I am trying to build a computer system. I have all the components-the processors in,video card is connected, and I think I am ready to go. My problem is I am trying to use a hard drive from another system with windows xp on it. I think I set up the BIOS correctly but It keeps telling me there is a problem starting windows.
I am running XP Pro on a laptop loaded with programs and files.When I recently started it up, instead of loading with the familiar Compaq logo, it started in a DOS program (Phoenix BIOS) with a warning that "it had not been shut down correctly last time." I think I did shut it down correctly last time. The BIOS offered me two options. 1) Hit F1 to Boot or 2) Hit F10 to continue. I hit F10. That took me to a screen where I had to guess what to choose. Did I want to Save and Exit? Did I want to Escape and abandon changes? etc. I didn't know what to do but it seems I had not made any changes so I said "abandon changes and boot
then gives some info on how to fix it like restarting, running CHKDSK /F and checking for virus'
i'v tried all the F8 startup obptions like safemode and last known good config etc, i made sure all the hardware was securely plugged in and had no dust in it, i made a DOS boot disk and tried to run scandisk but it seems it wont access anything on C and only scans A... I dont have a windows 2000 pro disk at the moment. I am running Windows 2000 Proffessional, quite sure its NTFS formated
When I start computer, I get a couple error msgs. One says Error can not find DOCEOC16B1. and the other says cannot find Cwindows/cfgmgr52.dll. and another says cannot find MMC81. I dont have the Windows XP disc so I can not just pop it in and solve this where can i get these files I need. plz help!.
Recently , even after a morning start up, IE7 fails to view and an error box pops ups. The one that asks you if you want to send an error report. If I restart again it's 50/50 to get to see IE7 working. Not sure if this is related, but in the evnet viewer I've noticed event ID's 1000 & 1001 are listed in the same times that this happens
My problem is my OS, which is XP home is seeing my master HD as a 20gb drive when it is actually a 40gb drive my slave is a 20gb drive and it sees it as 20gb. The BIOS sees the master as a 40gb drive and the slave as 20 gb.
Upon starting Quicken 2004 Basic, I got a notification that I had to reinstall Quicken,Upon starting an uninstall of Quicken 2004, I got an Error 1316.A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file C:WINDOWSInstallerQuicken 2004.msl. I have used Windows install clean up, and have run a registry cleaner. I also have gone into the registry, and deleted anything pertaining to Quicken. No matter what I try, Quicken won't reinstall, because I can't uninstall the previous Quicken.
I did a scan with windows defender found nth anybody knows why my personal computer is running slower and slower recently and its starting to have some errors.
The CPU fan for my Dell Dimension 2350 desktop computrer stopped working and I got the BIOS error "Alert: CPU fan not detected". So I replaced the CPU fan and the fan works good but now I get this error message when ever I turn my PC on. When I press the power button, I get the Dell logo and I get the Phoenix-Award BIOS screen with the error message "Alert: CPU fan not detected. Press F1 to continue,F2=SETUP,......". When I press F1 the system continues to boot fine and the Pc works fine. My CPU is cooling fine also.
To install the free version of AVG on Windows XP and keep getting the message. Error: Action failed for file avgmfx86.sys: starting service. Error 0x80070002
There was a power outage at my house yesterday while I was away. When I came home my computer screen was black and displayed the message: boot disk error, insert system disk and press enter.
I tried rebooting but the message persisted (after going through the initial information about IDE stuff). I went into the bios to see if my hard drive was dead, but the bios still recognized it and my secondary hard drive. I also tried to boot from a Window XP cd and repair Windows on my master drive, but the error message came up regardless of the cd drive I used I have a CD drive and a CDRW/DVD drive. In both instances where I had the CD in one of the two CD drives, the CD was spinning and presumably being read) but I could never get the computer to boot off of it. (Note: I tried both CD drives, because my bios is set to boot off CD first, although I don't know which CD drive it actually looks at first
I have a XP laptop and when I turn it on, after I login it kicks me out and gives me a Error in the the BIOS sreen,,, Anyways, the Error code is "Stop: 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0x00000000, 0xf79817c8, 0xf79814c4)"
I've got a problem that, if fixed, would by-pass other problems. I got a virus on one of my Dell Dimensions (E521) and figured I would simply just reformat the hard drive and do a clean install of Windows XP. I backed up all my information, put the hard drive in my second PC (E520) and reformatted the hard drive. So I ended up getting Windows XP installed on this newly reformatted hard drive by using my second computer (E520) to reformat then install using the Dell operating system disk.
