I am currently running Windows XP (upgraded from ME)on an HP Pavillion XL847 384mb of RAM (4yrs old) and recently while shutting down my system I have been getting the HPcmpmgr.exe pop up window asking me to end this program.
Long time since I posted for help but right now I have the Windows Explorer message Winows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. Sorry for the inconvenience. in the middle of my screen It appears on boot and remains there .If I click close ,the desktop icons disappear and reappear and the message also reappears several seconds later,In those few seconds things seem to operate normally but after it appears, things on the screen just blink once when I click on them and nothing else happens. If I click something , and then click close on the message, it clears the desktop and reappears the previous click is then executed and the lockup is back .I can do things one at a time by repeating this closing process and the application on the screen does not close but reappears also
i remote into my XP box everything is fine except when i shut down using a shutdown shortcut and other shutdown utilities no matter what after i get booted off the remote session the computer looks like its shutting down then stays on for a few seconds then a BSOD appear. I have been trying to figure out why for the past week and no solution so im hoping someone can chime in..The problem is only on remote if i shut down locally never a single BSOD and no hardware has changed. No driver issues. ive read and tried all the usual solutions. Need someone here to chime in on specifics.Ive also tried to remote in with bare minimum and no go. same thing.
This is weird. I have to go through the shutdown procedure twice, i.e., Start/Shut Down/Shut Down and click Ok, then Start/Shut Down/Shut Down and click Ok again. It will then shutdown properly. The same thing happens when I try to "Restart." After doing the first shutdown sequence, everything is normal. I can open programs, surf the web, etc. It's as if I never tried to shut it down at all. Only after the second shutdown procedure will it shutdown fully. One note: When I go through the first shutdown sequence, my taskbar pops up and the desktop is darkened. After clicking Ok, the taskbar autohides and my desktop returns to its normal color.I have only had this problem for the last month or two. Before that, all was fine. It's not critical since I can shut it down. It's just annoying to have to do it twice.I have Windows 2000 Pro, SP4, build 5.00.2195.
When attempting to "shutdown" or "reboot", I have to do it twice. When I select "Start" then either shutdown or reboot, my desktop will flicker a couple of times, and then nothing appears to happen. I must select "start" again and then either shutdown or reboot and then they will work as expected.
Something has taken over my computer and I can't seem to find it. I think it may be in my registry somewhere because when i bring up task manager, i am not able to use i can only see the processes that are running. When TM is running i am unable to close it out. Once I bring up task manager the rest of the computer pretty much locks down and i can't gain internet access. Any insight that you guys have would be
this error message is displayed when i try to launch internet explorer. i don't think they are really sorry like they say. the other browsers , such as firefox are no problem. this applies whether i use internet explorer alone, or through msn. the only way i can get to my emails . is through msn messenger, and then my emails. it's driving me nuts , and i am not massively computer literate
I have been getting this message for a month or so and since it hasn't seemed to cause any problem other than annoyance, I have just started to look into it. Unfortunately, I haven't found much information on t.exe and I cannot remember doing anything (like adding a new program or deleting a program) that would have interfered with the operating system.I have an HP laptop that runs Windows XP Home
I have been having problems with my screen freezing (first the screensaver froze - I turned it off, then the cursor froze - requires reset, every few hours). The last time this happened I also got a message saying "Dr Watson postmortem debugger has encountered an error and needs to close". Where do I start looking to solve this? Ive run Memtest - all clear (both channels, both modules). I did have an intermittent "Computer wont start" problem that I traced to an ill-fitting long plug on the motherboard - re-seated. A while back I installed Hijack This to problem solve something else but have since forgotten how to use it . I assume my system is producing logs of all this, but where do I look for them?
I recive amemory error "not enough memory, close other programs and try again".This happens in Digital Image suite 10.I have used Disk Cleanup, Error Checking, Defragand and set my Performance Options.I am using a: Dimension 8400, Winsowd XP Hone Edition, 1 GB of RAM, Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.00Hz speed 2992MHz, Total Capacity of Hard Disc 229.28GB and have used only 18.19 GB and have free 211.08.
