Unable To Use DVD Being Accessed Error?

Mar 29, 2006

Bit of an odd one, that has totally thrown me. When I put some (not all, it's about 50/50 of good to bad) DVDs (Movies, all data DVDs seem fine so far) in my machine, whatever software I try to view the disk with will freeze, this could be a viewer such as PowerDVD or Explorer itself. To begin with I just put it down to duff disks (I go to Thailand alot and pick up cheap DVDs there) but I now have discovered the same also sometimes happens with retail bought DVD from here in the UK.

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Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed - Error 1719

Feb 28, 2005

So something is wrong with Windows installer. Any time I try to install something, I get the error message: "Error 1719. The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. You may be running in safe mode or Windows Installer may not be correctly installed. " I've tried all of the suggestions on the Microsoft support website, but either I'm not smart enough to figure out what they mean

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Installer Could Not Be Accessed

Oct 30, 2009

when I try to download some programs I get a message that says "windows installer could not be accessed. Contact your support personnel to verify thay the windows installer is properly registered."

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Noises From My C Drive And It Cannot Always Be Accessed

Apr 3, 2008

My computer is old (but I love it). And recently I hear funny clicking noises from my C drive and it cannot always be accessed. I have win2k installed on drive C and winxp on another physical hard drive D. I am using only winxp on D.

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Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed

Aug 10, 2007

Im not willing to lose this information again. Ive been working for a company called Eidos, for about 2 weeks now, and well, im a modeller ( 3d Studio Max, for those who dont know, look it up ) And well, I've got about 20,000+ If not, a lot more value is held of information stored on this PC. And I am a key point to some of the upcoming titles they may be bringing out, DONT ask me for what games will be released AS I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TELL YOU for lawful reasons

Moving on to the problem side of things, a friend of mine, suggested a program to me, to clean up my computer a little bit as, well.. it started to slow up on me this morning, and so, i did, i cleaned it up with this software, and great, the PC was running a hell of a lot faster, mind my language, i know. But yes, i started to use this software and thought it was great ( RegSeeker ) But now, since ive used it, my Windows Installer has... well, i wouldnt say died, but just stopped working Uninstalling / Installing I get this error message

The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.

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Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed

Aug 13, 2005

I try to install Word 2000 on my new Dell with Windows Home XP, I get a message that "Windows Installer service could not be accessed. You may be running in safe mode or Windows Installer may not be correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assitance." I know I'm not running in safe mode, and microsoft responded with an email telling me to re-register the windows installer "at my own risk"

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Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed

May 24, 2008

Try to install office 2003 and msn messenger - i got error msg prompt me, Windows Installer The window Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if your are running windows in safe mode or if the windows Installer is not corrrectly installed.I try to uninstall some software aslo cannot get it work.

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Date Of Last Accessed One Of My Documents

Sep 1, 2005

I wanted to see what date I had last accessed one of my documents so I right-clicked its icon, chose Properites and discovered the date "August 29, 2005." That would have been ok but I didn't remember even looking at that doc for over a year. It got really weird (for me at least) when I checked other documents' Properties and *every* one of them had the date "August 29, 2005" down as the date last accessed! No - I didn't look at everything on my machine on that day! I then experimented by clicking out/back in to Properties and saw that the correct access date (in this case, today) was now listed

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Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed

Oct 3, 2009

I am running Windows XP sp2 (Dell Dimension 5150).I am getting an error message:"The windows installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running in windows safe mode, or if the windows installer service is not correctly installed."

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Internet Browsers Not Getting Accessed

Jan 19, 2006

I keep getting the following error whenever i open an internet browser opera or ie and when i open up my computer sometimes it happens out of nowhere with message application error and click on ok to terminate or click on cancel to debug the program.

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Drive-C Could Not Be Accessed On Norton Defragmenter

Jul 24, 2005

It is still functioning fine. BUT when I click on Computer from the Start Menu, All my drives and CD roms are listed EXCEPT DRIVE-C! I am able to access the drive for cleaning thru Windows XP prof. but Drive-C Could not be accessed on Norton Defragmenter for some reason.I contacted Gateway Support with no soltuoin.

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Eror- Windows Installer Couldn't Be Accessed

Sep 25, 2008

I try to install something using windows installer, I get the "preparing to install" screen and then it says that windows installer couldn't be accessed. I'm not running in safe mode, and I didn't do anything to change this. I looked online and it said to go into the registry and check the msiexec file to make sure its in the system folder, and it is. I've tried re installing and even though it says it successfully reinstalled, it still wont work.

