Computer Wont Show The Drive Names Or Letters?

Dec 15, 2008

the hard disk partitions shown in the my computer folder usually have a name as well as drive letter associated with as i opened my folder the name of the drives along with the folders cd rom n floppy disk were missing.when i select a drive the information shows up in the left hand pane

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Drive Letters Wont Show In Disk Management Nor In "My Computer"?

Aug 27, 2005

I cannot find out why the partition drive letters are not showing up in disk management but are showing in "My Computer". I can view directories and file in explorer but links and commands do not work because they can't find the paths.

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Hard Drive Letters Take Several Seconds To Show Up?

Jan 14, 2005

Just recently my computer started doing the annoying thing where you try to type, but it freezes for a couple of seconds and then all the typing you did finally shows up. It does it when I try to scroll down a page, too; everything freezes for a few seconds before my cursor is responsive again. I have a fairly high-powered computer, and no extraneous programs are running. When I keep Task Manager running, I can see spikey activity in the CPU when these freeze-ups occur. I keep things well-defragged and spyware-free.

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Getting The Drive Letters To Show Up Before The Drive Description?

Aug 1, 2005

At work we have so many network drives and in a recent upgrade to xp, the drive letters are showing up at the very end of the drive description. In certain applications, you only get to see a short portion of the beginning of the drive info and with the complex naming schemes we have, it is difficult to remember what's what and hard to tell the difference with just the beginning showing. It's very easy to remember what we've designated as K or N or P for example. Any way to switch these letters back to the beginning?

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Finding Software To Show The Host Names After Each Session Of Net Use?

Aug 15, 2005

After each session of net use, how to know I connected to which sites/host names? Is there any software to show the addresses?

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Changed Drive Letters, Computer Won't Boot

Sep 30, 2008

I was attempting to back up my hard drive to an external hard drive. The program (Norton Ghost 14) wasn't recognizing the drive. The Norton tech. helped me determine this was because under Disk Management there were no drive letters next to the drives. It showed a small partition on my primary drive, my primary drive, and my usb connected external hard drive, but none had drive letters next to them. I attempted to change their drive letters. It did something, but the letters still didn't show next to the drives. After this, everything disappeared on my desktop. I then rebooted and couldn't get to the login screen.Right now, when I start my computer I get the Dell bios revision screen, then the black MS Windows XP screen, and then the blue XP screen. Everything looks normal except that it stops short of the login area. My guess is that by changing the primary drive letter that my computer now cannot find anything because it appears the C drive is missing.

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Finding The Procedure To Show File/folder Names In Explorer?

Oct 29, 2006

How can I make my Windows Explorer display the text names? Normally in Thumbnail view it shows the names too ...

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Drive Letters Wont Showing In Computer After Virus Attack?

Sep 26, 2008

I was infected by a virus while changing to a different AV software. After a full day of cleaning, I have a perfectly usable and clean computer, however, my c: and d: drives are not displaying in my computer.They are listed in device manager, disk manager,and I can access programs off of them c: is my boot drive just nothing in my computer.I was able to create a shortcut to both of their root directories so I can browse them. All windows programs show them as viable drives and will browse, so this is more of a nuisance than a dire situation, however, it is a bit crippling.

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Sp2 My Computer Doesnt Show Flash Drive Drive

Apr 20, 2006

I had a problem with my windows. When ever I plug in my Flash drive (i got a few: kingston data traveller 1gig, pendrive 128mb,etc) onto my usb port. Window will be able to detect the drive had been plug in. I can see the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon on the right side of my task bar. But i cannot see the drive appearing in "My Computer". If I double click on the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon and try to view the external drive information, I can see that its already detected and being assign with drive E: . Even if I open a windows explorer and type in E: , it will throw me an error "Cannot find 'file:///E:/'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct". But if I were to restart my computer, then i can see it for the first time. If I disconnect it (thru the "Safely Remove Hardware") and plug it back in (or plug another flash drive), I cant see the external drive. Causing I had to restart my computer multiple time a day.

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How To Make Drive Not Show Up In My Computer?

Oct 25, 2007

XP SP2. I have a card reader on my printer that I never use. how can I make that drive not show up in my computer?

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Computer Doesn't Show The Second Drive

Dec 13, 2007

I have two hard drives each divided into two partitions.I performed a clean install and repartitioned the C drive into C: and D:"My Computer" shows the C & D partitions correctly but does not show the second drive with it's partitions D: and E:In "Disk Management" of "Computer Management", my secondary drive is shown as Disk 0 and not being partitioned with all the GB combined.

