Setup Network To Share Internet

Jun 11, 2007

I don't know exactly where to post this because I have two issues.I setup a network to share the internet connection and the only personal computer I am experiencing trouble with is the one running windows XP Home the others are running XP pro.Is there something wrong with XP home. I can't get my adapter to work with the personal computer running XP home but one of the personal computer running XP pro has no trouble. I also have a printer that will not work with the XP home.

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File Share Through Network Setup Wizard

Aug 17, 2007

Two computers running windows xp professional and each computer has 3 different NIC cards. 1 wireless, 1 wired through switch and 1 wired directly. I used the network setup wizard to configure file sharing however neither computer can see the other's shared folders. The only firewall running is the default windows firewall. I suspect it has something to do with the different NIC cards and it is trying to find shared folders using the wireless as opposed to through the LAN.

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Unable To Share Files Over Network ?

Feb 25, 2006

A while back I bought a wired router for my two computers one running XP and one running 98. hooked up the router just like the instructions said, ran the cable hooked it up, nothing happened, ran the network setup wizard made the disk and ran it on the other machine...Nothing happened, brother came over didnt do anything just looked and the other computer was in the network places just like it should be it worked fine the internet worked, file sharing worked, and printer sharing worked for several weeks until a few days ago now the internet works on both computers but cant share files

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Excel File Open Very Slowly From Network Share?

Aug 23, 2005

The problem is when i try to open excel file from network share which is shared on windows 2000 or windows xp pc , take too much time to open.

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How To Share Printer Over Internet?

Jan 22, 2007

I have a laptop running Windows XP with Wi-Fi access. I have a desktop running Windows XP with a cable modem. There is no router in. I would like to share my printer that I have connected to my desktop over the Internet so that I can print from my laptop anywhere.Does anyone here have any concrete, non-RDP idea, that will enable me to do this in a secure way such that no unauthorized person will be able to print junk, porn and the like on my desktop printer?

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Redirect Share Document To Drive D For Share Documents?

Jul 16, 2005

How to redirect the path to "D drive" for share document and the sub-folders like share pictures, share video, share music?

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Share ADSL Internet Connection Between The 2 PCs

Sep 2, 2005

I have a Windows XP SP2 on a PC with 2 network cards, the first one is for the ADSL Internet Connection, and the second one connected with a W2K pc. The problem is when trying to share the ADSL internet connection between the 2 PC's, the second network card connecting the 2 PC's displaying a message that there is limited or no connectivity between them. How to connecting the PC's together and share the internet connection between them. Note: I have read the KB #306126from Microsoft and nothing happened after doing the instructions.

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How Can Share A Shared Internet Connection

Aug 16, 2005

I have a computer that is connected to the internet through a shared internet connection (I mean I choose this computer connects to the internet through another computer in Windows XP Network Setup wizard). I have another laptop that I want to get connected to the internet through this computer. Bu Windows does not allow me to share the LAN connection which connect this computer to the internet. how can I share a shared internet connection.

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Cannot Setup A Network On The Computer

Jun 23, 2006

What is Windows Starter Edition ? I just got a laptop with xp starter edition on it. It seems that there are a few things that I cannot change in this windows like the windows theme and users etc.Is this a kind of limited windows because I cannot even setup a network on the pc.

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Can't Complete Network Setup

Jan 27, 2009

I have reinstalled Windows XP on my Dell Dimension 8000. I got XP installed ok but then need to connect to the internet to update/download all the software I need. Network Setup Wizard cannot find any network hardware. All I need to do is connect the PC to my home network (wired). This all worked before, I just can't figure out how to get the computer to recognise the modem?In Device Manager there is no modem listed. Shouldn't there be one? Is it drivers? I put the Dell drivers disk in which didn't seem to do anything.

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Unable To Setup Network Wizard

Feb 17, 2009

1. When I try to run the Network Setup Wizard, I get an error at the very end that Windows was unable to complete the setup
2. When I select Windows Firewall from the Control Panel, I says that it cannot start the service
3. When I select Network Connections>Local Area Connection>Properties>Advanced (tab) it says that it cannot display some of the properties of the connection because WMI information may be corrupted
4. When I try to configure my Intel network adapter, it says that it "failed to load a network component"
5. Also, this is not related to networking but the Windows Updater has failed to install every update for quite a while now.

