VIsta File Ownership - Refusing To Recognize

Jul 27, 2009

I did so buying a dell and also bought a docking station for the SATA harddrive so I could copy stuff on tothe new PC. My new machine runs vista (your rules forbid me to tell you what I think of Vista by now). Vista insisted on taking ownership of the files on the disk before it would let me touch them let alone copy them. I let it do its stuff and it changed ownership to the administrator on vista(incidentally the same username and password as teh admin on the old machine).So far so good but then a bit of good luck struck. A friend of a friend fixed the old laptop for me - it had been a blown relay and a faulty power supply. He fixed the relay and I ordered a new power supply. Beers exchanged hands

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Take Ownership Of A File/folder Using A Script

Aug 9, 2005

Does anyone know how to take ownership of a file using a script?Or any tools that a script/program could invoke to do this?

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Doesn't Recognize CD - Putted Pics From Vista

Feb 18, 2008

I had my wedding pics placed on a CD by the photographer. When I place the CD in a pc running Vista, it pulls up all the pics just fine. When I place it in my home pc though, running XP, my pc acts like there isnt even a CD in the drive, like it doesnt recognize the CD is there at all

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Change File Ownership In Home In Non Safe Mode?

Sep 19, 2005

Is there a way to change file/folder ownership in windows XP home edition without booting into safe mode to access the security tab

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Home-ownership Of Folder/file - "ACCESS DENIED"

Mar 25, 2006

I have a drive (D:) that I am trying to delete remnants of a corrupted OS (XP Prof) and am having a difficult time trying to eliminate 3 folders: a) My Documents; b) Recycler;c) System volume information. I have gone into Safe Mode, to take ownership of these folders but to no avail. I am logged on as Administrator, and have gone this route because in normal and safe modes, the message of "ACCESS DENIED" comes up. Need some

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SP2 Refusing To Install

Dec 25, 2006

While installing SP2 It has the install screen HALF WAY through progress with msmsgs.inf on the 'installing now' section Then it closes and approx 10 seconds later this pops up Ive re-formatted and it still occures - I dont want to buy a new copy of windows, Since Im 70% sure thats not the problem, Since ive had SP2 On this version before using the same install disc.

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Refusing To Log On / Profile Corrupted / System Slowed Down?

May 3, 2008

XP refusing to log me on to my system as my Profile was corrupt or missing. For a while I could log off the temp Profile and get my Profile loaded but not at all now. I tried creating a new user Profile and copying over my existing Profile but Windows failed to do that. Now running a new Profile and have manually copied over various bits and settings etc. That was the first signs of problems.

Now The PC takes ages to boot, several minutes - sits on the WinXP splash screen (with animated blue loading bar) for a long time, that clears to a blank screen where it sits for ages, Desktop finally loads but System Tray apps then take ages to load as well.The system generally runs slow once XP is fully loaded

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External Hard Drive Share Refusing Access

Jul 27, 2007

A friend of mine at work has problems sharing external usb hard drives connected to his laptop. He is running XP pro, and when he attempts to share a drive connected through usb, giving everyone full control it lets no one in. Not even he can, and he is the creator/owner of the share. I'm pretty sure its not a permissions issue, since it gives the same error when I try to browse it and I have domain admin rights.
This has happened with three separate drives, all of which can be shared when connected to any other pc than his. ( I have tried all three on four separate computers, making the share the exact same way with full access.The computer can see the share just fine, it just denies permission to access it either from the computer that created the share, or from any other computer on the network.

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EVREM Large File / Security Software Does Not Recognize

Jul 24, 2010

I have 4 year old Dell E1505 with XP Pro.I have no clue what I was doing that propagated this large file(38.06 GB) called EVREM. It only appears when I do a defragment with various defragmenters. It's the only file remaining that won't defragement. I do not have anyway to access it, isolate it, or find where it is within my laptop. My various anti-spyware and security software does not recognize it as harmful. It's slowing down my laptop. There is very little information available about this problem on the net. Your site has had a few posters with similar circumstances with EVREM.

