Remote Desktop Login And Then It Immediately Logs Off
Jul 16, 2005
As soon as I connnect to the remote desktop, it immediately logs off. I have all the 'User Rights Assignments' configured, and I have RD turned on. I also have my user name in the Remote Desktop Users group.
After running a round of Symantec antivirus, I found that t the next reboot, whenever I click a user logo to login, the user wallpaper flashes briefly, then logs off again. No error message or any other indication occurs.
So the desktop i think is infected with malware or something because every time i try to log in on any ones name (even in safe mode) it logs off. i tried looking at other forums but i couldn't understand what they were saying and TechGuy has never failed me before so any ideas?
My WinXP has gone thru a lot lately but it generally works fine.owever, after a long trip, when it was jogged around a bit, it has notbooted since. Well, it boots to the welcome screen then immediately logs off and returns to the welcome screen.It works ok in Safe mode, per se. I tried adding a new user but that just doesn't matter.
my computers busted again (and for the third time I call for help from my trusty never seems to die whenever my desktop is in need...she's like a good neighbour...) Few days ago my ISP disconnected my internet because they found an IRC bot infecting their network. I ran my antivirus and (gasp) it found system32/virut virus, among a plethora of other files. I'm not sure how bad this virus is, or if indeed anything can be salvaged. I let the antivirus remove what it could, and rebooted my PC
I tried cleaning up some of the spyware that is on my computer the other day. Once I had, I restarted. The welcome screen appeared, it flashed my background and then went to a welcome screen with my name on it. I click on my name, the log in music plays, my background appears and then the log out music plays and I am right back at the welcome screen with my name on it. I have tried opening in every type of safe mode and all other available options when I hit F8. I called the maker of my computer and they said it is a spyware problem
I'm using XP professional SP2, after I login at the welcome screen, my screen shows my desktop wallpaper for less than a second and it auto logged off to the welcome screen again. Now I can't access my PC.
Last night I took the recommendation of Jeruvy and Arctik at this post and ran my virus checker (AVG) and spyware program (Spybot) in Safe Mode. You can read about the erratic behavior I was trying to correct in that post, but it's not directly related to the problem at hand.AVG found no problem, but Spybot found one malware program that it didn't find when not in Safe Mode: W32/GGDoor..I had Spybot correct it, which it said it did successfully. While I was in Safe Mode, I went ahead and cleaned up a bunch of temp files in each account's %temp% folder. I then rebooted.Since the reboot, I cannot properly log in to Windows -- not in regular mode nor in Safe Mode. When I log into any of the accounts (this is XP Home with multiple accounts), Windows logs me in, but before much of anything else happens, it says it is logging me back out.
My wife uses a home-built computer with windows xp home edition on it. On Friday last week it was working just fine. she left it running over the weekend, and on Sunday evening she went in to check her email. The screen had gone black, so since she couldn't get any response from it, she performed a manual reboot (at my suggestion)
Got a virused computer, as soon as I ran a PAV ( Mcafee Daily on NTFSDos ) to remove virii the system now gets to the welcome screen and upon clicking on a user account, it says logging in, immediately says logging off and dumps back to the welcome screen, this is with any account, including administrator, even in safe mode. I'm going to attempt to see what PAV pulled out using a linux live distro and maybe restore any missing files via recovery console,
i'm using a Dell inspiron 6400 laptop, windows XP.
-I turn my laptop on -I get to the screen where you choose a user -Whatever user i choose, it goes to log on and then immediatly logs off and goes back to the user screen.
How can i fix this? Sorry if i've missed off any info needed to help on this
I have a Home Theater PC (XP Pro with SP2) that I have been using for a few months. I recently decided to mirror the O/S drive since this machine was very valuable to me. I bought a RocketRaid 454 controller and added it to my system. I first booted up with no drives attached to the new controller (left them connected to the onboard). I did this so that XP could recognize
We've got several user accounts setup on XP Pro with Fast User Switching enabled. Is it possible for me to login to the computer via Remote Desktop while someone else is logged in locally, or vice versa? I don't see why it forces them to logout with Fast User Switching enabled.since programs run in the background anyways.
My computer takes me straight too the blue login screen. When i try to login in it immediately logs off. I cant boot into safe mode or restore because when i reboot it takes me directly to the login screen. Can anyone help ?
My Computer is stuck in some rebooting cycle. I have XP home edition. Every time I log in it shows my desktop with no icons, sits then logs off. I've tried safe mode with the same result. I've tried booting with my XP cd with same result. I read somewhere that it might be a virus
Our main server has a login problem - When we login it goes through all the normal processes then immediately logs off again, this happens on the server itsself and also clients connecting to it thru remote desktop.
Whenever i try to connect to my laptop running xp pro SP1 via remote desktop after i enter my username and password it shows the loging in screen for a second but immediately exits without any message esplaining what happened
since today i've been experiencing quite unusual behaviour of windows explorer. After logon the taskbar shows up for a blink of eye, and then closes. Explorer.exe cannot be started from task manager as well (the same behaviour). Iexplore.exe neither.
