Sound Effects Arent Extreme Louder Than Talking

Mar 31, 2010

i know i have to do something with equalizer but i have no idea how i set it up. Anyways my sound effects are too loud and talking is much quiet. i wanna make them more balanced somehow so sound effects arent extreme louder than talking.

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Can Not Get The Usual Sound Effects

Jul 23, 2005

I can not get the usual sound effects ("empty recycle bin", "Start Windows",
"Exit Windows" etc.In the Control Panel, "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties", under the "Sound"tab, the Sound Scheme shown is "Windows Default".If I go to the "Program Event", the above (and other) events have sounds associated with them, and give the proper sound."wav", "mid" and "MP3" files play OK using Windows Media Player.
Clips from News Networks (which include audio and video) play OK

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Can't Hear Sound Effects In Many Games

Jul 30, 2010

Can't hear sound effects in many games (and some system sounds), but I can listen to music and background sounds.Dxdiag sound diagnostics:DirectSound test results: Failure at step 20 (User verification of hardware): HRESULT = 0x00000000 (error code) (it pops up after the 1st hardware buffer test)I searched on google, tried everything.

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No Sound Effects For Suspend - Resume

Apr 8, 2008

It's time for another cosmetic XP tweaking question.In the out-of-the-box install, Windows XP on my notebook PC had this nifty feature I loved -- closing the lid to suspend operation, then opening it back up and hitting the power button to resume. It played this two-note piano melody when I did so, and then a more upbeat tune when I clicked on my avatar icon to get back to my desktop.I've since reinstalled XP several times. Right now it does the exact same thing that it used to, but without the cheerful piano sounds. How can I get them to come back? Kind of a silly question, I know, but they really did brighten my day.

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Making Speakers Louder

May 4, 2008

I used to have my stereo hooked up to my pc but i got rid of it.I had a set of speakers with the copper wire ends, and a friend helped me make it into a phono input. I plugged it into my pc and its good but, everything is full blast and still my music is quiet.

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Both Hard Drives Arent Recognized

Mar 21, 2008

everytime i start my pc i get the following message:
error auto-sensing primary hard disk drive 0 strike the f1 key to continue, f2 to run the setup utility.

when i push f1 the same message will pop up.if i go into the setup utility and look at the primary drive 0 it says hard stands on auto but it doesnt show the capacity.
the same thing with the secondary rive 1.i have 2 hard drives.1 with 20 gig and the second 1 with 250 gig.both arent recognized by my pc.i cant format the pc cause i dont have hard drives to install xp on >.<

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Audio Digital Computer - Voice Talking Whilst

Mar 23, 2008

I have the following - XP.Professional + SP2. Sound Max audio digital integrated system My computer is not a special make, it is a tower that has had items built into it. Recently, when playing CDs or listening to any sound, the sound has been sounding as if it comes through water! It is like listening to a voice talking whilst gargling.I am not able to find a reason, neither am I able to find a way to correct this. I am not too 'good' with computers and I do not have a CD for Sound Max with which I could re-install it if I were to remove the programme.

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Extreme Slowness After Tons

Jun 10, 2005

I have been having a run of bad luck it seems lately. First, I was having tons of problems with my soundcard audio, CD burning, DVD burning, and a hard drive not being recognized. A whole thread describing that is here.This slowdown stuff started yesterday. I tried to launch an application, and Windows started to lock up. I went in to the task manager to end the process, and when I did that, the system became extremely unstable. The audio I was playing would halt and studder every 2 seconds, the mouse would freeze at the same time as the studdering, etc. I checked the CPU usage in task manager, which by the way took a long time to come up because of the extreme slowness.The CPU was not showing any high usage at all. Very low actually. After a few minutes of this, it was time to press the reset button, because it was not getting any better, and I couldn't click "Start" or reboot the machine properly from task manager.

After I pressed the reset button, Windows started booting very slowly. It would hang at the splash screen for over 10 minutes. Then the screen would just go blank. Then, I tried to start it in safe mode. Last night when doing that, it would hang at System32Mup.sys for about 10 minutes, then it would start Safe Mode and it would be fairly fast, even when doing a virus/spyware scan. (No lockups). I was describing these problems to someone I knew on IRC, and he said to check the +5V power. I quit out of Safe Mode, and went to go look for that in my BIOS. There, it did not show a +5V, only a 3 and 12 if I remember correctly. So, I booted back into Windows normally, which took the 10 minutes again, and downloaded SpeedFan. Sure enough, the +5V was showing at only an average of between 2.5 and 3.5V. I plan to order a new power supply hopefully today, but here is why I'm posting here. Minus the 10 minute hang at Mup.sys last night when trying Safe Mode, it was performing normally in Safe Mode, even while doing virus and spyware scans.

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Random Freezing And Extreme Slowdown

Mar 14, 2007

Currently when using my computer it will either seemingly randomly freeze, forcing me to restart it, switch to a black screen for several seconds then continue functioning extremely slowly, or the screen and box will just fail completely, and even though there's power still running through it, nothing shows or happens.I scanned for Viruses etc., and cleaned/quarantined whatever it found, but didn't help.

