Save One File In Multiple Folders?

Jan 22, 2004

Many times I save one file or word document or a web page in 2 to 5 different folders. Right now I do it by opening each folder separately and using save as dialog box. But this is redundant and takes up a lot of time.

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Easily Copy Desktop.ini File To Multiple Folders

Jun 29, 2008

i want to copy my custom desktop.ini file and background image to all of my folders that i have on my flash drive.So needless to say i dont want to to this one by one to each folder.

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No Folders In Save File Box

Apr 7, 2008

When scanning an article and trying browse to choose the folderto save to the browse dialog box is completely blank is this likely to be and epson problem or windows.

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Cannot Open Multiple Files Or Folders

Oct 25, 2008

I can't open multiple files and folders, but my little registry hack Copy To, and Move To (info about it here: opens up instead. I tried deleting those, but then nothing happens if I try to open multiple files or folders. I don't know when this happened, because I rarely open more than one file/folder simultaneosly.

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Multiple My Documents Folders-safely Delete Others?

Aug 13, 2005

I have built an new xp pro machine and upon first boot up, it created (among others) a My Documents folder. Then when I used the Files and Settings Transfer wizard, it moved my old My Documents folder from the old machine to the new one. Problem is, they have different names. I expect if I'd named them identically, there wouldn't be two of them. Each file I try to save defaults to the one from the old machine. My question is, can I safely
delete the other?

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Send Multiple Files To Different Folders - Alphebeticaly?

Jan 31, 2006

Is it possible to select a large number of files and quickly organise them into folders say alphebetialy. eg Select>Send> aardvark.txt goes to folder named A ,zoo.mp3 goes to folder named z.

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Accessing Multiple Shared Folders On Windows Pro X64?

Feb 15, 2009

I am having a system with XP Pro x64 with multiple shared folders. Here is the setup. I have about 10 users (1 Admin account, 9 Limited accounts). I have created 10 folders for each User and modified them as shared folders with each user having access to their respective folders ONLY while the Admin account will have access to all folders. I have disabled 'Simple File Sharing', switched off Guest Account. Now I can view this system on other systems on the n/w. But the problem is, if I map a shared folder on one system, I was not able to map anymore on other systems and it gives error, 'the system can not accept multiple connections' in those lines.

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Cannot Delete Multiple User Folders - Nasty Virus

Jan 8, 2009

I recently performed a system recovery after getting a rather nasty virus. Everything else seems fine apart from these multiple instances of my administrator folder:

I'd like to delete all these un-necessary folders but when I try it says they are necessary for windows to run properly.

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Multiple User Profiles/folders When System Rebooted

Feb 13, 2006

I did more than one system restore and each time the process created a new user folder. I first thought all my settings were lost but since discovered I had several new user folders and the computer was no longer using my original folder when I logged in.

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Get Explorer To Show Folder Sizes For Multiple Folders?

Aug 20, 2004

I know you can either hover over a folder in Explorer or right click, click properties and get the folder size - but what I want is a fix or utility that allows me to see multiple folders, ala Explorer, and see their size displayed - the way it does for individual files on the DETAILS setting

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Copying Files From Multiple Folders And Pasting In Single Folder?

Jul 24, 2005

On my D: drive, I have several folders (500 something I think) containing mp3s that I have ripped from my CD collection. What I want to do is transfer all the mp3s contained in these folders to My Music (I have just upgraded to Windows xp media center edition). Rather than going through each folder manually, and going through the time consuming process of selecting, copying and pasting every mp3 in each folder, is there any way I can select all of the mp3s in all of the folders automatically, and have them copied over?

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Cannot Save To Network Folders

Jun 29, 2005

When trying to save a word or excel document into a network folder I get the following error: Cannot save 'filename'. The folder is marked 'Read Only'.Does anyone know why this is happening? Even if i try to save to my desktop, then copy and paste it into the network folder i get the error that it cannot be copied.

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Batch File To Copy Single File To Multiple Places

Apr 20, 2010

What I want to do is create a .bat that will copy a file to several locations(all within the same folder, however with different names).

