Screen Inverted For 1 User On XP

Aug 25, 2006

When my son logs onto xp the screen is inverted .he said it happened during a game,screen is ok for all other users

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Start Screen Inverted Upside Down / Login Screen On Everything Is Flipped

Mar 21, 2006

I was just typing along in a word document when my whole screen on my laptop flipped. File, Edit etc are across the bottom and start and all those things normally across the bottom are on the top - but upside down. The mouse is working backwards as well. MAJOR PAIN. When I restart it, the Windows screen comes up correctly but from the login screen on everything is flipped. I just use that computer for word processing not the internet so I'm hoping it is not a virus. I tried restoring the system

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Screen Is Upside Down / Controls Are All Inverted

Nov 3, 2004

My screen is upside down and the controls are all inverted. I need some serious help. IS there any way to fix it w/o wiping my computer?

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Desktop Totally Inverted

Mar 30, 2007

My friend was listening to music and then started up a game. My computer, being old and slow, couldn't handle it so it got all slow and kinda messed up. So he did something, I didn't really see what, and when everything cleared up, the desktop was totally inverted. It was upsidedown and backwards. Not only this, but the mouse was also backwards.

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Boot Up Gets User Screen For User Selection Both Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working

Apr 13, 2005

I am trying to fix a friends computer my usual story. Once it gets to the user screen for user selection both keyboard and mouse stop working, its either they stop working or the computer freezes, i am not sure. Life still goes to the mouse as it still lights. The keyboad works fine in the bios but not at freezing point.

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Change The User Accounts - Disabled Welcome Screen And Fast User Switching

Oct 27, 2009

as soon as i log in instead of welcome screen to choose logins i go to a dialog box where i have to give my password and usernam... i tried to change this by going to control panel and user accounts. as soon as i clicked on "change the way user logs in or logs off" i get a error as 'A recently installed program has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching . to restore these features , you must uninstall the program. the following name might help you identify the program that made the change - KLGina.dll"

so i tried to delete i couldnt ... eventually it got deleted by software "unlocker" but as i log in again an error as "please contact system administrator as klgina.dll is missing'.. i got that back again by system restore..

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User Administrator - User Login Screen

Aug 30, 2005

In recently restoring my crashed machine, I noticed that when the machine was
idle, it would go back to the user login screen. I found this tedious as I
just wanted it to go to screen saver but stay within the user session. I ran
'control userpasswords2' and de-clicked 'Users must enter a user name and
password to use this computer.' (It's a home computer so not worried). Now
when I reboot, it brings up a Windows login for Administrator and says,
"Unable to log you on because of an account restriction." I can bypass that
and log in as Owner or anybody else so it's more cosmetic than anything else.Question - who is this "Administrator?" The account doesn't show up under
User Accounts. 'Owner' is the Administrator. Do I care about this account
(which appears to be hidden? Should I allow it to log in under the covers? If
so, do I have to re-click 'Users must enter a user name and password, etc."

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Removing A User From Welcome Screen?

May 22, 2005

I have recently installed windows XP pro SP 2 on my computer. Is there a way to remove a user from the welcome screen so that no body knows the log in name of that user. Just like the build in administrator account which is not displayed on welcome screen but one can log into this account thru the classic log in screen instead of welcome screen (pressing Ctrl Alt Del) twice?

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I Get USER Screen On Startup

Apr 26, 2006

Every time windows loads it takes me to the USER screen and I have to click the icon before I con access windows.
I never had to do that before. Also, I am the only user on my pc.

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2 User Accounts On 1 Screen?

Oct 12, 2006

Is this possible? If so how can i accomplish this?

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No User Accounts On Screen?

Aug 23, 2007

I really hope that someone can help me, I can't seem to log on to my laptop. I am using an XP operating system on a toshiba laptop.

When my laptop boots up, I get the standard blue screen that tells me to log onto my user area but for some reason my user area has vanished, i.e. I have nothing to click on. I normally only have one user area and it does have a password but it is not there.

If I press Ctrl+Alt+Del a "log on to windows" bos appears with my user name already but it will not accept my password.

I have tried rebooting in safe mode but still no user administrator (or indeed my own) user area appeals for me to click on either.

With nothing to click on there appears no way for me to actually get into windows.

