Change My Docs Location

Jan 20, 2008

I'm running Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2. How can I tell Windows to use an alternate path for My Documents?

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Can Change The Location Of The Recyle Bin?

Dec 2, 2007

I often want to restore files from the Recycle Bin to a common folder and do other such file operations. However, the limitations on C:RECYCLER access are annoying. Is there a way to:

a) change the location of the Recycle Bin?
b) reroute all or most deleted files to a specific folder (say, D:)?

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Change The File Location For Save Target As

May 20, 2010

I routinely download the latest set of filters for my anti-spam program, and Windows routinely wants to save them in My Documents, by default. I ALAWYS save the file (filters.txt) to the following location (by Right-clicking the file):C:Documents and SettingsMickApplication DataMailWasherPro, Is there any way that that I can: Save this particular file to the abovementioned Path, by default? Without disturbing Windows current, Save In My Documents setting? I am using WinXP Professional SP3 (fully updated).

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How Many My Docs Do Have?

May 24, 2006

I'm new to WIN XP, when I got my new computer a few months ago, it wouldn't let me go on until I put in a user name. It gave options for setting up separate names for different users. I'm the only one who uses this, and would have bene okay with just this. But, I didn't know how to NOT do it, so put in my name (Carrie) as a user.Since then, I've noticed there seems to be several "My Documents" folders. One for All Users (I can understand this) with samples in it. But, one is just "My Documents" and one is /Carrie/My Documents. Going back and forth between them they seem to be the same files. When I click on the shortcut on the desktop it goes to "My Documents" but when I scroll down with this open, I find Carrie/My Documnets. They both seem to be alike.

when I look on C drive, it only has Document Setup (and Administrator, and all users) When I click to open this it has Carrie/Documents. It doesn't show separate folders one "My Documents" and one "Carrie/My Documents".My question (and I once read there "there are no stupid questions" is this all the same? Not TWO separate file folders, one a plain MY DOCS and one a Carrie/My Docs? (thus taking up double space on the hard drive) Maybe it's just two names, leading to the same (one) folder? It's not saving everything TWICE taking up double the space? When I save something to MY DOCS, it says only that, without my name in it. But, if I look for something in SEARCH, when it finds it, it says it's in Carrie/My Documents.Maybe there's a way to get it set for just one user? Like my old WIN 98 just had "My Documnets" (simple) (I think this could be set up for users to log in). My WIN XP isn't set up for anyone to log in, but seems to automatically separate into more users.

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Contents Of My Docs Have Gone

Sep 10, 2007

Over the last week on this laptop i've had lockups and freezes.Thought i'd try using WinsockxpFix.I'd ran out of discs so just backed up everything important to My Docs.Downloaded and ran the fix and had the message to create a registry backup...then another message saying the directory to store a registry backup to didn't exist did i want to create it.i clicked yes and had the message that all the files could not be deleted.Didn't understand that so i just cancelled the fix and exited.Now My Docs are completely empty...everything has gone! they are not in the recycle bin either...have restored back to the earliest point i can but still My Docs folder is empty.Is there an app to recover these there anything i can do...there's weeks of course work there.

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My Docs Off Toolbar

Jun 26, 2005

In display properties I can select not to display My Documents & Network Places on desktop; however if I choose not to “Display Desktop Icons and select “Desktop Toolbar� they show up in the tool bar. What is the solution to this long standing bug in Windows.

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Partitioning C: Drive For & Docs

May 12, 2008

I need to reformat the 60Gb drive on my laptop and I would like to partition my hard drive to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. I wanted to put XP Home in one partition and my docs on another.
1. Would 10Gb for the 1st / XP partition and the remainder for the second partition seem reasonable?

2. I will put the MyDocuments folder on the 2nd partition - do I try and install all programs on the 2nd partition, right? The 'Documents and Settings' folder sits on the 2nd partition also, right? I think I want to keep Windows away from everything, to keep it 'pure'.

3. Will any programs try to deposit temporary files application data in the 1st partition - and do I then shift this data over to the 2nd partition?

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Installed Xp Pro / No Recent Docs?

Jan 30, 2008

I just installed xp pro on my computer (used to have home) and noticed that there is not "recent documents" on my start menu- this is driving me crazy as I use that all the time. I've tried looking around a bit but can't seem to find any way to enable/disable it. Anyone know how I can get this back?

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Scandisk Munched My Docs

Aug 12, 2007

I've just run Scandisk on XP, which has converted the My Docs folder to a file, and given me the error message 'insuffucient disk space to restore files' or something similar. Now, my My Docs folder is gone, and in its place I have an 8kb file 'My Documents' of type 'file'. I've searched for .chk files, but there are none. Is there any way to restore my folder?

