Unable To Load Files And Videos Online / Wont Get Into Websites?

Sep 15, 2009

i'm having trouble loading things online.web pages, games, videos, etc.Internet.com is the worst.most of the time i cannot even get into the site, and on the rare occasion that i do, most videos won't load.they just stay on a black loading screen for a long time, and never do anything else. web pages don't load most of the time either.i have four different browsers, i have run every scan, updated everything, including the flash player, i have disabled my firewall, pop-up blocker, and virus protection.restored computer to an earlier state, used recovery discs, cleared cookies, history, cache, temporary internet files.

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Can't View Certain Websites Pictures / Songs / Videos Aren't Visible

Apr 8, 2006

I went on vacation, and when I came back, I wasn't able to view myspace songs, myspace videos, and stuff on other websites.I don't know if someone messed with my computer while I was gone. Is there something I can download that would make this work again?

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Computer Running Slow: Can't Load Websites?

Jul 31, 2005

I have Windows Service Pack 2 and all of a sudden my computer is running painfully slow. Takes ages to boot up, desktop images don't appear for ages, anything I click on doesn't happen for a few minutes. Internet is the same. I was going to look up some info on the menopause, but websites taking so long to load I think I may have been through it by the time I find out about it! AVG says no virus found.

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Updates Were Unable To Be Successfully Installed / AVI Files Failed To Load

Dec 2, 2006

To start, when I try to play an .avi file, real player and windows media player both encounter a fatal error. Thinking there may have been a windows update I went to update.microsoft.com to get updates. I was able to download all of the updates, but I could not install any of them. I tried to install them via express and custom updates on the website, via automatic updates, and virtually every other method I could think of. After researching the problem I came across similar problems with an array of solutions, including trying in safe mode, running sfc /scannow, uninstalling and reinstalling .net, shutting off and turning back on both automatic updates and cryptographic services, changing .dll files (lccwiz & pidgen), renaming the Software Distribution folder, downloading one update at a time, and other things that I can't even begin to think of at this moment, obviously with no success, as well as running SpyBot, AdAware, and Norton.

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Lsass.exe Causing System To Shut Down / Websites Wont Load?

Sep 12, 2005

Ok I'm getting this message now saying that something called lsass.exe is causing my pc to just shutdown while I'm right in the middle of something. And, earlier today I deleted some registries by mistake and computer just went haywire. I think for the most part I got them fixed but now pc freezes up and some sites take forever for me to load or certain programs like musicmatch radio and mtv.com.

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Deleting Files - Two Pornographic Videos

May 16, 2007

There are two pornographic videos that are downloaded onto my computer in the folder that I use to download music on LimeWire. I've never downloaded a video from LimeWire that I can recall, only music. Anyway, these 2 files will not delete when I right-click and try to select delete. There is no delete on the right-click list, the files CANNOT be dragged into any other folder including the Recycle Bin

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Unable To Play Videos: Little Installer Coming Up With Pop Up Message?

Mar 9, 2006

On one of my older computers running windows xp, i am having a annoying problem.Most of the time when i try to play a video on it, it will have a little windows installer window pop up(i had the ace mega codec pack installed on but it was really bad and kept me from even playing video so i uninstalled it)it has been a while since i used that pc but now i have it plugged up to a tv and a speaker system in my room and am not in for reinstalling windows (everything else runs 100% fine very fast and smooth)

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Trying To Load Windows Xp / Load Set Up / Going To Load Files It Locked Up

Apr 12, 2006

First my computer was cutting off in the middle of any program. I decided to delete everything on the drive and reformat it and reload windows xp. While trying to load windows xp it would load the set up but when going to load files it locked up everytime. I tried also loading windows 98, 95 and they too locked up. At one point it said I had a virus in my boot sector and at another time it said I had a virus in my RAM. I got a program called PC Beginner to help partition my drive and redo the MBR. I can partition the drive and format it but windows still doesn't load. Now I wonder if there is a problem with the mother board and I have a dual bios board, I was wonder if there is a program loaded in the dual bios that may somehow causing my problem. If so what can be done to clear the problem? How can I get windows reloaded?

