.D. It says no access to the F drive and says the file is empty. I am able to get into other files on the external just not this particular file. I tried using a program called Power Data recovery to find the files off the deleted C drive partition. It found some if not all of the files. However, when I go to access them it say's you can't get into the files or a word doc comes up in all these weird letters.

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Deleted A Partition - Logical Drive

Mar 25, 2010

Im not sure what i deleted but i deleted a partition or a logical drive while reinstalling windows XP now my second HDD or Partition or Logical Drive is not showing. & when i go to DIsk mangment it does not diplay an unallocated space, RAW drive or unformatted drive its just the C: drive laying there.Is there any chance of recovering the drive but not the files the D drive only.

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Software To Recover A Deleted Partition

Oct 4, 2006

I had just installed XP on my system and after installing some software from my external hard drive i realized that something went wrong with the install so i decided to reinstall the os. I forgot to swicht off my external hard drive and when windows loaded all the files and asked me where did i wanted to install xp and all that, both drives appeared, my internal hd and the external with all my data. i was doing something else at the same time and i wasn't paying all the attention i should have so i deleted the partition of my firewire Hd and just after i did it i realized my mistake. The file system for that drive is fat32 and there was only one partition. I did not formatted the ext. drive, i only deleted the partition.

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Best Software To Recover Deleted Partition

Oct 4, 2006

I had just installed XP on my system and after installing some software from my external hard drive i realized that something went wrong with the install so i decided to reinstall the os. I forgot to swicht off my external hard drive and when windows loaded all the files and asked me where did i wanted to install xp and all that, both drives appeared, my internal hd and the external with all my data. i was doing something else at the same time and i wasn't paying all the attention i should have so i deleted the partition of my firewire Hd and just after i did it i realized my mistake. The file system for that drive is fat32 and there was only one partition. I did not formatted the ext. drive, i only deleted the partition.

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Deleted A Partition Accidentally - Way To Recover It

Feb 2, 2007

I booted off the windows xp CD to partition an extra hard drive, but I accidentally deleted the main partition of my boot drive. i had to quickformat it to install windows on another drive. i am not writing any files to the drive at the moment and there must be a way to retreive the partition. i heard as long as you don't overwrite the data, you can somehow recover it.

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Accidentaly Deleted Partition - W/o Formatting

Oct 18, 2006

I deleted the windows partition while installing Ubuntu linux for multiboot, but did not apply any changes. My data and mbr are sitll in tact, but how can i reconstruct it and make my hd bootable

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Deleted Partition Recovered Files - Put These Back On My Pc

Dec 8, 2009

i accidently deleted my partition which had my original xp home sp 3 on i have used recuva to recover the lost files but now dont no how to get these files back onto my pc and reinstall my original xp home please can somebody give me directions i have been to local computer shops but they just want to put a brand new xp on and charge a lot i have the files so would rather just use them.

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Recover A Deleted Partition On External Harddrive

Dec 19, 2005

Whilst trying to reformat one hard drive i didnt realise that an external hardrive was still connected. Noticing a second harddrive on the screen i just thought that xp was being weird. and like an idiot i deleted the partiton before realising. Now the drive dosnt show in my computer.What steps can i take to make this drive accessible again?

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SP3 Slipstreaming Recovery Partition

May 4, 2008

I have an interesting problem regarding SP3. When I install it, my PC won't boot unless into safe mode, however it runs so slow it takes an hour to start up. I was able to uninstall SP3 and my computer went back to normal. Also, I would like to attempt to slipstream an HP recovery partition with SP3. My last attempt wasn't successful, but I haven't tried very hard. I have an extra HDD so I should be able to copy the partition to that and mess with it there while leaving the regular partition intact. Has anyone been successful with something like this in the past?

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Pavillion 713 HP Recovery Partition

Mar 9, 2005

A friend's HP 713 was badly trashed by trojans (various) making it just possible to get the user data off and ready to use the HP_Recovery process to re-install Windows XP and the standard apps. I started everything going OK and then we encountred an electrical blackout.When power returned and I powered up, the dreaded "hal.dll is missing " came up. I used the windows XP SP1 CD I had received with my HP laptop to successfully re-install XP but I haven't got the correct calls (short-cuts) to activate the HP_RECOVERY and I am not sure that the root directory of HP_RECOVERY is still OK..There are several folders one called MiniNT which has within it a system32 folder.I suspect it is a cutdown windows system that rebuilds the real system.

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Extract From Recovery Partition

Aug 1, 2007

I got a HP a year or two ago and it doesnt have any recovery CD's but a recovery partition on the hard drive. Everytime I recover my system it recovers the OS with all of the junk trial software. I'm just wondering if there is anyway to extract just XP from that partition so that next time I have to recover I don't have to spend hours uninstalling and deleting all that junk. That partition is filled up with over 6gb of of stuff...XP fits on a cingle CD so you can imagine how much crap I have to put up with.

