Weird Hard Drive - File Glitch - Multiple Partitions

Jul 16, 2007

I have multiple partitions on my HD so that I can have things like the OS and the page file on separate partitions for ease of defrag etc. (OK, haven't done this before and am not sure how smart it was after all)Anyway, I decided to move "My Documents" folder from the C drive to a much larger partition to save fragmentation on C. No big deal, it's easy to do.But here's the kicker... once I'd created a My Documents folder in the larger partition, I decided to click on it and move it to the top of the list of folders, using the My Computer screen.

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Multiple Partitions On Single Hard Drive

May 14, 2008

I currently have 2 partitions on a single hard drive (each one is running xp).The older partition (the one that I want to get rid of) is the primary partition, while the newer one (the one that I want to keep) is the extended partition. Could someone please tell me how to delete the primary partition and make the computer
recognize the extended partition as the primary partition?

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Weird Mouse Glitch - Sort By Name

Oct 30, 2006

here's one that has me stumped. My right click option on one particular thing doesn't work. That particular thing being when I choose All Programs and then try to access a program by right clicking on it nothing happens. How I found this was I was going to "Sort by name" and get the programs in alphabetical order but I can't. In every other aspect the right click option works fine.

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Weird Display Glitch - Switching Out Monitors

Jun 18, 2006

this never use to happen before, but about 4 months ago, my computer would get these weird yellow bars that would pop up randomly whenever i would scroll down a wouldn't go away after a system restore, and even after a complete reformat it came back in about a month or two.also, i know it's not a monitor problem, because i tried switching out monitors

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Weird Glitch In Outlook - The Pop3 Account Changes Itself

Feb 13, 2006

When I shut my computer down and restart I get errors in outlook express. The pop3 account changes itself to a number starting with 12. When I change it back to pop3.woosh(9etc) it all works normally. But next time I start up its back to the weird number.

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Weird Startup Glitch - Shortcuts For Start Up Folder

Dec 22, 2008

I have XP SP3, and have recently discovered that when Restarting the system, after logging on, Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird automatically run. There are no shortcuts for them in the Start Up Folder, and they do not start automatically after a complete shut down/fresh start -- only after a restart. After they're up and running, everything works normal.

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Three Partitions, One Hard Drive

Oct 8, 2010

XP home edition re-installed, it gave the hard drive three partitions, C, D, and E. C drive has 9.75GB the other two have over 60 GB. I need to put more back to C drive.

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Hard Drive Partitions Are Gone?

Sep 8, 2005

1st post here and I hope someone has answers. THis is new to me. Ihave a 200gb HD. I have it partitioned into 5 partitions. Onepartition for my C: OS, D: Software, E: Games, F: Storage, G:Graveyard. Well I do this so if anything happens to my OS, I canreinstall and all my other info is safe. After the reinstall of myOS, everything was perfect, I had some issues with my G drive andaccess denied but I managed to take ownership. Well I installed someupdates etc last night and did some restarts without any issues. Idecided to do a disk check on G upon next boot up. Well I just bootedup this morning and only my C drive exists now, All my software whichis installed on my D drive is now inaccessable as well as all theothers. I went to Computer Management and it shows the rest of mypartition as 175gb of FREE SPACE?

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Hard Drive Partitions Gone?

Sep 7, 2005

I have a 200gb Seagate SATA HD. I have it partitioned into 5 partitions. One partition for my C: OS, D: Software, E: Games, F: Storage, G: Graveyard. Well I do this so if anything happens to my OS, I can reinstall and all my other info is safe. After the reinstall of my OS, everything was perfect, I had some issues with my G drive and access denied but I managed to take ownership. Well I installed some updates etc last night and did some restarts without any issues. I decided to do a disk check on G upon next boot up. Well I just booted up this morning and only my C drive exists now All my software which is installed on my D drive is now inaccessable as well as all the others. I went to Computer Management and it shows the rest of my partition as 175gb of FREE SPACE? Anyone has any ideas? There is no way that the rest of my drive is formatted as I never touched it so I assume it is still there.