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Extreme CPU Load - Task Manager

Mar 2, 2008

Very strange symptoms, haven't come across them in 2 and a half years since buying this computer. This is the first major problem I can't figure out:
On Wednesday, February 27 around 3 PM I started experiencing a massive sudden slowdown in my computer's performance (windows mouse cursor frame rate drops below 30 FPS, what the hell??) which is still persisting. What is happening is that, whenever my hard drive is running, it seems to magnify the CPU usage. For example, let's say there are 2 processes using CPU time. One is using 13 percent, the other is using 10 percent. This normally gives a total readout at the bottom of Task Manager of 23 percent, or close to it. This is now not the case. The readout jumps to insane readings of 70-100 percent usage even though the total usage would normally be much lower. There seems to be a ghost process running

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Client's PC - Extreme System Slowness

Jan 5, 2007

This isn't about my machine.client's PC.Computer is an IBM ThinkCenter, P4 with SATA HD. It's very slow in responding.needs some defrag, but not enough to cause all the slowness experienced. Ran checkdisk in read only...found errors in the I130 file. Ran again in /r and /f modes, and it didn't find any issues. Ran again from within WinXP in read only...same errors found. The hard drive is a Hitachi (yeah, I know) Deskstar.Have run msconfig to clear out non-essential programs. No detectable spyware using (yeah, I know) Spybot or Adaware Personal.Currently running SFC /scannow and will run a defrag when complete but wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions/ideas.

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Office 97 Effects Monitor Display

Jan 5, 2006

I have installed a copy of office 97 in my newer computer that is operating WinXP home SP1. The program appears to work correctly, but it effects the monitor resolution.Everytime I use a component of Office 97, like MS word, the screen goes blank for a second and then comes back , but the resolution is now operating at 8 bit instead of 16 or 32.

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Transition Effects Not Working In Screensaver

Oct 21, 2005

I've installed some screensavers lately to my PC. Before I actually installed them, I looked at them in preview mode. In preview mode, the transition effects work, but when I actually install the screen saver, the transition effects are getting "cutoff" and go to the next slide immediately. What would be causing this? I've downloaded these same screensavers to my son's PC with no problem, but on my faster Athlon 64 3200+, Asus A8N-SLI deluxe motherboard, 1 gig of ram, the transition effects are being "cut off" as I've said

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Adding 2n HD Effects Drive Letters

Jul 15, 2005

I want to add a 2nd sata hd (200g) in xpsp2 w/ media center. I have in my system now one sata, dvdrom, dvdrom, card reader. My question is when i add the 2nd HD what effect will it have on the drive letters that are already in use? Will the letters change and if so, how will this effect applications / programs that points to them now.

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Unable To Adjust Various Visual Effects?

Aug 28, 2004

Windows makes it possible for you to tweak your visual experience by turning on and off various visual effects.- Open up the control panel.- Go under system and click on the advanced tab.- Click settings under Performance options.You can now change various graphical effects (mainly animations and shadows) by checking/unchecking the individual boxes.

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Installation Of The Guide? Effects On System Restore

Sep 30, 2010

I am confused by the wording of the warning on the MS site,;en-us;322756.
"The actions that this Guided Help performs cannot be undone after Guided Help is finished."
What exactly cannot be undone? The installation of the Guide? Surely it would not affect System Restore.

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Reinstalling A Sound Driver For Onboard Sound From A Pre-packaged XP

Jul 19, 2005

Reinstalling a sound driver for onboard sound from a pre-packaged XP, I've tried for days to locate my driver with no success.

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No Sound After Fresh SP 2 Install - Downloaded Sound Drivers ?

Mar 16, 2008

I just installed a fresh copy of Windows XP service pack 2 and for some reason the sound doesn't work.

Here is my computer. I tried downloading the sound drivers and restarted ,but I'm still not getting any sound

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Sound Stopped Working: System Sound Freezes?

Jul 16, 2008

After a while my sound will cut out and when I try to play things in Winamp or anything it will stay stuck @ 0:00The sounds will sputter for a second and then freeze. Also when the sound dies, sometimes programs will start to freeze up to the point I can't even kill them in tskmgr. System sounds don't play either.I've tried updating to the latest drivers. I tried an older version of the drivers too.

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Sound Comes From Sound Blaster Powered Speakers - Volume Off.

Aug 19, 2009

I get a series of low pitch beeps about every hour for a second or two no matter what's running.It's not a system beep, much lower in freguency. Everything else is working fine, good audio for all playbacks.I don't have a system speaker attached to the motherboard. The sound comes thru my Sound Blaster powered speakers, even with the volume off.

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Sound Driver Data Invalid No Sound

Oct 2, 2005

I recently upgraded my OS to WinXP Pro from WinME, and there is no sound. I right-click My computer, go to properties, hardware, device manager, then there are 2 yellow circles with exclamation points in them under Multimedia Audio Controller (Intel 82801AA ac'91 Audio Controller), and Unknown Device (Microsoft MPU-401 Compatible MIDI Device). I tried to reinstall them, but it says There was a problem installing this hardware: Intel 82801AA AC'97 Audio Controller. An error occured during the installation of the device. The data is invalid.

