Using Spybot SD "Search For Registry Inconsistencies"?

Nov 6, 2007

Spybot Search and Destroy's Advanced Mode includes a System Internals section that searches for registry inconsistencies and will remove them or replace them with a user-specified file. Hoping for the best, I went ahead and removed a number of entries which clearly referred to applications I know for sure I uninstalled and/or deleted. It goes without saying that I saved a pre-modification logfile, as well as allowing Spybot to create a System Retore Point before making changes.

I haven't restarted the system yet, nor do I believe there to be a problem per se; with the possible exception of what I've described here this is just intended as routine maintenance unless and until I discover otherwise Something else I did while I was in there was to put a check in the box next to "Lock Hosts File As Read-Only." That was the right thing to do...right?

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DSO Exploit When Run Spybot Search

Aug 23, 2005

I keep getting DSO Exploit problem found when I run Spybot search and destroy. Anyone know how I can stop this? Im running Windows XP Home Edition.

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Adaware Spybot Search And Destory - No Program Runs

Jan 16, 2005

A while I had Limewire and Kazaa in my computer(like an idiot). Now I have a spyware problem, possible virus too.I have Ad aware and Spybot search and destory.
Both will detect the problems but cannot delete it.I have found the files,(its "search miracle") but XP will not allow me to delete them.
"Cannot delete, being used by another program."but no other progams are running.
When I try to do a Virus scan now with my McAfee, my computer will restart half way thought the search. and now, at random, my computer will restart itself anytime.

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Spybot Is Blocking A Registry Change ?

May 25, 2006

I have noticed that I have supposedly installed Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (KB905474) several times today! I think thismay be because spybot is blocking a registry change called Winlogon something or other. Can anyone confirm this? In other words if I tell spybot to allow this will that stop updates from repeatedly trying to install the same thing?

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Defragmenting Problem Due To Inconsistencies Detected In The File System

Mar 29, 2006

I have a Dell Dimension 8400 series with Windows XP Professional. Ever since I got the computer about a year ago, whenever I try to defragment my primary hard drive I get an error message indicating that I can't defragment the drive because of "inconsistencies detected in the file system". I have an additional internal drive and an additional external drive, both of which I can defragment without problems.
Not sure where to turn; and I haven't called Dell because I'm sure their response will be to re-format the hard drive; and that's a lot of work by the time I re-format, re-install Windows, and re-install all of my software.

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Get Rid Of Puppy Dog In Search, Bring Back 2000 Classic Search

May 2, 2004

Copy the information into the registry to get rid of the puppy dog in the search window.  Brings back the classisc Windows 2000 search box....

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Cannot Use Search Function - File Required To Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found

Mar 27, 2005

Whenever I try to use the Start|Search|For Files or Folders function of Windows XP, I get the following Error message box stating, "A file required to run Search Companion cannot be found. You may need to run Setup". (1) Does anyone have any idea what caused this problem? (2) What file is missing? (3) Can I fix it without having to run Setup?

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Search A Word In *.java Files With Windows Sp2 Search...

Jun 9, 2005

Search a word in *.java files with Windows XP sp2 Search... are not functionally.

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Search The Office 2007 Ribbon With Search Commands

Dec 10, 2009

The new interface in Office 2007 has a great new look but finding your favorite feature can be a little difficult at first. Microsoft Office Labs offers a helpful utility called Search Commands that brings search to the ribbon. Can’t find a specific feature? Just search for it!

 Just download and install the Search Commands utility and you will have a new search tab in Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

Download Search Commands from Microsoft Office Labs

Visit Search Command homepage

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MS/explorer Search Is Hyjacked Porno Search Window

Dec 21, 2006

my computer was infected. I used to able to do a search from the address bar, but now I'm hyjacked to some sort of porno search engine.I use spybot,zone alarm,AVG, webroot. I've tryied using Hyjack this program in atempt to find problem.Still suffering!!! Any suggestions ?

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Search Assistant Missing Components - Search Command

May 31, 2005

Not sure where to begin with this. I think I deleted a file I shouldn't have with the HJT log while I was cleaning up some spyware stuff. Anyone know how to help me get back my search command?

