Hanging On Startup Screen

Sep 3, 2007

I am using a laptop I am not very familar wth but it has been working fine for a few years until recently whenever I turn it on it gives me choices to start normally or safe mode, and whichever I choose, starting normally the loading screen loads infintely or loading the required drivers for safe mode stalls after Mup.sys. I have looked around and tried to boot from the winxp cd to attempt a repair console but as soon as I switch on the computer it almost immediately goes to the safe mode selection screen after flashing Toshiba for a few seconds, and from here I can't do anything. I can't get into BIOS, or bypass anything. There might be a quick keyboard command I am not aware of but I seem to be stuck in a loop. The computer is a Toshiba Protege A100.

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Hanging Blue Screen Error Message On Startup

Jun 6, 2008

After buying and installing the new hardware i'm now having some issues. Everything was fine for weeks but now sometimes i get an error message. This is the 2nd time this has happened. Everything starts up as per normal but once it comes to the Windows screens (desktop) i get a blue screen with the error message: So i pretty much need to restart the pc and it goes back to normal. All hardware and software has been checked time and time again. All seems to be ok. Bar the dvd drive. The dvd drive doesn't let me access it, however if i put a dvd, audio or data cd in then autoplay takes over and asks if i want to play it or whatever. But if i want to open it by double clicking or selecting open after right-clicking then it doesn't allow it. I get the error message: d: not accssible. Incorrect function.

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Computer Hanging And Showing Black Screen At Every Startup?

Feb 10, 2006

my windows xp home edition hung and now shows a black screen everytime i start the computer. how do i cancel installation? do i have to access and the bios, and if so how do i do this

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System Is Hanging On Startup.

Feb 1, 2005

I am currently running XP on my system. About three days ago, my system suddenly started taking longer to boot. The extra boot time comes in the form of a black screen with a flashing cursor in the top left, where my system does not appear to be doing anything. This screen appears immediately before the Windows XP loading screen. I have tried Tweak XP utilities to try and speed up my startup. Failing that, I tried a system restore to a few days prior to this strange occurrance. Every time I try to run system restore, however, I am confronted with an error upon startup that tells me that system restore was unsuccessful. I have tried a variety of system restore dates, and all have been unsuccessful. I have tried sweeps with Spysweeper and Norton, and neither have brought any more insight into this problem.

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Hanging On Startup Solution

Jan 3, 2006

I've had this computer working for quite a while, at least a year, and I reinstalled XP a few days ago to rid the computer of spyware, etc. It installed with no errors, and worked fine for a few days after the reinstall. Last night I shut it down, started it back up this morning and it hangs on the Windows XP loading screen, the green bar keeps going through but it never boots. The same thing happens when I boot with the last good configuration that worked. When I boot in safe mode it hangs while it loads the safe mode files, the last one is Mup.exe, Mup.dll, or something that starts with Mup. MemTest86 shows no errors, so I guess its not the memory, and I don't know why anything would just stop working. I didn't install any new hardware, software, or drivers right before I shutdown last night. Here are my computer specs: Asus K8V SE Deluxe Motherboard. Athlon 64 3200+ CPU. 1GB (2 x 512MB) PC3200 Kingston Value RAM (Non-ECC). 250GB SATA Hard Drive (It's either Maxtor or Seagate, if you really need to know which I can check).ATI X800XT Video Card. Windows XP with the SP1 CD, but I downloaded and installed SP2 and it was running fine with SP2 for a few days.

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Computer Hanging On Startup

May 6, 2006

Please help. I have upgraded a machine from 98 to XP pro. Now on start up, the pc hangs/freezes on the windows XP screen, the one with the blue scrollong bar at the bottom.

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Programs Hanging After Startup

Feb 5, 2008

After starting my computer some programs won't start within the first two-three minutes after XP has finished loading. Winamp (5.5) shows the main window frame but doesn't load any further, Ad-Watch 2007 doesn't load while Ad-Watch SE loads fine, MSN Messenger doesn't load at all and IE7 starts but refuses to load any web pages. Firefox and Word 2007 are not affected. All of these annoyances disappear entirely after about three minutes after which all programs work just fine. In the three minute time frame I am also unable to access My Computer which just shows the flashlight looking for drives. I am, however, able to access files by using shortcuts to eg My Documents.

