Repair By Using Recovery Console - Safe Mode

May 5, 2010

I rebooted, and instead of coming up directly to my desktop, it came up with the log-in screen for the Administrator and me. I selected me, and it came up in safe-mode with the cmd shell. Ok, this is important... I went into msconfig, and safe-mode was NOT selected. So thinking that I needed to do a repair, I inserted my original XP disc and booted into the recovery console. First, I did the normal stuff, like chkdsk and so forth. I also looked at my boot.ini. Everything appeared normal. So I rebooted, same problem.

Went back into the recovery console and did a repair. Everything went along smoothly and guess what! After the first reboot, it gave me the infamous "You are in Safe Mode... you can't do what you are doing in safe mode... you are a bad person and you need to be punished". (Obviously, I'm paraphrasing here). And I'm in the endless reboot cycle. So, I've tried everything (almost) and I would prefer not to do a full re-install. I tried using bootcfg, but this didn't help any since it doesn't say "safe-mode". (Although I did go through the motions). I also deleted my boot.ini and it gave me an error message (no boot.ini, or whatever), and still got stuck in the endless reboot cycle. I also did a fixboot, which didn't help either. And I attempted to do a fixmbr, but I got scared from the "if you do this you are really screwed" message, and didn't proceed.

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Can't Boot / Recovery Console - Safe Mode Not Working

Mar 31, 2006

i did a previous thread of my computer being slow, ignore that one... i got a much serious problem. Someone told me to go into safemode so i just tried to reboot in safe mode. It wouldn't reboot all i saw was a black screen with a mouse cursor so i press the reset button, but this computer is not stable i always haev to press the reset button. Now when i try to restart it jsut reboots again and again. It brings me this blue screen saying STOP:c0000218 {registry file failure} the hive file or sumthing like that and systemrootsystem32configdefault and then it restarts. When i try to go to safe mode i see all these .sys files loading or sumthing and then it gets stuck after like the 20th one. Im on windows 2000, i installed 2000 in cases like these. i found help on a different site. It told me to go to recovery mode, i instert my XP CD and boot it from taht but that doesn't work for sum reason. SO i got my XP boot disks and it works!! BUTTT i go to recovery mode and it restarts and nothing happens! just a plain restart! what can i do!!!

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Pci.sys Not Found - Access Recovery Console Repair

Nov 24, 2009

It all started when I was busy typing out an essay I heard my computer making some weird noise. It's the sort of noise I hear when my computer turns off completely. I decided after hearing it enough times to turn off my computer then turn it back on after a couple of minutes.Upon turning it on it gave me a black screen saying WINDOWSDRIVERSISAPNP.SYS could not be found and to insert the Windows XP CD and to hit 'r' to access recovery console to repair it, fine. I don't have my Dell's Windows XP Media Centre Edition CD (don't even think I got one back in 05) so I got a friend to give me a pirated XP Music Edition, Pirated XP Media Centre, and I even took my cousins LEGIT Windows XP Edition.

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OS Repair Failed - Recovery Console Inaccessible

Dec 5, 2008

Let me preface this by saying I'm a fairly advanced user, a software developer by trade, and I've been digging through google and ms tech support pages trying to find a solution to this. The last time I used this machine it was on SP2. I gave it to my wife well over a year ago and have no idea when or IF SP3 was installed. Of course I don't have the OS disks anymore. She brought it to me yesterday with the dreaded BSOD. I can't be sure what triggered it. Maybe a failed SP3 install, maybe some Chemdraw trial software...I can't be sure.

So I acquired an XP SP3 disc and ran the repair. I got a new BSOD about some missing executable, which I was able to install in the recovery console after entering an empty password. That got me back to my original BSOD so no luck. So my theory is that maybe SP3 is the problem and procede to acquire an XP SP2 disc instead, which happened to be a Dell distribution disc, which was probably a bad idea, but it seemed to work as any other disc would. Now I get a new BSOD telling me I'm missing msvcrt.dll. Which makes sense because EVERY repair that I've done, regardless of disc or service pack, has been unable to copy msvcrt.dll AND msvcp60.dll. Although only after repairing to SP2, do I get the specific BSOD message that this file is missing....

