Iexplore.exe Not Responding

Dec 3, 2007

I am running XP,SP3.I have Kaspersky anitvirus, PC Tools spyware doctor, Lavasoft Ad-aware (free), spybot search and destroy (free). Recently I had my computer wiped clean, so I have had all the updates from Microsoft. I am now experiencing a problem with my Internet Explorer. It will open, either from the start menu or the launch. However, if I close IE, it will not re-open. Then when I shut down or log off, I receive numerous pop ups that "iexplore.exe is not end now. The # of pop-ups I receive usually correspond to the # of times I have attempted to get IE to re-open OR during my session of surfing, how many links I may go out to. I started looking at my task manager, and I am finding 3-4 iexplore.exe running! I have already run all my scans, including in safe mode. Nothing has helped. I am getting ready to purchase XoftSpySE after researching real time protection.I have done some research and have seen that others are experiencing the same problem I am having but have already done everything suggested that I have found so far. There is nothing on Microsofts website on this.

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Iexplore.exe And Cpu 100%

Aug 5, 2007

when i ctrl+alt+del i see that the iexplore.exe and system are using all my cpu it seems that the system and browser processes are fighting each other

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Sp2 - Iexplore.exe Won't Shutdown - Won't End

Oct 5, 2007

for quite awhile now both my computers but they seem to work pretty good although alittle slow. but when you go to shut them down, both of them a box comes up and says ending program where you can wait for it to end the program or you can click on end now. well it doesn't matter which you do most of the time the computer won't shut down. it just keeps going back to the end program box. It is always this program--iexplore.exe always that one. One time I looked into the task manager and it had like 5 or 6 of the iexplore.exe in the application part. anyway it is getting quite annoying. I ran asquared when this was happening and it caught what it said was a trojan (didn't write it down) I deleted it and it seemed to work for awhile. But now it is back to the same ole thing. Can someone enlighten me on what might be wrong? It is on both of my computers.

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Iexplore - Kernel32.dll - IE Crashes

Jan 3, 2006

This error has been posted here before and Rollin' Rog has given me some pointers but to no avail. The problem that a friend of mine is facing is the following:

While she's surfing the net and a link opens a new window, the new window opens but the moment she closes this new created window, IE crashes which results in the following error in the eventlog (dutch Windows XP SP2

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Iexplore.exe Periodically Pops Up

Aug 23, 2006

iexplore.exe periodically pops up and forces me to close a window I'm working on.

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Close Iexplore.exe For Shut Down

Nov 21, 2008

Shut down my computer i get iexplorer.exe need to close.why does this popup.

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Won't Load Iexplore.exe - 100% CPU Usage

Aug 16, 2005

Essentially, the computer in question loads to the desktop but refuses to display the taskbar or desktop icons. The task manager indicates iexplore.exe is using 100% of the CPU. Subsequent boots into any safe mode without the command prompt simply fail. Chkdsk indicates that the boot drive is still viable. The computer does not have a system restore point that successfully resolves the problem. I suspect that the issue is malware of some kind. However, I'm not entirely sure of my options, since I cannot perform a repair install (the user has no Windows XP installation disks).

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Internet Explorer Not Working Due To Iexplore.exe?

Nov 9, 2008

When I try to open Internet explorer, it tells me that iexplore.exe is missing,so basicly IE can not be opened.I tried to run it through start-> run , but he says that he can't find the file (C:Program filesInternet exploreriexplore.exe) I do have a internet explorer folder in program files,but i'm unable to open it.Normally,when you click on "Start", "internet explorer" is standing there too. Somehow I can't see it there.

When I click on the Internet Explorer shortcut, it opens a screen saying: Choose the program that you want to open this file with (Note: This will probably won't be the correct translation as it's a dutch computer).In this screen you can search for IE. By this i know for sure that it is iexplore.exe that is missing.When i do Ctrl-Alt-Delete , I can't see iexplore.exe running .

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Deleted Character Map - Iexplore.exe Accidently

Feb 2, 2009

I am hoping someone can help! I did some disk cleanup and in add/remove programs, I deleted programs that, according to add/remove, had not been used in a few years and were taking up space. I did this b/c my PC was running super slow. (if anyone has advice for this ailment I will welcome all responses)Anyway, I inadvertently deleted my calculator, character map and iexplore.exe. I found a free download for calculator, but the other two apps I am at a loss for. I have searched for the files and looked under "all programs" and cannot find either one.

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Explorer.exe Closes Immediately After Login, Same Iexplore.exe

Aug 20, 2007

since today i've been experiencing quite unusual behaviour of windows explorer. After logon the taskbar shows up for a blink of eye, and then closes. Explorer.exe cannot be started from task manager as well (the same behaviour). Iexplore.exe neither.

I've seen some similar problems here, usually caused by malware, but I couldn't find anything suspicious on my computer. This is HJThis log:

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IE6 Starts Up Close - Iexplore.exe Running Not Normal

Apr 15, 2008

I just noticed this problem, but I'm not sure how long it's been going on because I seldom use IE. When I start IE the process iexplore.exe starts up, which is normal, but when I close IE, iexplore.exe keeps running, which is not normal. If I start IE again it will start another iexplore.exe, so I can have several running and the only way to stop them is to kill them with task manager. Now another thing I have happening which is even weirder is I'll start IE, then kill iexplore.exe and IE keeps running like normal. I've run all the anti-virus and anti-spyware stuff I can think of and everything comes up clean. I'm current with all Windows updates?

