Explorer.exe Closes Immediately After Login, Same Iexplore.exe

Aug 20, 2007

since today i've been experiencing quite unusual behaviour of windows explorer. After logon the taskbar shows up for a blink of eye, and then closes. Explorer.exe cannot be started from task manager as well (the same behaviour). Iexplore.exe neither.

I've seen some similar problems here, usually caused by malware, but I couldn't find anything suspicious on my computer. This is HJThis log:

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Immediately Exits From Login Screen

Jun 20, 2005

Whenever i try to connect to my laptop running xp pro SP1 via remote desktop after i enter my username and password it shows the loging in screen for a second but immediately exits without any message esplaining what happened

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Unable To Login Win / Seems To Immediately Logout

Feb 10, 2005

I'm unable to login to a computer.

1) WinXp splash screen is presented and a user login shown.

2) Click on user name.. and message "loading settings" then almost immediately.. a message "saving Settings" then back to login selection.

3) There is from time to time a brief flash at the desktop background .. then it appears to log out.

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Remote Desktop Login And Then It Immediately Logs Off

Jul 16, 2005

As soon as I connnect to the remote desktop, it immediately logs off. I have all the 'User Rights Assignments' configured, and I have RD turned on. I also have my user name in the Remote Desktop Users group.

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Login Logs Off Immediately - User Wallpaper Flashes Briefly

Oct 7, 2004

After running a round of Symantec antivirus, I found that t the next reboot, whenever I click a user logo to login, the user wallpaper flashes briefly, then logs off again. No error message or any other indication occurs.

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Internet Explorer Not Working Due To Iexplore.exe?

Nov 9, 2008

When I try to open Internet explorer, it tells me that iexplore.exe is missing,so basicly IE can not be opened.I tried to run it through start-> run , but he says that he can't find the file (C:Program filesInternet exploreriexplore.exe) I do have a internet explorer folder in program files,but i'm unable to open it.Normally,when you click on "Start", "internet explorer" is standing there too. Somehow I can't see it there.

When I click on the Internet Explorer shortcut, it opens a screen saying: Choose the program that you want to open this file with (Note: This will probably won't be the correct translation as it's a dutch computer).In this screen you can search for IE. By this i know for sure that it is iexplore.exe that is missing.When i do Ctrl-Alt-Delete , I can't see iexplore.exe running .

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Internet Explorer Needs To Close And Closes

May 28, 2006

I have encountered a few sites where this happens.. now it seems to be happening more often. I attempt to go to a web site and get a pop up that says 'click to run ActiveX controls. then I get pop up that says.."Internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. we are sorry for the inconvenience". send error report or don't send either way Internet explorer then shuts down

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Internet Explorer Closes When Playing.mwv

Sep 28, 2006

Every time I try to play a .mwv file on the internet. internet explorer tells me that it has encountered an error & must close.Windows Media player works off the internet.I have run sfc.I have downloaded ,reinstalled ie 6.1.I have reset all ie defaults.My firewall isnt blocking them.I have scanned my pc with Norton av, Ewido, @ spybot - no probs.There is nothing showing in Hijack this that could cause this.Ive now run out of ideas. (apart from a reload of windows)If anyone has any other ideas, I would be grateful if you could post them.

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Try To Open My Computer Or My Documents - Explorer.exe Closes It

Nov 10, 2006

Whenever I try to open my computer or my documents, explorer.exe just closes and nothing happens

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Closing Links - Closes ALL In Internet Explorer 7

Feb 23, 2007

when having three or four links open on a page, closing ONE link, closes them ALL in internet explorer 7.

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Explorer Closes When Click On File Menu - Right Click

Aug 3, 2005

I have a computer that quits explorer every time I try to click on the file menu, or right click on explorer and go to the new link. It also does this when i try to delete a folder in explorer or through my computer.

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Child In Internet Explorer Require Re-login

Feb 25, 2009

I am using Windows XP SP3 and Internet Explorer 7. When using web pages that open child windows, my online session to that site is closed after that child window is closed. Any subsequent navigation on the parent window takes me back to the sites login page. (Example: Login to my banking site, navigate to the statemetn page. The statement link opens a child window allowing me to view/print the statement. Upon closing the child/pop-up page, the parent page thinks that I have logged off and clicking on any subsequent link on the main page, I am required to login again.) Typically, if I keep the child page open and toggle over to the main page, I can navigate without issues. Hoping someone has solved this problem. I have disabled my firewall and virus checker with no success. Hoping there is an Internet Explorer setting or registry setting to solve this issue.

