Installed CD Slide Generator - Tweak PowerToys

Jun 27, 2005

I installed CD Slide Generator from Tweak PowerToys for XP.Now I can't find it, plus I can't find where there might be a newsgroup to ask this question

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Powertoys Installation And Lost Admin Password

Jun 22, 2006

I downloaded a program tilled MS PowerToys from MS's website. I installed the program and ran it. I was attempting to set the program to allow me to bypass the startup screen (the screen that asks for your password and asks you which user accout you want to use). I did this because I only had one user, and had no password. But when I would boot it still made me click on the users name.

So in Powertoys I selected Logon, Autologon. I then checked the box "automatically logon at system startup". It asked me to create a password, so I created a password..

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Eliminating Squid Analysis Report Generator

Aug 24, 2007

I use firefox and down at bottom of screen just above taskbar there is another bar and when you put a url in the address bar up on top well in this bar above the task bar it says searching for and while it says this it shows that other urls are being searched at the same time. Way to the right of this is the little box with the green marks that show how fast it is loading. Well it takes forever to load a web page. For example the last time i just searched for a web page these came up---looking up wrapper., looking up, looking up ads.ign. com. I put one of these into google and there is something about squid analysis report generator which apparently tells the whole world where i go on the web.

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Can Change The Slide Show Settings

Jul 6, 2006

I've seen the option before, but i can't seem to find it now. Where do I go to edit things like "ask for password when returning from hibernate" and things like that? Also does any know if you can change the slide show settings (like the length of time of the slides)? if so where?

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How Make A Powerpoint Slide Show With Video?

Feb 23, 2005

Does anyone know how I can Make a Powerpoint slide show with video, And be able to email it to someone, and when they open it up view it with the video I am able to view it here with video on my computer, but when I email it, they only see it as a slide show

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Start Power Point Slide Show On Other Monitor

Dec 31, 2006

I am trying to start a powerpoint slide show in the second monitor but i couldn't do this. Is there any way to do this.

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Tweak For Cd Rom Drives

Oct 15, 2005

I'm curious as to whether there would be a " Tweak for cd rom drives " to load also and not just exect

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Need Registry Tweak

Jan 15, 2008

Is there a registry tweak to add the item "Go to Folder" in the right click context menu for windows explorer in XP? ie. without having to install MS shell toys.

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Sites That Helps How To Tweak OS To Its Best Performance?

Jun 1, 2005

Are there any sites that involves on how to tweak WinXP to its best performance?

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Settings Resetting - Tweak UI Set To Auto Logon

Oct 15, 2006

I have Tweak UI set to auto logon for me and it works fine once then it resets itself and turns that off. I also have ultramon setting my backgrounds and they never stick after a reset of the computer. I wanna say this has something to do with me installing and uninstalling mcafee and norton a couple of times. (i have only norton now).

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Tweak Clear Type Settings Using Web Browser

Nov 6, 2004

Simply visit and follow on screen directions.

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Nvidia Detonator Overclock Control Tweak

Aug 19, 2003

This tweak will only work with Nvidia gpu's with an nvidia detonator driver. It can be downloaded from . We are going to need the windows registry. always make sure you make a backup of your registry before you are going to edit it. Open your registry by pressing the start button choose run and type on the NVTweak folder you now see and create a new Dword value name it CoolBits (make sure you use a big C and B) one's created open it and make the value 2 (hex or decimal) This was the tweak. You can now go to your display properties select advanced in the settings tab and then go to your detonator there you would find a new function called clock frequencies.

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Tweak UI Autolongon No Working In Operating System

Dec 16, 2005

Tweak UI Autolongon check box no longer working in Win XP. Latest XP Tweaki installed.

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Send Multi Page Fax From Word / Power Point - First Page Slide Appears FAX

Dec 19, 2008

When I try to send a multi-page fax from WORD or Power-Point, only the first page or slide appears in the FAX. This is a recently developed problem. I've successfully sent multi-page FAXes in the past.

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Installing Tweak Process Monitor Results In Rundll32.exe?

Nov 8, 2008

I ran a new tweak called Process Monitor, and the last statement on the "process tree" was "rundll32.exe" I looked on the internet and it said that this could possibly be a spyware tracking me, but it has a microsoft name applied to it. Can you tell me if I should delete this or not? It has 500 or so records (dll's I'm assuming) attached to it. When I run CCleaner, my firewall (kerio) asks that rundll32.exe wants to execute.

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Incorrect Tweak Enable Large System Cache?

Aug 12, 2003

The registry key LargeSystemCache "1" on a RAID Windows XP Pro configuration will lead to disastrious read/write errors. The only way to fix is to open registry and changing the key quickly right after booting Windows and then do an official restart/shutdown.The key is located here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM CurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementLargeSystemCache This tweak is widly spread to be enabled but there is never a warning for anyone on RAID! If on RAID do NOT enable this key!

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Outlook Express Title Tweak - Add Modify String

Aug 12, 2002

Change the window title of Outlook Express to anything you want! Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERIdentities{EE383506-901D-43C6-8E40-9A61901DF7CC}SoftwareMicrosoftOutlook Express5.0.  (the  {EE383506-901D-43C6-8E40-9A61901DF7CC} part will be different for you, it is an individual number Add or modify the string key called WindowTitle and make its value the desired window title. Then close the registry editor, and restart Outlook Express (if it's running.) Your new title now shows up in the title bar!

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Shutdown Faster: "WaitToKillService" Tweak Can Cause Problems?