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Disc Drive Partitions Partitioned Hard Drive

Feb 14, 2007

A while back a friend partitioned my hard drive into three different partitions. the one I use is now almost full and I would like to merge the almost-full partition with the next partition, which is completely empty. Can anyone help me with the steps to do that? Thanks in advance. I have a windows xp system with the big service pak installed also. the pc is a dell dimension 4300 with a 1.6 ghz processor and 513 mb of RAM.

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External Hard Drive Partitions

Sep 23, 2007

Found some very useful info on here so decided to sign up and post a recent problem i encountered with an external hard drive. the hard drive has a capacity of 80GB and came from another pc. there was a 25/55 partition already on it from the old pc. i tried to delete the partition that was 25gb. now i can't find that 25gb at all. when i plug it in to the usb slot i can only see the 55gb partition it used to appear as 2 hard drives in my computer and nothing else. when i use disc management to format it i only see 55gb.

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Duplicating All Partitions In Hard Drive

Apr 4, 2008

I have a Thinkpad T43 with Win XP Pro. The 60GB hard drive has two partitions: one is an IBM_PRELOAD(C) and the other is an IBM_SERVICE partition. I would like to duplicate this disk onto a 120GB disk. I have tried to use the Win XP backup Retrospect Express 6.5, but I can't get either program to duplicate the IBM_SERVICE partition.

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Creating Hard Drive Partitions

Oct 30, 2008

I want to partition my new hard drive. Its external. OS is windows XP. I had a look on the net and it looks simple, go to disk management and right click on the drive you want to partition and select 'new partition' This is the problem, i dont have the option to create a new partition. I have formatted my drive to NTFS and there is no data on it. It currently shows one partition the whole size of the drive.

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Hard Drive Acting Weird

Aug 29, 2005

After doing multiple virus scans and HiJack this checkups, I do not know what is wrong as you can. Here is my problem. I was checking out some web links when all of a sudden my internet firefox crashed and could not reopen Firefox. After I clicked ctrl+alt+delete I found a process running called msiexec.exe. or something like that. I of course terminated the process and firefox booted up just fine.I found out just right now actually that I believe it is a process for installing things on the operating system made by microsoft

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Hard Drive Partitions - Install Them In The Appropriate Sub Folder.

Sep 28, 2007

Sometime early next year I will be building a new system. The system will likely have one large hard drive. As of now I will be installing XP Pro. I was curious how everyone else splits up their drive. How big of a partition is generally created for the OS. And do most people partition the remaining space.Now a file architecture question. When non OS applications games, utilities, MS Office, etc.) are installed do most people put then in D:Program Files Or create separate sub-folders for the broad categories and install them in the appropriate sub folder.

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Hard Drive Partitions - Programs Into The Second Partition

Sep 21, 2005

I have partitioned my hard drive and loaded Windows XP in one partition. How do I set the default to load any programs into the second partition. My intent is to only have the operating system in the first partition.

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Added Second Hard Drive - Make Partitions

Jul 30, 2005

When I bought my new pc with XP SP2 I added a second hard drive(FAT 32) that I'd already used for a while in my old pc, and that contains all my data, photo's, music etc. Everything worked fine, but over the past month something strange is happening. From one moment to the other Windows loses sight of that second drive. Sometimes restarting (in every possible way) helps, sometimes not. Sometimes the drive disappears when I'm saving omething to it, sometimes I can save.

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Weird Folders On Hard Drive That Can't Delete

Jan 12, 2005

I installed service pack 1 and 2 for WinXP and ever since, these folders have appeared on my hard drives. Windows gives me "Access Denied" everytime I try to delete these folders.

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Weird Pause To Access Hard Drive

Sep 9, 2006

Every once in a while when viewing an HTML email or some web pages, upon accessing the page the program (IE or Outlook 2003) will pause while there is vigorous access of the hard disk for 5 to 10 seconds, then the HTML file will be displayed. It is as if the computer is loading a viewer or pagefile or something.

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Activation On Multiple Hard Drive

Aug 20, 2005

can i install and activate my single copy of windows xp on all the ten hard drive of mine in the same omputer?

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Remove/resize Partitions On External USB Hard Drive?

