System Getting Low Disk Space Notification / Deleting Unknown Folders?

May 8, 2006

I'm running window xp, and these folders are taking up a lot space on my hard disk, hence I would like to know is it ok to delete all these folders? I have attached the image with this post, please take a look. Also does it have any side effects after deleting them?

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Getting Slow Disk Space Notification And Reduced System Performance?

Sep 12, 2010

My computer has been quite slow this past few days and my friend said low disk space can reduce a computer's performance. I installed Windows XP in a 20GB partition and it has 3GB free space left.

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Free Disk Space By Deleting Restore Points?

Aug 12, 2002

Start button - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup - More Options. You will have the option to delete all but the most recent restore points. I had over 2 gigabytes of restore points.To permanently reduce the space System Restore takes up, right click 'My Computer' - properties and on the System Restore tab adjust the settings.

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Deleting System Folders - Needs It

Aug 5, 2005

I'm trying to clean up my computer to organize all my files and clean up some of this mess. I recently transfered some old "Favorites" via CDrom from my old computer to this computer. I created a temporary folder in "Favorites" to stick them in. Now that it's been emptied and all the links have been sorted, XP wont let me delete the folder. It keeps saying that it's a system folder and Window's needs it. (Although what for, I can't imagine, it seemed to do fine without it).

I've left clicked on it and gone into Properties and tried numerous times and unclicked "Read-only" with no luck. I have been able to change the name of the folder, but it still wont let me delete it. I've had a similar problem with my Start Menu that's yet to be fixed. A long time ago I tried "Safe Mode", but certain files still wouldn't delete.

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System Disk / Tried Deleting

Mar 20, 2006

My disk C has only 3 GB space left but my disk D has 48GB left. How do I make D into C and vice versa? I tried moving my Garmin GPS software to disk D but it did not work. I retiurned it ti disk C and it did not work (path not found). So I tried deleting them all and reinstall the software to disk D. Now it appeared on both C and D. I tried defragmenting disk C to free up some space. After defragmenting,now it said C:Garminlahlah cannot be defragmented because 350MB of blah blah is too fragmented. But the software WORKS! Should I delete whatever Garmin that's in C? I don't know if they are related.No matter. Is disk C a system disk and D a data disk? Can they be switched?

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System Not Recognizing Full Disk Space?

Mar 22, 2005

I just had Win XP Pro installed on my machine. Primary HD is 80 GB. The drive previously ran Win 98 SE. The tech formatted it and installed Win XP Pro. System runs fine and all appears to function OK. However, the drive capacity is not accurately displayed anywhere in the system (other than BIOS). I'm trying to find out how I can have the drive space accurately displayed.

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Wrong Disk Space Shown By System

Aug 9, 2005

I have got a 200 gig hard disk and when i go to properties it say its full i the piechart but when u go in to the hard Disk and select all folders it says theres only 40 gig been used . Has any1 got any sugestions on how to fix this prob i have tryed disk clean but it does not do any thing.

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Unknown Files And Folders Cant Be Deleted

Oct 6, 2007

I have a serious problems with deleting some files and folders in my hard drive.

Some Details:
Operating System : Windows XP Pro SP3 V.3180
Anti Virus Program : Kapersky Internet Security 7.///

this files and folders created by no one and take 43 GB of my hard disk Space

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Too Much Disk Space Consumed For System Volume Information

May 27, 2007

A folder named "System Volume Information" has been created in each drive (C:,D:,E:,F:)and consuming significant disk space day by day. Whether deleting these folders will create any problem. Any other technique to stop increasing the size of these folders ? Please suggest.Presently consuming more than 3 GB in total.
Sometimes I need system restore to speed up the PC (besides other registry tools )therefore this function is enabled in the system.