I've seen some similar problems here, usually caused by malware, but I couldn't find anything suspicious on my computer. This is HJThis log:
The title says it all! Basically I have a comp running XP pro and I want to be able to work locally on one user account, with some kind of remote access server running on another XP user account so that the remote account and the local account can be used simultaniously. I know that this cannot be done with XP Pro remote desktop and could be by Windows Server 2003 remote desktop, but i need an alternate solution to make this happen.
I want to use Remote Desktop Sharing in NetMeeting to connect to a remote PC to download files or fix problems on it. I tried to call the remote PC using its IP address but it only allow me to access the netmeeting features like video conferencing.
I'm looking in using either using Remote Assitance and/or Desktop in a help desk support environment. For example, if a user calls in asking for assistance with a application, or if we are in need of troubleshooting the machine, we would like to initate a remote assistance request that takes the end user out of the equation so we don't need to walk them through how to send a email/file request.
I have two different computers both running Windows XP professional. I am trying to connect to one remotely using the Remote Desktop Connection. I have enabled the remote computer for remote logins but for some reason I cannot connect with it. I get the error message that the client could not connect to the remote session. I have 50 other computers on this network all set up the same way and have never had a problem. Everything seems to be configured exactly the same. I can ping the remote computer.
Here is my problem. I am logged in to a machine via remote desktop and another user with admin rights logs in via remote desktop and logs me off because they assumed that I had forgotten to log off or whatever else. Is there any permission setting either in group policy or elsewhere that would prevent a user attempting to connect via remote desktop from logging off an already logged on user? The problem is that both users are and need to be Admins.
My question concerns Remote Assistance (RA) vs. Remote Desktop (RD) to XP Pro desktops. Providing tech support, I am trying to see if anyone knows how to setup RD session I initiate to a Windows XP Pro OS to "share" sessions with the end user, other than via RA.
We run a terminal server at my my workplace which runs Windows Server 2003 rc2.We use Remote Desktop The list of OS's is as follows Winxp pro, Winxp home Windows 2000, and some Windows Nt(Yeah i know its depressing). The problem im having is in most cases i can not print from a local machine while in remote desktop unless the printer is on an LPT prtiner port.I have the printer shared on every Local machine, Rdp is setup coreectly also but still no printy. The only thing i have not tried is installing the driver on the TS and then trying to install and bring over the printer while in RDP.
Ok, so I have netbook with a crack LCD, can not see anything..How the hack do I enable remote desktop without using it's local LCD..I need two things done, enable remote desktop and second enable dual monitor mode, so I can connect external monitor to VGA port
I've had my computer for a while and have upgraded it many times. One such time was a few years ago when I went from Win98SE to WinME. Things were good for a while until I needed to reformat my harddrive, couldn't find my WinME CD and had to go back to Win98SE. Problem was, I have another harddrive, that I didn't include in the "downgrade" so it was unavailable after I loaded win98. I formatted that disk and things have been fine since.
I got an Ipod for Christmas and didn't notice when I bought it that it required 2000 or XP. I thought, not a problem, I'll just upgrade to XP. So last night, I upgraded and immediately noticed some problems. First of all, when I right click on the desktop, the computer freezes and you have to restart. Same thing happens if you're in a folder and try to create a new folder. My Sims2 game won't run (I've uninstalled and reinstalled wtih no luck)....
I have Windows XP with SP2, and I normally have my computer set up with one user account so that it logs in straight away. I was working on it the other day and it randomly restarted, and came up with the classic user log on screen. i.e. where you must enter your username and password, not the one where it gives you a choice of user names. Also, before it loaded this screen, it flashed an unusual blue screen momentarily. I tried to log on using my username, and it started to log me on, made the traditional windows log on noise, but the dialog bow said logging out at the bottom, which is what it did moments later and I found myself back at the classic log on screen. I have tried several times to log on, I have restarted my computer, and I have started it in safe mode and it keeps doing the same thing.
I'm not sure if I'm putting this in the right forum. Here is what I need help on if it can be done. After using remote desktop you either click logoff or disconnect. When you select logoff the xp client I believe is at the Ctrl, Alt, Del screen. If you select disconnect I believe it's at the screen that says your computer is locked press Ctrl, Alt, Del to unlock. Is there a way maybe using a group policy to actually just release the desktop so it's not locked or logged off?
to run the office Sage accounts remotely from home. The "Server" will be an XP Pro box running only the Sage accounts application which is also accessible direclty from the LAN (this is a basic small office peer to peer workgroup). We have a broadband connection to the Internet from the LAN and intend insstalling an XP Pro PC and broadband at the book keepers home.
Remote Desktop seems to cater for this, however I would appreciate knowing the easiest way of setting it up.Having set up numerous SBS's using RWW, which requires Certificate Authentication from SBS, how do we achieve similar ease of connectivity using just 2 PC's?