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Drive Letters Options Not Showing Up In " My Computer"?

Dec 5, 2007

When I open My Computer by double clicking from the Desktop, my 4 drives C/D/E/F are displayed in the right window pane. Now when I try to open the D or E drives by double clicking the Drive letters, i'm unable to open the drives. Whereas with the same procedure i'm able to open the C and F drives by double clicking. When I right click my D and E drives. I'm seeing that the Explore and Search options/attributes are missing and in that place I get to see some junk characters displayed, and rest of the other options/attributes are displaying normally.

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Computer Wont Show CD-ROM Drive Or Hard Disk?

Apr 17, 2005

My hard disk and cd-rom drive doesn't show up when I go to My Computer.Doesn't work in Explorer or in Vapor.It's all there and working fine when I go to Device Management.I've got Windows XP Home Edition; service pack 2

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Change Drive Names?

Jul 30, 2005

My A drive (floppy disk) does not work. Hence, I bought an external floppy disk drive which works very well. This second drive has been named "3 1/2 Floppy B:" by the computer. The problem is that I am working with a program that is looking for floppy drive A, not B, and since drive A is useless, I'm wondering how I can have the program recognize drive B as the correct drive to use. I attempted to rename drive B as drive A, but the computer would not allow me.

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System Folder Names Changing To Very Odd Names

Jan 4, 2006

I noticed recently that my system and other folder names have changed on their own! What the -h- happened? I have never seen anything like this before. These folders appear on all of my drives c:, d:, g: and they are random. It looks like they are of another language, maybe? Actually, the wording makes no sense at all...> It looks like most of these folders previously existed.

Things I have done: Ran Anti-V program + Ewido Suite = No viruses, trojans, malware, etc. Ran three adware programs (ad-aware, spywareblaster, spyware doctor) = Clear. Checked all running processes and startup tab in mscofig = no peculiar programs detected. Ran regseeker = Phenominal amount of invalid keys, etc. (3,000+) very unusual to the norm!!!

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After Reformating Drive Letter Changed - Reassign Drive Letters

May 29, 2006

After reformating my pc, my secondary hard drive is now designated as drive "D". Before the reformat it was drive "G". I have software that needs to get data from drive "G" but the drive is not designated as "G" any longer. I can't remember how to reassign the drive letters so that I can designate the secondary drive as "G".

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Missing Hard Drive Yet Drive Letters Are Correct Maybe?

Jun 24, 2005

Correct me if I'm wrong but I was under the impression that hard drive letters were assigned each time the machine booted up & only c & d were reserved for the operating system & CD/DVD drive & if the number of drives altered from one boot up to the next these letters could change. The reason hat I ask is that I changed an internal drive which had several partitions on it only to find that this drive isn't recognized, but even though it isn't recognized by My Computer or disk management the other partition are labeled as if this were listed.I now don't have a an 'e' & 'g' drive listed. But I do have a 'J' & 'k' listed. Where is my other drive 'e' & 'g' & how do I get to use the data on them.

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Strange Drive Letters - Reformatted My Hard Drive

Jan 4, 2007


IDE drive; SATA drive; misc USB drives and card readers p4 (2G) Foxcon board (w/ SATA support); 2G Ram...


XP Pro SP2; Partition Magic 8; (& misc apps)

I bit the bullet and reformatted my hard drive after problems with a corrupted W98 partition. (My testimonial to XP is that w/ W98 I did this sometimes twice a year or more; I've run XP without having to re-format for over two years.)

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Hard Drive And Zip Drive Exchanged ID Letters

Dec 15, 2004

I have no idea why but I have an issue where my brother's computer after a clean install of XP from 98 exchanged ID letters. Drive "C" is now "F" and the Zip drive is now "C". It may have been something to do with SP2 which I removed. Windows won't allow me to change the hard drive back to "C" even after I made it available by designating the Zip as "H". Trying in Safe mode did not allow the change, nor did Partition Magic change it. "C" was added to the name but I could not change it from "F". I already started over and reinstalled XP but it still came up "F" as the hard drive. Things work after the second install where the drives quit after the first half-way into re-loading programs. Now it is just a pathway issue. What else can I do short of starting all over? Is there a way to change the hard drive designation? Any help would be appreciated

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New Hard Drive/Changed Drive Letters

Sep 13, 2009

I just bought a WD 1 TB to replace 120 GB slave (it was 'c:') I had. I intended to still use it as a slave and keep my 320 GB (it was 'd:') as the master. They're both SATA's so of course that doesn't matter so I just kept the 320 set as the primary in BIOS.At first boot up the computer started fine but when it started Windows the previous devices hadn't been loaded and I was asked to register again before starting. I re-registered and clearly all the previous settings are gone

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Reassign A Drive Letters To A Second Hard Drive

Feb 10, 2007

Can you reassign a drive letters to a second hard drive, cd/dvd drive? I seem to remember something about that in XP but can not recall what it was I read.

