I keep tyring different suggestions for removing the log on screen on my windows 2000 professional. It is a home PC not network connected. I would really like to see that log on screen go away.
I'm attempting to update from Windows 2000 Professional to Windows XP Professional.When I insert the XP CD and click on "check system compatibility" I receive the following message "Windows XP setup does not support upgrading from Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional to Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Setup cannot continue."
Am I right in thinking that they are both pretty similar except that server has support for multiple processors and extra network related tools and facilities. The reason I ask is that if a piece of software works on Windows 2000 server, is it extremely likely that it will work on Windows 2000 professional too? As a bit of background information: I work for a small company which supplies temperature monitoring equipment which needs to be networked. I've been told that it has been tested on Windows 2000 server but not on Window 2000 professional.
I have a old Hewlett Packard Vectra computer that I'm trying to set up for a friend. It has Windows XP Pro installed on it. In booting it up, though, it keeps asking for a password, which, of course, I don't know and my friend doesn't know. How do I eliminate this password so I can proceed to the Windows XP screen and set up a new user.
SystemRoot/System32/Drivers/asc3550f Erro status was oxc000012f Windows 2000 Professional system I recently purchased this computer system ($50) for my Mother who simply does e-mail and games (not on line games). I had to remove malware at first (can't remember the name) and had to install msconfig as 2000 did not have this feature. Now upon booting up, a window pops up with the above message, however upon clicking on the small x to close the window, then computer boots up and she uses it. Nothing else happens. I decided to go into the WINN file and found a folder (drivers) and actually saw the little driver file "asc3559f" and was going to simply remove it by copying it to another folder, shutting down and trying to reboot but must admit, I chickendd out. She lives about 100 miles from me so I didn't want to cause trouble and left it alone and I am now beginning to think since it boots after closing the pop up window; leave well enough alone.
I am trying to install XP on my 2000 but it says: Windows XP Setup does not support upgrading from Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional to Microsoft Windows XP Professional.Setup cannot continue.Do i have to reformat my HD? Do i have to reinstall everything on my HD some stuff i dont have the cd any more.Like Office 2003.
I have never helped anyone with windows 2000 or 2000 Pro before. When you start the computer it is a blue screen with txt and starts out saying a stop error
Then it says ot run a virus scan and chk disk etc but I can't get into normal or safe mode to do that, when you press F8 to get into safemode it comes up and you press enter then the next screen for windows you press enter then it ends up back at the blue screen witht the error again.
I have been trying to create an XP Disk. After following 8 pages of instructions, I was finished. Everything seems to work, but when I boot the disk (I put it first in the boot sequence) here are my actions, and the results, A blue screen comes up stating that it is loading a whole bunch of files e.g. kernerl debugger dll, USB hubs, drivers and so on and 'Windows Setup' at the top A block of writing comes up:"Welcome to Setup. This portion of the setup program prepares Microsoft (r) Windows XP to run on your computer To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER. this is the one I choose i press ENTER a message comes up that says:
"Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running manufacturer supplied diagnostic or setup program. Setup cannot continue. To quit Setup, press F3." and thats the problem.
After the clean install it used to say XP Pro and now when it boots up it just say XP?i think i noticed this after the install of the SP2 update. Is this normal?
I got a blue screen that gave me the following message: Stop: ox000000F4-(ox00000003-ox899F3A50, ox899F3BC4, ox805D1142) running XP Professional with SP 2
I just recently was having some Internet Explorer problems so I uninstalled Windows Service Pack 2 and then reinstalled it, but now for some reason my MX510 (mouse) isn't working with Service Pack 2. The mouse is optical so I see the red light on when its booting up, but once it gets to the Windows XP Professional screen it shuts off. Right now I'm on Service Pack 1.
gets the following error message when she tries to open Outlook Express: Error Deleting File or Folder Cannot delete ntuser.dat: It is being used by another person or program Close any programs that might be using the file and try again.
By trying to reconnect to the internet I messed up Windows 2000 Pro by trying to add a Windows component under add remove programs. I think I tried to add Network services and Other Windows Networking file and print services. One thing to note, I do not have any win2000 setup or recovery CDs. Now when it boots, it goes to a blue screen after booting up with no Icons. It will however, boot into safe mode with icons if you hit F8 but I don't have a clue on how to correct the regular boot up problem. The windows 2000 pro machine hooks up (when it works OK) wirelessly to a Netgear router which is running as an access point that is piggy backed to Lan #4 on a d-Link router which has 2 other machines hardwired to the D Link router. I also have a wireless Dell Laptop which hooks up with no problem to the access point.
I tried starting pc and all was hunky dory until Win200Pro hit the starting Windows loading screen (you know the one with the logo and blue squares loader at the bottom). It stays there for ages, never loading Windows.So far I've tried:Recovery console.Repair Windows.fixmbr.fixboot.Windows Setup (selecting the Repair option in there)changed mouse and keyboard just in case all the above mentioned solutions failed.Not sure if anyone has any ideas. It would be very much appreciated. I'm trying to avoid having to format and reinstall as some setup data for the company's software will be lost.As far as i know no software or hardware have been recently installed on that pc and the person using it doesn't really surf on the internet.