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Set Up Network Setup Wizard / Log In And Log Off Changed / Start Computer Asks For Password

Sep 27, 2007

i set up network setup wizard which led to csnw show in the control panel moreover now the way i log in and log off has also changed and when i start my comp it asks for a password.when i press ctrl alt and delete together instead og task manager opening a window security sumthing opens up i want to restore my log in and log off to normal state and delete the csnw **** and restore the task manager.

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Need To Setup My Wireless Internet

Dec 21, 2005

I need to setup my wireless internet on it again. I wasn't given a disk to set it up. Is there a way get it back.

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Setup Internet Connection Issue

Sep 24, 2010

Doing a clean install of xp media ctr edition on a new hitachi 250 SATA, 1.2ghz AMD processor 2gb ram. Can't set up internet connection, won't access help files, I.E. not installed. I think it didn't install completely? Tried twice reformating the drive each time. No success.

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Setup Account - User Cannot Able To Access Internet Using IE 6

Oct 4, 2007

I have XP Home Ed sp-2. I'm able to setup several limited accounts on this machine. My question is how to setup an account that the user can not be able to access to internet using IE 6. This user is able to logon the computer himself. I only understand that with Comcast High Speed Internet, since a user logon computer he can go straigth to internet.

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Internet Explorer Icon Is Gone - Did A Computer Setup

Nov 8, 2006

This is a brand new computer that i have had for less than a day. I was getting the computer set up and now I have no icons on the desktop. I was able to restore some of them by resetting the icon under properties.... Internet Explorer still doesn't come up and now my control panel icons do not come up either.

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Can Not Access Network Or Internet

Nov 26, 2004


I am running a computer with Windows XP, sp 1 and norton antivirus 2004. I had some bugs on the system Coolweb search or look to 2. Ran hijack and adaware. Went one step to far. I can not access the network or the internet. It worked till I messed with the lsp. Ran lsp fix and what is there is suppose to be. Any ideas, I ran system restore and deleted the network card, no luck, short of reloading windows xp, I am at a loss?

Thanks for any help, buddy is not very happy with me...


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Cannot Connect To Internet - WAN Network Drives

Oct 19, 2006

i reformated compaq laptop presario 700 have WAN network driver and bunch of aol stuff

Aol uninstall not in Add/Remove list shouldn't i be able to connect the cable modem here at work to this laptop i've been working on?i plug cable in and no connection to i forgetting a basic thing to do?

This is my boss's daughter laptop that was Kazaa infected so i reformated.

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No Access To Network / Internet For Programs Except IE

Jun 30, 2005

My system specs: Win XP Home with SP1.I am having problems connecting to the internet from programs such as msn messenger, mozilla firefox,various ftp programs and updates.Only IE (6.0) and WindowsUpdate are the programs with internet access.When I try to ping on any IP address (except, I am getting the error 65:"PING: transmit failed, error code 65." At the time this problem started:
1. the computer had quite a few viruses on it (like DerBiz/
2. we tried to install SP2, but it caused problems with ZoneAlarm and system became very slow. So we uninstalled it.

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ATM Network Controller For Access Internet

Jun 9, 2010

Loaded a fresh install of Win 7 SP3 in a Compaq 5205us desktop. The net interface is recognized, the network connected symbol is there, but I get no access. The 5205us says it needs the ATM network controller.

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Internet Access On Wireless Network

Mar 1, 2008

I'm trying to gain internet access on a wireless network from a PC without a wireless card through a laptop that has a wireless card using an ethernet cable in Windows XP but keep getting limited or no connectivity. It wont let me turn on internet connection sharing on the laptop because is being used by the gateway, what can i do?

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Pc Wont Use The Network System For Internet Access

Jan 10, 2005

I am experiencing an odd problem. I have added my pc via a network card and cable to my son's computer. He has broadband access to the internet and the intention was for my pc to be able to share this access. However, I frequently find that my pc will not use the network system to connect to the internet but can only do it via dial up even though my sons's pc is permenantly on and connected. When it does use the network broadband works well.

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Missing Network Connections / Unable To Use Internet?

