Copying/cloning Failing C: To A Drive On USB?

Jul 23, 2009

I copied/cloned my failing C: to a drive on USB. C: drive has now failed and I need the copy to become bootable. Why can't this question be a simple answer.
What happened to fdisk utilities?

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Boot Drive Letter Changed After Cloning To New SATA Drive

May 25, 2004

I installed a Serial ATA hard drive. Booted from floppy,partitioned and formatted 120mb HD,with 2 partitions.

Connected my old IDE drive and booted from Norton Ghostdisc, cloned my old drive to the new one. Removed all drives and USB card readers except the new SATA drive. Windows will not fully boot, it halts at the blue Windows intro screen. Restarted Windows, and scandisk ran, but indicated drive letter "H" not "C", so I guess the windows installation is still looking in the original place for it's files, ie. the "C" drive, that's why it won't boot. You cannot change the "System" drive letter from "Computer Management" within XP, and I cannot get into Windows anyway. Is there a "work around" for this, other than a clean install? Even then, is it still going to be drive "H"? And that means another Windows activation. How many goes do you get for activation? I tried a windows repair installation, and reactivation (wasted). Windows then worked, sort of. Lots of things were missing and programs unuseable,as they were looking for their files on "C": so I went back to square 1, put my old drive back in for the moment

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Don't Have A Set Of XP Disks / Cloning Main Drive

Jul 19, 2009

My main HD is about to give up. It's making strange noises whenever I start up or have a file on that drive open.Could I buy a new HD and install it as a slave drive. Then clone my main drive to the slave drive and then get rid of the old main drive and put the clone in as my new main drive? Without a lot of f***ing about?The reason I ask about doing it this way is that I don't have a set of XP disks, I just have the recovery disk that came with computers 8-10 years ago. It's pre sp1 and I've used it three or four times already and I'm sure it will be more hassle than I need to re install from it.I'm running XP sp2. When I had this comp put together they had to do a raid controller, I don't really know what that is. Something to do with the fact that the main drive is IDE only and my current second drive is IDE or Sata but is in place as an IDE drive.

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Dual Boot Loops Playing Start Up Sound After Cloning Drive

Apr 5, 2007

I have successfully cloned my primary c partition of a dual boot system with XP Pro on the 1st primary partition c: and XP Pro on the 2nd primary partition as d: I can boot into my XP on the c: drive with no problem, but when I attempt to boot into my XP on the D drive it hangs on the blue screen right before booting into the user profiles. And believe it or not it continuously loops making the windows startup sound and the shutdown sound. It does the same in safe mode. I will try to explain the process on what I did so it can help you experts figure out this dilemma

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Inaccessible Boot Device After Cloning A SCSI To IDE Drive In NT Server With Ghost

Jan 31, 2005

After an entire weekend working on this project, I am beat. I have a client who has a Windows NT Server and is replacing a 4 GB SCSI hard drive with a 20 GB IDE. System sees the new drive. I have used Ghost to create the clone of the original drive from the 4 GB SCSI to the 20 GB IDE. That worked fine. However, after removing the SCSI drive to boot from the 20 GB IDE, I repeatedly obtain the STOP: 0x0000007B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE. I have been in contact with Symantec and they have not been of much help. I have seen the article from Microsoft regarding the error as well but have not had much luck.

My question is by chance, has anyone else experienced a similiar situation and what has been your resolution? I would be extremely grateful to anyone who may have an answer to this problem.

Thank you for any help you may provide. I have not seen a similiar thread here on this forum of a clone from a SCSI to an IDE.

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Pro Boot After HD Replace - Indicated Failing Hard Drive

Aug 11, 2005

I've got an HP / Compaq notebook where the smart diags indicated a failing hard drive, HP shipped me a replacement drive under warranty and I removed the drive and used a couple of notebook hard drive adapters to hook them up as master and slave on the secondary channel of one of my desktops. I then used Ghost to clone the failing drive to the replacement since I really didn't want to have to reinstall all my applications again. The clone completed without any seeming problems however I haven't been able to get the new drive to boot up, the problem is that I just get a blank screen with a flashing cursor and no boot menu, end of story...

