I really hope that someone can help me, I can't seem to log on to my laptop. I am using an XP operating system on a toshiba laptop.
When my laptop boots up, I get the standard blue screen that tells me to log onto my user area but for some reason my user area has vanished, i.e. I have nothing to click on. I normally only have one user area and it does have a password but it is not there.
If I press Ctrl+Alt+Del a "log on to windows" bos appears with my user name already but it will not accept my password.
I have tried rebooting in safe mode but still no user administrator (or indeed my own) user area appeals for me to click on either.
With nothing to click on there appears no way for me to actually get into windows.
as soon as i log in instead of welcome screen to choose logins i go to a dialog box where i have to give my password and usernam... i tried to change this by going to control panel and user accounts. as soon as i clicked on "change the way user logs in or logs off" i get a error as 'A recently installed program has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching . to restore these features , you must uninstall the program. the following name might help you identify the program that made the change - KLGina.dll"
so i tried to delete i couldnt ... eventually it got deleted by software "unlocker" but as i log in again an error as "please contact system administrator as klgina.dll is missing'.. i got that back again by system restore..
during a registry clean I accidently deleted the following folder HKCRCLSID though I immediately imported my latest registry backup the computer froze. After manual restart the Windows logon screen misses the account names even the default administrator account and no way to shut down. I tried starting in safe mode and with the OS CD and always come back to the above mentoined screen. I donnot want to reinstall Windows XP completely new
1. Limited users cannot log in. Windows gives an error message: Quote: Windows cannot log you in because your profile cannot be loaded. Check that you are connected to the network or that your network if functioning correctly. If this problem persists, see your network administrator. 2. When logging in on an administrator account, it takes about 3 minutes to open explorer, and when it does, the taskbar is hidden, is acting like it is locked (even after I unlocked it) and the Start Menu won't come up. 3. User Accounts (in Control Panel), when opened, simply hangs on a blank screen
Is there a way to hide user accounts on the XP start-up screen without switching to the "CLASSIC" mode? XP created the default 'Administrator' account, which is what it's supposed to do, but I don't what it to be visible to other users. I know how to switch to the classic view, but would like to keep the new XP view for ease of use by the other users.
I'm going to create 30+ user accounts. They will be all running at the same time, running the same program. (the only way I've figured out how to dual-boot the same program) and I was wondering... Is there anyway to make it somehow use less resources doing so? Like, so far I've gone into Advanced > Performance and killed the switch on everything. I was just wondering, after days of running non-stop, it is bound to start eating up RAM or even cache to much, right? If so, what can I do to stretch the time this happens in? What else can I switch off/disable for each user to eat up less resources?
I am having some issues with trying to share files on my home network.My first questions is,are the names listed in user accounts, (in the control panel under user accounts) have to be the same as user profiles listed under my computer in order to share files on my home network?
i am trying to restrict users on winxp, but not able to do so. i would like to restrict logon hours, restrict ie usage (not only parental controls, but be able to let the user still be logged on but without internet), restrict downloading, and restrict install/uninstall programs, pretty much lock like in a corporate environment. it is 1 pc with 3 users.
Does anybody know the shortcut for the User Accounts, where you can change the properties for the accounts that goes into the Run Dialog Box so that you have more options e.g. power user etc. instead of the main options Administrator or limited account.
I'm using windows xp pro on a dell inspiron 6400, and I have two issues. One is that when I put a file in the recycle bin it is instantly deleted and can not be recovered. When i drag it to the recycle bin it asks if I am sure I want to delete it, I say yes and it is gone. However, I would like to be able to put things in the recycle bin and remove them later. My other issue is that I am not asked for a password when I turn the computer on, however when I lock the screen my password works there.
I use windows xp and my user accounts are all set as administrators. however only one user seems to have control. others can not open help and support and system restore opens up in a blank window. It seems that any thing regarding Help will not open for these other users.
Whenever I try to access the User Accounts part of the Control Panel, the window comes up completely blank. I've tried registering various DLLs and I've also tried editing the registry. Nothing has worked. My System Restore has been turned off since I got this computer, so that's not an option.
whats the max number limit of user accounts that can be created in XP Pro.cant seem to find any info on it.there must be a limit. (I am refering to both the logon screen, which i think is 5, and actual number of user accounts in the system like is seen in the "local users and groups" section)The reason for me asking is b/c my friends mom needs to share out a file at her work and they dont have a server. (guessing maybe 7-13 people) All of which are going to be needing very different access rights to this folder.Id like to just create a user account for each person and adjust the folder share rights by each user. And this way each person could have thier own username and PW for making the connection as if they were connecting to a file share on a 2000 server.