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Repair Function In Recovery Console / Hard Drives Do Not Show Up

Jul 28, 2009

This is an older Dell Dimension desktop pc. It is running a RAID configuration with 2 drives. When I try to do the repair function in the recovery console, the hard drives do not show up in the MAP commmand. Also they are not listed in the Windows setup. However, they do show up in the BIOS, but not available in the boot sequence.I am not that familiar with RAID, are the drives fried or is the system not able to recognize b/c of the RAID?

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Forgot Admin Password - Windows Repair - Recovery Console

Jul 27, 2007

First off, i have a 60gb ide drive for my windows installation (3 other drives for storage), and i got a 150gb Raptor X, which is sata. I cloned the 60gb boot drive onto the raptor, but it didnt boot, and said the HAL was corrupt. My guess would be that the hardware abstraction layer got all defunct when it saw the new sata drive, but was expecting an ide? After all that, i decided to run a chkdsk on the ide drive, and clone it again, to see if it booted. I used the recovery console on a windows xp pro disc, but alas, i couldnt chkdsk because i forgot my admin password. Stupid me.

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Recovery Console Just Like Compaq Recovery Console For Home?

Jan 11, 2007

My question is regarding the recovery console available on Compaq machines. Is there a similar program to the Compaq recovery console that allows for the home user to install and back up their systems in a nearly identical manner as to how to Compaq R.C. works?

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PC Starts With Safe Mode - Recovery Formatting

Apr 26, 2006

This is not for myself, as you see, I wouldn't be online right now if I couldn't start my computer up.This person that i know is having a start up problem with her computer (windows). Whenever she turns on the computer, it takes her to her computer asking her whether she wants to do safe mode or start windows normally or whatever. Whatever she chose, it took her straight back to that window asking her about that stuff. My information is not sufficient as she is not the kind of patient person even for her own good to explain stuff to me. Secondly, she is not a computer geek.

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System Recovery - Boot Into Safe Mode Lines

Sep 17, 2006

When I did a system recovery on my new Compaq Laptop, it lost the lines that allow me to boot into safe mode, or ANY mode. It just goes right into Wondows XP. I know there were lines that should be in the boot.ini to do this.

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Data Lost After System Recovery - Can Access Files In Safe Mode

Jan 24, 2007

my question concerns an HP Pavillion Desktop with Windows XP Home Edition Operating System. About a week ago my computer was degenerating to such a condition that it would no longer start up properly: it would not load some of the host process properly at start up and the desk top would not appear. The system would hang up, and the only way I could access files was in safe mode.So I decided to do a Full System Recovery and allow the computer to restore itself to some sort of usable condition. Upon completing the initial set up I was presented with, I pressed FINISH and the system froze again, refusing to load the desktop.
So, perhaps foolishly, I attempted a System Recovery from the Recovery DVDs the computer had prompted me to make a while ago, as well as a few more System Restores and Recoveries

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Unmountable Volume - Can't Launch Recovery Console Through Recovery Disc?

Sep 5, 2008

Hoping to avoid a full reinstall of Windows XP, I'd like to try some repair procedures. The problem is, when I launch my "Vaio PCV-RS430G" recovery disc it goes straight to Sony's proprietary recovery interface which provides ONLY the preset option to wipe my 'c' drive and reinstall Windows. According to some MS articles I've read, an XP recovery disc should allow me to access the Windows Recovery Console (by typing "R" at the welcome screen). Can anyone suggest how I can bypass the Sony recovery and get to the Windows Recovery Console?

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Recovery Console To Recovery Registry

Nov 27, 2009

Trying to recover my registry from being corrupted. I am in Windows XP Pro recovery console. But when I try At the Recovery Console command prompt, type the following lines, pressing ENTER after you type each line: md tmp copy c:windowssystem32 configsystem c:windows mpsystem.bak. It says I cannot copy the file. The file cannot be copied.