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Yahoo Search Has Replaced IE6 Search Companion

May 7, 2009

I am running Windows XP SP2 with Internet Explorer 6. Yahoo Search has replaced Search Companion and there is no preference button. There is a Customize button but it only brings up a pop-up page that says Ops wrong page. Try again Later. how I can Get the MSN Search Companion back.

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Case Sensitive Search In Explorer Search

Jul 14, 2005

What are the rules for a case sensitive search when searching for all files and folders in XP. I have set the option, and have tried searching in both upper and lower case options, and still get the same results.

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Search Companion Has Reverted To Old Search Results

Sep 3, 2005

My Search Companion now calls itself Search Results and does not offer to find Pictures, music, or video, Documents, etc. Also the animated assistant is not available nor is the change preferences option. I had a nasty virus attack and had to repair XP Pro. All else is repaired as far as I can tell, but this version of Search is not nearly as handy.

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Missing Search Engine - Search Companion

Mar 23, 2007

i have just gone to a search in the search link in the start menu and got a file missing message saying a file that is required to run search companian could not be found you may need to run set up

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Pro - Search... Turning Off Search Of Zip Files

Mar 28, 2006

is there a way in Windows XP to turned off searching in *.zip during the Search command? I search multiple network drives serveral times a day for files and do not need to search in the *.zip files. By searching the *.zip files the time is greatly increased. When I had Windows 2000 the search would take about 1 minute (did not search *.zip files) and now in Windows XP the search takes over 12 and half minutes (1079 *.zip files)
I did a test by making all the *.zip hidden and did the search again - averaged about 59 seconds. Unforunately, I have to leave the *.zip files as not hidden.
Any ideas?

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SEARCH Won't Work File Missing / File Required To Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found

May 5, 2005

I'm battling spyware removal at the moment (aurora) and somehow my win xp sp2 search function no longer works. i get an error "A File That Is Required to Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found" you may need to run setup I went to the microsoft website and downloaded the hotfix, however it doesn't work with sp2! anybody know how to fix this? I checked and i do have the srchasst folder in windows.

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Saving A "Search Companion" Search List As A Text File?

Sep 4, 2006

I have WinXP Home - SP2. When i do a search in "Search Companion" and a list is shown in 'search results' is there then a way to save that list to a text file that can subsequently be printed out?

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Spybot Cleaned More Than It Should Have

Mar 7, 2006

My sister did a Spybot scan and it apparently cleaned more than it should. After she did the "Fix", the computer crashed. When she tried to reboot, now all she gets is "Error loading operating system".We tried to reboot from the disk, and we get "searching from floppy, files not found""searching from cd-rom OK""boot from cd-rom, press any key", but when we press any key, nothing happens.Is there any other way to get this to boot from the disk so we can do a restore or file repair? I tried F8, but that didn't work either

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Spybot Can Not Get Rid Of This Virus

Jan 6, 2005

Here are the results of a scan that I did with Spybot.The program always flags this stuff, and it supposedly gets removed, but it keeps coming back, Can someone show me how to get rid of the following:

DSO Exploit: Data source object exploit (Registry change, nothing done)
HKEY_USERSS-1-5-18SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settingsones�1004!=W=3

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Spybot SD Won't Update

Apr 1, 2006

When I try to update Spybot SD, it says bad checksum. I've looked everywhere to find out what it means, but no luck. Does this make my Spybot unreliable? I run it and it comes up clean. I'm just concerned about the update problem.

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W32.spybot.worm Just Won't Go Away

Mar 30, 2005

I know nothing about computers but my boyfriend knows a lot and this has even stumped him. I keep getting notices about having the w32.spybot.worm on my computer. We've followed the instructions on symantec for removal, didn't work. We've formatted it by deleting the partitions, still came back. Then we did a low-level format, and it still came back. The website at symantec says it comes from Kazaa?! I don't have kazaa, and never have. I run Norton virus checks and it doesn't find it, or it says it already deleted it. I search my computer and delete all the little tftp zero byte files. They keep coming back, and I don't know what to do.

