PRO Startup Screen No Longer Says Professional

Jan 6, 2007

After the clean install it used to say XP Pro and now when it boots up it just say XP?i think i noticed this after the install of the SP2 update. Is this normal?

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Pro Startup - No Longer Displays

Nov 1, 2007

Before my daughter's Dell 8300 with XP Profesional HD crashed it started with up with WINDOWS XP Propfessional while it loads. I replaced the HD and reinstalled XP Pro with service pack 1 from the original CD supplied by Dell. So far so good. I went through all the updates, downloaded and installed service pack 2 for Pro. Now when XP loads it no longer displays "Professional" It displays as if its XP Home. In other words, Windows XP with out the Professional banner. When I check system info it states XP Professional is installed.

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Professional Freezes At Startup - Need A Log

Mar 10, 2008

need a log of my computer to see wheret there could be a problems that is causing my computer to freeze at start up (but not always , but i have to start my system several times before it will stay normal)

i have used hi jack this,

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2

Scan saved at 20:12:50, on 08/02/2009

Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16762)

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Professional Operating System Freezes At Startup

Feb 8, 2009

im not too good with computers but have read the forum to realised ppl need a log of my computer to see wheret there could be a problems that is causing my computer to freeze at start up (but not always , but i have to start my system several times before it will stay normal)i have used hi jack this, please help me resolve the issue

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Professional Repairing A Blue Screen Comes Up

Jan 12, 2009

I have been trying to create an XP Disk. After following 8 pages of instructions, I was finished. Everything seems to work, but when I boot the disk (I put it first in the boot sequence) here are my actions, and the results, A blue screen comes up stating that it is loading a whole bunch of files e.g. kernerl debugger dll, USB hubs, drivers and so on and 'Windows Setup' at the top A block of writing comes up:"Welcome to Setup. This portion of the setup program prepares Microsoft (r) Windows XP to run on your computer To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER. this is the one I choose i press ENTER a message comes up that says:

"Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer, and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running manufacturer supplied diagnostic or setup program. Setup cannot continue. To quit Setup, press F3." and thats the problem.

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Deleting Log On Screen - 2000 Professional

Mar 28, 2005

I keep tyring different suggestions for removing the log on screen on my windows 2000 professional. It is a home PC not network connected. I would really like to see that log on screen go away.

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Professional With SP2 - Blue Screen - Stop Ox000000F4

Sep 11, 2009

I got a blue screen that gave me the following message: Stop: ox000000F4-(ox00000003-ox899F3A50, ox899F3BC4, ox805D1142) running XP Professional with SP 2

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Hidden Icons Add Several - Screen Saver No Longer Ran

Feb 24, 2006

I very cleverly purchased one of those Registry Cleaners that turned out to be not only a problem in its own right, but whose main purpose was to sell you additional services. Anyway: I used it a few times and noticed that the ''hidden icons'' on the taskbar were not only hidden but vanished. Since this happened immediately after the cleaner ran, ending with an ad (remember that I paid for this thing), I accessed its restore panel and tried to do that for the last run. Pushed the restore, back came my hidden icons, and an ad. Serveral days earlier I had noticed that my screen savers no longer ran. At that time I had checked the display panel and found that the the time to wait before the screen saver would work was now greyed out. Did not associate this with the cleaner until the icon thing, and had spent much time chasing for a cause and cure. So, back to the cleaner, went to restore, clicked an earlier date, and up came the bloody ad. No way could I do another restore without buying their additional service -a Tech service for x-number of dollars a year. This wonderful cleaner's name, by the way, is FREE Registry Fix -free for first six items checked, then $30.00 for the full bit. Guess who was dumb enough to pay for it. After all that: How do I get my bloody screen saver display back??????

For those of you who helped me with my green hair problem, thanks again. I finally had to actual learned all about color calibration myself -there apparently aren't any professionals in Reno, but I did learn enough to have the best looking color on a tv/monitor in Nevada. Pictures print out quite well.

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Mouse - Service Pack 2 - Professional Screen

Aug 22, 2006

I just recently was having some Internet Explorer problems so I uninstalled Windows Service Pack 2 and then reinstalled it, but now for some reason my MX510 (mouse) isn't working with Service Pack 2. The mouse is optical so I see the red light on when its booting up, but once it gets to the Windows XP Professional screen it shuts off. Right now I'm on Service Pack 1.

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Upgrading From 2000 Professional To Professional

Feb 9, 2004

I'm attempting to update from Windows 2000 Professional to Windows XP Professional.When I insert the XP CD and click on "check system compatibility" I receive the following message "Windows XP setup does not support upgrading from Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional to Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Setup cannot continue."