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Unable To Get Online

Mar 20, 2006

I hope this is the correct forum for my problem. I'm unable to get online on my notebook computer although I can log on using my desktop computer! This is driving me crazy, I've tried everything I know, rebooting, system restore, virus check, ran spysweeper, checked the settings in internet options/connections, did renewal of ipconfig/all, etc, but all to no avail. I have a pentium M with Windows XP Home Edition SP2 and have a dlink router connecting both computers via ethernet cables. The internet connection icon in the taskbar area shows that I'm connected, But when I try to open a web browser (IE) I'm getting a "Cannot find server....page cannot be displayed".

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Unable To Install Adobe Flash Player To View Videos?

Sep 10, 2006

I am unable to install Adobe Flash Player to view videos I am unable to disable the Windows Firewall because of "group policy".How do I attach a Hijack log to this post?

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Media Player Not Playing Videos - MPEG Files

May 24, 2007

My hard drive recently got corrupted and I had to install WP XP Home, instead of XP Professional that I had previously. After installation and downloading WMP, I was unable to play any MPEG files that previously worked. WMP gives me the following error - C00D11B1. Even the files thumbnails dont look the same (currently look like generic files). However, the MPEGs work fine when I play them in Quicktime and even iTunes. I downloaded/bought a plug-in from the WMP website which I think gives me MPEG-2 decoder/DVD software etc. However, I think that relates to DVD play etc, while I am more concerned about the videos from my Sony Digital Camera which still dont work. Am I missing any drivers etc that I need to download? Btw music files work fine, and this only relates to videos.

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Which Files To Delete - Names Don't Recognize - Photos And Videos

Oct 30, 2009

My in-laws computer has 89% of hard drive (40 of 44 gb) used. I've deleted obvious things like photos and videos, but most of the files have names i dont recognize and I dont want to bust the computer or lose a key application. Theydon't have all that many programs either. How can I know what to delete?

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Unable To Open Some Websites

Mar 10, 2006

I am using xp and have a laptop with xp. I use a linksys router for the laptop. I recently switched from DSL to Cable, since the switch there are a few web sites I cannot get to open up. Aafes.com, hotmail.com, support.microsoft.com.....and a few others. Most sites open fine but....I have checked my router, it's fine. I have bypassed it and gone straight from the modem still doesn't work. I have hooked someone elses laptop up to modem and guess what??? They opened them just fine. So I'm back to me. I'm so frustrated and confused. Please any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.

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Unable To Play Games Online / Downloading Messenger?

Dec 26, 2004

I have had problems playing games online, never used to. I am having trouble downloading messenger on a site I am on. I had erased some things not sure if thats why. Someone said something about my java or something. I do not know how to check if my java is still installed or if working properly. I have a emachine . Its XP2000.

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Unable To Access Some Websites - Get Timed Out

Sep 21, 2006

I have cleared cookies, cache, check settings reset modem, remove router nothin is helping. On a ping I get timed out.On a trace route it doesnt complete.
Any help to resolve this issue is appreciated for i have many sites i can access but some I cant.Sites I cant access are as follows www.no2allmails.com www.a-n-a-cash.com
and some others all give the same errors

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Reformatted The Computer: Unable To Access Certain Websites?

Sep 9, 2007

I just recently reformatted my computer.Now for some reason certain sites are inaccessible to my computer... big sites like yahoo, facebook, and other random sites. But at the same time i can access many websites such as this. When trying to connect to these other websites i get a message such as "The connection was reset" I am plugged into the wall with an Ethernet so there is no router involved. The only firewall i have running is windows firewall.

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Unable To Open Websites While Using Internet Explorer 6?

Jun 23, 2006

I have begun experiencing problem with IE6 not displaying pages for any url or IP address entered in the address bar.This occurs when there is an Internet connection (dial up). The browser will display web pages from files on the computer. (Windows XP sr2)I have concluded that this is an IE related problem, since Netscape 7.2 works properly.When I open IE6 with an Internet connection, the title bar indicates that my default homepage is (will be) displayed. There is no url shown in the address bar and no information displayed in the status bar. The mouse hourglass icon is displayed for as long as the browser is left open.

