Unable To Access Certain Financial Websites -cant Delete Duplicate File
Aug 11, 2005
It seems that Windows has gone AWOL again. I can not access certain websites.mostly ones that require secured access like financial websites: paypal etc. I can usually get the first page, but when I click sebsequent links, the browser says it can not find it. This applies to both IE and Firefox so the problem must be in the user profile of windows I presume.
My Norton's internet security no longer starts itself upon startup either even though I click the box for it to begin upon startup. In msconfig, Norton's is set for startup as well...
I don't want to system restore as I've had problems with deleting duplicate files and such
I have four user accounts on my pc. Recently I have had to reinstall windows, and I set up my users again, but I noticed that the old accounts were still there in windows explorer under documents and settings, even though they don't come up on the screen when the pc starts up. I've deleted three of them as they were just taking up room, but there is one left that I can't remove. A box pops up saying that it is unaccessable and access is denied.
I have cleared cookies, cache, check settings reset modem, remove router nothin is helping. On a ping I get timed out.On a trace route it doesnt complete. Any help to resolve this issue is appreciated for i have many sites i can access but some I cant.Sites I cant access are as follows www.no2allmails.com www.a-n-a-cash.com and some others all give the same errors
I just recently reformatted my computer.Now for some reason certain sites are inaccessible to my computer... big sites like yahoo, facebook, and other random sites. But at the same time i can access many websites such as this. When trying to connect to these other websites i get a message such as "The connection was reset" I am plugged into the wall with an Ethernet so there is no router involved. The only firewall i have running is windows firewall.
Still using XP Pro but with with new motherboard,hard drives,RAM,I'm happy with it all except for some reason, I'm having a problem with shortcuts opening up a web site when activated by clicking on the Desktop icon. Here is an explanation of what is happening:If I have a "link" on an e-mail and click on it, the web site opens just fine. I have highlighted and moved that link onto the desktop so it will be a shortcut there. However, when I click on that, I get two things:A flag comes up saying "Windows cannot find (and then it says the link address)".The web site is opened underneath the flag and no problem with it.
i ve tried deleting certain files but it displays an errr message saying "cannot delete file.. access is denied" ive tried deleting it in command prompt also but could not.
I've got a machine running Win XP Home SP 2. Ther is a folder containing files in the Program Files folder that I want to delete. When I attempt to delete any of them, either to the recycle bin not, I get an error "Access Denied - ...". I am the computer administrator. The only help I could find on Microsoft site tells me to have the administrator change my privileges or the permissions on the files. Well, since I am the administrator, it seems like I should be able to do it myself.
I downloaded a registry checker and it had a thing in it I could see if I had any duplicate files....HOLY SHAMOLY, there are a ton of them, I am afraid to delete....see below, can someone advise on which is safe to delete? trying to clean up computer. Kindest regards, Christine....OH MY, there are so many I posted two sets and they are too long to post. Maybe just advise me on if I can delete one if there are 2?
I have two machines on my home net and both run XP-Pro.Problem 1 is that I have something like 30k files in the recyclers on my D Drive that I can't delete.Problem 2 is that I recently did a restore from a backup and even though user names, admin access etc are same I can't access open or even delete many of the unused folders. I have tried moving them to shared files folder, and using my admin privilege to take ownership and or change attributes but nothing so far works. Safe boot, safeboot command prompt all nada. can any one help me out here ?
I recently ran dupfinder 2.0 from windows xp pro on my lap top which runs windows xp media center 2005 sp2 My laptop is a Gateway mx6955 intel t1400@1.83ghz .99gb ram I have 9049 duplicate files on my C: using up 1,508,429 kb of space I am stuck on which duplicate files i can delete safely I have emailed Gatewy several times
I want to purge my system from "true" duplicate files. However, when I tried to do so in the past, I ran duplicate file finders, and deleted files which were supposedly duplicates. I then had to locate and reload a number of them because I began to have inconsistencies in my system. My system presently shows a large number of duplicates, but how can I be assured they are before I delete them?
I use a XP SP3.. n in my removable hdd automatically contain an 'autorun.inf'.it emerge after i connect the hdd to my frens pcs.. n whenever i double-click each partition of the hdd, an autorun file is activated. I looked up in my protected system files n found out that there is suspicious autorun.inf file show up as system files in each partition. but i knew there shouldn't be any info files, despite it is a system file. i think it also kind of virus jus it uses the standard autorun.inf for an info file, so that there is no any antivirus can detect it as a VIRUS.it seems that i couldn't delete it even i(as the administrator) cannot get access to change the attributes in virtual DOS command prompt - n i dunno how to get a real MS-DOS n don say to del/ah/f @ del /a:h /f delete it. access is denied.
How does one delete duplicate context-menu entries in XP?For example, if I right click on a .gif image file or .jpg image file, TWO "Preview"'s show up in the right context menu - one bolded, the other not. One opens with one application, the other with a different application.I have already attempted to go to Folder options, File Types, Advanced, and try and "find & fix" from thre, but never came across the dups.
