Computer Freezes At "WINDOWS IS CLOSING DOWN "

Apr 19, 2006

Sometimes after turning off my computer via START>TURN COMPUTER OFF the computer freezes when WINDOWS IS CLOSING DOWN message appears on the screen. I have tried the CLRT/ALT/DELETE solution and this will not shut the computer down. The only way I can turn it off is pressing the ON/OFF button on the computer tower. When the computer gets to the WINDOWS IS SHUTTING DOWN position will it harm my computer using the ON/OFF button to turn it off

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Closing My Pictures Freezes My Computer

Jan 1, 2007

I take a lot of digital photos which I store in folders in "My Pictures" in "My Documents" in Windows XP. After over a year of doing this with no problems I can still open folders OK to view the photos in any of the folders and to delete them if required but as soon as I then close the folder the computer freezes.All I can do is to turn off the computer and then reboot. I have tried Ctl,Alt,Delete but whilst a list of the running processes comes up nothing seems to be using CPU except System Idle Process. Has anybody any ideas as to what is causing this to happen.

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Computer Freezes: Windows Corrupted?

Sep 1, 2005

I think my windows XP is corrupt. When I am in any browser my computer completely freezes and I have to shut the power off in order to restart. If I reinstall XP will I loose all of my programs, etc. I have never done this before and am a littled worried about doing so. I have done everything else I can think of. My system is clean otherwise, just locks up when browsing.

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Shutting Down Windows But Computer Freezes

Mar 20, 2006

shutting down windows, get to shutting down windows screen then computer freezes

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Computer Freezes When Try To Install Windows Xp

Aug 13, 2010

I just built a new computer and for now until I get windows 7, I was trying to put 32 bit xp home edition on my 64 bit motherboard.But everytime I try to install, it freezes.

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Control Panel Windows Are Automatically Closing

Apr 6, 2006

This is my first post in the forum.I am facing a biz prblm.Whenever i try to open the control Panel user accounts window.The window is automatically closing after 5-6 seconds. i dnt knw y Even the same when i open the help and support page its closing automatically.

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Taskbar And Desktop Icons Dissapear After Closing Explorer Windows

Jul 28, 2007

I'm running a Dell Inspiron 6400 with Windows XP Home on it.My problem is as such:When ever I close an explorer window, the taskbar and desktop icons disappear for a few seconds...Its quite annoying, and it also closes any other Windows I have open.Programs don't seem to be affected.Has anyone come across this problem? And are there any solutions?

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Windows Xp Home Edition - Windows Xp Opening Screen Freezes

May 3, 2009

when opening windows xp the screen gets to the windows xp with the little green light going back and forth in the rectangle box. this green light goes back and forth 3 or 4 times then freezes and you cant go further then that.

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Computer Keeps Closing

Feb 11, 2008

my computer keeps closing down the page that i am on and taking me back to the screen where i can choose which user i want to log

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Programs Not Closing / Hl.exe Isnot Closing

May 29, 2005

Some programs (currently hl.exe is doing it :/) are just not closing right. I end them with task manager and they dissappear from everywhere but Task manager, where they stay no matter how many times i click end process. I tried through command prompt, it said it terminated the process, but it just stays in the task manager process list. I also tried through EndItAll, which told me it didn't have permission to kill the program.

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Computer Restarting / Programs Closing

Jul 25, 2005

Problem which Kodak tech support cannot solve: Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n digital camera working connected with computer Pentium 4 Windows XP using Kodak Camera Manager software. Connection between camera and computer via Firewire IEEE 1394 Device in the mode where computer (via Kodak Camera Manager software) controls Camera and uploads the images.

Crash has 2 "flavors" but all of them happen when camera shutter release shoots many shots without waiting of the previous shot to be uploaded to computer. 1st crash - is total system reboot. 2nd crash - only Kodak Camera Manager crashes and then when restarted the program, it still does not work until I reboot the system. In short: when many shots/images accumulate forcing overflow over the IEEE 1394 Device, either Camera Manager crashes or system reboots

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Computer Opening And Closing Programs On It's Own

Dec 9, 2005

My computer started acting like it was possessed! The numlock and scroll lock keys beep and light up on and off continuosly; if I try to open any Windows programs, ALL of the Windows programs start to pop open all over the desktop; it won't even dial the internet connection, so I can't get online. It won't go on standby by itself, and if I choose standby on the shutdown menu, it goes into standby for about 5 minutes and then goes back to the desktop, even after I've logged off!

I am able to open any games or programs that aren't Microsoft without other programs popping open, but the numlock and scroll lock keys still flash and beep all the time.
I have Earthlink ISP and use their anti-virus, pop-up blocker, spyblocker, spam filter, and firewall, along with Ad-aware and Xoftspy. No viruses or spyware are found when I run them.

