How To Installing Set 2 Drives Computer?

May 5, 2006

I installed XP into my computer. I didn't mean to, but while I was installing xp i set it to have 2 drives on my computer. Local Disk C - 60gb Local Disk C - 60gb. My computer comes with 120 gb in total. How do I take my C:// and combine it with my D:// so I only have one local disk drive with 120gb in it?

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Does Installing OS In Different Drives?

Mar 16, 2008

I've this habit of installing softwares on different drives. The OS goes into C drive. Any other softwares that are from trustworthy sources goes into C drive along with the OS. I then install all the games, other softwares from not so trustworthy sources or any new programs I'm trying(like a typing tutor) in D drive. I keep E drive for storage purpose. This is my arrangement for my computer and on all of my friends computers on which I installed the Windows.

I thought it would help keep the OS safe(!) and reinstalling or upgrading would be easy and I don't have to reinstall all the softwares I installed. Am I right in that? What are these dll files. For any software I installed whether in C drive or D drive there seems to be a dll file in the C drive. 1) Does it really matter where I install the softwares(apart from the OS) or does having a seperate drive (usually D drive) for installing 3rd party softwares makes any sense?

2) Do I really have to install all the softwares (installed on D drive) again if I format and reinstall OS in C drive?

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Installing Pro With SATA Drives

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to install windows XP Pro on a Dell Dimension 9200 with SATA drives. I have tried the F6 but I don't have a floppy drive, is there a way to use a USB thumb drive, to provide the SATA driver?

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Installing Pro On 200Gb Drives

Sep 16, 2005

My initial installation went without a hitch, until I noticed that my 200G drive was registering at 137G. Through some investigation I found that this was because I installed XP, then later added the SP2. I was able to partition and use the "unallocated portion of the drive" but would like to consolidate the drive.
These leads me to the questions I have...

1) How can I install XP Pro on a system with a 200G system drive and get it to reckognize the full disk size, even though I need to download the SP2?
2) Is there a way to get Windows XP with SP2 included at a reduced price from MS if we return the copy we have?
3) If I decide to set up a RAID system, and am using three 200G drives, will XP only reckognize them as 137G each until I install SP2?

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Installing 64 Bit With 2 Drives - Applications And Data

Mar 13, 2010

what's the best way to do a new xp 64 bit install and manage os applications and data between one 128 gb ssd and a 300 gb hdd

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Installing On System With Multiple Drives

Feb 16, 2009

i am reinstalling windows on a new partition of a new drive and I have several harddrives. when I boot from the windows xp setup cd and it lists all the drives, the one i want to install windows on is currently listed as drive G, but I want it to become drive C. If I just select to install on drive G will it change it to drive C? or do i have to do the thing where I unplug all the drives except the one I want and do the install and then plug the other ones back in afterwards? (i'm reinstalling bc i tried it before and windows ended up on the current drive G, which used to be drive J bc I forgot to unplug some usb devices..)

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Clean Installing Pro SP2 On SATA Drives

Feb 25, 2006

It's looking like I have to re-install C+XP Pro SP2. I have never installed XP Pro SP2 before myself on SATA drives - I know that you used to have to get the hard disc drivers from somewhere first so you could use them in the set up process. I've never done this either! Is this still an issue with XP SP2 (I have a full install Windows XP Pro SP2 CD). If so, could someone outline the details for me or point me in the right direction web wise.

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Installing On RAID System - Recognizes One Drives

May 17, 2007

I have a RAID system setup as JBOD on both drive in my laptop and I formatted using DBAN... Now i boot with Windows XP Pro so i can install it and it only recognizes one of my drives. I loaded my RAID drivers. I go ahead and try to install XP on it anyway. I tried to format the drive again using FULL format, i tried a Quick Format, and I also tried leaving it as is. It will install the setup files and reboot my computer. So i take out the XP disc but then it doesnt recognize any disks. Does anyone know how i can reintsall xP back on this sysetm or how I can get XP to recognize both my drives even if i slipstreamed my RAID drivers in it already.

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System Wont Recognize CD And DVD Drives After Installing SP1?

Jan 19, 2009

I installed windows service pack 1 for windows xp and now my cd and dvd drives aren't recognized and I lost sound in my speakers. I got a code 39 error. The fix in windows support is useless

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Installing And System Recognizing Drives - BOOTMGR Missing

Aug 15, 2010

I'm pretty computer savvy, but I've always struggled to confugure this RAID motherboard, but I've never encountered an error like this. I formatted a 60Gb Maxtor D740X-6L IDE drive with NTFS through an external harddrive connected to a laptop. THe drive is now blank. I connected this as a master on Channel 3 IDE on my Abit KG7 RAID mother board. I also connected my CD Writer to IDE channel 2 as a master, with a copy of WIndows XP in it. (I connected it like this because it doesn't recognise my harddrive on Channel 1 or 2 on the first page.)