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Unable To Open Microsoft Websites - Firewall Turned Off

Jan 6, 2009

Iam anable to open any MS websites either with IE7 or FireFox. Able to open other websites. I have tried adding "s"to the "http"protocol,but no luck. Then went to internet options and unticked the "tsl"option in Advanced tab,again no luck! Thus iam not able to manually download updates.The XP pro has SP2 and SP3 installed. All the drivers are in place.To add to my woes ,SAS PRO and MBAM are not getting updates too!To survive i have installed AVG 8 Anti-virus and it too is not getting updated! I have turned off the windows firewall and the Comodo Firewall Pro. The KIS 2009 disk is not installing as it is not being accessed by the dvd drive( please see my post in "General security"). When i run the diagnostic tool--i get the message that the PC is unable to access the FTP and the http and https are fine!Please ask for any further info' which i've failed to mention

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Saving The Websites:Unable To See / Find Favourites Folder?

Mar 11, 2006

I have just noticed a problem with saving web sites. When I click on the favourites icon along the top bar and then add > new folder I am unable to see the selected folder. When I click on the word favourite - also along the top, which also produces a list, the folder is there!How do I get folders I create to show up along the left hand side of the screen (ie when the favourite icon is clicked.

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Unable To Connect To Internet: Websites Wont Open?

May 30, 2010


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Unable To Access Websites By Making As Desktop Shortcut?

Nov 21, 2008

Still using XP Pro but with with new motherboard,hard drives,RAM,I'm happy with it all except for some reason, I'm having a problem with shortcuts opening up a web site when activated by clicking on the Desktop icon. Here is an explanation of what is happening:If I have a "link" on an e-mail and click on it, the web site opens just fine. I have highlighted and moved that link onto the desktop so it will be a shortcut there. However, when I click on that, I get two things:A flag comes up saying "Windows cannot find (and then it says the link address)".The web site is opened underneath the flag and no problem with it.

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Unable To View Images While Using Internet And Opening Websites?

Nov 5, 2005

I have checked into everything I can think of so that I can view images in my e-mail and on e-card websites.I have also downloaded netscape but it is the same there.I have a Dell Dimension 4600 Series desktop computer.I use Windows XP, Norton SystemWorks Premier 2005. I have Spyware Blaster, Pop Up blocker and a firewall.I have gone to each of these and checked anything that would prevent being able to view images.I get a blank bacground with a tiny square with a red x in it. I did a system restore due to a Trojan virus about 2 weeks ago, and nothing now shows up in my scans

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Unable To Access Certain Financial Websites -cant Delete Duplicate File

Aug 11, 2005

It seems that Windows has gone AWOL again. I can not access certain websites.mostly ones that require secured access like financial websites: paypal etc. I can usually get the first page, but when I click sebsequent links, the browser says it can not find it. This applies to both IE and Firefox so the problem must be in the user profile of windows I presume.

My Norton's internet security no longer starts itself upon startup either even though I click the box for it to begin upon startup. In msconfig, Norton's is set for startup as well...

I don't want to system restore as I've had problems with deleting duplicate files and such

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Unable To Load Home

Aug 13, 2008

I recently bought and installed a new ECS 6100PM-M2 motherboard with 2 x 1Gb DDR2 667 RAM and AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ CPU bundle.I have been trying to install Windows XP home edition to my computer and it will not install. When I turn the pc on I am confronted with a black screen that has a flashing cursor in the top left corner.To get the machine to do anything else I have to restart the computer and enter the BBS Setup by pressing F11 and selecting the optical drive that contains the XP disc.A message appears telling me that Setup is inspecting my hardware configuration.Next, a blue screen appears with 'Windows Setup' in the top left hand corner.