Nov 8, 2004

I have had a 60G external hard drive that has worked flawlessly for 2 years with both my desktop computer running Win98SE, and my newer laptop with Windows XP. This external drive was formatted with FAT 32 and NO PARTITIONS for all 60G. Because I have a Lot of music files and digital pictures, I have filled up the 60G drive, so bought an IOGear 160G external drive. This drive arrived partitioned into 6 partitions, of 20-32G sizes. This is completely wrong for how I want to use the drive. All my mp3 programs requires the library to be all in one volume, so I need 60-80G all in one volume just for music. IOGear support says that Windows XP does not allow volumes any larger than 60G in FAT 32. (This seems crazy since my older drive is all one volume and is FAT 32.

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Having Multiple Partitions Faster?

Jul 25, 2005

Does having multiple partitions on a hard drive speed up performance?

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Multiple Partitions And Boot - Ntldr Missing

May 16, 2005

I re-did my pc, i have multiple partitions and multiboot. 2 partitions have win xp one for normal usage and one to test out apps. Everything installed fine both work. But when i boot my machine unless i have the WinXP Cd in the CDrom i get ntldr missing. if i have the cd in its boots fine. i thing i can do to fix this?

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Restore Formatted Hard Drive From Zip File Residing On Network Drive

Aug 6, 2005

I use Cobian Backup to produce a zip-file containing all files and folders, except for temporary-folders (I added an exclude-filter), of my system.Before I can rely on this method, I need to find a way of restoring the 27 gb zip-file, which I store on a networked drive, easily. how booting up a laptop with a formatted harddrive, be able to access a network-drive and extract all the contents of the networked zip-file to the hard drive?

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Batch File To Copy Single File To Multiple Places

Apr 20, 2010

What I want to do is create a .bat that will copy a file to several locations(all within the same folder, however with different names).

I have a folder that contains the master copy of my db and I want to run the batch file to update the users db files. The reason being is they each use thier own front end.

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Hard Drive File?

Dec 12, 2006

Can someone walk me through this. I need to create a file on my hard drive that I can then save my financial info to when I am done reconciling my check register. How do I make a file that is going to be on my hard drive?

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Deleted AVI File From USB Hard Drive

May 1, 2006

I have deleted some avi video footage from a digital camcorder from my USB hard drive. What is a good/cheap software that will retrieve my video for me?

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Page File Size For On 2nd Hard Drive

Jul 17, 2009

I will be creating a partition on the second Hdd for the pagefile.I have 2 Gig of Ram installed.My question is what size should the partition be? Less than than 8 Gigs I am aware of.But more importantly, what Min and Max should the settings be for the PagFile. Perhaps let the system decide?If I do set a PagFile on the OS partition I am considering 2MB - 200Mb to generate a kernel dump report. Note: Although I will have an Image of OS If the issue at hand is small enough I amy gain some experience in trying to fix it using the reports.

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File Service Pack 1 - Hard-drive Kaput

Oct 3, 2009

Two days ago my hard-drive went kaput for one reason and other. As I tried starting it, I did so by safe mode and it froze at mup.sys; Then, scouring the internet, I came across the idea to repair windows and when doing so encountered Quote: "The file 'asms' on Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 is needed. Type the path...(drop down menu) H:/I386" I did some more googling and encountered a post by our quite helpful moderator Elvandil at this link Quote from

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File Transfer To Vista From External Hard Drive?

Jul 29, 2007

My old PC which was running XP died but I copied files to my external hard drive. They are now sitting on there as a dat file and I want to import and use these dat files in VISTA.

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Can't Move Paging File To An External Hard Drive

Aug 28, 2007

I've got Windows XP home and two external hard drives (connected via USB) and I'm trying to give one or both of those drives paging files. My hard-drives are an I-Omega 500GB and a Maxtor 300GB, both with plenty of room. I want to set my paging file to 650MB.I know how to change the size of a paging file. I go to System advanced performance...etc to get to the virtual memory box, I set the paging-file sizes for the external drives (remembering to press SET) then reboot. When the computer has restarted I run a disc analysis, but the external drives have no paging file.I notice that many people move their paging file to an external drive, so why isn't it working for me?

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