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Booting Pro From CD To Access Repair Console

Feb 3, 2005

Have a generic desktop loaded with XP Pro that won't boot properly. I am trying to boot from CD to repair, but can't get machine to do so. I've tried using the F1, F2,F7,F8 and Delete keys with out success for access.

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Repair Console From Disk - How To Rediscover Administrator Password

Jun 27, 2005

Trying to run Repair Console from XP disk, but can't remember my administrator password. how to rediscover it.

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Recovery Console Access

Feb 26, 2007

I need to get into the reocovery console to fix my master boot record but when it askes for my admin password, i enter what it should be but it doesnt work, ive tried leaving it blank and tried other passwords, and nothing. is there a way around the password fto run fixboot and fixmbr?

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Cant Access Recovery Console Any More

Jul 14, 2005

My problem is (to cut a long story short) that I have some dodgy .dll files, messing up my computer (XP) and preventing me from installing anything (not fun when the my computer fixer guy has reinstalled windows, failed to fix it, charged me fifty quid for the privelege, and left me with next to no software on it - not even word).i bought a very informative xp troubleshooting manual yesterday, and i can see my only option is to replace the files using the windows recovery console (I cant replaced them from within windows as its always using them).However, when I try to access the recovery console (in the manner advocated by my book, windows help, and numerous internet pages), by booting up from my recovery cds, and pressing R, i get taken to system recovery, a user friendly interface displaying 3 options for reformatting the whole system, and nothing else. this is obviously not the command prompt interface for the recovery console that i was expecting to be faced with.

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Can't Access Recovery Console

Sep 7, 2006

I am trying to access the windows recovery console on the xp setup disk.However when I boot up the windows setup disk, it loads the files and goes straight to the menu where I have to choose which partition to install XP on.How do I get into the recovery console?The reason I am using recovery is because I have got a Error Message: Windows Could Not Start Because the Following File Is Missing or Corrupt: WinntSystem32ConfigSystem, when starting up the computer.

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Not Listed In Recovery Console

Jan 3, 2008

I have tried to use the Repair in the Windows recovery console, but everything says when you get to /windows, you enter your password yada yada yada.In the recovery console, under repair, I only have C:/>, there is no C:/>Windows at all.I ran fixboot anyway, now I am getting a NTLDR is missing message when I try to start. Before all of this I was stuck trying to boot up and it would not even let me into safe mode.

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Recovery Console For Xp Home

Mar 28, 2004

There was a thread {and I can't remember where or when} that someone posted a way to get recovery console for xp home edition,OEM. Anybody know about this? I'm still searching but can't find it again.Don't ask! I just didn't save it! Why I don't know! So there!

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Can't Start Recovery Console

Sep 7, 2005

I'm running XP Pro on a standard ASUS-based PC, and I cannot get the Recovery Console to start up properly. It gets as far as allowing me to enter my password, but then reverts to a C prompt. It won't accept my password, whether I enter it in uppercase, lowercase or mized. I tried changed the password to something new and that didn't work, either.

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Recovery Console At Boot

Aug 12, 2002

The recovery console is a very useful application for getting to your data without having to boot XP. If a registry error due to hard disk corruption prevents you from booting XP even in Safe Mode, then it may be the only way.The recovery console is accessible from the XP CD if you boot from disc. If your CD is damaged, however, you may have no way of booting your system without reformatting the hard drive. This means data loss. Data loss tends to create distress esp. if you have no backups.Here is a way to make the recovery console an option in the Windows XP "OS Choices" menu. Do this before an inevitable registry corruption.1. Insert your Windows XP CD.2. Run {CD-ROM drive letter}:i386winnt32.exe /cmdcons3. A dialog comes up saying it takes 10mb, etc., etc. Click yes to install.If you don't normally see the OS choices menu at boot, go into system properties (winkey+pause), click the advanced tab, and xlixk Startup and Recovery. Check Time to Display List of OSs if it is unchecked, and then set the timeout value to a decent number of seconds.Apply the settings, reboot, and you should see two boot options.Here are some KB articles on how to use the recovery console and how to recover from a corrupted

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Repair Console - Corrupt File - Hard Drive From Floppy Disk

Sep 14, 2005

When I boot my computer, it tells me it can't load windows because the following file is missing or corrupt:<windows root>system32hal.dllCan i use the "repair console" to copy this file onto the hard drive from a floppy disk? If not, how do I rectify this problem?