I recently tried to install my SBC Yahoo software. The install hung about 80% of the way through. I rebooted and now my system won't get past the Windows 2000 splash screen. I have:
1. Started in Safe Mode -This worked. I was able to uninstall the software and reboot - same result. 2. Tried re-installing in Safe Mode thinking that if a .dll got corrupted this would fix it. -Install succeeded, but booting in normal mode still freezes on the splash screen. 3. Tried booting to Last Known Good Config -Unfortunately, did this after logging on in Safe Mode so it probably wiped out the LKGC prior to the initial freeze........
windows xp topped at windows 2000 splash screen?But I still can use vga mode windows. My computer: DELL optiplex gx110, 733mhz P3 nvidia pci 16mb. windows 2000 pro. Relevant Story: It happened after I installed a new driver for nvidia through windows update. I unstalled it and reinstalled the old driver but I still get the same error.Further note: If you are familiar with Dell computer at least older computers,it has been always a pain to switch from the online/vga adapter to the card you want to use.
A few years ago, my P3 733/GeForce 256 system running Windows XP stopped booting up. I would see the logo screen, the bar would go almost all the way across, then the screen would go black and the monitor went into standby mode. Attempts to repair my installation, and even clean installs didn't work. The RAM is fine, the video card appears to be fine... I can't find any hardware problems
Alrite, my friend re-formatted his computer, and afterwards, he is having problems. It seems to start up fine, and it gets to both screens where it says, "Windows 2000 is starting up," and on the second one, it seems to get done then it goes to a blue screen for a very split second, and restarts automatically, and does this, Over and over. It doesn't make it to the desktop. He hooks up a different hard drive to it and it works fine.. It is also windows 2000. Its windows 2000 Service Pack 3.
Recently I was playing a game when my computer froze up, when I restarted it, it froze every time on the Windows XP bootscreen. It boots fine in Safe mode with networking. (I'm typing this post on this computer)
Toshiba Laptop My buddy just came over and has his Toshiba Laptop and it is having a blue screen stop error. Wanna see if we can get some help.He has windows 2000.you turn it on and it goes through every thing and then you put your password in and get to the desk top and all that is ok, when you click to get on the internet it would flash a blue screen and then shutdown. I went into system and advanced and unchecked auto reboot so now it doesn't shut down but you get the blue screen and you can't go anywhere when it comes up.
I have heard when attempting to upgrade not clean install a new os. For example the whole win98 to w2k doesnt fly good because of the fat32 to ntfs deal. so what about upgrading w2k pro with ntfs to xp pro with ntfs? is this a good thing to do now a days or is it still better to just perform a clean install over my existing os. I really would like to keep my stuff intact, but I dont want a xp upgrade. So what type of issues have you guys had upgrading w2k to xp pro?
I would like to delete a folder without deleting its contents. Copy, Paste and then deleting the folder with its' contents etc can work. But is there any way of getting it as a windows context menu? ie right-clicking and selecting delete folder but not contents.
Im installing a brand new pc and I just downloaded all the latest fixes and patches for the OS and the Browser.except one, KB890923. Everytime I try to launch through Windows Update it says it cant do it. SO I attempted to download and run it manually and it states that the program is not a valid Win32 application.
After around 10-15 min after logging in a program error box opens up saying winlogon.exe fatal error then it switches to a blue screen saying fatal error c0000021a error. I have windows 2000 proffessional and a HP compaq nc6120 laptop.
i currently have windows xp home edition (32-bit) or w/e and i want to have 4 or 8 gb of ram and i need a 64 bit os for that. i was wondering if i can just buy Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 OEM from tigerdirect.com. will that work?heres the link from tigerdirect.com
I have windows home edition with service 2(sp2), i want to upgrade to xp professional , when i install xp professional when the pc restarts and the windows xp logo comes up , a messages pop up saying "press any key to boot from cd" then it disappears and the windows logo comes up again, then it says again "press any key to boot from cd" why does it keeps on doing that, i leave it for like 6 hours and it keeps on doing that,(the xp professional cd i have is a genuine xp professional Cd.(the pc is a desk top"Compaq presario 3500 series")
I just built my first computer and I don't have an OS yet. I do have 2 copies on Win XP Home Edition that I found that I may or may not have installed yet.I was going to buy the Win 7 Professional Upgrade online from digital river. It comes with a download for your computer and a disk kit for 13 dollars more that they ship to you. Thing is, this will be a CLEAN INSTALL on a brand new terabyte hard drive. I have read about people doing clean installs with the DISK of Win 7 Upgrade Media, but it seems too complicated. I also know that the best way to upgrade Win XP to Win 7 was to do a clean install and backup your files. But im not going to have anything stored on Win XP.I want to install Win XP Home Edition,connect to the internet, download the Win 7 upgrade media. And install that.
Can anyone who uses the Windows XP Professional 64 bit Edition OS,give me there opinions on it. What it is like compared to the 32 bit version. Any comments regarding your experience with the OS will be welcome.
I currently have Windows 98 on my computer. I got the disc today for Windows XP Professional and plan to install that onto my computer and get rid of 98. The problem i am facing is that i have a folder full of songs that i want to keep on my computer and somehow have them on Windows XP. There is over 730 songs on there. I was wondering how i can keep these songs without them being deleted?