I have a folder that contains the master copy of my db and I want to run the batch file to update the users db files. The reason being is they each use thier own front end.

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Shared Folders In Different Networks - Save Changes

Dec 4, 2008

Am trying to set up a network with xp Home edition. I am curious about a couple of things. What is the difference in copying verses moving a file to the shared document folder? I would thing that by copying it, one is "duplicating" it and thereby using up resources. IF that is the case, when you access a file and make changes, are the changes saved to both places?

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Can't Change And Save Folders Views

Jun 27, 2005

It seems that the default view for all folders is the view with folders open on the left side of the folder. Clicking the X on the left pane or click off the Floders button on the tool bar changes the folders view to the Windows XP style folder view. Then going to Tools>Folders Options and cklicing the View tab, then clicking on the button, Apply to All Folders does not apply this change to all folders and resets the folder back to what it was before I made the change.

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Save The Icon Order Of Music Folders In Documents

Apr 11, 2010

I have one question. Is it possible to save the order of my music folders (and files!) in My Music folder. What I mean is that I'm going to transfer all of my music (55 GB) on external HDD and then back to freshly installed Windows 7. And what I would like is that my order of folder is sorted as I did it in Win XP, and NOT by alphabetical order or something else. I have really huge collection and organizing it like it is now would be a nightmare. I do not want music to be sorted like: ATB, Coldplay, Linkin Park, Trance; but in my order (like Coldplay, Linkin Park, ATB, Trance). I wonder if thumbs.db hidden file has to do something with order of the icons (I guess not ) So is it possible or not?

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Findstr Across Multiple File Types

Sep 23, 2009

Using findstr to find strings is fairly easy. I am trying to search recursively through a path, but only want to check one of three file types: *.java, *.properties or *.xml.I know how to do one:Code :findstr /pinsc:"my weird search string" *.java But how to tell findstr to look only in *.java, *.properties and *.xml files without having to run findstr 3 times?

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Standardizing Multiple User Settings In XP - .bat File

May 30, 2008

Is anyone privy to any application or even a .bat file that can create identical settings for multiple users not on a domain?

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Create A File Which Closes Multiple Processes

Jun 29, 2010

I'd like to create a .bat which closes multiple .exe processes just by opening it: 1. I open the file from my desktop 2. File closes for example svchost.exe and explorer.exe and finally the file itself. This is because I don't need some programs, which open when Windows starts, every time.

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Cannot Read From Source File / Copying Multiple Files

May 23, 2008

I'm having a problem "finding" my music files after I moved some files around on the computer between users.My simple solution was to copy them to an external HD and the re-load them so I searched for all music files then selected all and attempted to copy them to the external HD, but I got an error message: "cannot copy file.cannot read from the source file or disk".

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Weird Hard Drive - File Glitch - Multiple Partitions

Jul 16, 2007

I have multiple partitions on my HD so that I can have things like the OS and the page file on separate partitions for ease of defrag etc. (OK, haven't done this before and am not sure how smart it was after all)Anyway, I decided to move "My Documents" folder from the C drive to a much larger partition to save fragmentation on C. No big deal, it's easy to do.But here's the kicker... once I'd created a My Documents folder in the larger partition, I decided to click on it and move it to the top of the list of folders, using the My Computer screen.

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W2K File Save As

May 5, 2005

I am running into an issue when I do File Save As from Excel, Word, etc. The application hangs and I am forced to re-boot. Additionally, when I run Windows Explorer that hangs as well when 2x click on the C drive. Opening files is fine and saving(w/o save as) is fine.

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Copy And Save A PDF File

Jan 17, 2006

Can someone please tell me how to copy and save a ADOBE PDF file?

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Restart When Trying To Save A File

May 1, 2008

Hello everyone,

Before this, I've never had a computer problem that I could not solve. This, it seems, is out of my league. I'll appreciate any help I get on this issue..

First of all, let me tell you how this problem started..