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To Get Rid Of User Logon Screen

Oct 16, 2006

I started getting a prompt when I would boot up to select a user and logon. I did some reading on what to do to get rid of this and think I screwed something up. I have xp pro and it came preinstalled. I don't know what password they used for administartor. Whatever I did I lost everything in the user accounts but my own. I don't even have a way to add users anymore

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Cant Get Rid Of User Selection Welcome Screen

Dec 20, 2005

I recently fixed my parents� computer and while I was at it I upgraded their OS from Windows Me to Windows XP Home Edition (no service pack). After I did I got the User Selection Welcome Screen at start-up asking me to select the account I want to use (even though there�s only one to choose!). This happened to me on my own computer when I upgraded XP Pro so I thought I knew what to do to get rid of it. I went to Kelly�s Korner ( and used the �Add ControlUserPasswords2 To Control Panel� registry addon to get the User Accounts 2 icon.

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Cant Get Passed The User Log Screen

Aug 1, 2009

I had a malware issue I used a clear and after that when i rebooted it went to my user login screen when i click on a user it says logging on the goes directly to the saving setting mode and goes back to the user log in screen any ideas on how to get passed that?

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Home No User At Welcome Screen

Nov 27, 2009

I've got an issue with Windows XP logins. I've been working on my father's notebook on this for awhile. The issue is that when you start the computer you reach the welcome screen and there are no users to select to login. Computer is using Windows XP Home SP3. Previous to this issue, it started automatically without a login screen.

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No User Login Screen

Jan 26, 2009

I have a Dell laptop that I have tried many times to password but it sort of doesn't work.The laptop has Windows XP Professional on it, Version 2002 with Service pack 2.My husband bought it from a buddy at work who's wife wanted a laptop, but then decided she didn't like it. She didn't delete her account so it's still under her name.I have set up a user account in my name on it and passworded it. When I reboot the laptop, it goes straight into "her" account. I want the screen where it gives me the User names so you have to type my password in order to even access the laptop. It always totally bypasses that screen.

I tried setting up a dummy account and turned on the Guest account and rebooted the laptop. I STILL don't get the User login screen.I really want this to work because for 1. the laptop is being used only for backing up personal family pictures and I'd really rather be able to password my children out of it and 2. when I go to my girlfriends' house, her mother seems to think she can just help herself to my laptop whenever she feels like it. I'd logged off - it's the only way to get the User login screen - but somehow she managed to bypass it. I KNOW the only way around it is to reboot the laptop, but she swears up and down she just opened the lid and the account was open.

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Cannot Get Past User Name Screen In XP

Apr 21, 2007

I am experiencing an error with Windows XP in that when I click on any user name it will not let me go any further. The user name is highlighted and the hourglass appears but then nothing. Any ideas? Also is there some way I can by-pass this screen, for example by using DOS or holding down a button?

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Windows Xp Welcome Screen / User Logon

Jul 26, 2007

I recently upgraded to windows xp professional from windows me. I was not having any problems when I started the pc until after I installed the .net framework updates from the windows update site. Now when I start or restart my pc it starts with the administrator setup instead of the way it had been. I need to go to start/log off and select switch user in order for it to switch to the way that it had been prior to the .net framework updates.I tried going to the control panel and selecting the user account and selecting to change the way users log on or off and both the "use welcome screen and use fast user switching" are checked off. I am listed as a computer administrator but there is also a user account titled administrator which is also listed as a computer administrator.The administrator account is the one that is automatically opening now when I start the pc but I want it to open to the user which is me (and that is how it was opening prior to the install of .net framework).

I also tried going to start / run / control user passwords2 on the user accounts I removed the check mark from the box for "users must enter a password to use this computer". I then selected okay to the automatically logon box that popped up with my user name. I did not enter a password since I never entered or had one to begin with. I then clicked on okay..I then tried going to control panel / user accounts and then to change the way users log on and off and unchecked the box for both "use the welcome screen" and "use fast user switching". However when I clicked on okay I get a screen that states that "fast users switching cannot be turned off while multiple users are logged on. Make sure all other users are logged off, then try again." Does anyone know how I can get Windows XP to open/start that way again without having to always go to start /log off and selecting to switch users all the time?

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User Screen Not Loading - Can't Get In To Past

Jul 1, 2005

when i start-up in either normal or safe modes, I get past the XP logo screen with waving flag, then I go to the screen with each user listed out, except the users aren't listed and there's only an off-center XP logo and I can't get in to anything - and i can't do system restore because I can't get a Start menu or anything.

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User Account Not Visible In Welcome Screen

Sep 24, 2007

I've created a new account on my windows XP and when i did this i lost my other account. i know that its there cos when i tried to create that account again, it said that the account already exists. However i cannot see my account on the welcome screen and its not in the control panel. How can i retrieve my old account?