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Slow Startup, Now Hanging

Mar 19, 2008

Long story but I've been having some serious issues with my dell desktop and XP... here's the story in chronilogical order. My system was running fine other than the fact that a friend noticed the hard drive was clicking frequently when the system was idle (about every 2 seconds) - he suggested I may have a virus. My own virus scan/shield (PC-cillin) never identified anything. I installed Avast and ran a boot scan - some form of Trojan was found and deleted. Some form of Adware was also found and deleted. Sometime either just before or immediately after the boot scan I started having problems. XP would startup quite quickly. I would log into one of the two user profiles (home edition of XP) but when I tried to launch IE it would sit for 10 minutes and not connect to anything. After about 10 minutes the page would finally load and everything would seemingly work fine. Note that during this time I could go to cmd and ping sites no problem. I started troubleshooting and realized that it was not just IE that would sit and hang - other system applications such as System Properties, Add Remove Programs, etc would take about 10 minutes immediately after startup before they would do anything. Once the system "woke up" it would seem like everything operated fine. To try to cure this I tried; - uninstalling several unnecessary applications- uninstalled Avast - installed AVG and scanned (everything clean)- removed all programs from Startup / Run - disconnected mapped drives, removed sharing from folders - resetting IE to defaults. None of which solved the problem. I tried booting into safemode and the system did seem to operate much better but of course I couldn't browse the web etc.I since reinstalled Avast and reran the bootscan - came up clean. I have just recently tried System Restore to a date where everything was fine. Now XP won't start up. I get to the profile page, choose my profile and it just hangs on a blank desktop. what I haven't tried yet is booting into safemode and running a virus scan. With the system restore causing me to hang I'm not 100% sure I can even boot into safe mode but will try when I'm back home tonight. If I'm successful I'll likely undo the system restore, turn off system restore, run virus scan in safemode.

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Hanging At Startup Logon

Feb 20, 2005

I am running windows xp on my home puter and somehow it seems to hang for about 1min 30 sec at the stratup screen then will hear the floppy drive check itself and then it will be able to let me logon. After that it seems to not hang anymore. AMD Athalon 1800+. 200 GB HDD. 2GB Ram. 1 cd-r. 1 dvd+/- R. 1 dvd rom. 1 floppy. g-force 4 video card gigabyte 7vaxp mobo.

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Computer Started Hanging During Startup?

Apr 10, 2005

My PC has recently started hanging during startup. It usually happens before the Windows XP logo appears. The startup process just stops, the screen stays black, the hard disk drive goes quiet and the activity light stays on (rather than the normal flickering).All I can do when this happens is hold down the power button until the power goes off.Also, when it does startup properly, after logging into XP it takes an unusually long time to load the settings,startup programs, etc and sometimes some of the normal system tray icons dont appear at all

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Typing Password Hanging Startup

Feb 25, 2007

I try to start up, and it doest freeze, but it hangs after I type in my password, I can move the mouse, but my busy light blinks in controlled blinks... either way, It just did this after I removed some old nForce chipset drivers, then reinstalled them. I used DriverCleaner, and updated to my motherboard's latest drivers. My mother board is a MSI K8N Neo4-F (Socket 939)... AMD Athlon 64 3500+, 2gb ram, XFX 7900GS XXX Edition. Before I backup drivers and files and reformat? I have to restart the computer a few times to get it to get past the login screen, and the nVidia BIOS screen will change font sizes, but not by much, after every other restart... But everything runs smooth when I start in safe mode. Also - Once I turn the computer on, the busy light is going on full, all the way untill windows gets to the login screen. UPDATE: Loads have not been as slow, but I cant still log in, unless in safe mode.

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Hanging At Startup Applying Setting

Aug 25, 2005

PC has started to hang at the 'Applying your settings' screen on a regular basis. what may be causing this? AV/Anti spyware and all Windows patches are up to date.

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Hanging Startup + Kernel Inpage Data Error

Jan 7, 2007

Bought a Dell laptop with Windows XP for college last semester. She's had it for about six months now and earlier today upon startup it hung for a very long time (about 20 minutes). She rebooted it to the same results. I tried doing the only thing I knew how which was booting it in safe mode, which gave me a brief flash of a blue screen before restarting. I went to safe mode again so I could make out what the error message was before the computer restarted itself and I saw that it said KERNEL_INPAGE_DATA_ERROR. There's an error number at the bottom, but the screen flashes by so fast that I can't make it out. Anyway, it's been a few hours and startup is still hanging. I have tried booting it in the last good settings mode and nothing seems to work. I'm not very PC savvy (yes, I am a mac user :P) and my limited knowledge doesn't really help in this situation. I asked her if she had deleted any files which might cause a startup problem and she said that she hadn't. She uses the computer strictly for her iPod, printing papers, and burning the occasional CD. There are a few harmless games which have been downloaded for a long time now, but I don't think that she recently installed any software that could cause a kernel inpage data error, whatever that is. Her most recent piece of installed software is for her new phone, but even that was a week ago. When this problem started, the laptop wasn't very hot so I don't think that would be a problem either.

