Defragmenting Problem Due To Inconsistencies Detected In The File System

Mar 29, 2006

I have a Dell Dimension 8400 series with Windows XP Professional. Ever since I got the computer about a year ago, whenever I try to defragment my primary hard drive I get an error message indicating that I can't defragment the drive because of "inconsistencies detected in the file system". I have an additional internal drive and an additional external drive, both of which I can defragment without problems.
Not sure where to turn; and I haven't called Dell because I'm sure their response will be to re-format the hard drive; and that's a lot of work by the time I re-format, re-install Windows, and re-install all of my software.

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Some File Could Not Be Defragmented- During Defragmenting

Aug 18, 2005

i'm with windows XP pro and iv searcjed the who;e newsgroup for info but to no avail.when i try to defrag after only a few seconds i get a report saying that some file could not be defragded, it turns out there is a problem defragging a few files.the files are VERY big and i was wnodering what could cause this, thie main big files are:

256 MB: document and settingsAll usersApplication dataAOLStoragecashe.db

192 MB: RECYCLERSS-1-5-21-602162358-1957994488-854245398-1000DC2.DMP
61 MB: RECYCLERSS-1-5-21-602162358-1957994488-854245398-1000DM3.hdmp

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Outlook Pst File Corrupt / Errors Have Been Detected In The File File Path

Oct 7, 2009

when I start my ms outlook 2007 I get this error. "Errors have been detected in the file 'file_path'. Quit all mail-enabled applications, and then use the Inbox Repair Tool." I tried to scan with scanpst.exe but it went in vain.I tried it with other applications it worked fine.But,the problem is they all are demo versions and I gets back only 5 to 6 mails for more mails i have to buy that applications. Do we have any free tool that can fix my problem or any other way to fix this.

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Defragmenter- Disk Did NOT Need Defragmenting

Jun 19, 2006

go to start > you click all programs > you select system tools > and click disk defragmemter. Disk defragmenter opens up. You click analyze. It comes up with 'You do not need to defragment this volume' You click report. You find out that the disk it only 3% fragmented. The bar that displays estimated disk usage before disk degramentation is mostly colored red, except for blocks of blue here and there. You look down at the bottom and realize that red stands for 'fragmented files' You say to your self, The report said disk did NOT need defragmenting. The bar clearly shows the disk is fragmented.

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Nothing Detected After Reboot System

Feb 16, 2005

OK I don't know where to start. When my system is rebooted I get a BSOD it goes through BIOS nothing is detected and it BSOD's. Now here is the strange part if I unplug it from power and try to boot again it comes up fine but if I try to shut it down BSOD WTF I have tried everything. BIOS has been re-flashed to latest version for my GA-7VAX MOBO and I have reloaded winXP.. I am at a complete loss as to why this is happening. Could it be my MOBO is going bad?

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Warning Message - Virus Detected In The System

Oct 19, 2008

I keep getting this Warning message every time I try to open a folder. Attention, some dangerous viruses detected in your system. Microsoft Windows XP Files corrupted. This may lead to the destruction of important files in C: WINDOWS. Download protection software now! Click OK to download the antispyware. (Recommended). I click No and it directs me to a site that tries to get me to download the software. If I let the page run, the computer becomes disfuctional, and I have to use task manager to close programs and get the computer to respond. I've tried using system restore, adaware SE professional, and Symantec Antivirus to get rid of whatever this may be. Nothing is working. I'm not sure what to do at this point

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COM And Event System Detected Bad Return Code

Aug 14, 2005

just rebuilt my computer and it seems to freeze about every hour while playing WoW online.I am using on board sound on an ASUS K8V-X with a Sempron 3000+.In checking my event logs, the application lists the following errors at corresponding times to the system freezes. By freez, I mean I can't alt tab out of the program or get the system to recognize any type of input. I have to do a hard reboot every time.

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Using Spybot SD "Search For Registry Inconsistencies"?

Nov 6, 2007

Spybot Search and Destroy's Advanced Mode includes a System Internals section that searches for registry inconsistencies and will remove them or replace them with a user-specified file. Hoping for the best, I went ahead and removed a number of entries which clearly referred to applications I know for sure I uninstalled and/or deleted. It goes without saying that I saved a pre-modification logfile, as well as allowing Spybot to create a System Retore Point before making changes.

I haven't restarted the system yet, nor do I believe there to be a problem per se; with the possible exception of what I've described here this is just intended as routine maintenance unless and until I discover otherwise Something else I did while I was in there was to put a check in the box next to "Lock Hosts File As Read-Only." That was the right thing to do...right?

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No Hard Drive Detected In System - Video Cards

Jan 9, 2009

Recently I opened up my computer to take the dust out of it as I have before. I hadent done so in a long time so there was some caked on dust on some components. I took the RAM out an cleaned it, re-installed it. I also took my vidoe card out because the heat sink had been cloged with dust aswell. After putting everything back and restarting my computer I recived this msg before windows start up. Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEMand it followed with instruction to use the xp setup disk to repair the problem. so I threw the windows CD in, and tried to repair however the program tells me I have no hard drive installed. Which I do since my computer is 3 years old now and has been working fine. I hadent changed any bios settings, I never disconnected the hard dirve either.

