Very Slow Bootup - Did Registry Cleaners

Sep 15, 2007

I have a windows xp home edition sp2, with 2 Intel Pentium processors? I've try'd deleting startup programs, and i unleashed dozens of registry cleaners bud that makes no noticeable difference.This happens when i'm booting up;

- packard bell logo ( few seconds )

- windows loading bar (+-10 seconds)

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Best Registry Cleaners

Nov 3, 2009

Does anyone know of a good Registery Cleaner thats is FREE?

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Do Registry Cleaners Works

Jan 19, 2008

I use my PC mainly for e-mail, interent, and Microsoft Office no serious gaming or video usage. Someone recommended a registry cleaner to boost performance. Do they work? The particular one mentioned to me was Advanced Registry Optimized 5.

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Defragging Is As Harmful As Using Registry-cleaners??

Dec 17, 2007

Would you guys recommend me to defrag my computer (XP) once in a while?Or is it as harmful as using registry-cleaners?

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Professional Opinions Of Good Registry Cleaners

Apr 12, 2010

At all the other forums where I've volunteered, they treat ALL registry cleaners, reputable or not, as poison, if used by non-techies. At the very least they're considered a waste of time, as they don't really speed things up. If using CCLeaner, many techies say to use all the features except the registry cleaner part.I'd like to hear what other professionals here think. Don't even bother discussing the sleazy ones.

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Very Slow Bootup On SP3 With All Updates?

Aug 29, 2008

When I reboot my PC it takes a good 3 minutes to get from the "Welcome" screen to being ready to work with only 4 items on System Tray, volume, Sunbelt Vipre, Zone Alarm Firewall, and Win Patrol. The, "RECGUARD" isn't shown but is there also RECGUARD, Vipre, Win Patrol, and Zone Alarm is all that's present under msconfig Startup. I have ran CCleaner, Defrag, Disc Cleaner, and Registry Mechanic to no avail. Under, "Startup Programs" under, "System Information" there is one heckuva bunch of programs listed if that has any bearing on my problem, I can maybe do a Copy and Paste of the list if needed?

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Very Slow Bootup - Tried Bootvis

Jan 11, 2006

As from a few days ago, the bootup speed of my PC has suddenly slowed to a crawl. it takes about 6 minutes for the bootup now, whereas before it had taken about 2 minutes.

I tried bootvis but it is not working properly and keeps coming up with errors.

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Bootup Is Slow - Gagp30kx.sys

Sep 11, 2007

Most XP Bootups take at the most 6 or 7 passes - passes being the number of times the progress bar runs on the bootup screen. But mine takes 12 - 16 passes I did have a problem with Gagp30kx.sys before but i have just reinstalled XP and it still takes 12 - 16 passes to bootup.

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Slow Bootup - Too Many Startup Items

Jan 25, 2009

I have a crapload of services, and a about 20 startup items, but I don't know what to disable .

have a look at my hijack this log, and tell me what you think i should do.

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Slow Bootup - SVCHOST.exe Hogs 99% Of The CPU

Sep 15, 2006

Gateway Pentium 3, 700 mhz - 256mb ram, 20gb hard drive.Until a few weeks ago my system booted up fine. Now it boots up to my windows desktop and then takes 20 minutes minimum to complete start up. The SVCHOST.exe hogs 99% of the CPU so nothing happens until it has completed its tasks.I have tried starting it without the start up items and this has no effect. I have cleaned it, defragged it, virus checked it, tuned it.

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Slow Pre-Bootup - Screen Disappears

Oct 21, 2005

I am having a problem with my computer whereby I have a screen before my computer begins to boot and this screen used to show for about 3-5 seconds then disappear. In the last couple days this screen has been sitting there for anywhere up to 5 minutes before the PC even reaches the loading XP screen

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Very Slow Bootup And Shutdown - Firewall Is On

Feb 10, 2006

my pc is taking a lot of time 2 boot up. I have 2 stare at the welcome screen 4 a few secs, then the wallpaper and the taskbar applications come up, but no icons on the desktop. After maybe 20 secs the icons show up but then the wallpaper vanishes, and comes back a few secs later. After all this, the pc connects 2 the network. Why has it gone so slow? I just have avast! antivirus, the xfire firewall, the HP imaging solution center and Free Download Manager in the tray

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Extremely Slow Bootup After Reformat

Aug 25, 2005

I recently had to reformat, but ever since I did My computer doesn't go straight from the bios readouts to the Win XP loading screen, but instead shows me the old white loading bars (similar to windows 2000 startup) at the bottom of the screen where it waits for about 4-5mins before taking me to the Win XP boot screen...