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Unable To Load Explorer.exe

Jan 12, 2008

Long story short, it's been a week since i've seen my desktop. No taskbar, no start menu, just my wallpaper. I have been able to use my computer through the Task Manager but that's about it. In searching for answers through the past week, it has been brought to my attention that the most likeliest of problems pertaining to this would be that my Explorer.exe is not active when I restart my computer. I have ran numerous Malware programs and have removed quite alot, but this problem still persists. I have searched through this forum and have seen one case to where this particular problem was solved but it needs special attention.

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Unable To Load Https Sites

Aug 12, 2008

I can't login to some (not all) https sites. I have tried Opera, Firefox and IE, nothing works.I have scanned my system over and over again, there are no viruses. I do not use a firewall, windows firewall is currently disabled.I found some recommendations about registering .dll files. I have tried that. I have deleted temp internet files and cookies.What do I do next?

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Unable To Load Graphics Conversion Filter

Aug 2, 2005

someone sent me a wordpad doc and when i tried to open it this is what it said, unable to load graphics conversion filter do you want to continue anyway, so i clicked yes. and only the text appeared in the doc. now i'm guessing the doc contains graphics of some sort but i am unable to load them. is there a way i can load these graphics? do i need the conversion filter? if so were do i get this from.

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Unable To Load (initialize) IE Due To Insufficient Resources - MBR

Dec 14, 2005

I am constantly connected to the internet via the university's network, run AVG 7.1 free, spybot s&d and its tea timer, and ad-aware se personal, all with updated definitions. I run an ewido online scan once a week, but don't keep it installed since it causes my computer to boot much more slowly. I also have the most current windows updates, except WMPlayer 10, and .Net 2.0 because it seems unnecessary. Well, back to the problem. I was talking to my friend on AIM, when I got the message "The connection to the service was lost" and had options to try and reconnect, etc. I tried to load IE, but it gave me some error along the lines on "Unable to load (initialize?) IE due to insufficient resources." I have a gig of ram, 3.0 GHZ P4, 120 Gig of hdd space, about 80 gig free, and run CCleaner about twice a week.

Anyway, I've been clean according to those 3 programs I use frequently, but after I got kicked off AIM and IE wouldnt load, my favorites were empty, programs wouldnt load, i couldnt shut down, etc. So I hit the reset button. When rebooted, the BIOS screen showed, and stayed for along time which it never does. Then, it kind of froze. As illogical as this seems, I just hit the switch on the back of the powersupply and waited about 2 minutes. All of my fans are clear of dust and in working operation (GPU, CPU, and PSU). I havent installed or removed any hardware / software recently, etc. So when I restarted, I rebooted into "safe mode with network support" and ran Spybot, Adaware, AVG7.1 and Ewido online scan. None reported anything outstanding, but AVG notes that read errors occured for the MBR and boot sector. Ewido found "spyware.chitika" which it removed. I rebooted and am currently in "safe mode with networking" just to be safe, but my question is: what could have caused this? and how can I fix my MBR? Thanks for any suggestions. I have a final paper that I need to finish before friday!

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Unable To Load OS With Error Saying Autochk Not Found

Aug 22, 2008

My daughter thought she try to install Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS Desktop Edition as a second OS (She received this CD in the mail) ... But after installing Ubunta she get the choices to either choice WinXP Home Edition or Ubuntu, now here is the problem. Picking WinXP Home Edition she gets the error "autochk not found - SKIPPING AUTOCHK" then a quick blue screen with a bunch of letter and numbers and then it goes back to choices of booting to WinXP Home Edition or Ununtu.

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Unable To Load My Computer Into Safe Mode

Jul 11, 2007

i am unable to load my computer into safe mode,it hangs when it is loading agp440.sys.im running Windows XP SP2.

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Unable To Load Recovery Disk In HP Pavillion Xg843

Aug 24, 2005

The hard drive was replaced with a 20 gb and now when I try to load the factory recover program it keeps coming back with an error message- failed to find attribs.dat in any list file on cd1, proceed anyway? only when you do proceed , it does not work. This harddrive had been used with xp previously.

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