When I try to boot I get the following error: BOOTMGR is missing. The strange thing is, as it boots it lists all four drive channels, and only shows Primary Master: 6L060J3 (presumably IDE channel 1). It does not show my CD writer, and infact the drive is connected to IDE channel 3. As you can see in attached photo1........

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Reformatting The Hard Drives Without Installing Operating System?

Feb 10, 2006

i have 2 HDD one with the os and the other one for data.I reformatted my data drive by deleting and re-creating partition via windows xp boot cd. Afterwards it went through the whole windows instillation thing.How can i reformat this drive without installing windows xp afterwards?

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D And E Drives Are Missing From My Computer

Sep 24, 2005

I tried to burn some music the other day and for some reason those 2 drives were missing. i looked in the recycle bin and tried a bunch of stuff but couldnt get them back. does anyone know what i need to do to get them back?

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D And E Drives Don't Show Up In My Computer

Nov 13, 2005

I have a problem. Suddenly and for no apparent reason, my DVD burner (D drive) and CD burner (E drive) do not show up in my computer any more. I looked in device manager and they both show up but have yellow triangles with black exclamation points next to them. The message for them is something to the effect of the drivers are installed but it cannot locate the hardware. I have not tampered with them. The only thing I did was attempt to install Simple Backup and there was an error so it rolled back and uninstalled itself. After that was when I noticed the drives don't show up anymore. I have XP home on a compaq presario computer. DVD burner is HP dvd writer 300i and CD burner is a LiteOn something or other.

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New F G H I Removable Drives Under My Computer

Sep 14, 2005

Just discovered that along with Local Disk "C", DVD-RW "D" and "CD" E drive. I now have 4 new "Removable" drives FGHI. Dont know where they came from, but every time I start or re-start my PC the "SafelyRemove Hardware" icon appears in the right bottom of my screen. Cant get rid of it, and where did these removable drives come from???

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New Computer Using Old Hard Drives

Jan 18, 2007

I'm in the process of building a new computer to replace my old AMD 2800+ system. I would like to use one of my old hard drives that has all my files and programs on it without having to do a complete reformate and fresh install of winxp. Is this possible? and how do I go about doing this?

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My Computer Not Recognizing CD Drives

Jan 12, 2006

Just recently I haven't gotten my computer to recognize any of the CD's I am putting into either drive (a DVD R/RW drive or my CD-RW drive). Not only does nothing happen when I put in any CD (I have tried many), but also when I open up My Computer I don't see any drives listed under "Devices with Removable Storage" besides my 3 1/2 Floppy (A drive. What can I do to make my drives work again? I did build my computer, but everything has been working smoothly until this.

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Computer Not Recognizing D & E Drives

Dec 13, 2004

Over the weekend while doing some electrical work, I shut off the power to the room containing my computer. I had a hard time getting it to Start Up, but all seemed fine accept I had to re-set the clock. Then I shortly discovered that it would not recognize either D: or E: drive, I finally did get them both to recognize an audio cd but only after opening them through WMP. Usually they start when placed in the drive, and it will use my default player (Nero). When I looked in "My Computer" it prompts me to insert a disk ?? I am running Windows 2000 NT Pro and the C: drive seems to be operating fine.

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My Computer Not Show Drives

Jul 12, 2005

My Computer just shows flashlight. I have made it worse by trying to fix it. Control panel has stopped working also. I had added MSN Toolbar and may have crashed it. I need to find a way to fix this without losing data. Can not backup because it won't find other drives. Computer is working.

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Drives/computer And Internet Are Very Slow

Sep 3, 2005

I have 3 drives C: D: and E:. I want to get rid of the E: drive how do I do that? Also my computer is old in computer terms about 5 or 6 how can I speed it up without paying money? My C: drive always seems to be low disk space. I don't download anything to that drive. One last thing I have msn dial up 56k, but when I sign on Ionly get a 44k and sometimes a 41k or 42k. What can I do about that without going cable modem?

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Have More Than One Copy Of XP On Same Computer With Two Hard Drives?

Mar 29, 2007

Can you have more than one copy of XP on the same computer with two hard drives, that can be validated please.

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Transferring Hard Drives To Another Computer

Sep 23, 2006

I have transferred a Hard Drive into another computer and thought I had to re-install Windows (XP Home) - this I did.In so doing I created another Folder - Windows2 so as not to overwrite anything. I have a Windows folder as well.I also still have a Windows98 Folder on this drive.I cannot access the latest e-mails in the new configuration - or anything else for that matter and know that I am going to have to reinstall all programs.How and where do I find those missing e-mails, or can I uninstall this new version and revert to the old one?

