Starting Error Defender Found Nth Body

Apr 5, 2006

I did a scan with windows defender found nth anybody knows why my personal computer is running slower and slower recently and its starting to have some errors.

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Defender EV Found By McAfee

Apr 30, 2006

On boot up McAfee says Trojan Found Defender-EV and cannot clean, delete, or quarantine it. The file name is !Update-3595[1].0000 and the path is C:Documents and SettingsOwnerLocal SetttingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5HV3JT9OE. I have scanned the box with Ad-Aware, Spybot, and used Windows Defender. I am running XP Home SP with pop up blocker enabled. I have cleared cache, deleted history, emptied recycle bin, etc I turned off system restore which deleted the restore point, then rebooted and turned restore back on. What is bizarre is when I manualy try to browse to the content.IE5 folder it is not under Temporary Internet Files. However there is a Content.IE5 folder under Temp.

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Error Code - Ox80072efd When Trying To Update Defender

Jun 3, 2008

XP Pro sp3. installed windows defender yesterday, but when i try to get update, i get that error..I did a forum search here, followed the instruction there in, but still cannot update defender. I can connect to the update site, and download updates, so i know its not a problem with connecting with the microsoft site.

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.wps Files With Text Of The Body Jibberish

Jan 13, 2006

When I upgraded my system from Windows 98SE to WindowsXP I found that my .wps files open up but the text of the body are just jibberish. Windows XP asks me to open it up using other programs but none work. The text in the body of my documents is just jibberish but the title is ok. How does one go about getting the proper text back?

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Can't Type Into The Message Body Of Internet Emails

Sep 28, 2005

I am on Windows XP and have the Explorer 6.0. When I am on the internet, my cursor is selective as to where it will allow me to type. For instance I can type here just fine in both the Subject line and the message body. However when I am using email, Yahoo or Juno, I can type in the address and subject lines but it will not let me type in the message body.

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Create OE Rule Based On Text In Message Body

Feb 8, 2003

Anyone who's ever been on newsgroups knows that there is a lot of spam. Outlook express doesn't allow you to filter newsgroup messages by words in the body of the message, so you often have to grin and bear it.If you don't know what I'm talking about then chances are that you don't need this filter.But people who use Usenet have been complaining for ages that Outlook Express doesn't have this capability.There are spammers who change their name 20 times a day and the normal Outlook Express filters are ineffective against that.Anyway, here's the solution.You have to be comfortable playing around in your Windows registry. First, (outlook express), create a normal newsgroup rule, and tell it to filter outany messages with "XYZ" (or whatever) in the subject line, andremember what you called the filter, because you'll need to know that name later.Be sure to specify the newsgroup you wish to apply this rule to, as this is the only thing you won't be able to change after.

Then go into your registry and find that new filter, which will be inHKCU/identities/<your identity>/software/microsoft/Outlookexpress/5.0/rules/news.Once you're there you'll see a bunch of numbered folders, and if you clickon each of them once you can find the one that has the "Name" value that youassigned to the rule you created.Open up that folder, then open up the Criteria folder that's inside that.Now, inside the Criteria folder will be one or two folders labelled 000 and 001.If there is only one (000),left-click it once.If there are two (000) and (001),select the one with the higher number (001).Double click on the word "type" in the right pane, and change the value datasetting to 9.Restart your computer, and you have just created an outlook filter that youcan use to filter out newsgroup messages that have certain words within the body ofthe message, like "buy now", or whatever.

