Unable To Create User Partition

May 12, 2005

My friend and I took both of our old computer and combine them so we could have a small end gaming computer. Previously on the Hardrive was installed Windows 98 but we reformatted the Harddrive and are trying to put Windows Xp on it. We went through the setup with a series of from my HP System Recovery CD's (7 Disc's). Which installs Window's Xp, we went through all 7 CD's and at the very last CD when the installation was about complete it says "Unable to locate/create user partition." I have no idea what this means...and everytime we boot up the computer it just trys to do the Hp System Restore again but only goes as far as the unable to locate/create user partition.I'm not real sure what I should do...or how I can get out of it.but if theres anyway possible just to reformat again since I can't really get out of it can you please tell me how!

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Want To Create A Secondary Partition, But Added All Space On Primary Partition

Nov 16, 2007

I have my Windows format disc and I want to create another partition with it. I tried to create one, but it said something like "You have no more space to create another partition because you used up all your space on your Windows primary partition". See, when I reformatted my computer a while back I just created 1 partition for Windows and applied all the space onto that partition.

If there is a way I could remove some space off of my Windows primary partition and create another partition with the space I removed. I want to do this so I can put general things in my other partition such as documents, music, etc. and just leave the other partition for Windows and programs.

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Cannot Create New Partition

May 1, 2006

i recenty reinstalled xp and for some reason it only partitioned 4.87GB of my 120GB HD...i got another xp cd and tried to delete the existing partion and create a new one but it wouldn't let me saying that, there was temporary files needed for installation on that partition.

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Need To Create A Partition

Jul 24, 2010

so i am trying to install windows xp pro on my dell xps 600, my problem is that it has vista on it now and every time i boot from the xp disk to install it is saying that i need to create a partition, and i do not know how to do this,

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Create Third Partition Without Having To Reinstall

Mar 21, 2008

ive just dual booted win 98/xp and im hoping to install ubuntuis there any way i can create enother partition without having to reinstall either os

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Create Partition - Booting From Disk

Jul 25, 2010

every time i try to install xp pro by booting from disk it tells me to pick a partition from the list. but then the list says that there is nothing there and then when i hit c to create a partition like it says to do. it does nothing. now i dont know what is causing this.

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Create More Than One User Account In Pro

Mar 6, 2007

Does anyone know as to how many or what percentage of the XP (Home OR Pro) Users create more than One User account. Of course, this excludes the default accounts created by XP (Admin, Guest accounts)

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Create A New User Account And Copy Over The Contents

Nov 24, 2005

Can i ask on how to create a new user account and copy over the contents of the Administrator account files to the new account.

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Need To Create User Profile On XP Media Machine

Apr 23, 2006

I need to create a user profile on my XP Media Machine I've created one.But was wondering if there's a way I can limit what they do on it? Such as not allowing them to download anything? I'm new to XP and need to have a way to control the other user on my machine.

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Create Batch File For User Login - Logoff Information

Jan 8, 2009

I am working as a system administrator in gameing company around with 90 systems..server is win server 2003 and all clients are Windows xp professional....I want to create batch file for user login and logoff information..That log file should have below information1) user name2) computer name3) Date of login4) Time of login. How can i do that...when user login to any client on my network...that information is directley store in server in a text file

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Unable To Create New Thread

Nov 1, 2008

I am unable to create a new thread in microsoft.com, newsgroups.I click on "new and "question" and nothing happens.I use Norton SystemWorks 2006. It doesn't have pop up blocker.

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Unable To Create Shortcuts On A CD?

Aug 17, 2005

I'm trying to create a series of shortcuts to items for a MultiMedia CD that I'm creating.I try to make it easy for people to use so I create a directory for shortcuts to items on the CD that I want them to access.Then have the autoplay open up that directory so they have access to everything on the CD.How do I create a shortcut that will work on whatever drive that they have assigned on their system.