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Cannot Delete File: File System Error(1148), WIN2K

Apr 16, 2005

I have a user with a home driectory that has created a folder with mutliple folders within it. I am not sure how far the direcroty goes, but I have counted to at least 26 directories deep. I cannot delete the parent folder in either explorer, or from the prompt. At the prompt I have tried RD foldername and it says, "Folder not empty". Tried del foldername*.* with no error and still cannot delete it.

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Config System File Missing Or Corrupted /system Wont Start OS?

Oct 14, 2007

The system can be restored by using the Startup CD and pressing R for recover, but I do not have any cd. The only one I have it the recover cd, but it is my understanding that if I use the recovery cd that I will erase everything from my computer and I can not do this.I tried to read the other threads about the same problem, but to be honest I do not understand them and I just do not have the startup cd - maybe it is the same as the recovery cd?

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System Wont Get To Startup / System File Missing Or Corrupted?

Dec 15, 2008

When I start the laptop, the first black screen loads, and then directly skips to an error message saying "Windows cannot start because the Windows/system32/ config/system file is either corrupt or missing." Then it prompts you to try to load Windows using the installation CD.which I do not have! Whoever's reading this, PLEASE please help me, the laptop's like, my life, and I haven't had the common sense to back up anything

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CD Not Detected

Aug 14, 2009

I was trying to make a movie in Windows Movie Maker. I wanted to save it to a CD but I got an error message. "A recordable CD was not detected. Would you like to save your movie to the hard drive. Yes or No. I have Window XP Media Center Edition 2005. I let someone I know look at my computer he said I needed to replace the drive so I let him. Unfortunately I am still receiving the same message. I hope you can help or lead me in the right direction.

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Detected As 98

Nov 23, 2006

i noticed this when trying to install an app, Ever Note. it refused to install, claiming i was not using windows xp.. what? i've got xp SP2, but even in firefox's about tab i'm a w98 user! when i tried to install WMP11, i was sent to the w98's download page, which was quite frustrating (WMP9!)

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HT Not Detected

Dec 14, 2006

I have a HT ready processor, Mobo, and chipset. Yet I do not have it running on my system. I have dealt with the mobo support, and they say I need a fresh install of windows. I can't do that because it is pre installed software. Bios does not give me the option, but even if it did it is supposed to be enabled by default. Is there anything in windows that anyone knows of that I may have turned off, or a way to enable or access it through windows. I have XP pro SP2.

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New Network Detected

Oct 27, 2006

I'm running Windows XP on a stand-alone pc. I have Norton Internet Security/Anti-Virus installed. I have encountered a pop up window (which will not go away) with the message "New Network Detected". It wants me to select home, office, etc.I don't have any windows firewall enabled, but have Norton taking care of it instead.The consensus I'm getting is get rid of Norton, it stinks. But I would think there could be something simpler/makes more sense to do.

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Drives Not Detected

Mar 3, 2005

I have a friend who is having a problem with his laptop.I don't know what kind of laptop he has but the problem is his laptop cannot detect any cd/dvd rom drives. It will not detect the internal cd/dvd rom or an external dvd rom (connected thru usb2.0). It does however recognise the harddrive. He is using Windows 2000 OS. For obvious reasons he cannot put in the Win2000 CD and reinstall drivers (if that is what the problem is). So, does anyone know what could be wrong? I can get more information on the laptop if this would help.

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Xp Error Has Been Detected

Mar 30, 2005

Had my PC in Oct its a tiny by the way, since new it has had a fault when turned off ,but power still on at the mains, the phone rings the PC boots up, also lately is has been shutting down saying problem has been detected, and recovered from an error, i have restored it back to when it was working fine but still the same, tried to get hold of tiny but get a guy who i cant understand on the other end of line.

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Partition Not Detected

May 30, 2005

Ive a disk of 80 GB storage.formatted and partitioned it into 3 partitions, one NTFS, where i installed XP, and the other two other OS installed. now the problem is , it wont boot properly. i mean it starts booting, and where the welcome screen is supposed to come, it goes black. anyway, i noted in partition magic's Check for errors, dat the third partition had a few bad blocks, and ran chkdsk to correct the errors. i thote dat wud solve the problem.but it didn' i formatted a second time the last partition only (to FAT32 again), and then it was listed in partition magic,but couldnt be accessed anywhere, in command prompt or windows explorer.

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Floppy Not Detected

Apr 24, 2006

Helping a friend with his computer (Gateway w/XP Home SP2) and discovered his floppy drive does not detect the floppy disk when it is inserted. I was attempting to created Ghost images from the floppy and it would boot into the OS instead of the bootable floppy. Checked BIOS and boot sequence was correct (2nd boot device). Tried 3 different disks still no joy. Clicked on A:/ drive in Windows Explorer (with floppy disk inserted) and got "Device not accessible". Checked floppy drive properties in Device Manager and it says device is operating normally.