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Pc Asks Me To Empty Disk Space Though There Is Enough Disk Space

Feb 22, 2010

My issue is my machine displays "not enough disk space " error when i try to paste a file of 4gb though there is enough disk space of over 8gb free in my drive

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Hard Disk Space Go / Disk Space Seems To Vanish

Mar 31, 2007

I don't get it. the more i go on, the more and more disk space seems to vanish into thin air. xp usually takes a couple of gigs up on the hard disk, right? maybe 5 gigs at the very most. i've got 8 gigs taken up by videos in one folder. the programs i've got installed are negligable. the program files folder is 500mb. and yet my disk only has 20 gigs spare on a 40 gig hard disk. i've looked in every folder on the hard disk and i simply can't find any folders with anything of any great size in it. i've defragged the hard drive.

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Unallocated Disk Space - Expand The Disk Space

Apr 28, 2007

how to expand the disk space that I have. The primary C drive has the OS on it and it is only about 14GB, and my entire disk is about 50GB, the unallocated space is about 34 GB. I have tried to expand the primary partition unsuccessfully. Do I have to reload the entire OS ? I do not have the origional disk to reload the OS. It is a sony PCG-CRT160 computer with 500 mb ram and approximately a 50 GB primary drive that was partitioned when I got it.

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Missing Hard Disk Space After Installing Operating System?

Jul 26, 2007

I have xp sp2 installed on a 17 GB partition. c: properties says I have used 9.8GB and7Gb free. I have 9 folders and a few tiny files on C: and very few programs installed.If I add the sizes of 9 folders (Windows-3.09 GB Program files-1GB) I only get about 5GB.What or where might the other 4 GB be?

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Error Deleting Folders And Files.

Dec 23, 2007

Problem in deleting files and folders which are not in use.

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Permenantly Deleting Registry Folders

Feb 2, 2006

I have some registry folders that I NEED to permanantly delete Unfortunatly, every time I delete the folder and restart the computer, windows XP Pro puts it back. Is there a way to permanantly delete the backups (either the backups that windows makes or the folder in the registry itself) so that windows doesnt restore the deleted folder?

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Deleting Locked Folders Or Files?

Jun 17, 2005

Using explorer to search through the temp internet folders, I find there are
a few files that are not being deleted. About 30 of them are named
"size=1x1&name=ATAtracker..etc.etc..gif" at 1KB in size. In another folder
also under the Temporary Internet Files | Content.IE5, is a file
"makeplaylist.dll%3F....etc.etc..asx". In another folder 2 files from a
Playstation 2 website both filenames starting with
"Network=ugo&size=....etc.etc..html". There are more folders yet, but this
serves as enough. The right click on the filename does not render the
delete option. Depressing the keyboard delete button does not cause the
file to delete nor even bring up the confirmation window for deleting.
Trying to delete the folder(s) themselves, even in Safe Mode brings up a
message saying "Cannot delete Size_1~1.gif. Cannot find the specified file.
Make sure you specify the correct path and filename." In folder attributes,
there is the read only option to check or uncheck.

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15GB Free Space And It Shows Not Enough Disk Space?

Aug 13, 2007

i wanted to copy a cd image 4.18GB ISO format from partition F: NTFS 9GB free to partition D: (FAT32 12GB free space) and windows gives me that crap there is not enough space and i should do a disk clean up.
I made a disk clean up to partition D: and there was 3GB of system restore files!!! maybe coz i deleted 6GB earlier anyway i deleted the system restore files

Only NTFS partions can have files with file size more than 4GB..i hope theres nothing wrong with my windows or my hard disk..and i wanna know if theres a way to move that ISO image..thanx in advance.

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HD Free Space Wrong After Deleting Large Files

Sep 29, 2005

I have an WD 80G HD which showed used and free space accurately. I just deleted 2 files about 15 gigs each, but it still reports the same free space as before I deleted the files. This happend also on a partition and I had to reformat that to restore proper free space.

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Increase Hard Drive Space - Deleting Files

Jun 21, 2005

Is there a way I can increase the amount of space I have on my hard drive without deleting files?

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Deleting Files / Folders Just Delete / Don't Go To Recycle Bin For Recover

Apr 7, 2008

Have an issue that I couldn't find a solution in Google or on these forums, so I am going to post.When deleting a file/folder from an WinXP desktop, typically it would go to the Recycle Bin, incase I need it for later. In this case, it isn't.its just deleting. Not ending up in the Recycle Bin, and no chance to recover.
Is there anyway to change so that they end up in the Recycle Bin first, before being deleted?

