Install Log Cannot Be Opened

Jul 17, 2008

on an old hp home pc running xp all updates, when i try to uninstall an installed prog/app i get a box pop up stating that the install log cannot be opened, therefore i am unable to uninstall by the usual means, yes i can delete the prog files and then tidy-up the registry but i would like to know whats stopping the log from opening in the usual way, im not aware of any app that may be locking the log and im not sure where to find access to the log apart from through prog files.

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Firefox Works But IE Cant Be Opened

Jan 24, 2006

having just installed xp pro sp2 on a new hard disc and while in the proccess of installing my usual programs i somehow managed to get a bug in ie, and i now find that i cant open ie, i use opera,avant, & firefox which all work fine but i would like to be able to use ie when/if nessary. I dont know if i can repair or reinstall ie

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New Tab Is Opened With Mozilla Firefox

Oct 27, 2007

If I press the "home" button, the active window goes "home" but a new tab is opened with "Mozilla Firefox Start Page" in it. This happens every time I press the "home" button.
Can I stop it opening the new tab?

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CPU Usage At 100% - Only One Program Is Opened

Apr 1, 2005

The only program i have open is excel. i think there are various programs running in the background because my CPU usage is at 100%. in the processes in the task manager i see rndrcus.exe and IEXPLORE.EXE. can i delete these? How can i get my computer to stop running programs in the background?

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Connect To Net - Messenger Not Opened

Mar 18, 2005

I am using windows xp pro and using dial up to connect to the net. As soon as I connect to the net I am shown to be available to my contacts even though messenger has not been opened. I have been thro the messenger set up and made sure that all appropriate boxes are unticked or ticked as necessary. How can I prevent this happeningf

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Applicatiosn Being Opened As TGA File

Nov 3, 2006

Hello everyone, i would greatly apperciate your help. My friend was recently on my computer, and really scrwed up my applications. For all my applications, there are a few execptions, but most of my applications, are being opned as a TGA file, I really need this to be fixed so i can open my applications to they way they used to be, so is there anyway, i can fix this?

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Installation Package Could Not Be Opened

Jul 29, 2007

I have been trying to install multiple programs over the last few days and I am finally fed up with the errors that I have been getting. I tried downloading the newest version of the installer, but that didn't do anything.I get a couple errors.Error 1721 and this:This Installation package could not be opened.Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer Package.One of the programs is ITunes, straight from the Apple website.

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Installation Package Could Not Be Opened

Oct 31, 2007

I have tried to find a way to fix this, but have been unsuccessful.This happens on various programs, so I know it's just a certain thing that I am trying to install.This is the error:This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer Package.

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URL Wont Open When Other Application Is Opened

Aug 3, 2009

I'm using windows XP and if I'm in an application (ie outlook express checking email, and I click on a URL, Windows thinks the URL is a file and wants me to associate an application with the URL. However, if I check my email using a browser (web based) the URL will open a new tab

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Files Can't Be Opened By Virus Program?

Dec 22, 2005

I run a any virus program on my computer and they tell me there are certain files that cannot be opened, I'm running windows xp profesional some of the files that it can't open

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Forgets Where To Open A Program / Where Should Be Opened?

Oct 21, 2009

Where does Windows store information about where which of my two monitors, where on the screen a program should be opened? I have a program that should remember where I want it to open but doesn't, and I'm trying to figure out how to reset Windows' memory of this so I can retrain it, as it were. I've already tried everything short of reinstalling. I'm assuming that this involves tinkering with the registry, and I'm quite comfortable with that have done it plenty before, just need a road map.

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Reg Mapped Network Drive Opened With

Jun 27, 2008

First i want introduced to u.I am siva from gz.I have Windows XP Proffessional Desktop PC.I mapped some drives or folders.After i mapped that drive when i double click means.It will OPENDED WITH likes this.

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User Account Cannot Be Found / Opened

Jan 4, 2005

When I switch on my computer I am confronted with 2 messages each telling me that my user account cannot be found/opened, and I will lose all the settings I change next time I reboot. Therefore when I am on my pc I have no user settings, I.E. favorites list empty, no history, my documents, and all that useful stuff. I have tried running adaware, spybot S&D, AVG antivirus and nothing relevant has come up.If i have missed any information or anything else out that you may need just ask for what you want and ill try find out.

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Mar 23, 2007

all of a sudden mov files open with notepad when I open windows explorer, tools, folder options, file types. there is nothing for mov extensions so I hit new type mov press OK, click change, tick select a program from a list choose Media Player Classic(use this cause if i use Quicktime there is never any sound no mater what I do) press ok and close (apply is greyed out) and open it again and see this no mov in the list it does not take at all. also noticed allot of ext (NONE) with file type of different programs see screenshots

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Opened Files Minimizes And Comes Up With Box Labeled

Feb 25, 2006

I have searched for ways to remove this trojan from my computer and have failed to remove it.I know there is a thread already containing this trojan but I didn't know if anyone would see my post if I posted in it so I made a new one sorry.although i have downloaded the CWShredder and I downloaded the trial version of Spysweeper can I please get assistance on instructions on how to use these programs correctly (the logs and such)btw I am a gamer and the reason I have researched this is cuz while playing my computer minimizes whatever im doing and comes up with a box labeled

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MS 2003 Office Not Opened - Another 2 GB Or Programs

Jun 9, 2007

I have a 40 GB HD on a 2005 Compaq Mobile celeron computer - always had about 20 GB free. Suddenly last month discoverd there was only 5 GB free. I looked on Control Panel Add Remove Pgms list and it shows only the original 4.5 GB trial MS 2003 Office which I have not opened and another 2 GB or so programs. I looked on all Drive C folders and it appease as 2-3 GB total. I looked on My Documents and less than 2 GB. I looked on desktop MS Word files I saved in special folders - onlyabout 3-4 GB Maximum.