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Realtek Sound Card. Messed Up Sound

Sep 4, 2006

I recently purchased a refurbished computer from Fry's Electronics. It seemed like a very good deal, so I went ahead and took it along with others who were taking them.

I finally got my internet up and I began to play Counter-strike. The sound sometimes messes up. I can hear other peoples shots just fine, but when I shot, it is almost silent.

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OnBoard Sound / Sound Card Not Found

Apr 11, 2007

This started last night, the only thing that I did that was out of the ordinary was ran Avast's thourough scan fully, but even after that my sound worked, so it didnt delete the driver to my knowlege, but when I do a dxdiag and look at my audio, it doesn't exist, there is no sound card installed, and allI use is my DFI Lan Party UT RDX200 CF-DR mother boards on board sound. I tried installing the driver again fom DFI and to no success, now when I went to install the drive again, I got an error saying that this device isnt approved by Windows. Could windows be preventing my audio card from working?

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Sound Problem In XP, Realtek Works But Sound Is Gone

Mar 3, 2007

When i start my pc skype says that he hasn't found recording hardware. Itunes doesn't work, like Windows Media Player, Winamp etc. The sound is gone. I tried to fix it myself, cause i disabled a driver that seemed to have a problem, but i don't remember what the name was. Now not only the programs have no sound anymore, but windows is silent too. It sure wasn't the driver of my sound card. I installed Everest and he doesn't find any Windows Audio, and says the realtek has "noDB". When i am in the music tab of the "Diagnostic help program for DirectX" "windows synthesizer" test sound doesn't play, but the realtek does.

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Sound Drivers No Sound Coming Out Of Computer

Apr 9, 2008

This is about sound issues from the computer as in cant get sound from the computer.Went to computer properties then multi media controller has yellow question mark next to it so tried to update driver it goes to the wizard but it will not find any drivers for it without a cd which dont have. Tried roll back drivers says no drivers are backed up on file. Went to sound audio video game controllers audio codecs says all the codecs are working for this computer. Control panel sound audio says no sound device is connected. The sound card is realtek ALC655 AC 97 enhanced audio controller. Again got these drivers from foxxconn and exactly same issues. Extracted the files easily enough from wizard but when go to exe run folder the run it says cannot find setupfilex.dll. Then go to gxdver it dont do anything. Go to exe icon run and logger then it goes cannot run please find the setup exe file from the directory. In the folders cannot seem to find anything that will install the actual drivers without a conflicting issue somewhere. So everytime download this compressed driver folders for the drivers it has problems when the files are extracted.The sound card is enabled and mutli media controller says code 28 drivers not installed.

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No Sound For You Tube Videos But Otherwise Sound Works

Feb 15, 2009

For some reason I have no sound for you tube videos but otherwise sounds work as normal. I'm running XP using Firefox on a Dell laptop. I've tried it with IE and still no sound.

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Sound Goes Off And Taskbar Sound Icon Dissappears

Sep 11, 2005

My laptop is running windows xp home edition. it's packardbell, i bought it recently and updated service pack 2. since then it plays music for couple of minutes and sound goes off along with the volume icon on the taskbar. i tried control panel - sounds - show icon taskbar, but it doesn't work until i restart the comupter. i don't understand what could be wrong.. hardware or software. if it's hardware then the sound icon doesnt' disappear all of a sudden with out an error message.

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NO SOUND / Even The Microsoft Sound When Starting Computer

Sep 3, 2005

Having NO SOUND problem for 3months. Received tech help from 4 microsoft techs but no success.All set up for sound appears ok.Observance.SOUND & PLAYBACK, SOUND& RECORDING, MDI MUSIC PLAYBACK all grayed out. AUDIO.Cannot adjust volume,cannot select mute.
Audio Driver enabled but inactive due to an unknown problem.

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Changing Start Sound In The Sound Scheme

Nov 16, 2006

I am trying to change the Start Windows sound in the sound scheme. I downloaded a fanfare i wanted to use and changed it to a WAV file, but when Windows starts, i only get the first note, about half a second. When I click on the sound in the change sounds in sounds and audio device properties, it plays fine.

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No Sound With Sound Blaster Live Card

Feb 26, 2009

I did a reinstall of Windows XP and I can't get the sound to work. Here is the sound card:Sound Blaster Live! Platinum rev.5 CT4760P. My computer is upgraded and so it is a hybrid system. I downloaded the driver for Sound Blaster Live! from the website and it still has the same problem. To be sure there was no on board sound, I took out the card and the computer said I had no audio devices which means there isn't a on-board sound card.

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Low Sound On Laptop - Reinstalled Sound Drivers

Oct 9, 2009

i have a dell latitude d620 and the sound volume is very low. All the levels on everything are set on high but this makes no difference. i tried uninstalling the driver and downloading the driver from dell. Reinstalling the driver but this still made no change

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