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Error Starting Up Computer

Apr 1, 2005

I turn on my computer, it starts up just fine then it gives me the Windows 2000 Professional loading screen then a bluescreen error which reads:

*** STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF9D6DA10,9xC0000032,0x00000000,0x00000000)

then gives some info on how to fix it like restarting, running CHKDSK /F and checking for virus'

i'v tried all the F8 startup obptions like safemode and last known good config etc, i made sure all the hardware was securely plugged in and had no dust in it, i made a DOS boot disk and tried to run scandisk but it seems it wont access anything on C and only scans A... I dont have a windows 2000 pro disk at the moment.
I am running Windows 2000 Proffessional, quite sure its NTFS formated

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Error When Starting Computer

Sep 16, 2005

When I start computer, I get a couple error msgs. One says Error can not
find DOCEOC16B1. and the other says cannot find Cwindows/cfgmgr52.dll. and
another says cannot find MMC81. I dont have the Windows XP disc so I can not
just pop it in and solve this where can i get these files I need. plz help!.

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Error - There Is A Problem Starting BIOS

Apr 29, 2005

I am trying to build a computer system. I have all the components-the processors in,video card is connected, and I think I am ready to go. My problem is I am trying to use a hard drive from another system with windows xp on it. I think I set up the BIOS correctly but It keeps telling me there is a problem starting windows.

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Error Starting On Demand Scanner

Sep 21, 2009

Error starting on demand scanner is the message I get when trying to scan for viruses and troubleshooting I cannot get to certain web sites.

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Starting IE7 Ends Up With Error Report

Feb 7, 2008

Recently , even after a morning start up, IE7 fails to view and an error box pops ups. The one that asks you if you want to send an error report. If I restart again it's 50/50 to get to see IE7 working. Not sure if this is related, but in the evnet viewer I've noticed event ID's 1000 & 1001 are listed in the same times that this happens

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Error On Starting Quicken 2004 Basic

Dec 2, 2008

Upon starting Quicken 2004 Basic, I got a notification that I had to reinstall Quicken,Upon starting an uninstall of Quicken 2004, I got an Error 1316.A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file C:WINDOWSInstallerQuicken 2004.msl. I have used Windows install clean up, and have run a registry cleaner. I also have gone into the registry, and deleted anything pertaining to Quicken. No matter what I try, Quicken won't reinstall, because I can't uninstall the previous Quicken.

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Getting Error Loading Message While Starting The System?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm getting a loading error when system starts

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Error: Action Failed For File Avgmfx86.sys: Starting Service

Sep 24, 2008

To install the free version of AVG on Windows XP and keep getting the message. Error: Action failed for file avgmfx86.sys: starting service. Error 0x80070002

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ERROR - IM32fax DIL Not Found

May 25, 2006

When booting up I get this ERROR msg. ERROR-IM32FAX.DIL not found Anyone know what it is. Happened after I installed my all-in-one Lexmark printer.

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Ctmn Error - Db Not Found

Mar 22, 2006

Just bought a new Dell 520, and i get continuous pop-ups with ctmn error, db not found plus a "Codebase Error" stating

Codebase Error
Error#: -200
Error#: 83805
database corruption detected

I'm pretty much a beginner but these look and feel bad!The only thing I can think of is that somehow ctmn may be an abbreviation for Chat

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Cant Install - Error No HDD Found

Jul 23, 2008

I have one HP Presario C700 with Windows Vista. All my family know on XP. When i try to install windows xp , i have one problem :no HDD found. The error is : Setup did not find any HDD installed in your computer. Make sure any HDD are powered on and properly connected to your computer and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or setup program. Setup can not continue. To quit setup press F3.” Dont have floopy disk, with pressing F6 not happens nothing. The version of Windows is SP2. When i enter in BIOS, i dont see my HDD disk.

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Dell Inspiron 6000 Turn On Starting Sequence Begins Nad - Fatal Error

Oct 15, 2010

i have a dell 6000, when i turn it on the xp starting sequence begins nad suddenly it shuts off with a message of fatal error and a lot of zeroes followed by a 5, what could be the problem

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Firewallrc.dll Was Not Found - Error Messages

Mar 26, 2005

I find these things on the computer and i am running xp windows and these are the messages, qkwoa.exe and they tell me to send to microsoft and i do and still keep getting this message. Now the other one is firewallrc.dll was not found.