I happen to have a Win XP Pro full version CD and I am able to boot from the CD to the recovery console, I've tried the following: Chkdsk /R - Did find and fix some problem the first time around, but didn't find anything wrong on subsequent runs. Fixboot - ran with no problems but still no go. FixMbr - indicated "This computer appears to have a non-standard or invalid master boot record", no matter how many times I've run this and it says it's rewritten the MBR successfully it still says the same thing. In-place upgrade - I've run an in-place upgrade twice and both times it completes and says the system will reboot and the installation will continue but it still gets stuck on the reboot. Following the two in-place upgrades I've rerun all of the previous steps and I still can't get it to boot, nor do I get any type of error message that indicates what the problem is.

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Maxtor Hard Drive - Failing In Repairing Damaged Clusters And Segments

Aug 2, 2005

I have a hardrive( Maxtor 6Y200P0) wich have got corrupted and bad segments. (this seme to be a common problem with Maxtor drives) Im almmost sure this drive have psychical damaged clusters, cause i have tested alot & alots of tools that should fix this has failing in repairing this damaged clusters and segments. this includes Maxtor official PoweMax v 1.21, wich fails to complete the surface test. i have got an Error Diagnostic Code=de676679. a code with a 8 numeral should indicate that a Maxtor Drive drive is broken,and is in need of replacement. thats all i know where should i send this code for a real analyz?, cant find anything on Maxtor Website, Another question, there is allso an option to do a Low ore High level formatation of the drive. I have heard that this could fix corrupted segments, If so,this must only be possible on logical damaged hardrives, not psycial damaged drives right? i have waiting with reformatation cause im unsure what type damage the drive have, and this is my last alternative to do.? should i do a low/high level formatation anyway?

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USB Hard Drive - Losing Drive When Copying Data

Aug 3, 2005

I have recently added a 160Gb Maxtor 6 P160PO drive in an external hi-speed USB housing connected via a 4 port USB-2 card. I have tried copying large amounts of data (13-20Gb) but after a few minutes, I get "The drive is not ready" and it disappears from My Computer. If I disconnect it and re-connect it, it will reappear. The same happended with a 20Gb drive I swapped in, so it seems that it's not the drive. I have tried a different port to no avail.

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Cloning Hard Drive: Transferring Cloned Data From External Hard Disk?

Jan 8, 2009

I am cloning my existing hard drive in my laptop (sata) to an external hard drive (pata) in preparation for installing a new larger hard drive (sata)in the laptop. Can I, or how do I transfer the cloned data from the external (pata) to the new internal hard drive (sata)? Thanks in advance and I apoligize if this is a rudimentary question as this is my first time attempting something like this.

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Dual Boot Will Not Boot After Cloning Drive

Apr 3, 2007

I have successfully cloned my primary c partition of a dual boot system with XP Pro on the 1st primary partition c: and XP Pro on the 2nd primary partition as d: I can boot into my XP on the c: drive with no problem, but when I attempt to boot into my XP on the D drive it hangs on the blue screen right before booting into the user profiles. And believe it or not it continuously loops making the windows startup sound and the shutdown sound. It does the same in safe mode. I will try to explain the process on what I did so it can help you experts figure out this dilemma that I'm having. My old drive an IDE 100GB IBM primary drive was partitioned into 3 parts:

c: 30GB FAT32 primary
d: 30GB FAT32 "
e: 30gb FAT32 "

All ran great in XP's on c: ,D: and :e except that i was running out of room in all the partitions and the drive is getting very old , I think (5yrs). I used XXClone Pro v.0.58.0 to clone my old c: and d: partitions to a WD IDE 160GB. I tried many other cloning proggys like Acronis True Image, Drive Clone, Paragon Drive Copy, Drive Image 2002, HDClone 3.1 Pro but they all either changed my new drive NTFS file system to FAT32 or made exact same size copies. I formatted and partitioned my new drive as follows:..............

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Copying Files From One Hard Drive To Another?

Nov 14, 2007

I have a computer that I need to take all of my existing files off of so that I can erase the HDD. I also have a 150gb external USB HDD. What is the fastest way to transfer all of my files on to my external HDD, and make them so that they are viewable by my other computers. I am running all Dell computers with Windows XP Professional on them.