All is within 1-2 GB or so that I had before. I did make more DVD copies with Nero Express on my external Sony DVD burner from my own originals of my own Stretching DVD's as i have done with same originals for over a year. Can not find any 2.8 GB or 5 GB files of the Videos anywhere that might have gotten recorded on HD.

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Applications Opened Not Appearing On Taskbar

Aug 17, 2007

Anyone know what caused the problem? I tried restarting my CPU but the problem still stays.

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Msconfig Wont Stay Opened / Closed By Itself?

Feb 18, 2005

My msconfig, task manager and my device manager do not stay open. I have already copied and renamed my msconfig and my task manager so I can view them but I would like my computer to be back to normal. Below is my hijack log.

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Pps Files Wont Allow To Be Opened / Downloaded From Emails?

Jul 14, 2004

I recieve lots of pps files from friends. I download them and then when I try to open them they won't play.

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Task Bar Won't Show Opened Programs And Folders?

Feb 4, 2007

I had this computer for a year or so and about month ago,the little boxes on the blue taskbar at the bottom of the screen stopped showing up I can still open the windows with the ctrl alt delete command to open the task manager, but theres no way to switch between two open windows without that.

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Open Website Always Opened Full Screen

Dec 22, 2007

This is not a very serious problem,more annoying really.When I opened a website from my favourites it always opened full screen.For about a week now sites have been appearing about quarter screen and I either have to maximise or drag the sides to full screen.When I open a new screen the same thing happens.

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Is Computer Virus Infected - New Window Is Opened Every Time

Jan 22, 2009

when i try to open any drive from My Computer it is opening in new Window It doesn't opens in same window instead a new window is opened every time is my computer virus infected?

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Regedit, TaskManager And Msconfig Wont Stay Opened?

Jan 4, 2006

My Taskmanager, msconfig and regedit will not remain open. I realize this is due to a virus or spyware, but i still haven't been able to fix this problem. I had to recently restore my entire computer so i've held back on reinstalling many things. I am also unable to install any windows updates due to an error (without them, im pretty sure im more prone to getting more spyware and viruses).

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Opened Drop Drown Menu My Documents - Doesn't Seem Not Work

Apr 22, 2006

I discovered that when I opened the Drop Down Menu in My Documents to move some image files into their appropriate folders, that My Documents which normally has the + next to it, that you click on to show all of your folders, well that is gone. Now I have to open an existing folder in My Documents and go back, in order for the + sign to appear. I know this does not seem like a huge problem, but I work with a lot of graphics and it becomes tedious. Does anyone know what caused this and how it can be fixed?

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Finding Way To Schedule Automated Task To Save Opened Word Files?

Oct 4, 2010

Is there a way to schedule an automated task the will save any open Word or Excel (Office 2003) files, and then close those programmes at a set time? I would like to be able to set this up on a PC with XP Pro as part of scheduling computer shut-down but not losing any data if an individual is still working at that time.

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"animated Funnies" Cant Be Opened - Security In IE?

Jul 22, 2005

I try to send different "animated funnies" to a relative and she cannot open a lot of them. I am guessing her "Security" in IE is set too high and I am waiting for an answer. In the meantime, do you know any reason why she cannot open the following

MHT HTM EML MPEG.EXE PPS (which I think is Power Point)She has WXP

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Install Won't Go Away / Install Went Into The Actual Install Mode

Dec 5, 2009

while trying to fix another problem, by repairing WP on an Averatec 3200, the Install went into the actual install mode, rather than the repair mode. As I don't have the security key (someone who will go un-named, but I have my suspicions, threw away the plastic CD holder with the key taped to the back) I can't continue the install and I can't get the install off the computer. The reason that I was trying to repair is that I have the Log-on Virus which makes it impossible to log on and do anything about the virus. Can't even get to SAFE mode to try to remove the virus with Spyware Doctor.

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Turn Off Computer Supposed To Install An Important Security Update - Wont Install

Dec 2, 2006

When i click the turn off computer button it is supposed to install an important security update. The update thing never goes away even though it looks like the update has been installad.

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5730.0011)

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Monitor Drivers Unable To Install On Fresh Windows 2000 Install

Apr 18, 2005

HI, I just installed windows 2000 professional onto my computer. Everything works fine except that the resolution is really grainy. On some web sites I cannot even make out what the words are. I found out that when I go into my monitor settings in display properties I am unable to install the drivers for my monitor. Does anybody know a way in which I can get around this.

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XPsp2 Fresh Install / Doesn't Prompt To Install New Hardware

Sep 25, 2007

I have just installed a fresh copy of windows XP sp2 on 2 machines. Both Dell Optiplex desktops. Usually it prompts that it has found new hardware for each device it hasn't found drivers for. Device manager lists them with a yellow exclamation icon.Problem I have now though is that the fresh install of XP does not show these prompt at all, although device manager lists them and if i go in there and update driver the device works.The problem I have is that basically i usually copy a driver heirarchy to the systemdrive and point the registry at them, which results in automatic installation on boot. This no longer works and I assume they are related as it doesn't look like it's automatically trying to install these devices.Is there a setting somewhere, seems very strange, what with it being a fresh install?

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Install Directx 9.0 - Extracts Files But Doesnt Install Components

Feb 24, 2008

i also get the same problem with my windows xp update and the service packs.

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