Aug 26, 2004

1) Start - Run - RegeditNavigate to the following Registry key:HKEY CURRENT USERControl PanelDesktopDouble click on the AutoEndTasks entry and replace the 0 with a 1 in the Value data text box For the next two, if the dword value indicated does not exist, create it: Double click on the WaitToKillAppTimeout entry in the right pane and change the Value data to 2000 Double click on the HungAppTimeout entry in the right pane and change the Value data to 1000 Reboot

If still having a problem, make the next change: 2) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlRight-click on WaitToKillServiceTimeout and change it to 2000 NOTE:The lowest value Windows will recognize is 1000 (1 second) ADVISORY: While rare, the "WaitToKillService" tweak can cause problems.If an application is in the process of saving data and the associated service is stopped prematurely, the data will not be saved and may be lost.

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I've Installed The New Drive But Still Not Installed

Sep 27, 2010

I've installed the new drive, formatted it two partitions, and installed my XP on the new drive. The old drive is still installed, and I can select which drive I am booting off of. Boot off the old drive, I'm on my old PC. Boot off the new one, I'm on the new.Only one of the XPs are active at a time. The other says it must be activated.
So, at this point, I boot to the old, and (with this OS activated)run the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. I specify that I am saving the data on one of the drives in the PC. It runs and says it's successful. Then I boot off the new drive and (now with THIS OS activated) when I point the FAST to the directory where I saved the files, the wizard says there's no files there to load. I can see .dat files in the directory, but the wizard can't.

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Installed Ex Pro

May 18, 2010

Ive installed xp pro and formatted my hard drive after i had a nasty virus which basicly stopped my computer from booting. However for some reason it seems like ex pro hasnt picked up any of my drivers at all, like i have no sound no internet. Im not really sure what to do im sure my first step would be getting onto the internet but my ethernet is plugged in nothing shows on my connections and i am unable to create a new conection, sorry if i havnt explained myself very well my computer skills arnt great.

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Has Anyone Installed SP-3?

Feb 23, 2008

I am about to install service pack 3. I have not heard any good or bad new about it.

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Half Way Installed XE

Dec 8, 2006

IcrediMail XE, it's half way installed and stuck there, hasn't moved in the last hour, so I cannot uninstall it at Ad or Remove.
How I got it in the first place I do not remember,

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W2K Pro Be Installed Over Existing Pro?

Jul 14, 2005

Is it possible to install W2K Pro over an existing XP Pro?

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IE Crashes Sp2 Installed

Jul 18, 2005

I've had some problems with IE crashing. I have Windows xp with sp2 installed. I went through the error report and most contain a problem with mshtml.dll. I got the windows web site and it said that there is some problem with sp2 in this case and they have a hot fix. But it looks like I would have to pay $99 bucks to contact microsoft and get it.

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Pre Installed / System32configsystem

Feb 28, 2008

I have a hp pavilion a335w home pc, O/S Windows xp home with serv pack 1. This was pre installed when purchased. Problem: in the middle of using mcafee removal tool my system crashed when it rebooted I got this messege: windows could not start because the following file missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem. My question is this, what is the best way to hopefully replace the missing file so I dont loose everything.

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IM32FAX.DIL Can Not Installed

Jul 28, 2005

Every time I reboot I get a message box stating this file is missing. What is this and how do I repair the problem.

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100% CPU Usage - Installed Sp2

Jan 8, 2005

Since installing Service Pack 2 on my system (Athlon XP 2400+, Windows XP Pro, 512Mb) I am having intermittent problems with my machine slowing to a crawl. If I use task manager I find that CPU usage is 100% and quitting programs seems to have no effect. CPU usage stays at 100%! Can't remember this happening before installing SP2

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Installed BartPE - Used The Cd

Jan 27, 2008

Recently I became devoted to taking care of my computer by installing Anti-virus, spyware removers, and backup/performance utilties. Well I came across BartPE and it's features. Well I decided to use it and have the Rescue CD just incase. Doesn't hurt right? Plus the idea of it seems very helpful if I ever need a virtual Windows XP. I continued with the instructions and all was well until I got errors and warnings.

I posted the log here. I have no clue on what to do next. I used the CD that came with my Dell Dimension E521. I use Windows XP Media Center 2005.

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BIOS Is Not Installed

Dec 3, 2004

Since I have had my comp (going on 4 months), when I boot i get a message saying BIOS is not installed, which i find very hard to believe, but this never affects anything. today when i boot my comp, it starts loading and its:scaning IDE drives then it says something about BIOS not being installed (but it was a slightly different message, i didnt have enough time to record it). then i get some weird screen, it gave me the option of entering setup by pressing F1 or loading default settings by pressing F2. i rebooted, again the same message, so i just chose to load default settings, and everything loaded, but when i got to loading windows, i loaded it and then it crashed, the comp just rebooted. then i followed the steps again and loaded default settings and it loaded fine. i know i cant give details about the error screens as i didnt have time to record them, but what should i do if this happens again?

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Messenger Will Not UN Installed

Jun 20, 2005

windows messenger will not un-install no matter what i do help

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IE 6 Updates- Not Able To Be Installed

Aug 24, 2008

I recently had a corrupt file and ended up doing a full repair of XP-home. That wiped out IE7-- replacing it with IE-6. I had some trouble downloading updates so replaced IE-7---- Now almost everything works fine. The exception is that I get notified that "Updates Are ready for your computer-- Click here to install these updates". I click on it and it looks like the updates are being installed-- just to be notified that "These updates were not able to be installed" (Words close to that). A few seconds later I am informed that "Updates are Ready for your computer" And the cycle continues. I have tried "Custom" (my normal way of doing them) and "Express" (in frustration)--- all to no avail.

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