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Missing Docs And Pics

Sep 14, 2008

I use Windows XP on my HP Pavillion 750n (c.2001). I had to run a Non-Destructive recovery due to a Windows Update that wouldn't allow me to open Internet Explorer, my antivirus softeware (Trend Micro) or even run the System Restore function.When I ran the Non-Destructive recovery, upon reboot, I received the message, "NTLDR file is compressed. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart", to which I received that same message. I called HP Cust Support and they help me fix that problem ($59.95 later), but when my system rebooted, it created to Owner profiles. One named "owner" and one named "Owner.Your-W92P4BHLZG". I cannot access the one named "Owner" and none of my files are under the "Owner.Your-W92P4BHLZG".When I go to the "Owner" file, I get "Access Denied". Even when I boot in Safe Mode and log on as Admin, I can't get it in. I know the files are still in there somewhere as when I right-click on the Local Drive, It still shows the same amount of Disk Space Used as before the recovery was run.

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Shared Docs Backup

Jul 16, 2005

I have two computers, "This" and "That" networked via a Linksys cable router, both running XP Pro. Using Acronis True Image I backed up the C: drive of "This" to the shared documents of "That" computer. I wanted to back up directly to Backup (F) of "That" computer because it's a shared drive (partition). True Image kept disallowing it so in the end I sent the file to the shared documents folder.Now, I can't send the file to anywhere else on "That" computer. The error window is headed "Error copying file or folder". The actual message says:Cannot copy filename: there is not enough free disk space. Delete one or more files to free disk space, and then try again. To free space on this drive by deleting old or unnecessary files, click Disk Cleanup.

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Lost My Docs Shortcut

Mar 26, 2006

In the "My Computer" window there is normaly a shortcut to "My Documents". But I have some how managed to remove that.

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Pro Docs And Settings Account Not Display

Apr 24, 2007

I would like to conceal the presence of an admin account.I am not referring to the account "Administrator". User name will be part of the group "Administrators". I would like "C:Documents and Settingsuser name" to not appear, unless user name has logged in to the computer. The computer is not part of a domain.

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Is There A Way I Can Password-protect My Files In My Docs

Oct 4, 2006

Is there a way I can password-protect my files in My Documents so that each time I open the folder, it prompts me with a password? If not, are there any suggestions?

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Mailing Word Excel Docs Without Outlook Open?

Jan 14, 2009

My customer assures me that they could send excel/word docs without opening outlook.Even on my p.c. docs stay in outbox until outlook is opened

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Can't Delete Old Owner File In Docs / Settings Folder

Jun 19, 2008

I have a used laptop and have removed all of the previous owner's data. I have created a new user. I have changed the owner's name in My Computer and in the registry. Everything works well and I can find all my new files in My Documents as I expect. However in C:Docs and Settings there is a folder with the old owner's name. XP will not let me rename it or delete it and says it is "a Windows system folder and is requred for Windows to run properly". Apparently some part of XP is still using some files/folders in the old owner's name folder. How can I get around this so I can clean up my disk and delete the old owner's folder?

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Access Denied To Docs And Settings Folder For Administrator

Jan 15, 2007

I have a Dell 4600 with with 769MB Ram and Windows XP Pro. My XP boot sequence got corrupted (according to Dell) on my "C" drive. They wanted me to reformat the drive (and lose all my work). Instead I installed XP onto my secondary drive and nenamed it "C", set up a special partition on my secondary drive to receive the old files ("D") and renamed the "bad" drive to "G". Though I can access/copy most files from "G" onto "D", my "Documents and Settings/Administrator" directory on "G" (not password-protected, but contained a lot of files) are all "access-denied". I can't open/view these files on "G" or even copy them to "D". If I try to open them, I get a "files inaccessible, access is denied" msg.

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Need Drivers Location

Sep 22, 2007

I am gonna re-install windows and i heard that you can(should) back up your drivers, one question exactly where are? is it like 1 file or a whole bunch?

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Chkdsk Log File Location

Sep 30, 2004

Does anyone know the location AND exact name of the
Windows XP Home Chkdsk log file?

If one does not get created automatically (when executing
chkdsk c: /F), can I specify to pipe it to a file ? I
will be running this upon bootup , when I restart my

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Location Of Win Xp Desktop Pics ?

May 1, 2005

Where are the Windows XP destop pictures located. When you right click on a pic and put as desktop, it saves it somewhere...where at?

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Define Location In Dialogue Box?

