I'm formatting and doing a clean install of XP Pro for a friend on her computer. I've saved everything she intends to keep to other partitions to restore or copy back later on; however....
I know that XP stores usernames and passwords someplace within the 'forms' area of the registry and I'm wondering if anybody knows where that would be located so I can extract and save that as well. I believe that by saving all of her online cookies that once brought back to the new install that information should be already embedded for her, is that correct?
Microsoft Windows XP uses a lot of folders for each user. Everything from "My video" to your personal documents folder. Below is where you can view the locations of these folders and can change them. Start Regedit. If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders Right click on the folders and select Modify Change the path to a new path if you want to change the path. Reboot your computer.
I ran the network setup wizard on both computers, when i go to 'view workgroup computers' and click on the one i want to connect to i am asked for a password, i tried the admin password and the password for the user that ran the wizard -- neither worked .
For security reasons, Microsoft does not allow parents (computer administrators) to check on, maintain, adjust or otherwise enter their kids' (limited users) XP profiles without either resetting their passwords or waiting for them to come home and being confrontational about it.Ideally I would like to be able to log on to a limited user account from my administrator account without tampering with anyone's passwords-resetting them or otherwise. Actually, I have little interest in the (step) kids' personal life and stuff. Alternately, perhaps you may help me with my ultimate goal: limiting screensaver activity:
Can anybody tell me how to add the user account logon information?
Specifically, When on the Logon Screen there is information pertaining to the Users Unread Email Information. I have changed to a new email address (because of SPAM). I would like to activate so it sees the new email account and reflects accurate number of unread messages. (I have been helped by someone earlier to remove the old email info...but need help to put on the new info.) Any suggestions?
Can anybody tell me how to reset the user account logon information?
Specifically, When on the Logon Screen ther is information pertaining to the Users Unread Email Information. I have changed to a new email address (because of SPAM) and it still shows "XXX unread mail messages, x programs running" under a Users name. I would like to change so it sees the new email account and reflects accurate number of unread messages.
I am currently trying to set up a log in for xp where the user changes based upon only the password you enter. in other words there will only be one user and it will change based upon the password you enter. i also want to be able to tell who logged on and when.
for example say i setting up a business computer that 20 people will use but i don't want 20 accounts i only want one and each people will have a different password and based upon the password they enter i will be able to tell who downloaded what and installed what by knowing who logged on. thanks for the help
I am working as a system administrator in gameing company around with 90 systems..server is win server 2003 and all clients are Windows xp professional....I want to create batch file for user login and logoff information..That log file should have below information1) user name2) computer name3) Date of login4) Time of login. How can i do that...when user login to any client on my network...that information is directley store in server in a text file
My Brother bought a used laptop from a stranger but it works and everything but the password. Here are more details: It's a Dell Inspiron 2100 and the operating system is windows 2000 professional. The laptop does not include a CD or Floppy drive but it has 1 USB port. now when my Brother bought the laptop we powered it on and it worked fine until a "Log On to Windows" box appear and you need to type a user name and password to log in but we don't have the password and we cannot contact the guy he bought the laptop from so what should we do?
I have a dell windows xp desktop, when it starts up it asks for my user password..but i set it so long ago i forget. any way to get out of it without having to re-install windows xp?
I have recently moved house and came across my ex wifes' old IBM Thinkpad 600. I am trying to change the user name and password but only know the user name. I have tried to access the operating system (XP Pro) in safe mode but am still asked for the password. Would uninstalling the existing operating system and installing a new one work. I am bewildered if I can do anything with this laptop and need some advice as to whether I am 'flogging a dead horse'.
Cant Remember Password For My Xp Os But I Have On The Same Harddrive 2000pro. I Need To Access Files On The Xp But Can As It Is Admin. Is There Any Way I Can Get Rid Of My Password On Xp Or Anyway To Just Access All The Files From The Xp Os
I have a stored email address that is bad, has a comma instead of a period. It is first in the list when I try to use one of the stored list. A real pain to have wrong entries or a list that is too long.
I tried turning off my computer password, since I am the only one who uses it. But I did something wrong....Windows XP logs on as Administrator, and says I can't log on due to user restrictions. I was able to log on using the name I gave the computer, but how do I disable having to use any passwords, and fix the logon problem with Administrator?