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Can't Access Recovery Partition

Sep 5, 2009

I run windows XP on a HP Pavillon DV2000 Laptop.I recently tried to configure my partition to dual boot with linux Ubuntu.Everything went well and worked except that now I cant do a system reinstallation using HP's software in XP.He just can't find the recovery partition.It say's the recovery partition can't be found and no software is available to reinstall system.but wether I open Easus partition master or Partition Magic,I see the HP_Recovery partition but no letters is associated to it.

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Unable To Use Recovery Partition?

Jan 4, 2009

On my laptop I have Windows xp Media center edition and I want to reformat the hard drive and reinstall Windows xp Media center edition. The problem I have is I don't have a disk for it. The Windows xp Media center edition is on the D drive (HP recovery) Normally I seen it on the bootup menu ( hit a key to recover) but it is no longer there. Also if I go to my computer and hit the d drive it tells me I can't get on it because its the recovery partition. What can i do to get to that partition?

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Deleted Nameless Partition: System Wont Boot?

Aug 16, 2009

My Dell Inspiron B130 Windows Xp SP3 had only one internal hard drive, it was broken up into Drive C and two nameless partions that I did not make I accidentley deleted one of the namless partitions and now my windows XP SP3 laptop is no longer bootable. My computer just says no bootable drive found. I think I deleated some important system data My personal data on Drive C appears to be still there is there any way I can recover the system data or make my laptop bootable again without losing all of my data?

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Accidently Deleted Partition - Move All Video Data

Jul 20, 2005

I bought a 400 gig drive to move all my video data onto and in the process of repartitioning the few 80 gig drives in my external firewire enclosure I deleted the partition on my 400 gig drive with all my video. You can't delete a file in XP without it prompting you, then it goes to your trash bin, then it prompts you before emptying the trah in. But delteing a partition is a simple right click and no mesagebox to confirm.

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Accidentally Deleted Wrong Partition - Recover Files

Apr 11, 2008

Was fixing to re-install windows, and I found I accidentally deleted the partition that was my external drive. I did not install windows, or format it, but when I rebooted windows, I cannot access it. It simply says. this disk is not formatted, would you like to format it now. I know of a way to recover the files, and copy to another disk, but as I am presently out of disk space, is there a way to fix the partition that was deleted. Hoping to do this cheaply. I might spend 15.00 for a program, but am shooting for a simple method

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Aug 10, 2005

I was fiddling with my usb flash drive in disk management and i accidentaly deleted my data partition! I thought i was deleting a badly marked flash drive sector! All my data was on it, i have no backups!lease tell me there's an easy way to rectify this! Please! The disk wasn'torking it didn't sound like data was being deleted please tell me it's just somehow marked as not there or something!

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Repartition Mistake HP Recovery Partition

May 3, 2007

I inadvertently resized my windows partition. When I attempted to reboot, I got a hal error. The HP recovery utility then partially ran, but disk 2 is missing from my recovery cd's. because that is not what I wanted to do. I tried booting the recovery console and running FIXMBR, but that didn't work either. I looked at the drive with Knoppix. It shows the HP recovery partition and also shows a partition that is hidden. Looking at the drive on my roommates laptop, the recovery partition is visible, but not seeing the other partition

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Load The Drivers From The Recovery Partition?

Feb 6, 2008

Have a friend with a really screwed up hard drive; need to reformat C: and do a clean Win XP reinstall. Am not familiar with the way HP sets up their computers with C: and D: partitions, the D: partition being the "recovery" partition. I first thought I could use that to restore the HD to what was there when the computer was purchased in 2005, but it appears that the only items in the recovery partition are the original application programs and drivers -- no Windows OS.

So, my first question is, have I missed/am not seeing that Windows IS on the recovery partition and that running the recovery program will wipe C: clean and reinstall everything INCLUDING Windows XP. . . or will it just reinstall the original applications and drivers, but leave everything else as is?

2nd question: If the recovery partition does not include Windows, will I encounter any problems if I reformat C: to wipe it clean and reinstall XP from a genuine MS Win XP CD, then use the recovery partition to reinstall the original applications and drivers?

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Recovery Without Deleting Backup Partition?

Oct 5, 2007

I decided to format my computer because it was going really slow...So i got paragon partition manager and created a logical partition called "backup" and dragged all my important files into that partition. then i used killdisk to format my C: partition. Now i use my recovery disk and it says " All files, including data files on the user partition will be lost and the original factory shipped files will will be recovered to the users partition." Will this delete my backup partition too? If it does, how do i recover windows while keeping my partition with the backup files on it? The files are reallly important...

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Restoring From The Recovery Data In The Hd Partition?

Oct 27, 2007

i want to restore my computer to its original configuration. i know the in the partition named -: (yeah, its like that) lies the information for it, but the computer on startup will not give me that choice (like pressing f10 to restore)... my question is "how do I restore manually using all that data in there?"
any thoughs or comments welcomed

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