Apr 19, 2010

When you go to save a file, a dialogue box appears that on the left has several pre-set choices (such as 'history' 'my documents' 'desktop' etc.Is there a way to define one of those pre-set choices to be a folder of your own choosing?

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Temporary Folder Changes Location

Feb 28, 2008

Windows XP Pro Temporary files, which are usually created in my local temp folder (C:/Documents and Settings/my files/Local Settings/Temp) have suddenly moved location to WINDOWS/Temp. Nothing is created in any users' temp folders, all temp files are now dumped into the WINDOWS/Temp folder.

At the same time, Carbonite stopped working, and I now get error messages that Carbonites Secure Backup Communications Service has failed. Of course, these two may not be related, and Carbonite support are helping me to sort out the problem with their program - but it may be a clue? The only other changes made in the same period this problem with the Temp folder happened was an automatic upgrade of Thunderbird and an upgrade of Adobe Flash Player. Everything else seems to be functioning correctly on my computer. Has anyone an explanation as to why this happened and does it matter?

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Location Of The My Documents Folder

Jul 30, 2005

Is it better to have the MyDocuments folder outside the local C: drive or to use the default MyDocuments folder that is a subfolder to the local C: drive? Why? I have been using a MyDocuments folder that is at the same level as MyComputer in the directory tree, because I was told that there is a limitation to the size of the MyDocuments folder. However, it also was mentioned that the size limitation does not exist with WinXPpro.

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Location Of Hard-Drives

Sep 1, 2010

where can I find the location of my Hard-Drive Partitions? I don't mean as in My Computer and double click, Microsoft Windows XP Professional Backup" /noexecute=optin. That sort of data, so I can add my windows 7 OS to the Boot Screen.

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SP2 Won't Copy The Folder To Different Location?

Dec 5, 2007

I'm trying to speed things up for my brother who has dialup Internet. He's rebuilding his PC with his XP CD which is SP1. I have a copy of SP2 in a folder on my PC so I figured I'd just burn it to CD for him. The problem is, my Cd burner reports an error when it tries to burn this. It burns other folders just fine, but reports an error (media error-but on several different disks from the same package that works fine burning other folders) when trying to burn the SP2 folder. (I can copy the folder to a different location & the same problem occurs when burning from the different location-so I don't think it's a corrupted file/folder although I wouldn't want to be too dogmatic on that. It could be a type of corruption that Explorer handles OK but the CD burner (Sonic/Roxio CD Creator, version 10 IIRC) doesn't.) My PC is 2.8GHz P4, 512MB RAM, 80GB HD with plenty of free space. WinXP, SP2 running AVG Internet Security. Hmmm-haven't tried it with AV turned off, think that might make a difference?

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Password - User Name Information Location?

Nov 9, 2006

I'm formatting and doing a clean install of XP Pro for a friend on her computer. I've saved everything she intends to keep to other partitions to restore or copy back later on; however....

I know that XP stores usernames and passwords someplace within the 'forms' area of the registry and I'm wondering if anybody knows where that would be located so I can extract and save that as well. I believe that by saving all of her online cookies that once brought back to the new install that information should be already embedded for her, is that correct?

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Unable To Location The Original Setup CD-ROM

Oct 25, 2007

I turned on my laptop and got the following message: "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair." My problem is that I'm unable to location the original Setup CD-ROM. Can this CD be ordered from the manufacturer? Also, whenever this Setup CD is required to repair, will My Documents be effected?

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Explorer Button Location Switched

Aug 27, 2005

The location of my "Folders" button is switched with the location of the "Search" button when I compare my Business PC to my Home PC. Does anybody know of a way to swap these locations?

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Mozilla Firefox Bookmarks Location

Jan 7, 2005

I am looking for my bookmarks folder and cant seem to find it in win XP. where to locate it?

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Setup Is Unable To Find HD Location

Oct 11, 2009

I am running: Windows XP Home Edition SP3 Pentium 4 2.0 ghz 512 ram ATI 8500 32.7 Gig HD Spac I keep getting error message "set up is unable to find a HD location to store temp files. Make at least 898KB available. What setting should I use and where is this setting?

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Moving Folders To New Drive Or Location

Jan 11, 2007

I have 3 hard drives in my pc, and have been trying to move files and folders from one location to another. I do a Cut/Paste and XP starts to move my folders, showing that it will take say, 1 hour to complete.I come back an hour later and find that after a few files have been moved, the process paused because it ran into some "Read Only" or ".exe" file and it asks me if I really want to move it. This happens almost every time I move a bunch of folders.Is there some way to tell XP when you try to "Cut/Paste" not to keep stopping and asking if you really want to move certain of the files?

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