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Doesn't Recognize Video File - Unrecognized Format For D

Nov 18, 2009

Tried opening a video file that was changed from MSWMM in Movie Make towmv.Previous files opened when I changed them to WMV. This iswhat I get when I try to open file: "Unrecognized format for 'D:Documents and Settings(name of file).wmv'".

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File Transfer To Vista From External Hard Drive?

Jul 29, 2007

My old PC which was running XP died but I copied files to my external hard drive. They are now sitting on there as a dat file and I want to import and use these dat files in VISTA.

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Faulty Laptop - Vista - File Missing Error

Jan 23, 2009

I bought a faulty laptop off my friend assuming that it just needed a fresh install off Vista, I installed Vista and now on bootup i get the error saying a file is missing, the file is usually "winload.exe" but can sometimes be other files which I cant remember the name of. Some times Vitsa will load up fine and the laptop would be perfect, but 90% percent of the time i got this error, whichis really boggling me.

I then tried to do a fresh install of XP, during the install I get a blue error screen, saying there is something wrong with my hardware and to run fdisk on my hard drive. I couldnt do this due to not being able to boot up so I bought a fresh new hard drive trying to fix the problem. I installed this HD and started the XP installation again, I am still getting the error message and I am stumped on what to try next.

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Transferring Of The Ownership?

Aug 8, 2005

An XP home edition CD came with my computer. I know use a different OS, but a friend of mine is using *groan* windows 98 SE and is having lots of problem.I want to give him my CD but don't want microsoft breathing down his neck, asking him where it came from, and such. What would I need to do prior to giving him the CD and installing it on his computer to prevent the above from happening?

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Dual Boot Vista/XP - Vista/XP With My HP Media Center Purchased In 2007

Sep 17, 2009

I'm trying to make a dual boot system Vista/XP with my HP Media Center purchased in 2007 with Vista pre-installed. Inside Vista I created the partition for XP (disk D and rebooted with the 'XP Pro SP2' inside. After selecting its correct partition for installing it copies all files on hard disk and it reboots in order to start its installation, upon rebooting and starting first time from hard disk, it says that there is an error in the system and stops. If I install only XP on the system it works correctly even though some newest hardware is not recognized. I had already made a dual boot two years ago with a 2007 XP Student Edition and it smoothly. If it is due to the XP version being too old that maybe cannot deal with the boot record created by Vista
Or perhaps such an old XP cannot recognize a boot hard disk that is not C:?
Is there a way to bypass this point (perhaps fixing the boot record) in order to continue correctly the installation?
Thank you,

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Ways To Transfer The Ownership

Aug 18, 2005

My husband bought a new laptop, and his old one we gave as a gift to my brother that lives in another country. How can we transfer the ownership of the old laptop to my brother's? Windows XP home E. and all the other programs installed are registered in my husband's name, logon screen etc.

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Way To Change The Ownership Of Files

Oct 25, 2009

A friend has asked me to look at their computer the other day and it turns out that the only thing in the computer that is working as it should is the HDD, so i have taken the hard disk out and connected it to my laptop via a usb adaptor but i am not able to see some of the files. I am guessing this is because i am not the owner of the files and folders. Is there away to change this because they are wanting me to get the pictures off as they have not backed up the latest ones.

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Take Ownership Of Entire Drive

Apr 20, 2010

I have removed a hard drive from a computer and replaced it with a new one and the old one is now in an external enclosure.My issue arrises when trying to view the files. I HAVE been able to get ownership of the files but only one folder at a time rather than the whole drive and its file structure, so I can get to the security tab in properties.

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How To Take Ownership Of Fat32 Files?

Jun 23, 2010

old hard drive taken from a windows 98 computer formatted in fat32 and transfered to a new windows xp pro computer can't take ownership of old files because the security tab does not show on the fat32 drive.