I have a file that I have no use for which I would like to delete. It is stored in an out of the way directory (not system directory of any sort) and I found it when I was doing some housekeeping. The name of the file is PKUNZIP.EXE and it would have been copied onto this computer a couple years ago with some other files. Now I know what pkunzip is, but xp pro this file certainly is not required. Alas when I try to delete it I get this: Error Deleting File or Folder Cannot delete PKUNZIP: It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again. So I'm pretty determined to get rid of this guy, not because it's a problem, but because it's made me mad hehe. So I tried to boot up with a 98 boot disk and delete from DOS. No go, 98 boot wont recognize NTFS.
Going through work computer trying to delete large amounts of old files. Some of them are just photos (part of work practice). I can not access them, to open them for viewing, nor delete them. Not part of old programs, just photos or .docs. Problem One: Opening a specific folder A. First: causes major delay when I try to access the folder A Second: Error Msg reads: The disk in drive C is not formatted. Do you want to format it now? No, I really just want to delete it. Third: Try deleting folder that the folder B that folder [B]A/B] is in, Error Msg: Cannot delete folder, the directory is not empty.
I have an incomplete install file on my desktop. It is an AVI preview program to view non-completed AVI files. Well, it never finished DLing so the file just sits there. I can't move it or delete it because it says it is in use by other programs, and when I double-click it, it says it is not a valid win32 application. It won't even delete in safe-mode. Any ideas?
I downloaded a file (mpg) and scanned it for viruses and it was clean. I deleted the file but now I have an icon sitting on my desktop that won't delete. When I try it says: Cannot delete file, cannot read from source file or disk.I tried rebooting in safe mood and it still wouldn't delete, and of course 'system restore' didn't work.
I recently downloaded a torrent file to my desktop. I immediately noticed the file did not look like it was supposed to, and the file is 0 bytes in size. I tried to delete the file, but I get an error message (Cannot Delete File: Cannot read from the source file or disc). If I try to rename the file, it stays highlighted and the error message will not go away. I have to reboot to get the error message off of my desktop. When I click on properties, I'm told the type of file is: "File", and the size, and size on disc is 0 bytes.
I'm running Windows XP and I have been having trouble deleting a file on my C drive. I get the message "Cannot delete It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again." This is the file path C:SEVEN_4X3LB_SIDE_B.ISO I have never had so much trouble with a file before. I searched many places on the web for a solution, have found many which have helped other people but not in my case.
I'm trying to delete the index.dat file off my XP name but when i go into safe mode it wont let be open my name.Any idea what the problem may be cause i cant open any of the names except my brothers xp name for some odd reason
I have been having trouble trying to access some websites such as ebay.com, myspace.com, yahoo.com etc.When I try and access them I am redirected to a Barcelona Hotels and city guide website.I am using Internet Explorer but I also have mozilla firefox which is giving me the same problem. Perhaps a Firewall problem? I am using Norton Internet security.
Does anyone know how to get rid or permantly delete the websites you have visited on the Address Browser bar! When I Click on the arrow on the Address bar it shows all websites that I have visited. I would like to know if this is possible to delete.
On some of my pc`s I can not access Windowsupdate.com or any Microsoft websites. I thought it was a virus or spyware issue so I did a clean install of windows xp pro.
Once installed I setup up all my settings installed drivers, got onto the internet and i can go to any websites without a problem. But even with a clean install i cannot access any Microsoft websites.
So then i thought maybe it was a problem with my firewall blocking theses websites. I called my internet provider (Time Warner) who manage my firewall, and they claim the firewall is not blocking any of these websites. Which makes sense because i have serveral pc on the same network that can access these websites.
many websites I try to access, i.e., Amazon.com; CDNow. com; and many others, result in getting this Page Cannot Be Displayed. I have Windows XP and I.E. 6.0. Does anyone know why this is happening?
I know how most of you feel about duplicate file finders they are really not safe and it is best to just leave duplicate files alone.I somewhat agree, however,I would really like to try a really good and safe duplicate file finder that is " relative safe " in your opinion. I was thinking of a color coded program perhaps that maybe had ' green ' or some other color as SAFE to delete.
At startup I get a pop up Runner Error message saying: Runner file name (Upates from HP.exe) lacks a ___ (the app ID Seperator). Where I have typed "___" it is a symbol I cannot duplicate with my keyboard. It looks like " with a - underneath. Is this update from HP important? How do I fix/eliminate the problem/pop up message?
I've a good internet connection via a dlink n. No problems with firefox V3.6.3 or IE v6 browsing save for Microsoft sites, which are installed on an older Toshiba laptop running xp and service pack 2.
Not that I needed any data from Windows or Microsoft, but I find it interesting that I cannot get any of their websites to come up.
I've just ressurected this laptop which I only used with an offline program that was work related. I thought I'd update via the windows update and found the IE/Firefox message Quote: Server not found Quote: Firefox can't find the server at www.microsoft.com. Same on IE.