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"iexplore.exe- Application Error" Pop-up Comes Out Frequently When I Close IE

Jun 5, 2008

Usually, when I close IE, this pop-up comes up,

iexplore.exe- Application Error
The instruction at "0x2753a7d0" referenced memory at "0x2753a7d0". The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program

The "0x2753a7d0" is different sometimes.

How do I fix it? It's been popping up for the past 3 or so months and it's bugging me out.

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IEXPLORE.EXE Reside In Memory - Opening IE Window - PC Memory Is Lost

Sep 18, 2005

The IEXPLORE.EXE still reside im my PC memory after I close the IE window.

With task mamanger, I can see there are many IEXPLORE.EXE running. But, I already close all of them.

I ran 3 ad-ware, spybot, MS antispyware. Removed all the spyware by those 3 spyware detector.

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Getting Error Message: "IEXPLORE.EXE Applications Error"?

Feb 2, 2006

The instruction at "0x1001cbf1" referenced memory at "0x1001cbf1". The memory could not be "read". Click on ok to terminate the program.I got the above error message twice in the past two days after closing a site (I don't know what). I simply clicked on it and it disappeared. I have Windows XP Home Edition SP2, Internet Explorer 6. This is a Dell Dimension P4 model 4550. I recently removed some registry keys, files & folders for some old McAfee & Norton antivirus programs because I was getting antivirus error messages.I typed IEXPLORE.EXE in the "RUN" box, clicked ok and my ISP popped up on the screen. Should I be concerned? Is this a virus or malware? Tell me how to remove this problem.

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PC Keeps Going To Not Responding

Apr 1, 2005

my P.C keeps going to Not Responding, all the time no matter what program is running, I am running XP with service pack 2 installed, can anybody tell me what the problem might be??

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EXPLORER.EXE Not Responding

Jul 13, 2005

A few weeks ago it started and got worse now that Windows shows the message "EXPLORER.EXE is not responding" during logoff/shutdown after it has been up for a couple of hours. After 2 or 3 minutes showing this message (I resist to abort the program), heavy hard drive activity and a low CPU load of approx. 5-10%, mainly kernel time, it continues and shuts down fine. Task manager shows that nothing much is happening during this 2-3 minutes except for page faults of explorer.exe thus I
assume it must be some paging performance problem. Generally, after these 2-3 minutes explorer.exe has accumulated another 20000 page faults before the system continues which seems a little bit much for a 25MB process. Sometimes, the heavy swapping for 2-3 minutes also happens while the system is running.The computer got a fresh XP Prof. SP2 setup from CD about two months ago. 512 MB main memory from which there is according to task manager 1/3 still available and the total memory usage is still far from that, too.

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Program Not Responding At All

Jan 6, 2005

Several times a day when trying to open certain sites I get a pop-up telling me "This program is not responding" - I have no idea why this happens, it isn't just one program - it could be anything. Does anyone know why this is happening and what can be done about it.

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Explorer.exe Not Responding

Feb 18, 2005

I am running XP professional. When the computer is booting up it stops and comes up with an error message "explorer.exe is not responding" and will not let me into the desk top. What do I do to get past this error message and how do I fix it.

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IE And Application Not Responding

May 19, 2006

Several months ago I upgraded my notebook PC to Win XP Pro SP2 and everything has been working very well. A few days ago however all of a sudden a lot of my applns (eg Internet Explorer) have become very hit and miss. Sometimes they work (for a while) after a boot but often they hang when I try and run them. When a program hangs I get an application not responding and when I shut down the program the PC pretty much just sits there - ie. I can see the Desktop and icons etc but nothing works, not even Start. If I try Ctl-Alt-Del the PC freezes with a blank (no icons) desktop screen and all I can do is power done the unit.

I'm running up to date Norton AV, Win firewall, Spy Sweeper - and I have scanned with Spybot S&D and Adaware and hijackthis. I have done on-line virus scans (trend micro, ewido, nai) until I'm blue in the face. A few medium risk files were found but nothing has helped fix the problem. Surprisingly, if I boot into Safe Mode IE etc seems to be working perfectly so it must be something (driver?) that is loading and conflicting in normal mode. BTW - when I try to run sfc /scannow in normal mode the program closes by it self half way through the scan. If I try to run sfc /scannow in safe mode I get a rpc server (whatever that is) is unavailable. Sure don't want to have to reload Win XP and all my applns and I'm hoping that if everything essentially works OK in safe mode, then I can fix whatever is screwing up in normal mode.

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Out Look Express Not Responding

Dec 13, 2005

When I open outlook express 6 the screen pops up by giving the message "not responding". When I click END PROGRAM, I get this "ERROR SIGNATURE : szAppName: msimn.exe szAppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 szModName : hungapp zsModVer : offset: 00000000 ERROR REPORT CONTENT C:DOCUME~1OlivierLOCALS~1TempWER5168.dir00msimn.exe.mdmp C:DOCUME~1OlivierLOCALS~1TempWER5168.dir00appcompat.txt".