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Error Pops Up - Application Not Found

May 17, 2008

After having the comp for a week or so (got it from a friend for cheap, in perfect condition) any time i try opening a program such as Word, the Open With screens pops up, and i have to find the program manually and open it. when try to open anything in the control panal, such as add/remove programs, an error pops up that reads:

Application not found

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Error 3024 File Cannot Be Found

Feb 3, 2006

i had to upgrade a file from hrclub.when i did it went to wizard and downloaded but said file could not be found yet i did no delete it.I phoned the company and they said i had to rename it so i did now i cannot open it .error 3024 comes up cannot find file

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Error On Startup - Specified Module Not Found

Nov 6, 2008

I receive the following error on startup of my laptop (XP SP3 operating system) Error loading C:Windowswftadfi16_080707a.dll The specified module could not be found Is this a major problem? How can it be fixed?

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No Debugger Found - Error Code 0x2(2)

Jan 31, 2006

After installing a couple of programs I was receiving this "Application has generated an exception that could not be handled" it asks to press ok to terminate and cancel to debug. Once I press cancel to debug it comes up with "No debugger found. Registed JIT debugger is not available. An attempt to launch a JIT debugger with the following command resulted in an error code of 0x2(2). Please check computer settings." How do I fix this problem? I am running a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop with WinXP Home.

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Rundll Error / Module Not Found

Jul 4, 2009

how do I turn off the RUNDLL error module not found (C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32bmqjtwi.dll when I turn on my computer?

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DLL Error Messages - Entry Point Not Found

May 1, 2010

When starting my computer, I get two error messages: AirGCF.exe - entry point not found The procedure entry point apsGetInterface could not be located in dynamic link library wlanapi.dll WZCSLDR2.exe - entry point not found The procedure entry point apsinitialize could not be located in dynamic link library wlanapi.dll

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Member Not Found Error - IE Java Security

Feb 23, 2007

I am programming 2 links on a web page to pop up new browser windows. These windows contain pdf files. They need to use the same popup window, so I named the window. It works fine, but I am getting a "member not found" error in the main window where the links are. I do not get the error in Firefox, only in IE, which makes me suspect IE java security issues.

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Error Failed Start Umpnpmgr.dll Not Found

Apr 9, 2007

Turned on the computer and got an error that said, Failed to start because UMPNPMGR.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. Two problems � I do not know what that file is, and the computer will not get past the error, so even if I did find the file how would I install it on the computer? My computer knowledge is only average so I am not knowledgeable enough to play with the registry. I tried to boot up in Safe Mode also, however it would not get past the error.

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Getting Message Of Error Loading / Specified Module Not Found?

Dec 29, 2007

Error loading C:Windowssystem. gvnficb.dll the specified module could not be found

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Startup Error Message / Grwinsthlp.exe Cannot Be Found

Apr 28, 2007

I am getting an error message on startup. A box is coming up saying that a file, grwinsthlp.exe cannot be found.

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Unable To Load OS With Error Saying Autochk Not Found

Aug 22, 2008

My daughter thought she try to install Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS Desktop Edition as a second OS (She received this CD in the mail) ... But after installing Ubunta she get the choices to either choice WinXP Home Edition or Ubuntu, now here is the problem. Picking WinXP Home Edition she gets the error "autochk not found - SKIPPING AUTOCHK" then a quick blue screen with a bunch of letter and numbers and then it goes back to choices of booting to WinXP Home Edition or Ununtu.

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20067620440_mcinfo.exe - Entry Point Not Found Error?

Oct 21, 2008

My last comp died on me and I have recently been given a DELL Dimension 3000 (if that helps) and am running Windows XP. I keep getting an error message. I'm all out of ideas and am pulling out what little hair I have left!!
The error message reads:
20067620440_mcinfo.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry freeaddinfo could not be located in the dynamic link library WS2_32.dlll.

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