May 29, 2006

I Went To Get Online And It Was Not Working,i Checked All Of My Network Connections And There Gone I Running Windows Xp Sp2,my Modem Is Working And I Checked With My Internet People And Everything Works On There End,i Donot Know How My Connections Deleted By There Self

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Network Computer Wont Connect To Internet While Other Are?

Nov 10, 2009

I can't get it connect to the internet. I know the connection is good, because I can see other computers on my home network, and those computers can get to the internet (like this one). The Bad computer has IE 7, which loads ok but then I can't get anything on the web. Also have Mozilla Firefox loaded which I was using for a while, but now it won't even open up.

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Wireless Network - Internet & Files Access

Dec 25, 2008

I recently discovered that something is wrong with my wireless network in my home. Let me start by saying I am not real good with computers, just enough to be dangerous. It's been at least a year ago, but somehow I was able to get my network set up after I got help getting my wireless router (Linksys WRT54GS) set up. I have a desktop and a laptop. First off, I can get internet access on both machines, so I'm good there. The router is wired to the desktop and I connect to the internet wirelessly with the laptop. In layman's terms, here is how I would access my files on one machine from the other when things worked. Once I had the network set up I created a MY NETWORK PLACES shortcut on each machine.

Once opened I somehow created an icon for the folders on the other machine. How I did this I cannot remember. Now, the only tabs showing on the desktop for example are an tab for my router and everything I chose to share on the desktop; nothing for folders to be shared on the laptop like there was. However, right now that's the least of my problems because when I click the tab for VIEW WORKGROUP COMPUTERS I get an error message saying "Jonsnet (my network name) is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. The network path was not found." However, when I click MY NETWORK PLACES on the laptop and then VIEW WORKGROUP COMPUTERS I do see a tab for the laptop as well as the desktop, but when I click on the desktop tab I get said error as well.

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Vista To Installation / Network Can't Connect To Internet

Sep 12, 2009

I just installed XP pro Sp2 over Vista Home Premium on my laptop. Please note that I originally had XP and upgraded to VISTA (big mistake) a year ago. The installation process went well, however I can't connect to Internet. My network connection shows that I have a connection. I tried to do ipconfig from command menu and did nor get any IP address.

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Can't Shut Computer Down - Connect To Internet Via Network Card

Jul 26, 2007

I tried to install ZoneAlarm last week which crashed during the installation. This has caused multiple issues:1 - Can't shut computer down - I can get to the "log off", "shut down" and "restart" option of which none do anything so I'm forced to unplug as the power on/off doesn't work either. I've checked the power management options and these are normal.2 - Can't connect to the internet via my network card. Replaced the card as the network cable works on laptop and though it was the card but no luck(Modem goes to router which splits to 2 PC's and laptop

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Increasing Network Login And Internet Downloading Speed?

Aug 12, 2002

Have only tried this on XP Pro but it works great. Decreased my login time from 2mins to 15secs. Increased my network speed (ex. 170MB file took 15-20min. Now the same 170MB file takes less than 2mins). WOW!Here it is... Go into your network properties and then into your TCP/IP settings. Add your Server's IP address as Prefered DNS Server. Then select you Advanced button, go into your WINS tab and insert your Server's IP address for your WINS address as well. Reboot the system and you SHOULD see a difference. I have already tried this on several systems and have seen the same increase in speed

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Couldn't Connect To The Internet From Wireless Network In Range?

May 12, 2010

My toshiba laptop detected the wireless network in range, but when I try to browse nothing comes out!!!will reinstalling the windows solve the problem, to ensure that all drivers are defined??

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Internet Connection Dosen't Work / Network Places Won't Open

Mar 24, 2008

I have a pretty major problem with my main computer. The wireless network i have is running fine because all me other computers are working. On my main computer the internet does not work. It says all is connected. If i try to open network places, explorer freezes up.

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Unable To Connect Internet / Network Connections Wont Work?

Feb 13, 2005

When i connect to the internet, The Icon of the two small computers does not go to my Task bar ( near the tasks eg: msn messenger ), until i go to My Network Connections, Right click and press Refresh... i mean it does'nt go automaticaly, same as my network connection when its aquiring the ip, it stays there in my tray until i refresh my Network connections, Anybody knows a workaround ? I don't have any idea why that happened, i don't remember missing with anything

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