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Incorrect Disk Space, Low Disk Space

Feb 5, 2006

Drive C total capacity is around 24GB, when selecting all files in C:, it shows 12GB used, but only 2GB is left in free space. What's wrong?

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Low Disk Space / Clears Your Disk Space Up

Nov 26, 2007

Recently ive been getting the yellow triangle icon with an ''!'' in it, saying that I have very low disk space. Ive noticed my computer has also been running slower than usual. Maybe half a year ago I came here with the same problem, and someone (forget the name, sorry) posted a link to a program somebody made that clears your disk space up for you. It deleted old unused files, and it worked great. You sort of just clicked on the link on the site, a box came up, and you checked off what you needed to be cleared, and then the program fixed it for you.

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Hard Disk Free Space: Clear Recycle Bin And Disk Defragmenter C?

May 1, 2007

It says that TOTAL SIZE = 39 GB And Free Space = 5 GB Which means that the size of all files on C is 34 GB But when I select all files including Hidden files and Right Click> Properties, its size of all files is only 27 GB.I did clear recycle bin and disk defragmenter C, but still the same. So why is that?

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"compress Drive To Save Disk Space" Harms The System

Jul 30, 2005

Is it possible this can do any harm to my computer?

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Unable To Install On New Hdd - Unknown Disk

Nov 17, 2009

Old HDD really fricked up. Bought new HDD from NEWEGG & I cannot install XP on new hdd. XP cd loads and when it gets to partition screen, all four lines say "Unknown disk"-"There is no disk in the drive". BIOS recognizes the new hdd but XP cd does not. System: Dell XPS Gen 5 3.0, 4GB RAM, 250GB BARRACUDA 7200RPM HDD (ALL COMPATIBLE)

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Optimize My Disk - Have The Disk Space (750GB) Subdivided

Mar 27, 2008

I'm facing the following problem: I would like to have my Disk space (750GB) subdivided to accomplish the following
1 - Boot Windows XP Prof SP2 x86

2 - Boot Windows XP Prof SP2 x64

3 - Store my Data Folders and Files separately (to do Backups from one place).

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Free Disk Space Message To Free Up Disk Space?

Aug 20, 2006

At least once a week I get this message: "To free up disk space, OE can compact messages". I just click "OK". I have 132 GB available so why do I get a message like this?

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Device 10 Notification - System Shutdown Automatically

Apr 9, 2008

New (3 months) Dell Vostro 1000 with Windows XP Professional. Last few days when trying to shut down I'm getting an error message "Device 10 Notification" with the option to cancel or end task. Either choice leads me to the same issue that the program is not responding. Sometimes the computer goes ahead and shuts down anyway, other times I have to shut down without ending the program.

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Cannot Create System Shell Notification Icon

Jul 24, 2008

I have a problem with my computer. When I start my computer, I get an error message that reads: "Cannot Create Shell Notification System Icon" I don�t know what is it, I think that has something to do with the icons on the toolbar, in fact, when my computer starts with that message, quite icons in toolbar disappear. I tried to restore system and nothing happens, except that the all icons appear again, but when I restart the computer they disappear again. I have already pass all antivirus and all programs related to cleaning, everything.

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Insufficient Disk Space For Disk Optimization

Feb 13, 2008

I am using Windows XP Home Edition. When i try using Norton360 to carry out disk optimization, i get the error message
"Drive C: Insufficient Free Disk Space, Need 15% free"

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Hard Disk Error - No Disk Space

Aug 15, 2008

Last week i installed windows XP Pro on my desktop. It has a 250GB hard drive which has 1 partition (C drive only), NTFS offcourse. I did not format it while installing windows as it has lots of stuff in it. There's over 50GB free and i�ve been removing a lot of stuff from the hard drive to make up some space but in windows i get an error message that i don't have enough disk space, the disk cleanup utility runs cant free up space and i can not install or copy anything in the hard drive. I've noticed that when i deleted some file holding (or not) the shift key the free size goes lower although the files are being deleted from the hard disk.

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