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Copying C Drive To External USB Flash For Later Boot?

Apr 17, 2006

Can I copy my C drive to an external usb drive and then later boot from the usb drive if my C drive fails without having to go through the complete installation of the WinXP-pro on the usb drive? If so, what program(s) can I use to do the copy?

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Auto Copying Of Files In Hard Drive

Dec 19, 2004

I downloaded pictures from mt digital camera to my harddrive, now when I try to delete them a screen titled "copy" comes up and automactically copies the file. So now I have for example 23 copy of on picture. How do I stop this feature from working or how do I delete those pictures with out making copies?

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Copying Files To External Hard Drive

Aug 25, 2005

I just bought a Hitachi Deskstar 160 gb external hard drive to back up my system hard drive on my pc. I tried using the copy & paste commands from explorer, but the ext hard drive wouldn't allow this. What do I need to do to get this done?

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Copying Dying Boot Drive - Rest Of The Keys Are Silent

Jun 19, 2005

My (WinXP) system drive is dying and I need to replace it. I'd like to copy everything over from the C drive to a spare. I've tried using Norton's Ghost "clone" option to copy the drive (C->E), but after the copy and the new HD moved to master, Windows hangs at the blue startup screen. I can do a fresh install of XP, but would rather avoid that route. Questions:1. Can anyone explain a better way of doing this, list a web site(s) with instructions or recommend a better utility than Ghost? 2. Any ideas of why Windows is hanging? When it hangs, pressing ESC or Enter produces a beep, the rest of the keys are silent.

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System Reboots After Cloning

Jan 31, 2010

I cloned a desktop with dual boot for windows xp and windows vista in the respected order. after cloning, I went to an identical desktop and make the image restore so that it will be similar to the other one. I did this to save time installing and updating again which take so much time. after the restoring of the image is done, the system rebooted and represented the dual boot options (1. earlier version of windows, 2. Windows Vista) but when you click any of them it wont work and it will reboot in endless loop

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Cloning IBM Thinkpad To Dell Optiplex

Aug 23, 2005

I have just used ACRONIS True Image to clone WIN XP Pro from an IBM Think pad to a Dell Optiplex desktop.After restoring the image to the Dell - I used the original Dell XP Pro disk to do a Repair install (not recovery console). XP then booted up into the Dell.All works fine and I have not had to re-install any of my applications.However, I am missing my display driver, Power management drivers, etc. So I can't hibernate but the display as it stands works fine.Is there some way of getting these drivers to be recognized or auto detected? I thought Windows would just auto detect them but perhaps because everything is working this step is bypassed.I can always go back and do a restore with my Dell disks but I am trying to avoid re-installing all my apps - the greater task than reinstalling XP.

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Remove Original Installation Before Cloning

Apr 8, 2008

I have just cloned my C: drive which is only 2.93 GB big, to install my Windows OS on my D: drive which is a lot bigger.Is there anyway I can now remove the OS or the files from the C: drive, and if so, if not, how do i now make my computer boot up from copy of OS now installed on D:

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Cloning Computer At Manufacturer State

Oct 24, 2006

I am about to purchase a laptop and if there is anything I've learned over the years, it's that these companies like to cram laptops with useless software, most of which expires after a certain amount of time thus making it even more useless. What I would like to do after purchasing the laptop is completely format the hard drive and then install my own copy of Windows along with software that I do use. If anything ever goes wrong however, the originally installed version of Windows along with the manufacturer's software / utilities will most likely be needed for warranty. So my question is about how to make a perfect copy of the hard drive before formatting it. I have Partition Magic which has an option called "Copy Partition" which I imagine is what I am looking for, but I would like to make sure I don't do anything wrong.

Would I install Partition Magic, make a hidden partition that is large enough for the currently installed version of Windows and the extra "bundled" software, and then copy Windows and the software to it? After which I would then format the rest of the hard drive and then install my own version of Windows there. If anything ever goes wrong, I would format the partition I was working with and copy the hidden partition back to it. Is this the correct thing to do, and if so is there anything else I should be aware of before doing this. For example, will the original version of windows still function correctly if I ever did have to restore it? I always hear about people doing this and I assume this is what they do.

