Wierd Dell PC - Specific Software

May 4, 2006

I was wondering if anyone could throw some insight into a wierd problem I have with some Dell PCs. On site we have a selection of GX240, 260, 60, 270, 280s. Recently, I have had four identical problems with four GX240 PCs.The GX240s all have been built using the same W2K image, and are about just over 3 years old
All of the problems have been stop errors on boot, and whilst I managed to recover one on "Last Known Good" I have had to run a repair on the other three. The early ones have been fine for a few weeks now. Nothing about the GX240s are different from any other systems, no specific software, even the drivers are pretty similar to GX260, but certainly nothing done on them recently.

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Create Specific Rights For Specific Groups/users In XP?

Feb 8, 2010

My company makes products that deploy on XP, like Kiosks. I need to be able to lock down my "application user" rights nice & tight, but leave my admin rights wide open. I find that GPEDIT effects ALL user rights, so when I want to prevent my app user from being able to right-click on the desktop (for example), if I got to GPEDIT > USER CONFIG > ADMIN TEMPLATES , anything I do there dorks up my admin user as well.These machines will not connect to a domain controller so they have to be locally administered.

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Wierd Folders Being Created

Mar 24, 2007

I get all these weird named folders being created every time I look and I have no idea where they come from. Also, windows updates aren't working, I think that might have something to do with it.

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Wierd Missing Buttons

Jun 9, 2005

I'm running windows XP home with SP2, keep it completely updated and run ad-aware Se (New one), Norton, AVG as well as Spybot S&D, but recently something really wierd's happened.All of the Internet explorer style buttons at the top of folder windows have dissappeared! Completely vanished without a trace. Instead, I just have a silver title bar across the top, with the Minimise, close and maximise buttons, and the name of the program. Anything underneath, (Such as an address bar, view, file etc buttons and navigational buttons) have gone.I still have them in Internet explorer, before anyone asks.. But it's most annoying, particularly when i get lost in a folder tree and can't back up without using the backspace key!

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Pc Acting Wierd- I Found Around 260 Trojans

Oct 19, 2009

I found around 260 Trojans, and after disinfecting, Whenever I connect to the net, it only lasts for two minutes. Then I have to reboot to connect again. and continued again. So I decided to reformat my PC, and did so. Now I'm stuck with 2 OSes, one in my C drive, and one in My D drive.

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Computer Acting Slow And Wierd

Oct 19, 2009

"One fine Morning", kaspersky found around 260 Trojans, and after disinfecting, Whenever I connect to the net, it only lasts for two minutes. Then I have to reboot, and again it continued. So I decided to reformat my PC, and did so. Now I'm stuck with 2 OSes, one in my C drive, and one in My D drive.

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Want To Change Theme Of Windows - Sound Wierd ?

Feb 28, 2006

I've used programs like Style XP or Theme XP but non of them have the theme I want. I want windows to look the way it does when you chose Start Shut down. Basically a greyscale theme is what I'm looking for. I realize that sounds wierd but maybe someone out there already has it and they wouldn't mind pointing me to where it can be found.

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Wierd Boot And Optical Drives Missing

Feb 9, 2008

When I boot my pc it freezes on the boot unless i press F10 and select my primary drive. If I press F2 to get into my bios it also freezes. Once I get into windows (booting slower then normal) I can not see my optical drives. The optical drives are showing in the device manager however.

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After Installing Sp3 - Desktop Acting Wierd -- Got Worse With Uninstallation

Mar 25, 2006

I have a amd64 200 with 1GB RAM and 80 GB HD running xp home edition sp2. around may, sp3 tried to install a number of times but failed. After reading the info about how to install sp3, I did so and it completed!

The system worked for about 2 hours and then a 'MACHINE_EXCEPTION' error. I uninstalled sp3 and  no more machine_exception errors! now, the anti-virus software started finding infections in windows,windowssystem32, even 'System Volume Information'

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PC Mark05 Acting Wierd Under Pro Daft Disk Results

Oct 16, 2008

Does anyone know why PCMark05 would give bizarrely low numbers for any disk-related test under XP 32bit? I tried upgrading to SP3 (was SP2) but still get crazy numbers. All other tests work fine, but anything disk-related and results such as 0.002MB/sec are given, even though the time taken for the tests, and all other tests (HDTach, Sandra, etc.) suggest the disks are working just fine (normal max sustained speed is around 100MB/sec). I'm using all U320 SCSI, 147GB 15K (Maxtor Atlas 15K II), both PCIX and PCIe U320 cards, and it happens no matter what disk I use, or what card the disk is connected to. I was hoping to try the test using hw vs. sw RAID, but so far there's no point trying as long as the disk tests are doing a wobbly.