As an administrator, how can I apply settings to User accounts globally, without having to change each one individually, e.g. to set display options etc?
whats occuring is that i wish to create a new profile with for my younger siblings so that they cant install programs (if thats possible) andsomething to stop them accessing "adult sights" but thats where my delima starts when i try do go into the user account thing in control panel it comes up with a message saying "wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment any ideas as to whats going on here?
I'm running XP and am confused about user accounts. I have two but only one is showing when I select user accounts in the control panel and I only have the choice of logging in to one account. How do I make the other appear?
is it possible to run multiple accounts in XP at 1 time. for example I have two User Accounts, one if ABC and other is XYZ. I opend ABC in my PC and want to connect XYZ from other computer using Remote Desktop. I tried this but it disconnects other user who already using that computer.
I used to use my XP professional installed PC in admin mode so far but after too much of spyware problem, created one user account without installation authority.The problem now is, I can't see many programs in start menu of user account, looks like I don't have access to those programs through user account. Sygate firewall icon in system tray has disappeared in admin account but shows up in user account Just now, I installed trillion and I can use it in admin mode but can't see it in user account.I tried to go through control panel --> add/remove programs and checked access tab there but couldn't do much useful.
Recently, when trying to access the User Accounts option in Control Panel, it keeps opening a blank NotePad with the error message "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." Although I can still log in and log off normally and everything. Also, I have set my computer to Auto-login.
If I've created a user account through the control panel, how do I make it so that others are unable to delete them? My 5 year old son has recently been deleting my user accounts and I need a way to prevent this from happening anymore.
i need to get admin. rights on my pc. but it's setup as to automatically login as a limited account. i tried everything from using the hidden user account at the welcome screen but theres already a password for that too. tried using command prompt but it won't work it says ERROR 5 and the msg config and everything says you must have admin. priveleges in order to proceed so log back in with your administrator account. how in the heck am i supposed to if i can't log in as an adminisrtator anyway that means its useless!!!!! even in safe mode it wont work
A friend gave me an old computer running Win XP Pro, The computer has both a Admin and Guest account setup on it. I have the admin password but right now if I sign in with the Admin account it will not allow me to install any software? I would like to deleted both accounts thus not requiring a login or password can I just go to the Control Panel / User Accounts and remove both and this will solve my issue or do I need to do anything else.
I just installed (clean) XP Pro and set up some user accounts.I'm familiar with Win2K and thought that XP would be similar with regard to user accounts, but it appears that's not true.When I go to user accounts, I only see limited user and administrator accounts.How can I set someone to power user or in between admin and user?
I like to share certain Internet Favorites between all user accounts.Tried to move Favorites to 'All users' account but unlike the Start Menu, All users' Favorites does not show up in all user accounts.Tried a shortcut, works for using Internet links but 'Add to Favorite doesn't work.
Last Thursday i tried logging on to my computer.But when i got to the welcome screen it said to select the username i wanted to log on to....but there were none to choose!I did the CTRL+ALT+DEL to log on to the administrator,went under control panel....and again found no accounts.Then went to Computer Management under the User and Groups tree and again no users!I finally went to c:documents and settings and i found my 3 accts.But nothing ive tried has been able to get back the icons on the welcome screen.I need the help because i can only log on to 1 of my 2 accounts and i nedd some files and other things.
Unable to log in user name and password. Also from control panel when i click user accounts it goes to control user passwords 2 window not to the xp styled user accounts window where i can add pictures etc. I checked my local and group policies but couldn't find anything there because it always shows the error while entering the name and passwords.
When you try to change the picture under the User Accounts section, and this error message comes up "Automation Server Can't Create Object" the only way to fix it is to:Goto Start..Then Run..And type in: regsvr32 /i shimgvw.dll..This will allow you to change the picture.
I have XP set up with user accounts for each family member with myself as administrator and everyone else as limited accounts.Is there a way that I can disable printing from some of the user accounts? My 3yo daughter has a habit of printing stuff by accident 10 or so times.