Installation Of The Guide? Effects On System Restore

Sep 30, 2010

I am confused by the wording of the warning on the MS site,;en-us;322756.
"The actions that this Guided Help performs cannot be undone after Guided Help is finished."
What exactly cannot be undone? The installation of the Guide? Surely it would not affect System Restore.

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Best USB Installation Guide?

Aug 8, 2010

There seems to be a variety of guides for this thing. Which one did you personally use and or think is the best?

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Installation Guide?

Jan 13, 2008

I am working on a friends computer and I feel it needs a windows reinstall.
I ran Belarc on it after I failed at downloading critical updates ( the owner uninstalled some critical updates after they lost internet connection because they thought the update was somehow involved) So I ran belarc and discovered that there are a lot of failed windows update files.
What I am mainly confused about is the way it is partitioned.
Local Drive Volumes
c: (FAT32 on drive 0) 16.75 GB 6.13 GB free
d: (NTFS on drive 0) 44.70 GB 44.67 GB free
C. Drive has Windows on it and D only has two files on it. This doesn't look right to me. So my question is What now??
I can follow easy to understand directions. I have all 6 recovery dics to work with, they don't have anything on the pc that needs to be saved. Can anyone walk me through the first steps of getting a fresh install on this??

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Installation Guide?

Mar 16, 2006

I am having an issue installing Win XP Pro from CD & HD both. I have an 80GB Samsung HD and my 20GB Western Digital that I am using for win98se for my niece. When I put in the 98 bootdisk and boot to floppy with CD Rom Support that goes fine. I goto either my HD (copy of XP Pro) and goto i386 or even my CD copy of XP Pro I goto i386 and type winnt I get the message. Setup cant read from it's information file, file may be corrupt please check with your system administrator. ANY idea how to get around this or what to do here. I am completely at a loss. I had this same issue before but dont remember how I got around it. I been fighting with this for 4 days now and finally give up.

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Installation Guide Need?

Sep 5, 2007

I've had trouble with my POS Lexmark printer and tried everything and anything I could find to fix it,taking info I found via the web. The last thing I saw, and did, was delete the registry:
and the subkey DEPENDS ON SERVICE Well, after doing THAT, it not helping and not knowing that I should have backed up anything, I gave up. :banghead: Then I found another exact same used printerand bought that (glutten for punishment), I know but I have lots of ink cartridges, and they're expensive!) NOW, when I try to reinstall the printer I can't. My computer skills are as bad as my cooking skills and I need help if anyone can guide me in plain simple English (hard to find in Miami these days, plain simple English, that is!) Can I manually put this line back in the registry? Can it be put back at all? I searched on my computer and it seems it just disappeared - there's no trace of it. Nothing in the services file, I checked. And here I thought it would just go to the recycle bin I think I have the CD'S for XP if needed, but if I have to go that route, will it wipe out my existing files I have? No back up - oh, I do have a HD backup but no one has taken a few minutes to tell me how to use it. Tried doing a system restore -keep picking random / different dates, nothing worked - even tried in SAFE MODE, says it can't restore to that date (any date). Also tried doing last known good something or other in safe mode, Was suggested by someone else that I copy and save a file as a text file as XXXX.reg and then click on the file with all the codes, did as instructed and got the following when I clicked on it:Are you sure you want to add the information in C: the registry. Put yes, then I got this message:

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System Restore - Uses System Restore - Point Prior To Running Virus

Jul 6, 2005

If someone downloads and runs a trojan and then uses system restore to back
to a system restore point prior to running the virus, is that computer still

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Can Not Get The Usual Sound Effects

Jul 23, 2005

I can not get the usual sound effects ("empty recycle bin", "Start Windows",
"Exit Windows" etc.In the Control Panel, "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties", under the "Sound"tab, the Sound Scheme shown is "Windows Default".If I go to the "Program Event", the above (and other) events have sounds associated with them, and give the proper sound."wav", "mid" and "MP3" files play OK using Windows Media Player.
Clips from News Networks (which include audio and video) play OK

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System Restore Wont Work: "System Restore Encountered A Problem And Has To Close"?