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Professional Freezes During Boot Screen - Boot Fine Safe Mode

Jul 25, 2008

Recently I was playing a game when my computer froze up, when I restarted it, it froze every time on the Windows XP bootscreen. It boots fine in Safe mode with networking. (I'm typing this post on this computer)

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Upgrading From W2K Professional To Professional

Jan 26, 2006

I have heard when attempting to upgrade not clean install a new os. For example the whole win98 to w2k doesnt fly good because of the fat32 to ntfs deal. so what about upgrading w2k pro with ntfs to xp pro with ntfs? is this a good thing to do now a days or is it still better to just perform a clean install over my existing os. I really would like to keep my stuff intact, but I dont want a xp upgrade. So what type of issues have you guys had upgrading w2k to xp pro?

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Blue Screen Of Death, Boot Problems, Black Screen Startup

Jul 17, 2005

when I turned on my computer and got the blue screen of death, so I restarted my PC. Then a black screen came up saying "Windows could not start beacuse the following file is missing or corrupt : windowssystem32configsystem."

You can attempt to repair this file by putting the winxp cd in etc...

Now when i turn on my computer there is just a black screen showing, with nothing at all on it.

Any ideas?

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Dell Startup Screen And Then Just Get A Black Screen

Oct 11, 2009

I have a Dell Latitude D400 laptop. After reloading windows I get the Windows startup screen and then I just get a black screen...Windows will not come up. Anyone know what I can do?? I get the mouse and can move it around but no windows screen. I have done the diagnoics test and found a DST Short Test failed with code 1000-0146 is this why Windows will not load? Is my harddrive bad you think? It reloads Windows fine but Windows will not come up after install? Again all I get is a black screen with the mouse to move around.

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I Get USER Screen On Startup

Apr 26, 2006

Every time windows loads it takes me to the USER screen and I have to click the icon before I con access windows.
I never had to do that before. Also, I am the only user on my pc.

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Startup - Whole Screen Goes Black

Aug 11, 2008

He is using XP Professional. For last month at the startup sometimes PC start up ok, but before XP logo comes, the whole screen goes black and only one flashing dash at the top left corner of the screen. Turinign on and off the PC couple of time make the PC startup ok and every thing works fine. His automatic update is on and is getting all the updates from Microsoft auomatically.

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Blue Screen At Startup

Jul 24, 2005

I'm not really sure what I did to make it happen, but I was just chatting with some people on AOL instant messenger when my computer changed to a blue screen. The message was something along the lines of. A problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer. Then it gave me some technical information (which im assuming is what's causing these problems) and it was like 0x346432HF, 0x3456DFGH (those aren't the actual values, it was just 0x[8 characters].It also said to restart my computer and run CHDSK /F to check for any hard drive problems.So I restart my computer, and everything is fine until I reach the login screen. I click on my user account and then type in my password, and halfway through that sound you hear when your computer is starting up, I get the same blue screen again. Next, I restart my computer and try to start it from the last time it worked. Blue screen during start up again.I try starting it in safe mode, blue screen during start up.I was hoping someone here would be able to help me so I won't have to resort to reformatting my computer. I really don't want to reformat my computer because I have some old games I still play like Starcraft, but I lost the cd key to it ages ago.

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Blue Screen After Startup

Feb 24, 2005

Running 1.8 gig win xp My computer is starting to show a blue screen after the initial startup.So far it has booted completly after about 1 minute, but I am getting worried.No problems during the day / only after shutdown and restart in morning.The computer is about 3 years old.Can I do any tests to determine whethe the hard drive is failing?

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Blue Screen On Startup

Jun 21, 2005

im hoping someone can help me out of a jam. my dell laptop has been working very well until now....when it refuses to load windows, instead stalling with a blue screen on every attempt to load. the bluscreen tells me that windows was unable to load, and says "unmountable_boot_volume." under the heading "technical information". i have no idea whether that is relevant but included it in case it is.i know i was short on memory, and im wondering whether windows is refusing to load because of that.or whether a virus has taken over me computer. ive tried loading windows in every safe mode, in last known good there a hotkey to load the DOS prompt before windows, to try and edit the windows registry from there? is there anything i can do short of reformating and reinstalling windows? if anyone knows how to deal with this.

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Startup Then Blue Screen

Aug 28, 2007

I have a compaq laptop and until recently it was ok, now when I turn it on it starts up ok and then a blue screen pops up stating that a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage.

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Another Blue Screen At Startup

Sep 20, 2005

This morning switched on pc. started to boot then switched itself off leaving me with a blue screen saying it had switched off to save the computer from damage.