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System32 / Cannot Access The Recovery Console

Jun 1, 2008

I cannot access the recovery console to do anything further. also, i do not own an Windows XP Professional CD as the computer came preloaded with it and was a hand-me-down. consequently, i cannot seem to do anything with it. i have gone into the BIOS settings and changed it to boot from cd as i burned a copy of what i thought was a windows xp professional disc (said it was legal to do as long as it was for private use). however, the computer wont boot from the disc, or any disc for that matter.

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Access Denied To Certain Dir When Using Recovery Console

Feb 24, 2009

My security software keeps a log of deleted/quarantined files but when I try to look at the "program files" directory where the log is kept using the recovery console disk it says "access denied". There is no admin password on the system that I know of. My command of DOS is limited, is there anyway of gaining access to the directory using the recovery console? Why is it telling me access denied when I am logged on as admin ?

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Hal.dll Missing - Fixed Through The Recovery Console?

Apr 11, 2005

I have a computer that has Hal.dll missing. Can this be fixed through the recovery console? I think it can but I don't remember how. A Wipe/install isnt the best option here.

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Access Denied In Recovery Console

Aug 14, 2005

I have been trying to repair a malfunction in XP Home that doesn't allow me to logon to Windows. When the computer boots up it displays a screen that gives me 5 options for starting up, all of which restart the computer when selected. I have been following the procedure in the XP support article Q307545 to remedy this problem and I have made it as far as the command prompt in the recovery console. However, when I try to type in the first command 'md tmp' I receive the message 'access denied.'

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Access Is Denied In Recovery Console

Jan 22, 2007

I have had a problem with the missing file windowssystem32configsystem and I have tried the fixes outlined on, however I am encountering a problem. When I go into the recovery area it does not ask me which version I want to use and doesn't ask me for a password. Then when I type a command it tells me 'access is denied'. I have gotten some commands to work (ie chkdsk, chkdsk /r fix, and fixboot). Also, when it wants me to type a command it has C:> before it and doesn't mention windows anywhere. I would really appreciate it if someone would help - there are a few files on the computer that I would really like to keep!

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Repairing File Using The Recovery Console

Jun 30, 2005

Whenever I boot up my computer it displays the following message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM..Now I went to the recovery console and I just don't remeber how to repair the file.

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Recovery Console Does Not List C Drive

Jul 11, 2010

Recently, my computer has recieved a massive error. Upon startup, the windows xp logog displays and the little blue bar starts moving, then about 1 second later the bar freezes, and BSOD STOP: 0x7e appears. Nothing helps this (restart, last known good config, safe more, and i have no clue why all of a sudden I'm getting this). So, I went to the recovery console with the Win XP install disk. I hit R, it all loads, then where it asks "Which Windows installation would you like to log into?" it displays

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What Is Recovery Console - Can Create Partitions?

Oct 18, 2009

What is the Windows Recovery Console command that can create partitions?

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Use The Recovery Console To Replace The Start Menu

Oct 28, 2006

a while ago now I noticed in my start menu a blank space, see picture HERE
The space at the bottom of the start menu has not been removed with the methods i have tried. I used registry cleaners, tried system restore, tried all available options in task bar & start menu options all with no change. I read an article on how to do a system repair, in the article it said that programs might be affected and would have to be reinstalled if they didn't work correctly. My question is can I use the recovery console to replace the start menu and if so I will need instruction on how to do the proceedure as I'm basically novice and dont know the proceedures.

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