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Drive Names In Explorer Completely Changed, Crashes You Double Click

Sep 23, 2010

This is so weird, see the screenshot.


This happened after booting up my pc today (running XP Pro SP3).

I had a malware infection days ago and removed it almost completely (apart from random tabs popping up in Firefox).

Last night I ran O&O Defrag and it finished without any problems or errors.

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Is There A Way To Just Switch The Drive Letters

Dec 3, 2006

I'm trying to play Diablo II: LoD, which requires that the LoD expansion CD be in my CDROM drive. I mounted an image of the disc with Daemon such that it's in (virtual) Drive E: (normal CDROM drive is D:[b][/b]). But the game seems to only be checking my D: Drive for the disc, and it won't let me point to the E: Drive.

Is there a way to just switch the drive letters around, and if so, do you think this would even solve my problem? Perhaps there's a way I can just set E: as my default CDROM drive, so that the game would check there?

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Drive Letters - New Installed

Aug 4, 2005

I recently had to reinstall windows XP to get rid of spyware. When I restarted windows, I noticed that my drive letters were not right. For instance,my hard drive is letter (H) instead of C. My floppy drive is correct (A). How do I change the letter back to C for my hard drive?

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Changing Drive Letters

Jun 3, 2008

I created a new partition and installed Windows on it a while back, but when I booted up, it had the letter G and my other partition that I used to store music was drive C.I was going to change drive letters around so that my OS was on drive C, but I was wandering if this would mess up any applications I have on the system?

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Changing Drive Letters In PRO?

Jan 30, 2005

i feel that this is probley simple... but I don't know how to do it. I've right clicked directly on the dvd-player to see if I could change it and nothing is there. My dad has a dvd-player F: and a cd-rom drive E:, His computer was formatted recently, but now the software for each of the drives are mixed up. Putting a dvd in drive F:, tells us that drive E: does not contain a disk.I would like to just change the drive letters back to how it wants to be set-up.

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Drive Letters Changed

Feb 15, 2008

After a reconfiguration of boot loader in suse Linux two of my drives swapped their drive letters in WINDOWS XP SP2 (weird) now i can not reassign the drive letters as the disk management utility in control panel fails to start and gives error " service execution failed".so can u suggest any third party windows based software for achieving the task i have searched the internet and found nothing

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Moving Drive Letters

Nov 29, 2008

My main pair of raid drives crashed and burned. So I installed XP on my second pair of raided disks and recovered the data from the first pair. But now my boot/o-s disk is D and my drive is C.Any tools I can use to change drive letters around and move boot information and such automatically?

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How Do Rearrange Drive Letters?

Jul 16, 2005

My CD rom is showing up as Drive D: and my second drive partition is showing up as Drive E:. I want to switch them so the CD rom is always the last drive letter.

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Force Drive Letters?

Aug 6, 2005

I have 2 USB hard drives which i use for storage. I have a backup program which automatically backs up my mp3s and digital camera pictures.When i plug in the USB hard drives they show up as C (80Gb HD) and D problem is that if my digital camera is plugged into my USB port before any of the USB hard drives are plugged in, the digital camera then takes up Drive Letter 'C'. Then if i plug my USB Hard Drives in they now become D and E. See my problem ?? The backup program no longer recognises that the USB hard drives have moved up a letter and so won't back up until i restart with only the USB hard drives in tomake them C and D again. So my question is, how do i force WinXP to make sure that my 80Gb HD is the only thing to ever be allocated 'C', and my 160Gb HD is the only thing to ever be allocated the letter 'D' ?. i.e. I want to make WinXP automatically recognize which HD i am plugging in and always allocate it the Drive Letteri want?

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Assigning Drive Letters

Aug 26, 2005

I've got the following drive letter configuration on my PC . C to G, local drives H to K, network drives (essentially data on a server)I've now got a PDA that connects to my PC via USB. However, when connected it seems to go for the next consecutive local drive letter (ie H) - even though H is already allocated to a network drive.Is there a way I can allocate a permanent drive letter to the PDA (eg L)even though the PDA isn't always connected and may be connected/disconnected whilst the PC is running.

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