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Dual Boot XP+Vista - Originally Had Vista Business Edition

Dec 31, 2007

I originally had Vista Business edition on my laptop and decided to dual boot with XP. So far I created a partition on the same drive (C: ) as Vista and installed XP on it. how do I choose between Vista and XP when my computer boots up? When I turn on my computer it boots straight into XP and doesn't show that menu where it gives me a choice of which OS I want to boot

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Dual Boot Vista And XP - Risk Of Vista Interfering With The XP Partition

Jun 8, 2006

Can i put Vista on a computer as a second operating system and dual boot with XP? Is there a risk of Vista interfering with the XP partition

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Dual Boot And Vista - Vista Based System And Then Load XP

Jan 28, 2009

Is it possible to have a Vista based system and then load XP on the same system and switch between the two. I know mac's have something similar to this but i have an HP dv7 pavilion notebook with an AMD Turion x2 Dual-core mobile RM-70 2ghz processor, 4 gb of ram, ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics chip set, and 156GB of free harddrive space

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XP-Vista Dual Boot Set Up - Free VISTA BUSSINES Upgrade

Feb 13, 2007

just ordered a new pc that is on its way pre loaded with WIN XP PRO SP2. It also come with a free VISTA BUSSINES upgrade. I want to set up a dual boot system when i get my VISTA disk. should i use partition magic and set up a new partition for vista or is there a better way of doing this

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Dual Boot: To Vista - Created A Separate Partition For Vista

Dec 13, 2007

I initially started with XP and created a separate partition for Vista, installing Vista on the other partition, Vista sees the (XP) Earlier version of windows. When I choose XP, I get the following error: NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt. If I repair the XP with fixmbr - I end up screwing up Vista. Then when I repair Vista, it end's screwing up XP

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Change The Registered Ownership Of My Computer ?

Sep 22, 2008

I had a problem with the Joe Hill virus last year. I just went into properties of my computer and Joe Hill is listed as the registered to: person. I also can't find out what name is my admistrator. I can't get into documents and settings.

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Computer Usage Information And Ownership?

Aug 18, 2008

You know how sometimes in cop shows or shows that have police investigations in them, they look somewhere on a computer to find out where the user has been on the internet or what he/she has been doing. I know about (but it doesn't show everything, seemingly):C:Documents and Settings(owners name)Local SettingsHistory

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Some Files From My Old Account Lost Ownership

Jul 1, 2005

I just recently upgraded from XP Home to XP pro, and some files from my old account lost ownership, I know how to take ownership and set the permissions for each file. But, I was wondering if there was a way to take ownership of all the files on the computer without having to do each one individually? I can hightlight a few at once, but all the files I need to take ownership and full control over would take a month. Is there any way to do it to all of them at once???

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Take Ownership Of A Folder That Has Been Owend By The Administrator

Jan 20, 2008

I want to take ownership of a folder that has been owend by the administrator of a windows that doesn't exist anymore. It's the "documents and settings" folder which promts "access denied" when trying to acces it.
I've been told to right click folder, properties, and then go to security tab. Well there is no such tab. I'm using Microsoft Windows XP SP2 and there are only "General", "Sharing", and "Customize" tabs

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Taking Ownership - No Security Tab In Properties

Jan 11, 2006

Im trying to take owner ship of a folder in windows XP on a different drive. Problem is when i go under properties there is no security tab. I am logged onto an account with administrative privies,

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No Folder Ownership - Accesss Denied?

Oct 14, 2007

Ever since I set it up I have not been able to access the user profile folders on the server.
Yesterday I had to get into one of them (A security issue!(another story)) And eventually I found out that the reason I was getting the message

'Access Denied'

Was because know one actually owned them. Once I took ownership of them, I could then add my user to the permissions list, and get into them. (I have to do this for every profile and subfolder in there.)

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Internet With Vista Cuz Of Bs Security - Dual Boot Xp/vista

Dec 15, 2006

does ne1 know if vista can dual boot with xp no problems yet only wonderin cuz we are very close to vista, and i want it. i cannot use my dorm room internet with vista cuz of bs security shit.

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Taking Ownership - Disk Has Tons Of Bad Sectors

Aug 30, 2005

I'm using XP home and just added my old ntfs disk to my system. I can't access certain files because of a, "access denied", error message. The disk has tons of bad sectors on it and I can't take it with me into safe mode so I can take ownership of it with the admin account. Any suggestions on how to get to my ntfs files without going into safe mode? In normal mode, I don't have an administrator account, just my account with my name which has administrator rights. I know the admin account is still there, but I can't get into safe mode with the ntfs disk.

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