Mar 10, 2005

Installed Norton Internet Security 2005 and now, whenever I try and do a system restore it says "System restore encountered a problem and has to close". It does this all the time, even in safe mode. Symantec has mentioned that I should turn off NIS2005 and try system restore. If it then works it is a Microsoft issue. I have been onto the Microsoft websites and they do not mention how to repair or reinstall system restore

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Office 97 Effects Monitor Display

Jan 5, 2006

I have installed a copy of office 97 in my newer computer that is operating WinXP home SP1. The program appears to work correctly, but it effects the monitor resolution.Everytime I use a component of Office 97, like MS word, the screen goes blank for a second and then comes back , but the resolution is now operating at 8 bit instead of 16 or 32.

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Can't Hear Sound Effects In Many Games

Jul 30, 2010

Can't hear sound effects in many games (and some system sounds), but I can listen to music and background sounds.Dxdiag sound diagnostics:DirectSound test results: Failure at step 20 (User verification of hardware): HRESULT = 0x00000000 (error code) (it pops up after the 1st hardware buffer test)I searched on google, tried everything.

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Transition Effects Not Working In Screensaver

Oct 21, 2005

I've installed some screensavers lately to my PC. Before I actually installed them, I looked at them in preview mode. In preview mode, the transition effects work, but when I actually install the screen saver, the transition effects are getting "cutoff" and go to the next slide immediately. What would be causing this? I've downloaded these same screensavers to my son's PC with no problem, but on my faster Athlon 64 3200+, Asus A8N-SLI deluxe motherboard, 1 gig of ram, the transition effects are being "cut off" as I've said

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Adding 2n HD Effects Drive Letters

Jul 15, 2005

I want to add a 2nd sata hd (200g) in xpsp2 w/ media center. I have in my system now one sata, dvdrom, dvdrom, card reader. My question is when i add the 2nd HD what effect will it have on the drive letters that are already in use? Will the letters change and if so, how will this effect applications / programs that points to them now.

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No Sound Effects For Suspend - Resume

Apr 8, 2008

It's time for another cosmetic XP tweaking question.In the out-of-the-box install, Windows XP on my notebook PC had this nifty feature I loved -- closing the lid to suspend operation, then opening it back up and hitting the power button to resume. It played this two-note piano melody when I did so, and then a more upbeat tune when I clicked on my avatar icon to get back to my desktop.I've since reinstalled XP several times. Right now it does the exact same thing that it used to, but without the cheerful piano sounds. How can I get them to come back? Kind of a silly question, I know, but they really did brighten my day.

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Unable To Adjust Various Visual Effects?

Aug 28, 2004

Windows makes it possible for you to tweak your visual experience by turning on and off various visual effects.- Open up the control panel.- Go under system and click on the advanced tab.- Click settings under Performance options.You can now change various graphical effects (mainly animations and shadows) by checking/unchecking the individual boxes.

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System Restore Wont Work: Previous Saved Points Unable To Restore?

Jul 29, 2005

I recently downloaded some drivers as I was trying to install a new printer who's software would'nt load. This did'nt solve the problem. I decided to get a printer that I had had before, Brother DCP-110C as I knew this had worked well. I tried to install yesterday (28th July) but could'nt and my PC keeps switching itself off near the end of the installation. I then thought I would use System restore to go back to a happier time when I had the first Brother printer. previous saved point wont let me to restore

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Sound Effects Arent Extreme Louder Than Talking

Mar 31, 2010

i know i have to do something with equalizer but i have no idea how i set it up. Anyways my sound effects are too loud and talking is much quiet. i wanna make them more balanced somehow so sound effects arent extreme louder than talking.

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Restore System - Cannot Restore Your System To An Earlier Date

Dec 13, 2004

S/Restore system when operated comes up with "Cannot restore your system to an earlier date" Have checked for all spyware and viruses (Nil) Have tried disabling the system and also making new restore dates to no avail. Would kindly request any posssible solutions to the above also any other programme I could install to carry out the same or similiar functions to "Systems Restore

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Restore Registry Using System Restore? Blue Screen, PC Won't Boot?

Sep 15, 2006

I was messing around with CCleaner and deleted something to do with an old version of McAfee (which isn't even on my computer anymore) from the registry. Yes, it was stupid to mess with the registry I guess because I failed to make the backup and now my computer won't boot. I get the blue screen that says there was an error 0x0000008e, or something like that.

I have tried using F8 and choosing the last known good configuration but it doesn't work. Also, I can boot into safe mode and I tried running a system restore but after it finished and I rebooted, it said that I couldn't restore from that point.I haven't really tried another restore because I am a little afraid to do anything. I don't want to risk losing access in safe mode because I need to be able to back up some of my files if in case I have to do a reformat.