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Weird Slow Startup / Bootup

Mar 12, 2009

the startup is VERY VERY slow. After the Welcome Screen, it shows your desktop and then you gain control and do whatever you want right? Well that's the part my PC lags or slows down a lot. I think the part it lags is when it's loading the icons on my taskbar, like the icons on the bottom right hand screen. I don't have a lot of icons, and they're not resource usage intensive AT ALL. My PC lags during that loading part for about 3 mins or more, and i can't do anything or else it'll make it lag more, i.e i can't open programs or games, i can't even open folders and even if i try to, it takes forever to show up.

The lagging part only shows everytime during startup, but after that it's all good, i can play hardcore games like Crysis etc on maxed setting and do multi-tasks, but i just don't get why it lags so much on startup. In fact, on my crappy Toshiba laptop, it's loads way way WAAAAY faster than my PC, but my PC is way better so i don't understand why. And they both have the same programs and settings, in fact my laptop has way more stuff running on startup and my PC has nothing but games, it's a full on gaming PC only with nothing else, so it shouldn't even lag..............

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Slow Bootup - Norton/updates Installed

Jul 1, 2006

I have a new computer with only windows, all the neccessary drivers, windows updates and norton/updates installed.It takes about 10 minutes to bootup. It gets to the Windows XP splash screen and it just keeps thinking. Eventually it boots up.I have 3 HDDS. A PATA for the OS and 2 SATAs. Every so often one of the SATAs is not recognised

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Slow Bootup - Disabled Norton Internet Security

Aug 9, 2005

My wife just got an Gateway M320S notebook with WinXP Pro, SP2. It also has a built-in wireless card. From the very first bootup, it took several minutes. First I thought it was the Norton Internet Security 2005 that came pre-installed, but when I disabled all of it's elements in msconfig, it doesn't boot any faster. I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router in my home, and the notebook has a built-in wireless card. The internal card is set for 802.11.b., and my router is set to "Mixed" (because I have a PDA that

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Extreamly Slow Bootup - Runs Fine Up To The Username And Password

Sep 17, 2009

My XP Pro machine at work has recently started running extreamly slow on bootup. It runs fine up to the username and password window, but as soon as i sign in it then takes atleast 15 min before i can use it. I have a PF usage of 2.24 gig during this time and my HijackThis details are below:

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Cleaners To Keep System Properly Working

Mar 22, 2007

I use cleaner but that's the only one i have. Are there any other good cleaners so that i can keep my system clean with out any virus problem and can operate my system properly.

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Slow Windows - Possibly Corrupted Registry?

Jul 27, 2007

My box runs Windows XP Service Pack 2 32-bit home edition with AMD Athlon, Maxtor (ribbon cable'd, not SATA) with 3 sticks of 512MB DDR2 RAM. I haven't touched the hardware in about a month and a half.

Shows the windows XP pro login randomally; once logged in, background shows, explorer.exe doesn't run, and no windows hot keys respond. (every 1/8 boots)
Services and programs randomally quit out and will not run. Restarting them results in another crash

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Booting Extremely Slow - Cleaned My Registry

Apr 11, 2006

I'm having problems with XP. The bootup always takes around 5-10 minutes. I've virus scanned and defragged a number of times. My cousin cleaned my registry. The system runs slow when I have AIM and iTunes running. Whenever I minimize a window, the music will play extremely it burps or something. The CPU usage is always high and I don't know what's eating up the memory. Is reformatting the only answer?

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Backup Autocomplete Registry Entries/ Registry Addresses?