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Internet Cant Be Accessed Norton Anti-virus

Oct 2, 2005

We get the server cannot be found message. If we now reboot, everything is up and running again (until the next time). This happens almost every day. Worked with the Verizon On Line techs and they found that my modem and associated equipment is in fine working order, and speculated that the problem is probably in my computer. I tried several possible fixes from some local experts (cleaning out the Explorer cache, running Spy-Bot, Ad-Aware, Norton anti-virus, Microsoft Anti-Spyware, etc.) to no avail.

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Wont Install Program: Installer Could Not Be Accessed?

Nov 24, 2008

I have tried to install adobe reader 9 but as i get to the end of the process i get the following message The windows installer could not be accessed.this can occure if you are running windows in safe mode or if windows installer is not correctly installed.

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Cannot Install Any Programs / Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed

Feb 26, 2008

I had noticed that I could copy but not paste. For example, I could right click an icon on the Desktop and copy it, but using Ctrl-V or right-clicking on the Desktop to Paste did not work. In fact, the option is not even highlighted in the shortcut menu. Even to drag and drop an item from one folder to another is not possible. However, I can copy and paste text, like copying and pasting a sentence is MS Word. I also found out that I cannot install any programs on this same computer. This is the exact error message I get when trying to install Ad-Aware:

"The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance. "

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Trace A Laptop That Accessed An Insecure Wi-fi Connection?

Apr 26, 2010

Is it possible to track/trace down who accessed an insecure wi-fi connection using their computer or laptop? Say the MAC address of the wireless adaptor is spoofed, and the "Computer name" is not identifiable, is there any other way of tracking down someone who used an insecure wi-fi connection?

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Cannot Run .exe Files / The Windows Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed

Sep 27, 2009

"C or file. You may not have appropriate permissions."Also,"The windows installer service could not be accessed"It is a customer's PC running XP Media Center.PC came to me with initial problem of blank desktop. Explorer.exe was NOT running and could not be started from Start > Run in Task Manager. However, it WAS possible to go through Browse and open files and existing programs that way.Managed to fix that by uninstalling various Google products like Desktop, Updater and Toolbar. Somehow, this enabled all programs I tried to run. The customer only had IE 8 on machine. Could open a Web Page in Word which made me suspicious why IE could not establish connection even after resetting etc etc. Found safari and managed to get on Web fine. Removed Google products as mentioned and all seemed fine.As IE still playing up decided to re-install it. All fine except that "checking your computer for malicious software" had red x next to it. Hmm, I thought.IE also keeps sending me on strange redirects (no other browser does) so suspected Malware.

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Computer Hangs On Normal Boot - Cd Rom Not Accessed

Mar 8, 2008

Problems have been.#1.would only start in safe mode.#2.if try to start normal hangs up on logo screen.#3.tried to do chkdsk and restarted...after restart wouldnt even go in safe mode(hung up at system32/drivers/agp4440.sys)(also some other files were missing at other times).#4.Could not not access cd rom to burn files(tried to backup drivers and could only send to floppy,which worked ).#5. I erased 1 harddrive with system suite6 professional(only one because windows told me the 2nd one was not formatted)and now i am trying to install windows xp and at first had a hang up at setup on an ntfs file,retried and got "corrupted file sym_hi.sys message".found out online it could be do to bios settings or actual physical sdram memory problems,so i fiddled with bios setttings and got windows to install and restart now it has taken about an hour and a half to finish and finalize.my question is...does anyone know what all this means??is it an old piece of crap?,do the bios settings need changed?

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Running Windows In Safe Mode- Installer Could Not Be Accessed

Dec 15, 2004

When i try to install a program i had downloaded from the web, i get a box saying: Windows Installer
The Windows Installer device could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running windows in safe mode, or if the windows installer is not correctly installed. My OS is Windows XP with sp2. I am not running windows in safe mode.

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Disk Clean Up In XP / Set To Compress Old Files Haven't Accessed

Aug 16, 2005

I am running Windows XP home edition in disk clean up option I have it set to compress old files I haven't accessed in 6 days When I run disk clean up it cleans everything else I have checked but won't compress old files What should I do ?

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Deleted User Profile,"my Docs" Cannot Be Accessed As Administrator

Mar 4, 2007

I have stupidly deleted the username from the win2000 pc that i use to store pics. now logging in as administrator 'my documents' cannot be accessed. is there any way to restore an old username or can i link the old 'my docs' to a new username? i cannot restore to an old config as i have neglected to back up anything and its really buggy so internet access is not an option! if this pc was a car it would be delboys 3 wheeler, but i need my pics.

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Remotely Accessed Machine's Data Can Be Copied To Local Machine?

Nov 20, 2009

Can I copy the data of remote desktop to my Local machine.