I just got an old laptop from a friend of mine running XP Professional. There are currently two passwords required to be able to use the computer: one is right after starting up the computer, before anything's really booted up yet. The other appears after the system screen -- I have to press ctrl+alt+delete, then put in a user name and password. Is there any way to get rid of the first (admin? Is that the term?) password without getting rid of the second one?
I have several windows xp machine. I set up a share on one of the computer.
Name: ONE Share: c: est Share Permission: ONEJeff -full control
I tried on my other computer that also has a username Jeff, it could open the share folder correctly. But I tried on my third computer, which does not have username Jeff, then it cannot open the share. It gave cannot access share error. But I want that computer able to pop up a window to prompt username and password. How do I do that?
Even if I haven't set any password for my user account, all of a sudden the system started to ask for a user password to access windows XP.. I only have 2 users, me (the administrator) and guest. Recently I have unpurposely added a passport .NET account, which I don't want and I want to erase, can it depend on it?
I am currently trying to get my desk top ready for my cousin to use at school, we set up a user password on it when you first turn it on, however she can now not remember the user name/password combo we set. How do I get around this to reset them? Xp home edition is what is being used.
When i go to certain sites such as http://www.saymail.sympatico.ca I get a popup window with a scrolldown list of previous user names I have typed in. How do I delete this list of user names?? In the windows help it says click on the name of the drop down list and click on delete, but the user names are still there, not deleted, Thanx, Win XP home edition, service pak 2
I have a PC with Windows XP. It has been sitting in the closet, and now I would like to use the PC. The problem is that I do not remember the user account password.A simple way to reset the user account password?
I have two computers & so I don't frequently use the one I am having the problem with. It is a Dell Inspiron 1000 Laptop Running Windows XP Home/newbie so pls be patient..Anyway, the Dell got infected with the NSIS Media Trojan & I tried everything to remove it including but not limited to Webroot spy sweeper. It would quarantine it but apparently this thing regenerates in the registry. Therefore, I decided I needed to really secure my system & so since I am the only user, I deleted the non-admin logon account & set up the admin account with a password. I wrote it down but have lost the paper which I had written the password on. The hint is not helping me remember it exactly so I'm locked out.
I am running a P-IV, 1.6-512 ram-93 GHD's and a high speed connection. I have Win XP Pro, using Adaware, Spybot,Avg, free version. Registry Mechanic. Also running Xandros on a dual boot.My problem has been occurring for a few months. I visit a few message boards that turn different colors depending on whether you have read them or not. The board will show me that I have read certain messages and when I go back a day or so later, they show as being unread. A couple of websites I go to seem to forget my user name and password.
My win xp installation on the hard disk 'A has gone bad, therefore, its not able to boot up. But I can access 'A' through my other hard disk 'B' which has a good copy of win xp. The problem is that my hard disk 'A' had a user acct. which was password protected, therefore, when I browse using hard disk 'B' windows, I cannot access the user folder in hard disk 'A' as it says access denied. Now how can I remove the password of the user in my hard disk 'A' so that I can access the user folder.
Remember that the win xp is corrupted on hard disk 'A', so it does not boot up. So I guess something has to be done through command prompt only, as I can goto the command prompt by booting using windows cd and then selecting the repair function, and then entering the admin password.
A friend of mine gave me an old Laptop Inspiron 7500. She can not remember her password or user name. We got it to safe mode but it still continues to ask for password/username when windows 2000 loads.
Windows 2000 usually displays the username and password when i want to log on, and i just click OK and go to the desktop. However, upon turning it on today nothing appears, i press enter and it says to enter a username and password, Cancel is greyed out and there is no 'X' button.
I can't for the life of me find the username and/or password and have no rememberance as to the username or password in my head (never needed to remember it).
Is there anyway i can get round it? BIOS changes? password hackers? I really am looking for anything that might work
I have the lastest RDC installed (v6). I enter in the computer I am trying to connect to (name/IP). It then has a pop up for the 'user name and password'. Both computers start up without the need for a user name or password, so what do i enter here? Both running XP home with all the latest updates and McAfee Security Center (comcast version).
For some reason when Windows is starting up, a small window opens stating the user and a space for a password but I just click on OK without adding anything and it continues on to start up with no problems.My question is, why has this window started to appear all of a sudden each time I start up the computer.
I was connected to a domain (work - was an office computer no longer used and sold to me) .. and removed that and when I restarted the computer for it to take effect and when the system came back on my user name and password no longer worked for me to sign into windows. Prior to removing the domain .. user name and password worked fine.