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My Computer Freezing, Closing Explorer, USB Devices Not Recognized

Feb 25, 2007

So I have an iPod and external hard drive connected by USB.My Dell only recognizes these devices maybe 50% of the time or so, unless I start with the iPod connected, which will work fine. If I start with the external hard drive connected, it isn't recognized until I reconnect it. I had USB recognition problems, and Dell sent me a new motherboard for my Inspiron E1705, which I installed myself successfully. Now my computer recognizes my printer consistently, but the hard drive and iPod are iffy.I disregarded this and tried to add more music to my iPod. At first, it was giving me disc writing errors. Later on, it would either freeze or only add a small portion of the songs. So I started fiddling around with the order things were connected, and now My Computer freezes when I open it. I restarted my laptop, tried a diagnostic in iTunes (with the iPod attached at startup, which opened iTunes, then closed iTunes so I could turn on my external hard drive where my music is stored, reopened iTunes where music worked by iPod wasn't being recognized by iTunes), and it said I was having iPod connection problems.

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Computer Not Closing Down Correctly - Wierd,unknown File In Startup

Jul 17, 2005

I am having trouble with my computer not starting or closing down correctly.
The only "strange" thing I have been able to find when I run msconfig, is an
entry in startup called:yenuxbhtod.exe-start.I have done multiple searches on the net and cannot find anything like this. Its location is listed as SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunI have unticked it in Startup, but it just comes back.I am running Windows XP home.

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Freezes At Setup Is Starting Windows

Jun 10, 2008

When i put in teh Win xp disc its starts loading teh file etc.. and then when done after i press enter and "Setup is starting windows" its freezes andi get liek A black dot and a few like patterns on the screen or soemtimes teh screen just goes mad liek with different colourd patterns but ontop of the blue "Setup is starting windows" screen ive checked teh disc and made a copy both work fine checked teh CD rom works fine put a diffremnt cd rom drive in and made no difference cant check ram because my computer doesnt take DDR2. ive put diffrent IDE harddives in with and without a SATA convoertor and the same thing happens with the "Setup is starting windows" also when i start the computer up before i boot from cd or anything after all that without booting from CD i get a BSOD code 0x07B.

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Reinstalled Windows - Now Laptop Freezes At Startup After Reinstall?

Dec 11, 2007

I decided to "reinstall" Windows XP on my laptop. I stuck the reinstall disk into the computer and let it go. After about 1 hour of "reinstalling", the computer restarted, after that, the window was only one half the size and I couldn't change the monitor resolution size. (but, it showed the old desktop information so I knew right away that I hadn't actually reinstalled to the original state, but just reinstalled over the current desktop).

I restarted the computer to see if the window screen would enlarge to the full size. It did return to the full screen size, but Now, it freezes at the part of startup where the screen says "Windows is starting up". I left it on for 20 minutes and it was still frozen. SHould I insert the Windows XP disk again, to start over or what? Or click reboot after hitting the F2 button??

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Home Computer Acting Weird / Pop-ups, To The Point My Computer Freezes

Dec 2, 2004

I went out of town for 2 weeks, came home and my pc is acting really strange. I've been getting tons of pop-ups, to the point my computer freezes and i must restart. Not only that but it randomly reboots itself even when not being used. Also, when i go to delete files now, the file does NOT go into the recycle bin. I looked at the settings and there is no check mark next to the "do not move files into recycle bin". My BF said he had been downloading things so I figured maybe its a virus or something. I ran Nortons... nothing. Ran AVG... nothing. A friend told me it sounded like spyware so he told me to run Adaware & Spybot. Did that, found a ton of stuff. But when i retarted the pc, it wanted to start in "safe mode". I noticed that most of these pop ups are (search miracle ??) Found info that its a trojan, but i dont know. . I dont know what to do, totally computer illiterate.

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Running Windows XP / Occasional Freezes Blue Screens / Without Any Apparent Pattern In Program Or Usage

Jan 7, 2009

I would really appreciate some advice concerning a troublesome computer.A friend who was running Windows XP on a two-years old computer began to experience occasional freezes and blue screens without any apparent pattern in program or usage. It eventually got so bad that we removed most of his installed software other than the essential, but problems continued. We then made a repair installation of Windows XP from the Dell OS installation disk, after which the computer would fall over every time after initial boot up. With sinking heart (of course, he had no image, but had data backups) we then formatted the hard disk and executed a fresh installation of Windows XP.

Windows now boots but the Windows directories contain very few folders or files. The CD drive can only be read perhaps 50% of the time. Most program installation files refuse to run, but some do. One installation disk which will not run is his internet installation. The computer continues to display sporadic blue screens.Before it goes out the window can anyone suggest our next course of enquiry?

