Upon hitting a sequence of keyboard keys in error, my tool bar at the bottom of the screen has disappeared. The space for it remains, but I cannot find the correct path (or set of keys) to bring back the tool bar at the bottom of my screen. Can someone offer the path or keys I should use to get the hidden toolbar to reappear?
i had to reformat my computer and when i was reinstalling my programs suddenly my hidden files where not hidden anymore if i clicked properties it said hidden but they just appear translucent.
I use to update my Xp SP-2 regularly from MS website. Now a days it is insisting to install "Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)" first to proceed for downloading update files.Is it a FORCE or I can bypass this tool. I do not want to install it, as somebody told me this is a tool by MS to takeout personal information on my OS (XP) and MS Office and other MS Software.I know I use genuine legal copy.But why should I allow MS to take more information ? Is not WPA through internet is not sufficient ? Can this tool take information on other products/3rd party software like NERO,MS OFFICE and ArcSOft ?
i started working on my friend's grandmother's computer and ive cleaned up all of her junk but , there's 2 administrator accounts, but they both come up in the welcome screen and i dont want one of them to because itll confuse her. somehow one has been unhidden so how can i make one hidden from this list so that it can always be safe and clean?
On an XP Pro SP2 box, until a couple weeks ago, when I brought up the cmd prompt by typing cmd in the run box, I always got XP''s cmd prompt aka dos emulator with a name bar and right clicking on it gave me tools to configure it's appearance and functions. I am not using cmd in full screen mode. I can see it by right clicking the minimized cmd on my task bar, using properties or I can use edit from that right click context, but I want the name bar back. When I go to the right click context>properties and click normal window it should restore this but it doesn't.
I tweaked my system and forgot what i did, but now i can't use the search option. UNEXPECTED ERROR. ACTION COULD NOT BE COMPLETED is what it says. I do have Help services started in administrative control but can't think what else it can be. I removed XP SP2 and it still didn't work, then put SP2 back on and again, still same error. Can someone please tell me what i did.
Every time I try to use the windows search tool, I get an error message that explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. Explorer then restarts and I can't use search.Windows XP SP2
could you please help me in uninstalling my msn tool search bar, every time i do it it wont let me, it tells me to go to the company thing i dont understand it and i keep getting a message poping up that since i have a new version of msn search tool bar that i need to restart my computor i have done so, so many times,and it has made no differance and when i ask for support through msn they have told me to deleate my msn search tool bar through my control panel which i have tryed several times but it say it is unable to do so. To down load a new msn search tool bar it will not alow me to do this earthier as it say i have the old one on i canrt win i can not deleat the old one or install the new one im stuck. Plus can you tell me how to stop those anoying pop up adds they r driveing me nuts.
Some how I have downloaded a tool bar. It is at the bottom of my screen at all times, even when I am viewing pictures. It just wont it to go. How can I get rid of it . Can any one help please It has a search box, which takes me to a search web site but when I close the site down the tool bar is still there.
Where is the blocker tool used to keep Windows XP SP2 as far away as possible? According to the latest Windows Platform eMails, "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 will be posted to Automatic Updates (AU) on July 26. To assist customers who want to block SP1 until their deployment plans are finalized, a blocker tool (similar to that offered for Windows XP SP2) is available."
I need a good, free, reliable registry scan tool. My friends computer in inundated with spyware and the like and I want to scan the registry to make sure everything that needs to be removed is.
When I downloaded Internet Explorer 7, I lost my tool bar across the top and I do not know where to access it. Also, I do not know where to go to ask help for Internet Explorer 7.
Suddenly an Icon in mt toolbar has appeared which says Real Message Centre. Right mouse click on it and it says Read Messages. Click on it but nothing happens.
I had alot of spy-ware on a computer and ran MS Spy-ware removal tool and now my Explorer.exe will not come up, no desktop no icons on noting. I can press crtl->Alt->delete and bring up task manager, that is it.
Last week my Windows Explorer Toolbar disappeared. When I open "my documents" or any other folder on my computer, the top toolbar isn't present.I can't access the file menu, change folder views, or anything.I've run several checks for viruses or malware using McAfee and AdAware with no significant results.I suspect it's a problem in Windows, but I can't figure out how to repair it.I keep Windows up to date, and running extremely lean. I have few extra processes running.I attempted a system restore back to the day before the problem occurred. Upon startup, I would get an error message stating Windows Explorer Must Close. I did an un restore.
I had a spyware/malware but its all gone now but now i no longer have a windows search tool and i cannot view my extended services.My spyware/malware was fixed through these forums http://forums.techguy.org/malware-re...ml#post6011122.When i still had the spyware/malware i still could use the search tool and i could still look at my extended services. Here is a screen shot of what i get now for each of them
I need advice on which of the most current Windows desktop search products to use with an aging Thinkpad R40 (Centrino 1.4GHz / 512mb shared)? I generally search emails but need something that can do it with minimal impact to my already sluggish pc (priority), and with a usable (low-learning curve) interface.
Morning all since cleaning my pc of all my trojons and worms everything has gone back to default i had all my computer apperance to my liking i can do it but when it comes to the tool bar at the bottem of my screen i cant remember ho to do it i have a brain blank or a blonde moment so could someone please help me get my pc looking the way it did.
my computer suddenly went to large icons (which I fixed) and the tool bar on the internet changed. The icons on the tool bar are on the left and the menu is on the right. I would like to move the menu to the left side but it wil not move and cannot be modified. Is there any way to fix thi and allow changes?
after going through "My Computer", Right clicking on C: Drive, clicking on Properties, Tool Tab... that is the message where defrag usually is located. how to get my defrag tool back?
The upper tool bar in my windows XP was changed into a vertical tool bar which is not convinient to use. How do I change it to the horizontal tool bar?
I am looking for a remote admin program to shadow all of my clients. Any suggestions of a good one? I am running 2000 server. Most of clients are XP boxes.I am currently using RDP. The only problem with that is it kicks the client
Sometimes tool tips are usefull, but I hate them popping up in those 3 places I listed above because they contain no usefull information and are just plain annoying.
I hid some files in the start menu so that my dads boss couldnt see them and get upset. I right-clicked, selected properties, and then checked the "hidden" button. Now I cannot see those programs in the start>programs menu, even if I go to tools>folder options>show hidden files and folders. Does anyone know how to make these start menu programs visible again?