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System Hanging After Splash Screen

Jan 21, 2006

I had to switch my pc off before shutting down properly earlier today. Each time I attempt to boot, I get the message windows did not start properly etc. and I am given a choice of whether to start in safe mode, last known setting that worked, or normally, etc. When attempting to start normally, I get the windows xp splash screen whith the progress bar for a few seconds, then at the point it would normally switch to the blue password prompt, the screen goes black. No error message, no cursor, no nothing. The system just hangs. It does exactly the same when I try 'last known settings that worked'. On trying in safe mode, the list of drivers it is attempting to load comes up, fills the screen, and then just stays like that.

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Using Ntune Results In Hanging Up Computer And Getting Black Screen?

Aug 5, 2007

I got my new system.. its been working like a dream, a proper gaming behemoth!Having got my 22" monitor on friday, I decided that now was the time to give it an overclock and see how it would do I used Ntune (I know I know!) and it hung a couple of times during its mucking about with clock speeds, etc I went out to sort something out in the garden, came back in and the screen had gone black during another hang.I reset the computer and on boot up windows would start up with the same black screen.

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Internet Explorer 6 Won't Load Pages And Hanging With White Screen?

Oct 16, 2006

When I start IE6 it just hangs on a white screen. I have SP2 and I've removed and reinstalled IE6 a couple of times but it doesn't help. When I launch IE it just hangs attempting to load my homepage (google) but I can press stop and access Options etc.. Firefox and all my other programs that access the internet are working fine but I need IE working too.I can't even access my router control panel via IE which makes me think this is a IE networking configuration problem. I've tried flushing dns but that didn't help.

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Repair Bios Installation / Hanging On Parts Of The Bios POST Screen

Oct 21, 2009

I have had windows XP Pro installed, updated and running fine until about a week ago. I was away from home for about a week and left the machine plugged into the mains but powered down. When I returned home to boot up, it kept doing things like constantly hanging on parts of the bios POST screen, eventually booting up after thirty or so complete restarts. It finally booted into windows but after the last shutting down, it will now not boot up at all. I have replaced the bios battery and reset the bios several times.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Boot Problems, Black Screen Startup

Jul 17, 2005

when I turned on my computer and got the blue screen of death, so I restarted my PC. Then a black screen came up saying "Windows could not start beacuse the following file is missing or corrupt : windowssystem32configsystem."

You can attempt to repair this file by putting the winxp cd in etc...

Now when i turn on my computer there is just a black screen showing, with nothing at all on it.

Any ideas?

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Dell Startup Screen And Then Just Get A Black Screen

Oct 11, 2009

I have a Dell Latitude D400 laptop. After reloading windows I get the Windows startup screen and then I just get a black screen...Windows will not come up. Anyone know what I can do?? I get the mouse and can move it around but no windows screen. I have done the diagnoics test and found a DST Short Test failed with code 1000-0146 is this why Windows will not load? Is my harddrive bad you think? It reloads Windows fine but Windows will not come up after install? Again all I get is a black screen with the mouse to move around.

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I Get USER Screen On Startup

Apr 26, 2006

Every time windows loads it takes me to the USER screen and I have to click the icon before I con access windows.
I never had to do that before. Also, I am the only user on my pc.

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Startup - Whole Screen Goes Black

Aug 11, 2008

He is using XP Professional. For last month at the startup sometimes PC start up ok, but before XP logo comes, the whole screen goes black and only one flashing dash at the top left corner of the screen. Turinign on and off the PC couple of time make the PC startup ok and every thing works fine. His automatic update is on and is getting all the updates from Microsoft auomatically.