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Hard Disk Would Not Boot After Cloning

Sep 3, 2006

I recently cloned my 40 gig western digital hard drive over to a 160 gig Hitachi.I am running windows xp pro sp2.First I used Norton Ghost,when finished copying I switched hard drives,relocated the jumpers so the new one was set to master. I restarted my personal computer.It showed the hard drive and the 2 cd roms but my personal computer wouldn't boot.I then formatted the Hitachi and tried again with power quest Drive image,I got the same results.It shows my new hard drive configured Then I get the splash screen then just a blinking dot in the top left corner of my screen so I tried again with hard disk clone, still wouldn't boot to the hard disk. I then created a floppy boot disk which made it load up perfectly.I tried the f disk thing. I tried the R repair with the windows xp no avail.My hard drive will boot great if I use a boot disk but it won't boot to the hard drive on it's own.If I put the original hard drive in it boots up fine.I have a compaq presario 5000.I have tried everything I could think of and everything I could find searching the web.

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Xp Failing To Work

Sep 13, 2007

just recently i did somthing to my computer i have no clue wat the computer than started to come up with this intel this n says error 111 down the F4 thing.i press F4 n it goes to bios setup utility..than i usually just press escape n enter[ok] and at the moment it goes to the black screen where u choose wat to start windows normally, safe mode, safe mode with networking. i use the last known working configuration n the loading windows black screen comes up n my computer than restarts...can someone please tell me how to fix this. i feel like throwing my computer out the window! its 1 1/2 yr old

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Failing Mouse ?

Dec 2, 2006

2.2 GHz Athlon 64
512 MB DDR2
Windows XP Media Center
Last night, the right-click function on my optical mouse starting acting up, wouldn't work unless I pressed hard. As I was furiously right-clicking on the desktop to get it to work, all of the text backgrounds on the desktop icons turned from invisible to black. Oops, no problem, I thought, I'll restart and it'll return to normal. Nope. So I right-clicked (replaced the mouse with a PS2 model, works fine now) on the desktop, went to the Desktop tab, Customize, Web, and unchecked "Lock desktop items". The icons looked fine after that. More weirdness followed: when I went into hibernation, no problems (it stated "preparing to hibernate", etc.). But touch the mouse, and it returns to life as if in standby mode. All the power settings are normal for using hibernation. Please don't tell me to not use hibernation, I've always used it with no problems. No new or weird processes running in the background. What on earth could my idiotic right-clicking have done to my settings to result in these two problems? Oh yeah, I did update Windows a few hours before this, but the hibernate feature definitely worked prior to my problem. I'd hate to have to restore to the previous restore point since I'm on dialup and I hate updating Windows manually.

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Sound On WINis Failing

Sep 24, 2006

I have never had a sound problem on my computer until very recently. I can restore it back and the sound is restored. However, every morning, the sound is "gone". I then restore it back to Sept. 14, and the sound returns. I use the "automatic update" feature. Last night after I restored back to 9/14, I changed the option to "notify me of updates". So far, this morning, I still have sound.
Is it possible that one of the automatic updates is causing this problem. Or do you have any suggestions as to what may be causing it. By sound, I am just taking about the sound you hear when you reboot or play online games not the cd room

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Updates And Msn Failing To Install

May 24, 2008

Hey, I just reinstalled Windows XP Pro SP2 (I've done like a hundred times before). After Installing my WiFi I install Norton 360, theni fully update my PC with Microsoft Update. This meant Downloading Service Pack 3. I've had Service Pack 3 on the same PC before. Whenever I try to install updates now they all totally fail with no error codes, and Winodws Live Installer fails all its installations. I manage to be able to install .exe applcations fine. but its bugging me not to be able to instal MSN

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Desktop Failing Its Boot Sequence

May 23, 2007

I am running Windows XP (SP2) on an eMachines T2080 desktop. All Windows security patches and other OS updates are current. McAfee virus scan is run weekly, as is SpyBot S&D and AVG/Ewido. I am running a GeForce FX 5200 graphics card with up-to-date drivers