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Boot Up - Screen With The Icons For Each User

May 9, 2006

i have a problem whenever I try to boot up it goes the screen with the Icons for each user. when you click on one of the user icons the coputer tries to boot but before it does it logs off and puts you back to the page with the user icons. I have tried every thing I know booting is save mode but it does the same thing

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User Screen Resolution Resets By Itself

Sep 16, 2005

I'm running WinXP SP2 with all the latest patches recommended by Windows Update.I have logged onto this machine as Administrator. I set the screen resolution to 1024x768. It should stay there unless the user changes it, correct? Well, the user logs on and at first, the desktop looks like it's going to be 1024x768... but after the desktop icons appear and a couple of the Systray icons, the screen goes blank and resets to 1280x1024. The user can set the resolution to 1024x768... and the next time they log in, it will reset itself to 1280x1024. This ONLY happens if the user is a member of the "USERS" group; if I make them a member of the "ADMINISTRATORS" group, the resolution will stay put.I would almost think it was a group policy issue, but if it is, why does it affect no other members of the group? And how did I set such a policy?

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Changing Registered User Name To My Name On System Screen

Jul 6, 2005

I have a computer that I bought cheap that has a factory(OEM) XP Home installation on it. It has the original user name listed on the Start Menu andSystem screen. How can I change the registered name to mine? Is there a program/patch that will change the name and registry to me?

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Lost User Profile To Blue Screen

Jul 28, 2006

I was cleaning up my Dell 150D 1.33 mghz Desk top computer with windows XP Home edition. As I logged back on I click on User icon and the screen turns blue and never progresses any further. When I use ALT-CTRL=DELETE, it shows task manager running and continues to cycle in Kbs used. Can I restart and use set up F-1 to correct.

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Removing User Names On The Login Screen?

Jul 5, 2005

I have some xp machines on a peer to peer setup. One computer is basically acting as a server. I need to know how to remove all the user names from the login screen. To a crtl alt delete login setup?

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System Stops Before User Selection Screen

Oct 28, 2008

ok so here is the story i have raid 0 array 2 x 160 WD and my windows is installed on it i recently bought 2 x 640 Samsung F1 i built a new raid 0 array and i'm trying to move my windows instalation from one array to another I used Norton's Ghost Disk Copy method . And now when i boot from the new array windows stop right before the user selection screen .the thing is the computer doesn't stop responing .. i can still move my mouse but the user selection screen never show's up i tried reading the windows system log from the new partition with and little utility and it doesn't seem to be any thing wrong.I also tried booting from the windows cd but when it get to the part where is supose to detect hard drives i get the infamous x0000007B stop error

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Automatically Logging In To User Account - Welcome Screen

Aug 22, 2005

I don't want my computer to automatically log in to a user's account on startup, and it does so even if there is more than one administrator account, and the 'Welcome screen' is disabled.

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Missing User Accounts In Logon Screen

Jul 30, 2005

during a registry clean I accidently deleted the following folder HKCRCLSID
though I immediately imported my latest registry backup the computer froze. After manual restart the Windows logon screen misses the account names even the default administrator account and no way to shut down. I tried starting in safe mode and with the OS CD and always come back to the above mentoined screen. I donnot want to reinstall Windows XP completely new

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Only Windows Icon At Log-on Screen, No User Names Present, No Way To Log On!

Jul 30, 2007

Dell computer from 2001. . I was on the regedit screen, and when I went into one of the HKEY_LocalMachine or one of those HKEY folders, the "Classes" folder got deleted. That's when everything kind of...messed up. Regedit stopped working (asked for an "appropriate program from the list" to use with it) and almost everything stopped, so I had to shut the computer down.

Now when I shut it down and tried to get back on, I couldn't get ANYTHING on the logon screen except a dinky little Windows logo, with no usernames, making it impossible to logon!

how the heck do I get back to the WIndows logon screen with the usernames back? Do I need a special CD I need to purchase, and is there anyway to get back the users without losing all my stuff? Please help.
you can post here to help or email me at

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Blank Screen User Name And Password - Waiting DC's Responding

Jul 6, 2010

the laptop jioned company Domain. recently if the comptuer connected with non-company network environment e.g publick internet connection (both cable or wireless) after input the domain user name and password i will get a blank screen.but if i un-plug network cable or disable the wirless card i can see the desktop icons immediately. i suspect my pc is waiting DC's responding

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Boot Up / Get Screen Where Select The User Name And Enter The Password

Jan 27, 2005

When booting up (XP), I get to the screen where I select the user name and enter the password. Then I get my usual wallpaper screen but no icons, start button, task bar, tray etc etc. I can't right click on the screen.

I CAN do Crtl+Alt+Del and get a run prompt up and browse the various drives (and even run software through this, e.g. internet) but the desktop is always completely blank. I have tried Safe Mode and restore last known good etc but neither works both same result, get to wallpaper but no icons.

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