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System Restore Won't Restore: Blue Screen Error On Start-up

Nov 4, 2006

My computer had a turn yesterday and kept giving me the blue screen error on start-up, so using my windows disk I managed to run chkdsk. So I can get on now, but certain things won't run, like Media Centre, Firefox has forgotten my settings and also my iriver doesn't get acknowledged when I plug it into a USB port.So I am trying to run System restore to go back a couple of days.I can get into restore, and go through everything up to the point where you click 'next' in order to restore it.I click on next but nothing happens, it just stays there.

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System Restore Wont Work: Unable To Get Restore Points?

Feb 13, 2005

I am unable to acess any of my or XP's restore points. When I went to restore to an earlier date. All appeared to be going as it should. However, when I got to my profile a message window came up that said unable to restore to (chosen date/time) etc. I chose 3 other restore points over the last month, thinking it might be some recent problem, still a no go. Any help would be greatly appreciated? Is there a utility to use to check and see if there is something corrupted?

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System Restore Wont Work: Unable To Use Restore Points?

Apr 8, 2005

I'm trying to do a system restore without success. It goes through the motions but after it restarts always say "cannot use restore point, no changes have been made to your system". I'm trying to correct a font setting change that happened without my knowledge.

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Restore Shut Off: System Restore In Safe Mode?

Apr 26, 2006

i want to restore my laptop. had restore turned on until about 3 weeks ago shut it off. question:if you shut off restore does it still keep the last restore points? and is there a way to restore in safe mode (cant boot in reg mode) if restore is shut of. when i try and turn on sys restore in safe mode it say "i cant"

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System Restore Finding Manual Restore Points

Nov 10, 2007

My comp has been experiencing several problems and is running poorly. I bought an external HD, completely backed up everything important and was about to run a system restore as I had created a manual restore point following the resolution of previous problems. The link to the thread is found below. However, when I use the system restore wizard, I can only select November 8th, 9th, and 10th and today is the 10th. I created the manual restore point back in March 2006. I cannot change the month and I have no idea where to find manual points.

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System Restore Wont Work To Any Of The Restore Points?

Nov 26, 2006

My system restore is enabled but no matter what bold restoration point I choose I am told system can't be restored to that date, choose another restoration point. I do, the system shuts down and restarts and I get the same message.

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Full System Restore / Restore Factory Settings

Jul 25, 2005

How do I do a restore to factory settings? The only thing I have been able to find is a system restore to an earlier date, could someone help me please?

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System Restore Automaticlly - Create Restore Piont

Dec 24, 2005

I'm running Windows Xp porfessional. I was wondering if its possible to have system restore create a restore piont once a day automaticlly?

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Create Restore Points / System Restore Failed

Nov 20, 2006

I have Windows XP. I create restore points, but when i try to use the system restore, it says; Restore failed, could not resstore computer. I choose a different date and get the same thing, Can't restore. Does anyone know why this happens?

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No Help Guide - Virus

Oct 6, 2005

After being infected by some sort of virus that cancelled some of my programms among other problems I no longer have the Microsoft help & support guide on my computer - can someone help me get it back - can I download it from some web site? Also I no longer can update my system - automatic update seems to be not working and I just get a blank page when I go to update page on Microsoft

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Install Guide?

Jul 13, 2009

I am currently on Xp pro which has developed problems amd I dont have the XP Pro cd.
I bought the system second hand
I have my original XP Home sp2 disc. Can I just install this without the hard drive being reformatted?

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Dvdwriter Guide?

Jul 22, 2005

I burned my first cd the other day.... thats how rubbish I am... new pc has dvd+ -.. so im guessing it can re write... but the problem is that it wont make back ups for my existing dvd collection due to them being protected... I know its illegal to make copies to sell on...I just thought i would be able to make my own for the dvd player in the kids room, because they keep wrecking the originals????? any ideas on how to use my dvd re writer?

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System Restore Won't Restore:some Files Corrupted?

Aug 20, 2005

My norton anti-virus said that some files were mssing. It said that if I restored my computer to an earlier date that this should correct the problem. My computer has restore dates so I picked one from the previous day. When my computer re-boted it said that it was not able to restore to an earlier date because some files maybe corrupted. Said to restate the computer and trying restoring again. I did but had same results. Any restore date I pick, it says it is unable to restore.

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