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Blue Screen On Pro Startup

Mar 2, 2005

I have recently been getting a blue screen when i start up my computer. The error message on the blue screen says "page fault in non paged area". It then asks if I want to start windows normally, or in safe mode or other options. I start it normally cause I don't know what to do to fix it. I haven't added new software, so I don't know what happened.

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BLUE Screen / Can't Even Startup

Dec 22, 2005

Whenever i startup my computer and i see the black windows screen and you can see it loading, after 10 seconds this BLUE screen comes up. I didn't install any new hardware. I have those 6 boot disks, but it says the second disk has a problem...this is the message, File tkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. The error code is 7. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit.

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Hanging On Startup Screen

Sep 3, 2007

I am using a laptop I am not very familar wth but it has been working fine for a few years until recently whenever I turn it on it gives me choices to start normally or safe mode, and whichever I choose, starting normally the loading screen loads infintely or loading the required drivers for safe mode stalls after Mup.sys. I have looked around and tried to boot from the winxp cd to attempt a repair console but as soon as I switch on the computer it almost immediately goes to the safe mode selection screen after flashing Toshiba for a few seconds, and from here I can't do anything. I can't get into BIOS, or bypass anything. There might be a quick keyboard command I am not aware of but I seem to be stuck in a loop. The computer is a Toshiba Protege A100.

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Screen Black After Startup

Jul 17, 2008

Started computer it went black after startup, shortly after the desktop was showing. The led on my screen acted like it didn't have any connection to the computer. I then tried to boot in fail safe mode to scan the computer for viruses, no problems at all. No viruses found either. After that i tried to start it normal mode again this time the screen became distorted with the my background picture as palette. After that i tried to boot in VGA mode and that worked as well perfectly. I really don't know what can be causing this.

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Auto Log Off At The Startup Screen

Apr 7, 2010

I did an adaware scan on my pc and removed the recommended items to quaratine. After restarting it my computer seems to auto log off at the startup screen. After some research I found a thread from mosaic1 who helped someone with the same problem. However I tried the steps in that post and it has not worked. I got a copy of userinit.exe and copied it to system32 (there was already a userinit.exe present anyway but I thought it might be infected). I also did copy userinit.exe wsaupdater.exe as suggested on the microsoft website but still no luck. I think there might be something wrong with the registery.

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PC Restarts After Startup Screen

Jan 4, 2009

My PC has been unplugged for a few days and when I hooked everything up to startup the PC I get to the XP logo startup then the system restarts and goes to the safe mood/normal bootup screen. I have tried all of the different startup options, but each keeps looping a system restart. I cycled the power on my surge protector and am currently using a different pc on the same surge protector with the same power cable with no issues. Can anyone offer any advice as to why the PC is not starting?Also, I reinstalled a fresh copy of XP Pro on the PC about a month ago and everything was working fine before I unplugged it for a couple of days. The PC was not moved at all after I unplugged everything, it has just been sitting in the corner of my room.

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Can't Get Past Startup Screen

Jan 2, 2006

1st, computer will not boot up unless I unplug the power cord for about 5 min.Then, when I plug it back in, and turn on the computer, it says "choose which windows XP startup you want to use".When I let the time run out for the automatic start, it brings me to another screen. Sometimes the screen is just blank and other times it says "Sorry windows XP could not be booted up" because of some new software updates that was added recently.Then it shows options for all the ways to boot up my computer.And it recommends that I choose last working mode.So I go to that and it either freezes or brings me to my main microsoft office screen and at this point it has the loading bar going across.This either brings me to my main screen or this freezes.I've tried several times and have gotten to several different points but ultimately it freezes.

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Black Screen - Very Slow Startup

Nov 28, 2009

so heres the story my laptop took forever to boot up after about a week i got it so i sent it in a month later i received it "fixed" with a new harddrive. i was extremely excited threw in the battery and after about 15 minutes i finally was in. 15 is way longer then the bootup times ive seen on other hp mini 110 laptops on Internet.

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Startup Menu/taskbar Not On Screen?

Nov 6, 2007

After installing Windows XP Pro from XP Home my computer does not display the startup taskbar. I don't know if I have a virus or not Also, when I type, the cursor randomly lets the last letter/number to go ahead of the cursor so that the next letter is behind the one I just typed.

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Long Startup Time - Welcome Screen

Jan 6, 2007

have a new laptop (~1 month old) and suddenly (in the past 3-4 days) logging on takes forever. it is setup with the Welcome screen where we just select which user to log on. after i click my user name and hit enter it takes at least 30 seconds for it to leave the Welcome screen and get to the desktop.

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