I had Windows XP, but wanted to switch to Vista. I've already had Windows Vista come with the computer, but had formatted the hard-drive and installed Windows XP so that my computer would work faster. A few days earlier, I decided to give Windows Vista another shot. I formatted my computer, and installed Vista.

After installing Vista, I could not boot up the computer. I was getting a weird error when when attempting to boot. I thought I might've done something wrong when installing it, so I formatted again, and re-installed Vista. Still, I got the same error. I decided to go back to Windows XP..

Installing Windows XP was not a problem, it seems that any time I try to save a file (any kind of file), be it a small text file created in Notepad or downloading something from the internet.. my computer automatically restarts itself. I had re-installed the Windows XP again because I thought I might've done something to it. At first, I could save files. I installed the video card driver, and the audio driver with no problems.

Than after a while and installing some other software (Windows Live Messenger and Pokerstars), I started to get the same problem.

I don't know how to fix this, please help..

I've looked around the forums, and unchecked the Automatically Restart box when encountering an error. But it hasn't fixed the problem..

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Save All The Files And Folders From "C" Drive

Jan 13, 2005

There's an easy way to save all the files and folders from my old "C" drive. I have copied all my pictures to CD. No problem. Now about all the games I have and things like Roto Form, favorites, etc. I dont have a clue. Can I back up the entire "C" drive? Will I have to re-load all my games? Is there a way I can transfer files through the USB ports? Its been suggested to me to actually put my old hard drive in the new computer to transfer the information. I don't want to do anything that might compromise the new computer. I have even thought of allowing a virus in the new computer from the old although I dont know of any.

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Unable To Save All Data For File

Sep 16, 2005

Windows Delayed Write Failed.Windows was unable to save all the data for the file D$Mft.The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection.Please try to save this file elsewhere.ok something is happening to my computer.

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Change The File Location For Save Target As

May 20, 2010

I routinely download the latest set of filters for my anti-spam program, and Windows routinely wants to save them in My Documents, by default. I ALAWYS save the file (filters.txt) to the following location (by Right-clicking the file):C:Documents and SettingsMickApplication DataMailWasherPro, Is there any way that that I can: Save this particular file to the abovementioned Path, by default? Without disturbing Windows current, Save In My Documents setting? I am using WinXP Professional SP3 (fully updated).

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Boot Error Corrupt File Any Way To Save It

Apr 25, 2006

So this morning I left my laptop on while going to college and then work, after work I came home the laptop was off. Weird I thought I start it up and It keeps giving me an error that the "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM".It tells me to instert the Windows XP cd, or set up cd.Now I havent done it yet because I want to know is there anyway to save my stuff that I have on my harddrive? and DO NOT WANT IT TO FORMAT MY HARDDRIVE.The reason is I have FINAL PROJECTS for my term papers and also FINALS and all information related to college. I am really worried that I dont have it anymore and I dont know what I would tell my college proffesors. Please someone if you know how to save the portion of the disk thats not windows please help.

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Can Not Download Or Save Music File To My Computer

Sep 13, 2005

actually at my work place i'm trying to download some hindi mp3 music files but somehow it not working. as I'm trying to right click on the song link and by selecting 'save target as' its openning the dailog box to save it but at this point it trying to save as HTML documents instead of mp3 format.if i try manuaaly to change file extension from html to mp3 than i can not play this file as it gives error about class-file of media player.I checked on Internet explorer tools internet option and security tab and verfied download file is enabled.

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Save Directory (containing Word Files) File List?

Dec 10, 2004

OS is Win 2K. I have a folder containing about 150 files Using Explorer, I can open the folder and view a list of the files. Is there any way to save that list as a text document?

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Copy System Restore File And Save At A Different Place?

Aug 9, 2005

I will be installing a software which will take lot of space and resource. At some point in time, say after 6 months, I will want to do a system restore. But from the Microsoft documentation, looks like I cannot create a system restore point, which will remain permanently. It gets automatically deleted after some time. Can I copy the system restore file generated, and save it at a different place, and then use this file to system restore whenever I want to - say after 6 months or a year? If I can, then what are the files I need to copy?

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