A HP zv5000 dual core, 684 mb ram, 80 ghz. First problem I have is when I turn on, it takes forever to load up. I have to restart several times in order to work. Second problem is once I got in and the middle of my internet session, a window keeps pop up saying sp2 has encounter a problem and need to close. And third problem is that my laptop seem to run very slow even though it's a dual core chip sets.
I run a program called limewire and as from last night i am unable to close it down every time i close it the program just boots its self back up so i no there is some thing else runnung it.
ok when I type cmd from start>run a window opens temporarily and says cmd.com in the title window but closes almost immidiatly but when I type cmd.exe (the actually command Interpreter) it works just fine....so how can I fix it so I can once again type cmd and get the command interpretter to stay open?
Wondering if anybody can help me with this, every time i try to enter a folder with video files i get a windows explorer message saying theres an error and needs to close, and leaves this error signature; AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName: unknown ModVer: Offset: 00000000
wuauclt.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience I am currently using Windows XP and this message is showing up in two computers .
I'm getting the "An Error Has Occured and Internet Explorer Must Close" message a lot. It's happened about 10 times today. I did a lot of Microsoft Updates today. Would that be the cause
I have encountered a few sites where this happens.. now it seems to be happening more often. I attempt to go to a web site and get a pop up that says 'click to run ActiveX controls. then I get pop up that says.."Internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. we are sorry for the inconvenience". send error report or don't send either way Internet explorer then shuts down
Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for the inconvenience. C:DOCUME~1SHININGLOCALS~1TempWER1A.tmp.dir00appcompat.txt
i have XP Home OS laptop pc playing games .whatever he did i don't know he insists he closed it down properly but when i have come to start it up this morning everything on the welcome screen is upside down.is there a quick way to rectify this or is a system restore to previous point the only solution
In the last few days I've noticed IE is suddenly taking ages to close a tab or window, it seems particularly strange as my computer is only a few months old.I saw that someone else here with a similar problem had been asked for an HJT log as well as an 'uninstall' list from HJT, so *just in case* I'm including both here. (Some terms may appear in Portuguese because I'm living in Portugal at the moment.)
I right clicked on the internet connection symbol, chose repair, after that the small panel appears persistently, I cannot close it. My windows is still running, I open tasks management, but dont know where the resource for that panel.
i've just re-installed Windows XP SP2 and i'm getting some errors i've never had before:MSN Messenger (version 7.5) - a few seconds after start-up, it gives me this error:Windows Live setup gives me the same error.
My Windows Explorer is taking to long before it closes, about 5 seconds or higher. This happens all the time even if my pc doesn't have any activity. I noticed that when I click the close button, my pc doesn't respond at once. Same with my Intenet Explorer, but not to other windows.
the Help and Support service wasn't displaying, but I ran a registry fix to correct the problem. Now when I go to Start and click Help and Support Center, nothing happens. I opened up the task manager and what happens is the process "Helpctr.exe" appears, but then it disappears. I have reinstalled Help and Support several times from my Windows disk, but it keeps happening.
When installing new software you are often instructed to close all running windows programs before installation. Does this mean programs you might be using and are still open such as Quicken, Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Printshop etc; or does it mean programs that are running in the background such as an antivirus program, screensaver, taskmanager etc.
I have just downloaded SP3 XP and upgraded my daughters PC Everyminute I get a dialogue box appear saying WLanCfgG.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.Anybody able to help with what I have to do? Didn't have this issue before I installed SP3
I have an HP Pavilion ZD8000 and I bought a Sound Blaster Audigy PCMCIA Card. Along with the usual volume controller utility (which every PC with windows comes with) it installed a new one (which I assume relates to the soundcard) however everytime I click on it it gives me this error :"CTSysVol.exe has encountered an error and it needs to close" after which it closes down