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Computer Not Closing Down Correctly - Wierd,unknown File In Startup

Jul 17, 2005

I am having trouble with my computer not starting or closing down correctly.
The only "strange" thing I have been able to find when I run msconfig, is an
entry in startup called:yenuxbhtod.exe-start.I have done multiple searches on the net and cannot find anything like this. Its location is listed as SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunI have unticked it in Startup, but it just comes back.I am running Windows XP home.

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Wierd PC - Multiplayer Using MSVM - Computer Crashing Loading Websites

Jan 10, 2005

Lots of wierd problems that may or may not be connected!A) My computer will crash when doing anything with java, multiplayer when using MS VM. I use sun java now, and it has yet to crash.B) Computer has just started crashing when loading websites while listening to music...C) Frequently my monitor will black out for about 15 seconds, then come back on with Lower color quality.D) Tab button doesnt work in IE.
E) Last time my PC crashed it took me to the BIOS settings and asked if i wanted to update anything but i really know nothing about it

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Specific File TCP/IP

Feb 4, 2007

The system event veiwer in control panel says that about 80% of the error I have is because of a specific file name called TCP/IP. I went to windows help, and they told me to remove this protocol and then re-install it using the "network" option in Control Panel. But, if I knew how to do this, you wouldn't be reading this right now! I do understand that this is a very basic problem to overcome, and its just a matter of removing and re-installing.

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Specific Module Could Not Be Found

Jun 19, 2008

RUNDLL Error Loading C:Program FilesCommon FilesParetoLogicUUS2UUS.dll The specific Module could not be found Don't know what it means. 1st Day-This popped up while writing a letter in Word. 2nd Day-- It popped up while playing Freecell. 3rd Day it popped up while working on genealogy. There seems to be no common thread when it pops up.

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Missing A Specific DLL File

Jul 2, 2008

I keep on getting a message saying: "Rundll Error Loading C:Windowssystem 32jbrdpufc.dll The Specified Module Could Not Be Found" at the Start Up.

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Best Way To Learn About Specific Issues

Jun 29, 2005

I have questions about where to go for information, and how to go about it, before posting:

1) Does the knowlege base article numbering system mean anything? E.g., if a search returns 20 articles, should I read the highest number or the highest number in a series first?

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How To Learn What PC Specific IP Address

Oct 9, 2006

How do I learn what my PC's specific IP Address is? (I have WinXP)

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Clean Install On An Old Dell 4550 W/Dell - CD-ROM

Jul 22, 2006

a friend has a Dell Dimension 4550 (P4-2Ghz, 60Gb HDD, 784mb RAM- added 512mb and a NEC DVD+/-R, circa 2002 I think?) and needs to do a clean install. He has the CD that came with it. We looked all over google and the Dell site and can't seem to find out how to do a clean install. We pressed F12 and tried to boot from the CD-ROM and thought it was going to work, but it said that we were trying to install XP on a partition that already had XP on it. I saw no option for full/clean restore.

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Dell Demension 2400 Do Nothing Except Big Dell Letters

Mar 13, 2007

I got a friends personal computer it is a dell demension 2400 it won't do anything except go to the screen with big dell letters on it.I have a soyo techaid card it came up with a code number 35 which could be initialize alternate chipset registers or is it what dell says there code 35 is cmos shutdown test in progress or bad.

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Edit Specific User Settings Only?

Jun 13, 2008

I am trying to completely lock down anything from running on a specific user account, except for 1 program which auto runs on boot.. I'v been able to lock the system down pretty well with the group policy editor.. but is there anything similiar to this that will edit specific user settings only? Or make my admin account not affected by the group policy editor?

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Icons Don't Show Up For Specific Programs

Aug 23, 2007

I find that certain programs show up blank boxes,instead of the icons which are supposed to be there. For example when I click on Mcafee antivirus software, it opens up a blank box. I can't remove it through 'add remove programs' because when i click 'remove' on it another blank box pops up,which is actually supposed to have the 'uninstall' icon. The same is the case with System restore. I cant do a system restore because nothing comes up when i click on it except a blank box. I do not know what other programs would have this kind of problem. Please help me resolve this issue.