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Unable To Create New Partion On Unallocated Space

May 16, 2007

I have installed Windows XP Profressional on a hard disk of 80GB. The partitions i had made was, C and D drive each of 20 and 60 GB respectively. Later I installed linux over the 60GB space of which i wanted to allocate only 20GB to linux. The 40GB had to be assigned unallocated while installing linux partition. Now I am not able to use the 40GB. In windows, Disk Management I can see the unallocated space of 40GB but of no use. If I right click on the unallocated space on disk management, the New Partition is not highlighted. Would you please tell me how I can use this unalloacted space of 40GB

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Unable To Create New Users On Winxp Home

May 26, 2005

Somehow I lost the ability to create new users. First I could create Administrators and Limited Users, then only Administrators, now even though I can create an Administrator User, it acts like a limited Limited User. I cannot modify anything with it.

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Unable To Create Repair / Re-installation CD Media Center?

Sep 26, 2006

How does one create a repair / re-installation CD for a Windows XP Media Center 2005 PC?I know how to create a repair / re-installation CD for Windows XP Pro & Windows XP Home, if one's PC does not come with a Windows CD I have searched the internet using multiple search engines and multiple search terms.

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Unable To Log Onto Different User - Switching User

Sep 24, 2008

The title sums up my problem pretty well. I used to have a problem with switching user, my computer didn't respond after clicking 'switch user.' I searched for a thread about that problem on this site and solved it instantly. However, after switching user, the computer now returns back to the Windows XP main log-on screen as it's supposed to, but when trying to log onto a different user, the computer almost refreshes the screen and comes straight back to the log-on screen. The only user that has access to the computer at this point is the user that switched user originally.

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Xp Acting Weird After Some Uptime - Unable To Create Image Display

Sep 9, 2006

if my windows is up for more than 2-5 days and i`m doing a lot of work on it like extracting files and playin games a lot w/ that uptime it reaches a point where my icons wont be displayed properly , and my computer wont open up properly as well some times the windows is total invisible ! its like windows is unable to create image display of windows and icons

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Unable To Add A New Partition

Aug 24, 2005

I have loaded the CD and have gone through the instructions just like others have suggested, however, the process will not allow me to delete the partition because it says it, "contains temp files that are required to complete installation". This is not allowing me to remove the partition, so I can reload XP and start from scratch. The partition obligates my whole hard drive, so I am unable to add a new partition. Additionally, I tried to format C: using the repair menu and DOS prompt without success

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Unable To Use Recovery Partition?

Jan 4, 2009

On my laptop I have Windows xp Media center edition and I want to reformat the hard drive and reinstall Windows xp Media center edition. The problem I have is I don't have a disk for it. The Windows xp Media center edition is on the D drive (HP recovery) Normally I seen it on the bootup menu ( hit a key to recover) but it is no longer there. Also if I go to my computer and hit the d drive it tells me I can't get on it because its the recovery partition. What can i do to get to that partition?

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Setup Was Unable To Fromat The Partition?

Jan 16, 2009

I have got a problem with formatting my PC. Everytime I try to fromat it, it gives me a message (Setup was unable to fromat the partition. this disk may be damaged. If the disk is SCSI disk, make sure your SCSI devices are properly terminated).
But i have tried about 6 different hard disks but still giving me the same message.

Somtimes I am able to fromat it but when the system does the first reboot after deleting the files, it starts the whole process all over again

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Reinstall Windows:unable To Start The Partition?

Sep 2, 2007

i tried to reinstall windows Xp and a error came up saying unable to start the partition . then when i press ok on the error it reboots my computer. i cant reinstall my computer

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Unable To Get Option To Add A Partition In Disk Management?

Jul 5, 2005

When I go to disk management and right click on the c drive,I do not get the option to add a partition.I disconnected from the wireless network same negative result. Started in safe mode and signed on as administrator and still could not create another partition.

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Unable To Boot After Resizing With Partition Magic 8.05?