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Computer Freezes And Message Pops Up Computer Is Not Responding ?

Oct 13, 2010

My computer freezes randomly and a message pops up, (this computer is not responding) WHY?

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Computer Acting Weird - Computer Freezes Sometimes

Dec 30, 2006

my computer freezes sometimes. i get webpages not responding.its IE7 have i been hijacked or something

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Computer Constantly Freezes - Reformatt Computer

Nov 22, 2006

Im extremely frustrated, computer keeps freezing not sure why. The freezing occurs randomly sometimes it occurs just after startup while other times i can play a game for a few hours before it freezes. Ive been in a repair shop a couple times and they havent solved the problem despite replacing the mother board and power supply. They also reformated the computer and still get the freezing problem. Also when it freezes i turn the power switch off on the back and then i get a noise from the speakers that sounds like someone tapping on a the desk. How can i discover the problem?

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Computer Turned From Sleek Silver Windows Xp Theme Into Windows Classic Version

Oct 13, 2007

I came home today and found my computer had turned from the sleek silver windows xp theme into the windows classic version. I also have no sound and in the control panel it isn't picking up any audio devices. I cant change the theme back to windows xp in properties either it says im using Windows XP (modified). PLEASE HELP ME! All i know is that the power went out at some point today (about 7 hours ago)

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No More Windows File Sharing After Windows 2000 Computer Networked

Jul 24, 2005

I had to put windows 2000 on my moms PC, which is part of a network, and now EVERY computer on the Network sees an "Internet Gateway". WHY???? The only computer that can see shared files is my moms with the windows 2000. theres 3 more computers all running windows xp. how do i fix this? File sharing is now available, but I myself believe the internet is being slowed down. THe Internet gateway that windows XP is picking up is reading 8.0 mbps. My connection has gotten as high as like almost 2, but it should not read that.

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Computer Freezes Every 2 Min

Oct 25, 2007

I have a 2004 Toshiba Satellite w/Celeron processor, M35X-S149, with Windows XP. A few days ago it started having this problem where the entire screen freezes up and I have to turn the computer off and restart. It freezes anywhere from 2 minutes to 4 hours into a session, but it freezes up every time. I don't know if this is related, but every time I restart, I get a message window from an application called Button Manager v1.83, that says: "No INITIO External Storage Device Found" and it has two buttons to click on, either : LED ON or LED OFF. I ran a virus scan, and an adaware scan, but it didn't help. My husband wants to throw out the computer and buy a new one, but there must be a way to fix this. Is it a virus


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Computer Freezes Every 20 Min.

Jan 14, 2008

Every time I start to do something my computer freezes. I installed "dream day" and 20 min. into it my computer froze, but before I even did this when I'm am playing itunes, my system just reboots right in the middle.using xp

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Alt Tab Freezes Computer

Aug 5, 2007

whenever i press alt tab to go onto another program the computer freezes.i can unfreeze it by pressing ctrlaltdelete. i think sumone put a keylogger on my comp.

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My Computer Freezes Up

Apr 13, 2005

Don't know why. But it does it enough for me to want to go back to Win2000. This is the first time I have used XP Home and so far I am not too impressed. When my computer freezes up to the point I have to reset it to clear it. What can I do to diagnose this issue?

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Computer Freezes While Starting Up

Aug 30, 2007

I got some time and checked the available disk space. Out of 33MB I had 10MB left. I cleaned some stuff up and compressed the disk. Things worked well all day yesterday and then today we got this again.

I haven't been able to get the computer to start up now. I turn it off, and it hangs/freezes while it's starting back up. I did get it to load in safe mode,

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Computer Freezes When On For 5-6 Hours?

Jan 23, 2007

I have an E-Machines with 512mb of ram and run Windows XP Pro. My computer seems to freeze when left on for more than 5-6 hours. I tried speaking with E-machines about this, but they just wanted me to buy a $100 extended service warranty. I have been looking at the event viewer, but the errors that pop up don't seem to correlate.

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Computer Freezes Few Times A Day?

Dec 29, 2004

My computer freezes at least twice a day. Sometimes when i leave it on for quite some time, it freezes. At other times it just freezes while i'm doing some work. Just now the computer restarted by itself when i was running some programs (matlab, excel, bitcomet, zone alarm). I have to restart my computer manually everytime. I'm using Windows XP SP2, Zone Alarm Pro, BitComet, Prevx, McAfee. I've already checked my power option (hibernation disabled, never turn off monitor or hard disks and never standby).

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Cpu At 100 % Usage / Computer Freezes?

Feb 10, 2007

All of a sudden my computer came to a screaching halt. It says in windows task manager that my cpu usage is at 100%.The image name using all the time is "system" The user name is "system" The cpu is 99

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