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Iexplore.exe And Cpu 100%

Aug 5, 2007

when i ctrl+alt+del i see that the iexplore.exe and system are using all my cpu it seems that the system and browser processes are fighting each other

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Sp2 - Iexplore.exe Won't Shutdown - Won't End

Oct 5, 2007

for quite awhile now both my computers but they seem to work pretty good although alittle slow. but when you go to shut them down, both of them a box comes up and says ending program where you can wait for it to end the program or you can click on end now. well it doesn't matter which you do most of the time the computer won't shut down. it just keeps going back to the end program box. It is always this program--iexplore.exe always that one. One time I looked into the task manager and it had like 5 or 6 of the iexplore.exe in the application part. anyway it is getting quite annoying. I ran asquared when this was happening and it caught what it said was a trojan (didn't write it down) I deleted it and it seemed to work for awhile. But now it is back to the same ole thing. Can someone enlighten me on what might be wrong? It is on both of my computers.

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Iexplore.exe Not Responding

Dec 3, 2007

I am running XP,SP3.I have Kaspersky anitvirus, PC Tools spyware doctor, Lavasoft Ad-aware (free), spybot search and destroy (free). Recently I had my computer wiped clean, so I have had all the updates from Microsoft. I am now experiencing a problem with my Internet Explorer. It will open, either from the start menu or the launch. However, if I close IE, it will not re-open. Then when I shut down or log off, I receive numerous pop ups that "iexplore.exe is not responding.click end now. The # of pop-ups I receive usually correspond to the # of times I have attempted to get IE to re-open OR during my session of surfing, how many links I may go out to. I started looking at my task manager, and I am finding 3-4 iexplore.exe running! I have already run all my scans, including in safe mode. Nothing has helped. I am getting ready to purchase XoftSpySE after researching real time protection.I have done some research and have seen that others are experiencing the same problem I am having but have already done everything suggested that I have found so far. There is nothing on Microsofts website on this.

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Iexplore - Kernel32.dll - IE Crashes

Jan 3, 2006

This error has been posted here before and Rollin' Rog has given me some pointers but to no avail. The problem that a friend of mine is facing is the following:

While she's surfing the net and a link opens a new window, the new window opens but the moment she closes this new created window, IE crashes which results in the following error in the eventlog (dutch Windows XP SP2

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Iexplore.exe Periodically Pops Up

Aug 23, 2006

iexplore.exe periodically pops up and forces me to close a window I'm working on.

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Close Iexplore.exe For Shut Down

Nov 21, 2008

Shut down my computer i get iexplorer.exe need to close.why does this popup.

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Won't Load Iexplore.exe - 100% CPU Usage

Aug 16, 2005

Essentially, the computer in question loads to the desktop but refuses to display the taskbar or desktop icons. The task manager indicates iexplore.exe is using 100% of the CPU. Subsequent boots into any safe mode without the command prompt simply fail. Chkdsk indicates that the boot drive is still viable. The computer does not have a system restore point that successfully resolves the problem. I suspect that the issue is malware of some kind. However, I'm not entirely sure of my options, since I cannot perform a repair install (the user has no Windows XP installation disks).

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Deleted Character Map - Iexplore.exe Accidently

Feb 2, 2009

I am hoping someone can help! I did some disk cleanup and in add/remove programs, I deleted programs that, according to add/remove, had not been used in a few years and were taking up space. I did this b/c my PC was running super slow. (if anyone has advice for this ailment I will welcome all responses)Anyway, I inadvertently deleted my calculator, character map and iexplore.exe. I found a free download for calculator, but the other two apps I am at a loss for. I have searched for the files and looked under "all programs" and cannot find either one.

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IE6 Starts Up Close - Iexplore.exe Running Not Normal

Apr 15, 2008

I just noticed this problem, but I'm not sure how long it's been going on because I seldom use IE. When I start IE the process iexplore.exe starts up, which is normal, but when I close IE, iexplore.exe keeps running, which is not normal. If I start IE again it will start another iexplore.exe, so I can have several running and the only way to stop them is to kill them with task manager. Now another thing I have happening which is even weirder is I'll start IE, then kill iexplore.exe and IE keeps running like normal. I've run all the anti-virus and anti-spyware stuff I can think of and everything comes up clean. I'm current with all Windows updates?