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Svchost.exe - Downloaded Spybot And Ran It

Jun 20, 2006

I started having a strange problem happening. Upon windows 2000 start up, a DOS window opens saying that it is an instance of svchost.exe running. Now I know this has to run but this is the first time that it ever opened a window when doing it. So I figured something in the registry got whacked. So I downloaded spybot and ran it. It found 153 things that I certainly didn't want running on my computer. I had spybot delete them all. I then restarted my PC. The DOS window still pops up on startup.
I then looked at my start menu to see if something got added there that is starting this up on start up. Nothing. I then manually checked the register against another computer that I have that doesn't have the same problem. All instances of any calls to svchost.exe on both computers appear to be the same

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Spybot 1.4 - Elitum.Elitebar ?

Jul 12, 2005

I scan my system and IT giveS me Elitum.Elitebar which the "Fix Selected problem "dont seems to fix it in the sense that when you rescan (even without log-in to the internet) the spyware will appear again in the search result.

It is located in HKey _USERSs-1-5-21-softwareLQ

and when I go to the registry on the left pan its listed as Local-AppWizard-Generated Applications(LAGA) and LQ is a folder under (LAGA)When the LQ is high lighted,

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100% CPU Usage - Ran Spybot S&D And Adaware

Feb 22, 2005

Alright, I have no clue as to what this problem may be caused by. I've ran Spybot S&D as well as Adaware and nothing has improved. My CPU usage still runs at 100% regardless of my rebooting and such.
I've got an AMD athlon xp 2700, 1024 mb ram, & Windows XP SP2.

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PC Freeze Continually - Run Spybot

May 6, 2007

Why does my IE freeze continually. I've run spybot

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Spybot Loaded On System

Jan 15, 2008

I have a windows xp laptop. Everytime I double click MY COMPUTER or Ddrive icons it comes up with this. I can right click and open the file though. Cheers for any tips. I have spybot loaded on my computer.

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Spybot And Adaware Downloads

Jul 12, 2005

After I cleaned up his pc the best I could and ran Spybot and Adaware I ran Hijack this. They have a program that downloads weather information and could be spyware. It does download ads. (I think it's called weather bug) I'm trying to convince them to get rid of it. It comes up in the Spybot scans as mini bug or something.

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Shutdown When Running Avg / Spybot

Mar 31, 2006

Ive just reinstalled xp on a toshiba laptop because windows explorer was damaged and no windows would open. Before this, windows was shutting down at random during startup or when running certain programmes.It was easier to reinstall than fix as no data on the pc was needed & it had a restore disk.the restore seemed to be successful.After loading avg, spybot & spywareblaster, I ran spybot. Halfway through, the pc restarted. Tried again, same prob. Tried avg, This had the same result whilst checking the hosts files, It shuts down whilst checking a file around here: c:i386mdmtosh Tried again, same prob.I have now been told that these programmes did the same thing before the reinstall.

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Running AdAware And Spybot On XP

May 31, 2006

I am the administrator (at least I assume I am since I set up our home computer) on my home Dell Dimension. I try and run AdAware and Spybot regularly but it seems that I have to go to each desktop (there are five users on our home computer) to run them to make sure I clean up everything. As you can imagine, especially since my kids do a lot of cruising (most of it supervised), it takes a long time. I am hoping there is some way to be able to run these apps from my desktop and globally cover all desktops at once, but I haven't found it. Any suggestions out there? Thanks.

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Computer Won't Start Up - Ran Spybot

Jan 21, 2009

I have been experiencing a problem with my Windows XP installation.My computer somehow got a few especially nasty viruses, and it eventually got to a point where it wouldn't start. I ran a virus scan from Knoppix, which rid my computer of most of its viruses, and Windows would start once again.It still had some problems, notably with random pop-ups. I ran Ad-Aware, but before I could delete the malicious content, ad-aware suddenly closed. I tried again, and got the same result. Eventually, I was able to delete the crucial malware, but there were still 70 entries of low-priority threats that I didn't get around to. ALso, I was having trouble updating my virus scanner, so I never got around to running another scan. I never ran Spybot, either. I know now that my negligence was dumb.

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