Mar 4, 2006

I want to backup my Autocomplete User Names and Passwords, Web Addresses, and Forms entries in the registry. What are the registry addresses for these items?

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Registry Mechanic Does Not Delete Registry Entries

Jul 13, 2006

I tried to delete the registry entries which were bad, I had 30 of them, but the these two will just not go away, even by doing them manually, such as saving as a backup then deleting it manually and remerging. They just show up no matter what I do, or so use programs like Registry Mechanic, which I found only mediocre, very far from the ratings. to delete these two entries somehow from someone who is actully knows how to without using several so called registry cleaners, which only work partially.

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Registry That Are Not Needed: Delete Registry Entries?

Sep 1, 2005

I have entries in my Windows XP Professional Registry that are no longer needed. When I try to delete these entries the registry editor will not allow me to delete the entries. Is there a way that I can delete/remove these registry entries?

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Registry Error: Trying To Export Hives As Registry ?

Jul 1, 2005

Everytime I try to export HKLM and HKU as Registry Hive Files using regedit, I get the following error message: Registry Editor Cannot export D:HivesLocal Machine: Error writing the file. There may be a disk or file system error. I am trying to export the above mentioned hive to my second hdd. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong

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Name At Bootup Win Pro

Aug 17, 2008

When booting up XP Pro it displays the name of the previous owner of the laptop. How do I change this to my name at bootup. It didn't work by going to Control Panel and changing user names.

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How Many Do You All Have On Bootup?

Oct 19, 2005

When I boot up I have like 19 processes, sometimes 18. I am wondering what other TSG members have on their startup? How many processes, maybe even what are they, or even how many MB do your process take up? I would make a poll but the poll only has 10 options. Maybe I will make a poll after I find out how many I really ought to have. heh. 18..I am thinking that is way more than I need at all!

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Damaged Registry / Deleted In Registry

Jun 3, 2008

I foolishly deleted something in my registry. Now I cannot access the internet from a program that wants to communicate with it to register the product or collect information via the internet, such as Print Master.

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Use A Backup Of My Registry To Clean Up My Registry?

Jul 29, 2005

When I did a clean install of XP, I saved the backed up the registry.

Can I import this backup to clean out all registry entries since the

Or can I do a comparison between the backup and the current registry to look
at differences and delete them manually?

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Bootup Hanging At Mup.sys?

Dec 23, 2006

For some reason my system keeps hanging when booting up on the windows splash screen, then when i try to start it in safe mode it hang on /System32/Drivers /mup.sys . The problem started when i switched the case of the computer due to the power button beeing fauty. There has been no update of hardware apart from the case.

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Win Locking After Bootup

May 26, 2005

A friend of mine asked me to look at his computer, after he was noticing a significant slow down in system processes etc. Its a 3 yr old Dell, 1.79gHz with a 30 gig HD and 256 megs of memory, running WinXP Home Edition. He never really knew much about computers, and as I discovered, he hadn't run his virus checker in almost 2 1/2 years, so that was certainly a dead giveaway that he was having problems.I managed to get AdAware and SpySweeper loaded onto it and ran them both, between the 2 programs I was able to wipe out a good majority of the cookies, the spyware and malware, however when I rebooted, the system immediately slowed down as soon as the desktop appeared and then ground to a halt entirely. The mouse moves, but that's it. I'm unable to Ctrl+Alt+Del, in order to shut it down I have to unplug the power cord, since it doesn't have a reset button.

I haven't yet been able to run HiJackThis! on the computer, I'm hoping running it in safe mode might afford me the ability to do that, but since I'm unable to decipher what it says, I'm going to be needing assistance on that level as well.

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Need To Having Acctmgr Running Upon Bootup

Jul 20, 2005

I am having problems updating Norton Antivirus 2005. Symantec says I need to having Acctmgr running upon Bootup. Using Msconfig, I do not have Acctmgr as an option to check in Startup and viewing Microsoft Services, I see nothing pertaining to Acctmgr I could check. Am using XP Home with SP 2 Installed. ANY SUGGESTIONS AS TO HOW I CAN ACTIVATE ACCTMGR UPON BOOTUP?

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