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Cannot Access Hard Drives From My Computer

Dec 5, 2006

I was hit by a virus and now I can't access my hard drives from My Computer. I get a message "Windows Script Host" and "cannot find script file, "C:autorun.vbs" when I click on my "C" icon. Right clicking gives me gibberish in the menu box where the "Open" should be. I can still get through to the contents via My Documents and up-leveling.

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Could Not Find Any Hard Drives On Computer

Dec 4, 2005

I have an HP Pavillion zv5000.Windows xp sp2.I was online and the laptop and got a blue screen of death
don't recall exactly what it said, something about ie encountering an error and needing to shut down.Went to reboot, and it tried to boot off of LAN.checked my BIOS everything seemed fine, disabled that boot option.
Tried to reboot again, got a plashing flat cursor in upper left hand corner.Tried to use Norton Disk, scanned memory only.Did not scan boot.Tried to use XP disk to repair, and it came up with screen saying that
it could not find any hard drives on this computer.What happened to me, is it viral, or hardware.This laptop is only a year old, but no longer under warranty.

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Can't Access My Computer - Find All Drives

Jun 5, 2007

I recently upgraded my operating system to 'Windows XP Professional' and I am happy with the outcome, with one exception.Since upgrading I am unable to easily access the 'my computer' facility.The symptoms are as follows. I double click the 'my computer' icon and the window opens, however, no drive details appear and I see the 'waggling torch' symbol which indicates that the computer is looking for the drives. Unfortunately this continues for some time ( often up to 5 minutes, and sometimes it will not find the drives at all

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Computer Shows Two Partitions Drives

May 2, 2007

I recently setup my new computer and during the XP setup I thought I had partitioned my Hard drive so I had 3 of them,I did two 100gb and the 3rd with the remaining. In my computer it shows my main one C:/ and the other D:/.as well, nothing.Its just there, properties says 0 bytes.How can I get the most out of my hard drive, and get the other partitions running? I want to be able to store all of my music on one, and files on the other and have the 3rd for misc files.

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Cannot Install Drives On SP2: How To Keep My Computer Operational?

May 10, 2008

Have posted a few times here regarding this week-long attempt to get my machine back in operation. In a nutshell, had XP for 6 years with no major problems. Recently (in one session) updated monitor, added wireless keyboard/mouse, added memory, added USB 2.0 card and external drive, then updated to SP2, downloaded McAfee antivirus. Have not been able to keep machine running two days in a row since then. Each time did clean reinstall of XP with complete reformat of drive, this past time I only downloaded SP2, which was the only time it was connected to the net. Errors have popped up "files in registry had to be recovered by use of log, successful". Could not successfully install a video capture card which I had used in this system for years (drivers would not install from the cd). Could not successfully install drivers.

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Mapped Network Drives: Programs Unable To Find Drives?

Apr 20, 2006

I have setup a wireless network between two computers in my office and have installed some software that will automatically backup folders on each of the two computers.It work by backing up certain folders on computer 1 to the hard disk on computer 2 and vice versa.I also have a program installed on both computers that uses the data on computer 1.simplify the process of locating the data on my network I have created virtual drives using the Map Network Drives function in Windows. However; if I start up my computer and open these programs - they can not find the drives, I have to open My Computer first and double click on the drives before the programs will read from them. I am guessing that for some reason Windows is not connecting to these drives, even though I have set them to "reconnect at logon".

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DVD Drives Missing In Device Manager & My Computer

Oct 13, 2008

Win XP SP2. DVD &CD drives missing from my computer and device manager. Showing in bios however. (yellow exclamation marks in device manager)I have tried numerous fixes for this problem but to no available.

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Plug In A Usb/external Hard Drives Not Recognized By Computer?

Jul 25, 2009

everytime i plug in a usb/external hardrive, it isnt recognized in my computer, its not too do with any hardware, im 100% its a software issue, and i was running a program and it seemed to do something nothing comes up in my computer but you hear the connected sound, ive tried assignign a manual drive letter but it comes up with an error. and seeing as i cant back anything up because nothings regonized

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How Do Install 2 Hard Drives From Seperate Computers Into 1 Computer?

Jun 5, 2006

How do I install 2 hard drives from seperate computers into 1 computer? I have tried the plug and play routine without success. Both hard drives have the XP OS on them and they work in their respective chassis. I know that one will have to be the master and the other the slave but I am not sure how to set everything up. Additionally, their are many programs and drivers on the prospective slave that need to be accessible.

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Did Not Find Any Hard Disk Drives Installed In Computer

May 19, 2008

I just tried to reformat and install windows XP home edition, and upon coming to the screen of "Repair" or "Install fresh copy" I received an error reporting:Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer.Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or setup program.Setup cannot continue. To quit setup, press F3.I was trying to use ubuntu but my ram wasn't high enough, so now it won't let me run windows xp again.

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