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Content Specific Links Don't Work

Sep 30, 2005

Basically, the links on the left side of Explorer when viewing folders that are content-specific (ie. music folder, pictures folder) don't work at all. For example, in the My Music folder, clicking on "Play All" doesn't work (the cursor goes to an hourglass for a few seconds but WMP doesn't pop up or anything) and it behaves the same for every link on the left side.

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Profile Specific Slow Programs

Dec 19, 2006

I'm having an issue with a new laptop. several programs or just parts of programs will run painfully slow or take several minutes to load or when they finally do load they freeze. System restore and help files suffers from the same problem along with msn messenger 8, ares, and the dictionary in microsoft works. those are all that i've noticed with the problem i'm sure there are others. i've used registry mechanic tried reinstalling msn and ares with no solutions. also this problem seems to be profile specific. i created another profile on this machine and the problems seemed to dissipear but i would perfer to keep this profile. when i'm trying to load these programs if i open task manager the cpu will usually be low as if i'm not loading anything. also there is somtimes about a minute or 2 or halfway into loading the program loading will apear under the apps twice. one as itself ares.exe or whatever the restore exe is, and one at explorer.exe. i dont believe explorer.exe is a virus it seems to b normal. i assume that the problem has to do with the cpu right now but i have no idea how i would fix that. other than those few programs everything else runs fine. i defreg regularly and so on. i run avg 7.1 windows xp home. its a 64 bit lap i think so i assume it would be a 64 bit edition HP Pavilion.

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System-specific GUI On Tons Of Programs

Oct 7, 2008

I'm having problems with various programs that I've had work on other computers fine. The UI gets crowded to the point where I cannot click on what I need to, or type what I need to, and in some cases I have to use another program entirely. This has happened to over 10 programs that I recall, and the 'severity' of the bugginess runs from this: which isn't bad, mainly cut off unclickable words and boxes, to this. which is completely and literally unusable (I also need to get this particular one working soon, so if there's a quick fix it would be really appreciated). I see a lot more of the second type, I can provide more examples if asked.I enclosed the dxdiag in hopes that that might help. The one and only thing I might see that would cause this is I have a custom theme, but I've disabled it with no results.

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Cannot Access The Specific Device Or Path

Aug 17, 2007

Whenever I click on some , but not all, of my shortcuts on desktop,, I will get a pop-up window that says, " Windows cannot access the specific device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to acceess this item ." A couple of shortcuts I can open & they work fine. My e mail program, Outlook Express, & Mailwasher, will not work at all. I, also, just noticed that I get the same message window, whenever I try to open some functuions of my computer, such as uninstall programs,,, system restore, & MANY others.

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Batch File To Run On Specific Morning

Jun 20, 2010

I've created a batch file to do specific tasks.The file works perfectly and does exactly what I want, but I'd like to have it run at startup on Monday morning.This is what I've got, but it runs at every boot instead of just Monday.

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Random BSODs - Specific Drivers

Sep 23, 2007

Been experiencing blue screens of death rather frequently these days.. Here's the most recent STOP code since the blue screen didn't mention anything specific about a driver.

0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x8052ADBC, 0x9ECEBE48, 0x00000000)

System Specs Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00GHz DDR2 2.0 GB RAM Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition ATI Mobility Radeon X1400

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Browser Hijacker Unique Specific Routine

Dec 9, 2005

After following the cancellation procedure for MovieLand it continues to annoy me. I have looked for an e-mail and phone number as well to no avail. I have read two "fix it" procedures you have posted....can I follow those or do you think I will need a unique specific routine.

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To Exclude Specific Folder From System Restore?

Feb 12, 2010

How do I exclude a specific folder from system restore? The solution mentioned here is wrong. http://www.tweakxp.com/article37472.aspx
That excludes the file from NTBackup.

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Exclude Specific Folders From System Backup

Aug 12, 2002

When using system restore to back up your data, you might want to make sure that you are not wasting backup space by saving useless folders that may include temp file or other non-necessary files.  To exclude folders, follow the directions below.

1) Open Regedit and navigate to HKEY_Local_MachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlBackupRestoreFilesNotTobackup2) Choose Edit, new, multi-string value3) Give a descriptive name4) Double-click the value and input the full folder path you wish to exclude and click OKSystem restore will no longer monitor this folder and backups will not be made of the files contained in it.

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Missing Files - Pictures Into Specific Folder

Feb 15, 2005

I have a lot of pictures on my laptop. I still have plenty of space left on the hard drive. I save new pictures into a specific folder, then I go to retrieve them and I cannot find them. I can see them in "recent" documents but not in the folder that I put them in.

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