The problem is, while using this computer, i had a hung-up process that was slowing things down. After doing CNTL-ALT-DEL to see the process list, i accidentally shut down the explorer process, thinking it was a hung-up internet explorer. Naturally, the computer shut down, but ever since, it does not seem to want to boot appropriately. From a cold power-up, it will go through the "Windows" logo screen with the blue scrolling bar for about 10 seconds, then the screen goes black and stays black for about a minute. Rather than coming to the light blue screen where the user-id's live, the system instantaneously flashes a "blue screen" (with some white characters on the screen), however, it's so fast that I can't read it, nor can I get a screen shot of it. Once that blue screen flashes, it goes back and tries to boot again, only it gives me the options of safe mode, start windows normally, start from last known good configuration, etc. I can boot up just fine in safe mode, but the blue screen phenomenon happens for all the other options. I have tried a system restore to a previous day, and that doesn't work either.

any ideas on how to proceed, short of an OS reinstall / repair. I have seen some suggestions for CMOS battery replacement,I can copy any utility files I need just fine while in safe mode, but I'd like to try and do additional troubleshooting

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Failing To Get Service Pack 2 To Download

Dec 4, 2004

My computer has automatically tried to install it over 30 times now, and i tried manually about 5 times, and everytime it just fails, and doesn't complete! PLEASE HELP!

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Downloading And Trying/failing To Install MS NETframework 3.0?

Feb 26, 2008

For the past several days, MS has been downloading and trying/failing to install their MS NETframework 3.0 service pack1 (KB959300) update.can anyone tell me what to do so it can go ahead and install?

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Pro Installation - Failing To Boot Properly

Sep 13, 2005

I installed Windows XP Pro over my Windows XP home a few days ago. My Windows XP Pro seemed to be working fine except it didn't feel or acknowledge my built in speakers and various other hardware. My dad said this might stem from the fact that the Windows I have (being from 2001) is older than my laptop. He suggested I DL the service pack onto on desktop computer, put it on a disk and open it on my laptop and install. I did that, and everything seemed to go fine until I restarted my PC as I usually do when I install new software. My laptop told there had a been a error that Windows was failing to boot properly due to some failed installation of software or failed hardware installation. It had a few options like "start with the last known configuration of windows that worked on your computer" so I did that. And I tried the other options too. But after a few screens of the usual booting up stuff my laptop just goes to a black screen and I can't get away from it. Windows Support won't help me so I'm asking you guys.

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Trying (And Failing) To Dual Boot X64 And Vista?

Jun 22, 2008

I installed XP x64 (Yes, I know, that was a mistake) on my machine a while ago and was tired of having to put up with all the incompatibility issues that had been arising, whether it was not having iTunes work properly to even some of my favorite software just not loading and prompting me with error messages.

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Icons Failing To Turn - Up On Tray

Sep 10, 2008

Running XP Pro and SP2. For some reason my icons in my bottom Right hand tray keep losing themselves. The only ones shown are my Wireless Adaptor, Bluetooth and Kaspersky. But when I go to Control Panel, Sounds and Audio devices Properties and turn the icon on and 'apply' etc. all of my missing icons pop up, "sound, wireless connection, cable network connection and safely remove hardware". But when the system is restarted for use at another time, Its back to as described with missing icons. I've been into Control Panel, System Services and down to Universal Plug and Play properties, this was set to "Manual" to which I changed to "Automatic". I did this following a subject at MSN Knowledge. But again starting the system today its just the same. One thing not mentioned, I did a registry clean a few weeks ago, whether someting had changed at that point.

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Update Installation - Installations Were Failing

Aug 21, 2006

hope someone can help me! I have windows XP and a while ago IE stopped being able to download, i have resolved that by reinstalling IE, however about the same time my windows update installations were failing and i thought it was because of my download problem in IE however now IE is fixed but i still cannot install windows updates.Before anyone tells me to go into tools, options, security blah blah, i have done that already but it has not resolved the problem. The error message i get is just a box that says updates were unable to be successfully installed then a list of the updates it was unable to install, but no reason for the error or number is given.

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