I put the hard drive back into the first computer (E521) where it came from and I get this blue screen error with "Stop: 0x0000007B" I know that this means there are a lot of different things that could be going wrong, but it is mostly due to the computer not being able to load the OS from the hard drive. This is a big problem, but the bigger problem is my USB keyboard is not being recognized at start up on the first PC (E521) meaning I can't get into bios or do anything really since when the hard drive tries to load it gets this blue screen error.
I've tried updating my bios by making a bootable bios update disc and forcing my computer to start from disc by unplugging my hard drive, but it wouldn't work because I needed a keyboard to start the bios update from the disk in the dos prompt. - If there's a way to make the update start automatically it may update the bios, fix the keyboard problem, where I'll be able to get into bios and make sure the hard drive is being recognized properly. I figure if I can fix at least one of the problems I'll be able to fix the other. If I can get by the blue screen, I'll be able to get to windows and do a bios update there since the keyboard will be recognized OR if I can get the keyboard to work I'll be able to get into bios where I'll be able to fix the hard drive problem.....
i have a dell 6000, when i turn it on the xp starting sequence begins nad suddenly it shuts off with a message of fatal error and a lot of zeroes followed by a 5, what could be the problem
Dumped Vista and installed XPP. Went smoothly, except get this message on start-up. Adapter 1 -no array defined -no hard disc detected continues on and windows starts, no problem.
date and time incorrect error message is displayed on bios I have not installed any program, but a pop up is displayed on "ALL PROGRAMS BUTTON", eachtime i click on start button and some programs are highlighted, no program is installing correctly.
once the on button was pushed, it came up with the BIOS screen asking for the password.I removed the CMOS battery, which allowed me to change the Password so I can get onto BIOS now. However, when I boot now it just comes up with the BIOS screen.I set HD to boot first, aswell as setting the clock and date. I then ask it to save and quit, after which it shut's down, and reboots, only, BIOS keeps coming up. And I need to get this sorted asap
I have had windows XP Pro installed, updated and running fine until about a week ago. I was away from home for about a week and left the machine plugged into the mains but powered down. When I returned home to boot up, it kept doing things like constantly hanging on parts of the bios POST screen, eventually booting up after thirty or so complete restarts. It finally booted into windows but after the last shutting down, it will now not boot up at all. I have replaced the bios battery and reset the bios several times.
When I turn on my computer, it does the bios check, then goes into the bios screen on its own. I have checked all of the bios settings, and see nothing set wrong. The only way I can get itno my xp pro system, is to use "F8" during the bios check, the select my hd from there, then it seems only half of my programs work, and it also seems to be randomly changing the programs that do not work, when I do this.
Got a bit of a problem with my housemates pc.A friend gave him some extra RAM, i checked it out and it was crucial 512mb pc2100 CL2.5, and although it didn't match his exsisting RAM it seemed to me that his mobo would only run the FSB at 200mhz anyway so i went ahead and fitted it.It worked fine I then noticed his system temp was running a little high (60-65 degrees), so i took his heatsink off and cleaned the dust and refitted it with some new thermal compound.I added too much and the temp went up. To nearly 90 degrees.I shut it dwon as i didn't want the cpu to pop, cleaned it off, reapplied less compound and figured this would work fine.Now we have the problem. Most of the time: Power on and nothing happens. No bios, no beeps. Occasionally: Power on, i jump into the bios, the temp looks fine (30-40 degrees) and then it freezes right there in the bios after about 30 seconds to a minute.This sounds like a heat issue, but the last temp reading before freeze is 33 degrees.?I've double and triple checked that the heatsink is on properly and thats fine. I followed the official guide on how much compound to use (a blob the size of an uncooked short grain of rice).