Aug 22, 2005

I installed PM 8.05 and used it to resize C drive (WinXP OS is there).I used the auto function to take a 1Gig amount each from drives D, E and F (about 25+ plus Gig free on each of these on a Seagate 120Gig HDD) to add to the 1Gig of free space on the C drive. The PM process seemed to go OK (went into DOS(?) and went through 7 steps to resize, etc) as there were no error messages. It said at the start it was going to do FAT 32 which is what I had the drives set up as. At the end PM said it was going to reboot and then the fan was hit. The boot up stopped at the "DMI Verifying Pool Data" message and the little line cursor just sat there blinking.

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.Zip File - Power User Problems - Error: "Cannot Create Output File"

Jun 3, 2006

I am using a POWER USER account, Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 /w all the latest patches availible via microsoft update. I was trying to create a .zip file of a folder within the primary directroy of a backup hard drive I use.

For Example:
D:stuff - I wanted to make a zipfile of the folder "stuff."

Then I get the following error "Cannot Create Output File."

However, if I move the folder to the destop or a subdirectory i.e. stuff/more stuff, then the .zip file is created with no problems.

Also, because user accounts [at least in my experience] have a tendency to decay, I created a freash power user account and the same problem persist.

Is this a standard security feature for power user accounts? Is there anyway I can "disable" it if it is?

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Unable To Convert Fat 32 To Ntfs / Having Copy Of Partition Magic?

Aug 18, 2006

i have a acer t135 sempy 3300 w/ xp home,Ive tried to convert partition to ntfs its set as this 72.6 fat 32 on (c: ---and 73.4 ntfs on (d: i had a copy of partition magic from a guy at work but when i tried it i wiped hd and had to use acer restore discs

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Getting Disc Partition Type 77 Notification/ Unable To Format The Drive?

Aug 26, 2005

I have a P4 550 running XP Pro.I'm trying to reconfigue my drive to use all it's disc space, I have a'Type 77' partition that is 7.6GB that I can't seem to do anything with.Partition Magic 8.0 can't seem to format it, convert it to NTFS, delete it ,or any other operation I try to apply to it.I've reformatted this drive 4 times now and the 'type 77' partition always remains.It does not have a drive letter, PM 8.0 lists it as Local Disc [*:]

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Unable To Delete User

Dec 29, 2004

I have Windows XP Home and we currently have 5 user accounts all with administrator capabilites. The problem is, my daughter wants to delete her user account and has not been successful in doing so. Everytime we go into "control panel/user accounts and click on her name and then select "Delete account", it just sits there with the hourglass and then when I try to get out of it it says that the "program is not responding". We have done this numerous times with no success. I even tried deleting her account from safemode today and that didn't work either. There is something definitely messed up on her user name because I tried signing on under her name and couldn't do anything, it froze up on me and I had to restart. Our computer has been scanned for viruses (none) and adware/malware have all been removed using ad-aware/spybot search & Destroy.

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Unable To Run MSCONFIG In Limited User?

Sep 1, 2005

I'm able to run MSCONFIG just fine as administrator,but I can't run it as limited user.The message is "An access denied error was returned while attempting to change a service. You may need to log on using an administrator account".But I'm pretty sure I've previously run MSCONFIG as limited user. Is my memory wrong, or is something wrong?

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Getting No User Accounts At Startup / Unable To Log In?

May 27, 2010

Last Thursday i tried logging on to my computer.But when i got to the welcome screen it said to select the username i wanted to log on to....but there were none to choose!I did the CTRL+ALT+DEL to log on to the administrator,went under control panel....and again found no accounts.Then went to Computer Management under the User and Groups tree and again no users!I finally went to c:documents and settings and i found my 3 accts.But nothing ive tried has been able to get back the icons on the welcome screen.I need the help because i can only log on to 1 of my 2 accounts and i nedd some files and other things.

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Unable To Access User Accounts

Dec 23, 2007

Unable to log in user name and password. Also from control panel when i click user accounts it goes to control user passwords 2 window not to the xp styled user accounts window where i can add pictures etc.
I checked my local and group policies but couldn't find anything there because it always shows the error while entering the name and passwords.

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Unable To Recover Existing User And Documents?

Apr 9, 2008

I accidentally deleted the wrong user, and i lost all of their files along with it, and I need it back really badly.Is there any way to recover it?

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