I have not yet opened the tower to check connections, but to date the tower has never been opened since the computer was purchased a couple of years ago. I do not know whether the floppy has ever been actually used. My friend doesn't remember ever using it.Checked the bootable floppy in my computer and it worked just fine.

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Monitor Not Detected

Oct 23, 2007

In reinstalling XP SP2; Monitor works, but only in 680/460 resolution and it cannot be changed. Device manager shows no monitor or driver. The correct driver is Intel 82865G and I cannot find it anywhere in the old files. Can't download it from the Intel site either (problem #2!) Also, I tried shutting down and disconnecting the monitor then restarting with the monitor connected (no luck.)

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Keyboard Not Detected

Aug 15, 2008

I have done a format and complete new installation of Windows Xp. Upon rebooting, the computer shows me the option on screen (F1)of going into BIOS setup.then shows me a blank screen with the message-Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt.I removed that hard drive and tried another working hard drive with WinXp and same message came up. Problem the computer does not respond to my (PS2)keyboard input so that I can at least go into the bios setting. Bought a new Logitech USB keyboard but that too did'nt resolve the problem. Is there a way to update this bios as I noted a new update. Computer is a Compaq presario 1920nx.

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Antivirus Not Detected

Feb 18, 2009

i have windows xo sp3.i had avira antivir premium installed on my PC. then i installed mcafee 8.5i. i updated the same to the latest version but my windows security alert keeps on telling me that you have no antivirus installed on your doesnt detect it at all.then again i removed it and again installed avira but still the system is showing the same security alert.

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Cd Rom Drive Not Detected

Jun 14, 2010

i have a problem with my cd-rom, i asked a technician to re-format my laptop it is a acer aspire 3620. all other parts of the systems works normally but then my cd-rom is not functioning the comp cant read the cd-rom.. it does not even show on the computer system.

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CD / DVD Drive Not Detected

Sep 20, 2005

Although a systems check says my cd/dvd drive is installed and working fine, neither winamp or Sonic DigitalMedia LE detect a suitable drive when commanded to burn a disc.

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Dvd Drive Not Detected

Oct 13, 2009

I have windows xp installed in my pc,but for last 2 days my pc isn't detecting dvd drive in my computer but its there in bios setup.I tried all the techniques posted here but none of them worked..what i did,i installed xp in another drive and now its showing the dvd drive.So anyone could help me out to detect my dvd drive in the initial case.

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Cd Or Dvd Burner Not Detected

Sep 5, 2006

I've just tried to burn my cd as usual but now its just come up saying cd or dvd burner is not detected.

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DVD-RW & CD-RW Drives Not Detected

Feb 13, 2007

Having a major problem with my PC locating my Pinoneer DVD drive & my Sony CD drive. When I go into my device manager, both drives have a yellow dot with an explantion point. When I try to enable them, I get a message saying windows has located the driver but the hardware is not working. When I look under My Computer, the drives are not even listed under Storage Devices. I've even atempted to do a system restore but not matter what restore point I go back to, Windows says it's unable to restore from that point, choose another. I am far from a PC guru and don't really understand much technical stuff. Can someone help me get up & running again?

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Wireless USB Adapter Not Detected

Oct 12, 2007

i have 2 PCs in my home: PC1 and PC2 i run Windows XP SP2 on both PC1 is directly connected to the internet and is working fine

PC2 uses a TEW-424UB wireless USB network adapter. It was ok, but it stopped working. I tried unplugging-replugging, but Windows doesn't even detect the device any more when i plug it in NOTHING happens. And when i check for the device in Device Manager, there's a yellow icon and it tells me the device can't start.

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Network Detected But Cannot Connect

Aug 2, 2010

My wireless connection says that it is connected to the network, but can't connect to the internet. Tried to repair through MSN and said that my default gateway is down or something of that nature.

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Duplicate Name Has Been Detected On TCP Network

Jun 5, 2006

I have a home network of three computers connected to a Linksys router which is connected to a cable modem to Road Runner. In one machine I am running W2K Professional with IIS 5.0. I am trying to build a web site consisting of a large number of web pages and associated .jpg, .gif and .mp3 files. The W2K Pro machine, which is running IIS 5.0, always creates a bugcheck error and reboots after I enter the URL to the web pages in questions. The requests are entered from a XP Pro machine on the local network. The W2K machine bugchecks and reboots whenever I kill a browser session and then restart it. The Event viewer in the W2K Pro machine shows an error message that says, "A duplicate name has been detected on the TCP network. The IP address of the machine that sent the message is in the data. Use the nbtstat -n " I cannot do any of this as the the machine bugchecks and reboots. All machines on the local network are configured for DHCP for compatability with Road Runner. My W2K Pro machine is current with SP4 plus updates. The machine I am using for the browser is XP Pro current to SP2 plus updates since.

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