I have Windows XP and MS Office XP (2003) loaded on my PC. Whenever I boot up the PC, 3 sessions of MS Word open - 2 sessions have a new (blank) document open, and the 3rd session just shows Word as being open (no new document).I went to Documents and Settings | Application Data | Microsoft | Word | Startup to see if there was anything in the folder prompting Word to open the 3 sessions. The folder was empty. I then clicked Start | Run | msconfig | Enter to see if Winword.exe is in the Startup folder. I thought I might see it in there 3 times – one for each of the Word sessions that are opening whenever I boot up the PC. Strangely enough, Winword.exe wasn’t in the Startup folder at all – not even once.
Im new to PCs and since my motherboard is three years old is it a good idea to upgrade? I contacted the maker of my motherboard and they say an upgrade is available and sent it to me for { DON'T CRACKUP} $49.00. I already read that you can really mess up your PC if you do one thing wrong when upgrading. Am I a fool for buying the upgrade? Please let me know as I can send the Floppy discs back.
I have ibm thinkpad R51 2887 nq2 series .My system has been crashed as it is not starting.The whole system gets hang after showing the first ibm screen. The bios utility setup is not getting opened through access ibm button . In safe mode it shows that system BIOS and video BIOS is not working and it has been shadowed.sometimes the system gets started ,but after one minute ,it stucks and the whole system paused and nothing happens.It may be the virus attack on BIOS and it also changes the time and date configuration of BIOS. so what should i do .And how i can install BIOS driver to the system.
I just flashed/upgraded my BIOS for my motherboard, and now XP doesn't even boot up. After the BIOS load, I get a "MBR error 2" message and it just stays there. My board is an Asus P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe. I used the Asus Update Utility to flash my BIOS.
For about 2 months my computer (Sony VAIO desktop, Pentium IV 1.39 mHz, 512mb RAM, Windows XP Pro, SP2) has been acting strange. I have checked the system for viruses and spyware with AVG and Symmantec and others- with no luck. I also did a Windows repair; it only got worse. I also used reg scrub.First, when starting up it gets hung up at "Windows starting up..." taking about 3 minutes to finally get to the user selection page. Once I login, it takes another 2minutes to fully open up. At that point, my mouse has a constant flicker and takes forever to open up IE (6.0). If I leave the computer for awhile, when I come back and move my mouse to wake it up- it has some new problems: I cannot type in numbers (num lock has no effect), when I type letters, they are in all caps (caps lock off), and when I go to my desktop to select a program to start, it highlights all of the icons and says basically "do you really want to start 38 programs at once".
i have a problem with my Acer Aspire 4732z. Press <F2> to enter SETUP).i must press anykey twice to load the window(i'm using window xp pro).i think it cause by System BIOS shadowed, i want to disable it..but there is no option.
I recently downloaded a program, now I'm getting pop ups which I never really had before I ran Adaware & spybot.can someone check my hijack this log and advise me if something should be removed?
Today I did an update on my norton security 2005 and updated my ewido suite. After I updated both of them I restarted my computer in safe mode so that I could run ewido because for some reason I was getting a notification that I had a keylogger on my computer. I kept blocking it but it kept coming back. This is the first time anything like that has ever been on my computer. I put a 56k modem and aol on it because I moved and I dont have cable modem here and thats when I started to have problems with my comp. Well, when my computer went to start back up it froze, so I manually restarted it. When it started back up it came to the screen asking to start up in safe mode, safe mode networking, safe mode command line, last known working conditions, and normal start up. I tried to start in safe but it started loaded everything and froze up while it was doing its check. It did the same thing in all the safe modes. So I tried it in the last known working option and it went to the Windows XP black loading screen and finished loading then turned to an all black page and froze up again. I tried doing it in normal startup mode and it froze up again after the Windows XP loading screen. It froze on the all black screen again. So, now it wont get any further then that screen. I took out the 56k modem and tried and it still didnt work. Everything seems to be running in the computer. Its not hot. I have not downloaded anything on my computer if a few months. I havent even open any attactments in emails in a few months. Oh yeah I cant get a HJT log or anything since it wont start up in any open. I have windows xp pro sp2..
I have tried looking through this site, without luck to fix this. on a Dell OptiPlex GX1 running XP, this computer is starting up by itself, is this a schedule problem, power managment, or bios or something else?? sorry not a virus, have done housecall, plus have nortons on it, had another computer do it, never worked out the problem, didn't believe it till I was sitting beside it and it started by itself.