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Installation Closes By Itself

Dec 22, 2005

whenever I go to install anything lets say a game or an application the installation screen comes up for just one second and then it just goes away like it was closed by something i have messed around and searched around but I have no answers and i am not getting any file errors when this happens but when I restart computer it says missing windows kernell32.dll file and that is the only thing basically wrong and i almost forgot I am running windows 2000 pro

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Computer Closes Down

Oct 7, 2008

When I go away from my computer, and leave it on deliberately, the monitor goes black and the green light blinks continuously. I don't want the computer to go off at all unless I turn it off, because I tape a radio program that is on for at least for one hour. I want the program to keep recording until I turn it off. How do I stop the computer from closing like this when I am not with it?

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Folder Closes When Viewed

Aug 24, 2007

The Windows XP machine that my sister is using is having quite the issue. Whenever she views a folder in her My Pictures folder from Windows Explorer, in Photoshop, or when uploading to something onto the internet, it closes down. To be more specific, in the above three cases it closes Explorer (including the task bar), Photoshop, and the browser, depending on the method of viewing the pictures. It comes up with a submit error dialogue box, which along with the error logs don't seem to help me very much (unless you have a better understanding of them).The only changes I can account for was the instillation of one or two LAN remote viewing programs, although one of them runs as is (so wouldn't count as installing). Before that I uninstalled a lot of programs from that computer because I have this new Vista Ultimate machine and they said they didn't want all that "crap" on that computer anymore. I wouldn't blame them.

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Computer Reboots Itself - No Warning Just Closes Down

Sep 3, 2008

My computer keeps rebooting itself, no warning just closes down and reboots. It only does this when it is first switched on for the day and usually within a couple of minutes of starting up, then upon reboot it will last a similar sort of time before shutting down again. Afterwards it will be fine for the rest of the time it is on. Sometimes it doesnt even do it at all.

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Command Prompt Opens For About 1 Second And Then Closes Again?

Jun 17, 2005

I opened the command prompt and it was fine.I opened the command prompt and it opens *very briefly* and then
closes.I've tried to open it many ways-from the start menu, from the run command, from the actual program file.but it all does the samething.Opens for about 1 second and then closes again.

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Command Prompt Closes After Open It

Dec 14, 2006

I have a server at my home network, running windows XP Pro SP2, and it is configured with 2 users. One Administrator and one user. When I connect using remote desktop, I usually connect as the user (Not Administrator), but lately the command prompt has stopped working on this account. When I type cmd in the run-window, command prompt opens, and about 1/2 sec later, it's closed. If I connect as the Administrator, this problems doesn't exist.I have scanned for viruses, using both my installed Norton Internet Security package, and also using Symantec's online virus-scan. No virus found.

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Computer Closes Any Program Before Fully Loading

Feb 4, 2008

1. I have two versions of 'Hijack This' on my computer, though every time I click either one of them, its like my computer closes them before they fully load. It happens in both safe mode and regular mode. It's as if the computer knows that Im about to take care of what is wrong and closes them.

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Language Bar Menu Closes Inmediately After Opening

Jun 6, 2010

Have a problem with language bar, in XP SP3: After a right or left click on the language icon, the corresponding menu opens, but then closes inmediately after. Hence, I canĀ“t change the language. Nor do anything with them

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Run Command Line Window Flashes And Closes

Oct 10, 2005

When I try to use the Run command module to run something like ipconfig, the little black window (go ahead and laugh... no idea what to call it) opens as expected, and i can catch a quick glimpse of the expected text. Then it vanishes before I can actually read anything. It can't be open for more than 1 second.

I'm scanning for viruses now.

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Program Opens And Closes Or Suddendly Quits?

Apr 7, 2010

I have recently loaded my copy of AutocadLt 2002. For about a week it worked fine, but how I have a problem opening Autocad. If I click on the short cut it opens, flashed up the screens, then closed. If I restart the machine 80% of the time I can open Autocad, but when using it, it will suddenly close. I have reinstalled, and repaired the program. No change. I have booted the system and repaired the autocad from the disk today, it has progressed to 99% but hung up.

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