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Blue Screen At Startup

Jul 24, 2005

I'm not really sure what I did to make it happen, but I was just chatting with some people on AOL instant messenger when my computer changed to a blue screen. The message was something along the lines of. A problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer. Then it gave me some technical information (which im assuming is what's causing these problems) and it was like 0x346432HF, 0x3456DFGH (those aren't the actual values, it was just 0x[8 characters].It also said to restart my computer and run CHDSK /F to check for any hard drive problems.So I restart my computer, and everything is fine until I reach the login screen. I click on my user account and then type in my password, and halfway through that sound you hear when your computer is starting up, I get the same blue screen again. Next, I restart my computer and try to start it from the last time it worked. Blue screen during start up again.I try starting it in safe mode, blue screen during start up.I was hoping someone here would be able to help me so I won't have to resort to reformatting my computer. I really don't want to reformat my computer because I have some old games I still play like Starcraft, but I lost the cd key to it ages ago.

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Blue Screen After Startup

Feb 24, 2005

Running 1.8 gig win xp My computer is starting to show a blue screen after the initial startup.So far it has booted completly after about 1 minute, but I am getting worried.No problems during the day / only after shutdown and restart in morning.The computer is about 3 years old.Can I do any tests to determine whethe the hard drive is failing?

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Blue Screen On Startup

Jun 21, 2005

im hoping someone can help me out of a jam. my dell laptop has been working very well until now....when it refuses to load windows, instead stalling with a blue screen on every attempt to load. the bluscreen tells me that windows was unable to load, and says "unmountable_boot_volume." under the heading "technical information". i have no idea whether that is relevant but included it in case it is.i know i was short on memory, and im wondering whether windows is refusing to load because of that.or whether a virus has taken over me computer. ive tried loading windows in every safe mode, in last known good configuration.is there a hotkey to load the DOS prompt before windows, to try and edit the windows registry from there? is there anything i can do short of reformating and reinstalling windows? if anyone knows how to deal with this.

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Startup Then Blue Screen

Aug 28, 2007

I have a compaq laptop and until recently it was ok, now when I turn it on it starts up ok and then a blue screen pops up stating that a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage.

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Another Blue Screen At Startup

Sep 20, 2005

This morning switched on pc. started to boot then switched itself off leaving me with a blue screen saying it had switched off to save the computer from damage.

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Blue Screen On Pro Startup

Mar 2, 2005

I have recently been getting a blue screen when i start up my computer. The error message on the blue screen says "page fault in non paged area". It then asks if I want to start windows normally, or in safe mode or other options. I start it normally cause I don't know what to do to fix it. I haven't added new software, so I don't know what happened.

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BLUE Screen / Can't Even Startup

Dec 22, 2005

Whenever i startup my computer and i see the black windows screen and you can see it loading, after 10 seconds this BLUE screen comes up. I didn't install any new hardware. I have those 6 boot disks, but it says the second disk has a problem...this is the message, File tkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. The error code is 7. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit.

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Screen Black After Startup

Jul 17, 2008

Started computer it went black after startup, shortly after the desktop was showing. The led on my screen acted like it didn't have any connection to the computer. I then tried to boot in fail safe mode to scan the computer for viruses, no problems at all. No viruses found either. After that i tried to start it normal mode again this time the screen became distorted with the my background picture as palette. After that i tried to boot in VGA mode and that worked as well perfectly. I really don't know what can be causing this.

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Auto Log Off At The Startup Screen

Apr 7, 2010

I did an adaware scan on my pc and removed the recommended items to quaratine. After restarting it my computer seems to auto log off at the startup screen. After some research I found a thread from mosaic1 who helped someone with the same problem. However I tried the steps in that post and it has not worked. I got a copy of userinit.exe and copied it to system32 (there was already a userinit.exe present anyway but I thought it might be infected). I also did copy userinit.exe wsaupdater.exe as suggested on the microsoft website but still no luck. I think there might be something wrong with the registery.

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PC Restarts After Startup Screen

Jan 4, 2009

My PC has been unplugged for a few days and when I hooked everything up to startup the PC I get to the XP logo startup then the system restarts and goes to the safe mood/normal bootup screen. I have tried all of the different startup options, but each keeps looping a system restart. I cycled the power on my surge protector and am currently using a different pc on the same surge protector with the same power cable with no issues. Can anyone offer any advice as to why the PC is not starting?Also, I reinstalled a fresh copy of XP Pro on the PC about a month ago and everything was working fine before I unplugged it for a couple of days. The PC was not moved at all after I unplugged everything, it has just been sitting in the corner of my room.

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