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Unable To View Error Log

Mar 5, 2005

In a previous thread, XP was scanning on boot. I worked the problem to death, converted all partitions to NTFS, and we finally gave up. We formated 120G C: and re-partitioned...went from approx. three 40G parts to one 50G (C:) and remainder approx 65G (E:). This install was done yesterday, and this morning, on first boot, it froze at a black screen (desktop is black), with a solid drive action light. Re-boots do not evoke a scandisk, but give a good boot to the desktop. I've tried to view the error log, but it won't show any of those tools...."not found", sys info, etc.

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Unable To Locate Gdiplus.dll Error

Aug 29, 2005

When attempting to open a JPEG in Windows picture and Fax viewer I get an error that the program is unable to locate gdiplus.dll, recommends reinstalling the application. After searching the PC I can see that it is installed 4 times in various locations.I also get this error when attempting to launch windows media player.
Recently I have been performing a clean up of my PC (With guidance of TSG Security Forum) due to spyware infections. Part of this included running Ewido security suite. I noticed that there is a file at location c:ewidogdiplus.dll.

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Unable To Locate Component .dll Error

Oct 5, 2009

I'm having some problems with my XP pro Dell computer. Recently my brother downloaded some songs off of Limewire ( I know it's really bad). I have AVG free installed and it detected multiple viruses as mshypiw.dll I prompted to remove them, and it warned my system may become unstable or crash, I still clicked to remove them and after a re-boot my computer opened up to an error.winlogon.exe - Unable To Locate Component.This application failed to start because mshypiw.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.After I click OK it gives me the same error over and over again for different .exe files. Ex: lsass.exe, Services.exe.It Then opens the logon to windows screen and I can login as normal. Then it gives me many more of the same errors, which if I enter through all of them, I can eventually get to the desktop. Then, if I try to run any program I get more of this same error, depending on which program I try to open, some will open and some will not.

I have googled for this error for hours on end and can't find an answer. I did find this KB article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/319114. Which seams to relate to my problem but the file framedyn.dll is not in my dllcache folder and I cannot get to my System setteing because of this error.

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Unable To Install Due To System32/hal.dll Error

Jul 11, 2007

When I started up my IBM, I got a message about "missing file" - then all went black!
I put in the installation disc, hoping to be able to push the "repair" button, but all I got was the following message: "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt <Windows root>/system32/hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of this file." OK, but how? Where would I get such a copy, is it on the Inst Disc, and PARTICULARLY - how can I install this file (when I can't get the system to open or can't even reinstall the OS from the Installation disc) IMPORTANT!! If you can help me, please remember that I am a relative newbie (ok, I've learnt a bit over the last few years, but even so) and I UNDERSTAND NOTHING ABOUT "BIOS" and things like that, so - if possible a sort of a "one step after the other"

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Jun 17, 2005

I have installed on my system which has windows 2000 installed on it. It gives me a strange error UNABLE TO INITIALIZE MEMORY STREAM and gets stuck up. I have tried unstalling and restalling both of them ,but it isnt working.

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Unable To Install SP2: Comes Up With Access Denied Error?

Jan 7, 2006

I have managed to repair the OS (XP Home) but am still experiencing one or two problems. The main one at the moment is that though it has downloaded and successfully installed 33 MS Critical Updates it is not able to install Service Pack 2. It gets about half way through installing SP2 and then brings up an "Access Denied" Error.

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Unable To Install Java : Getting Error All The Time?

Jan 8, 2007

Well when i go to install this i get this error http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/1951/untitledan4.jpg Any idea how to fix it? This is really important as i cant install java and i really need it for school

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Unable To Access Computer Beause Of An IO Error?

Sep 20, 2008

(My Computer) I: is not accessible--The request could not be performed because of an IO error.This occurred with a NEW Iomega HDD desktop 250GB USB 2.0 external hard drive. I am using Windows XP on a Sony Desk top.I was in the process of formatting the drive from FAT32 to NTFS when the formatt was about 98% complete and it advised it could not complete.I reconected it to my Lap-Top and the it completed the formatting and showed OK on MY Computer Disk management this was on my lap top. I reconnected to my desktop. new drive Orginally showed as (H). When it was reconnected It was and has been very slow in loading on MY Computer. It now shows as Drive (I) When I clicked on (I) the above error message came on after a prolonged period of time.

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Resolved Stop Error: Unable To See Any Icon In OS?

Aug 22, 2005

I had several stop errors. They occurred when in Windows and clicking on IE. On click we got the blue screen, stop errors, abd memory dump messages. I
read into the stop erros and it appears to be caused by a device just installed or a software. My wife just installed the Real Player, for the Big-Brother network, which I didn't think was a good idea but what the heck. The error also points to bad menory.

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