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DDE Server Not Responding

Oct 13, 2005

When shutting down my PC last night I got a DDE WINDOW SERVER NOT RESPONDING. END NOW message? I have never had it before and the only way I could shut down my PC was to end the task.

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Activate Not Responding

Oct 5, 2008

Lately I accidentally disabled all my services on my computer, and it said since major hardware changes happened I needed to activate windows.Whenever I click yes it goes to a white window, and it's not responding.Is there any way around this or another way to activate windows?Also if I want to activate windows, do I need my XP set up disk?I'm hoping the answer is no, because I don't have it.

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WND For PNSETUPMGR Not Responding

Apr 9, 2007

When I try to shut my pc off, I get, "WND for PNSETUPMGR not responding". Then it sits at the blue screen and WILL NOT shut off. I have to turn it off at the power source.I did a Google search. Some say it could be spyware but I couldent find a fix.Im using TrendMicro AV/AS which is up to date etc but it says its clean.

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My Computer Not Responding

Sep 1, 2009

When I open My Computer it freezes and does not respond.Everything else seems to work fine and after closing My Computer the computer runs fine.It also freezes when I get to My Computer when going through Save As or other routes.It has been doing this for 4-5 days now.I have run Malwarebytes and AVG Free with no infections.Computer is an older Dell Desktop P4 2.4 GHz with 1.5 GB RAM Tower (I don't have the model # here now) running Windows XP Home 2002 SP3.

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IE6 Freeze Then Not Responding

Mar 25, 2006

Window XP, Dell Dimenison 4400. Everytime when i click 'IE' (big blue E) to open, type for website to open, but then freeze, i did try click anywhere but nothing, it say (Not Responding) on top of bar, click 'X' to close, popup it say 'This program is not responding', so try again IE to open, same thing, thats sometimes is fine and sometimes freeze. Why that? i did try Spybot, AVG, Adware, microsoft antivirus, nothing found!

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IE - Other Programs Not Responding

Feb 10, 2005

I cannot get my IE to respond to UNsecure sites. Works great with secure sites. Neither will some programs update. Also MSN messenger will not see an internet connection. I am using dial up here.. I know, but nothing else is available here. My ISP is AOL. I had Earthlink free for 6 months when I got my computer, at the same time I had AOL, both worked fine with each other installed. AFTER I installed Earthlink Accellerator IE would no longer work with aol. Mozilla still works good as ever. I have spybot, adaware, and have cleared all history, etc. in IE. Does anyone have any idea what my problem is. I have contacted Dell, AOL, Earthlink and done what they said, no one can help me. I found something on the net about a guy that had the same prob. one time and he had to change something in the registry.

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Printing Not Responding?

Mar 28, 2006

I have a dell desktop p4 2.4ghz w/ 1 gig Ram. For the past month or so, I have been having printer freeze-ups. I have a HP1012 hooked driectly via USB, and 3 other networked printers (2 HP and a Brother laserfax printer). The weird parts - it will freeze randomly, and will freeze when printing to any of the printers!! I may go a week between freezes, or a day.
When it freezes, I can not bring up the "PRINTER and FAXES" in windows, and when I click on the printer icon in my time tray, nothing happens. I then must usually cntrl-alt-del to end whatever program was printing, then restart. When I try to restart, I always get an "Explorer can not close" message and must "end now", before it will turn off, and then it will take forever in the "Windows is shutting down" screen before it reboots.

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AOL Not Responding After Loaded

Feb 20, 2005

When I run AOL 7.0, it always says not responding after it has loaded. I tried uninstalling and installed it a gain and it still doesn't work.

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End Program - Hung Up And Not Responding

Dec 12, 2004

I need to use the "control-alt-delete" to end a program that is hung-up and not responding and I then get the dialog box asking me if I want to send a message to Microsoft telling them about the problem. First of all, is there really any reason to send this message, and if not, how can I prevent this dialog box from showing up again?

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Open More Than 1 Program - End Up Not Responding

Nov 11, 2008

I used the windows xp home edition disk to reformat my computer. i also installed the chipsets and drivers for the motherboard (hoping its done right) and i had a couple of other cds, one being 'ATI CATALYST driver suite' which i dont really know what to do with and another for a pci modem. They came with the computer but i think you need to know about how the computer works to know what to do with them. Well anyway my programs such as windows media player, outlook express, search.... etc.

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Wireless Connect Not Responding

Aug 23, 2007

I have too much info and would prefer not to have to do this. The problem is my wireless connection shows that I am connected at full strength but web connection will not show up. I ultimately have to put the computer on standby and then turn it back on before wireless will actually work. I thought it might be a problem with my router but it happens anywhere I go, with any wireless connection. My spouse has a laptop as well and he is able to connect everytime right away. Also just recently I plugged my earphones into my computer and they play through the phones as well as the speakers. Usually gateway has great help but not this time.

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