Save Dialog Box Instead Of Print

May 19, 2009

Desktop - Windows XP SP3 - AMD Athlon 1800+1.53GHz - 640MB RAM (Built 2002)(Wife's Computer) - HP 3740 Printer.I have only just fixed this PC after a 6 month viral infection and now have full security (if there is such a thing) and all seems to be working fine except that whenever I try to print, I get the Save Dialog Box (prompting a '*.xls') instead of the Print Dialog Box. Naturally with all the Malware scans and fixes that have been done, the Registry has taken alot of messing about but should be clean now. However there is an entry which I cannot find any info for;
HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentversionRunlphc17aj0er6r.exe Supposedly residing in C:/Windows/System32 but I have been unable to find it there. As a temporary precaution I have renamed it's file extension. Does anyone know anything about this file and whether there may be a connection with the Save/Print problem.

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Open / Save As Dialog Box

Apr 30, 2005

Running Windows XP SP2 and I have just noticed in the couple days, that whenever I use an open/save as dialog box (to open/save a song in from firefox, to send a file in messenger etc), all the files are getting listed and arranged by name in reverse order (z-a).They were always getting displayed by name in the right order, which I assume is the default, until recently.Any idea on how I could get it back that way? I know it is a minor issue, but it has really decreased the speed with which I look through my system.I've tried arranging the icons by name, but it never seems to save.

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Save As Dialog Box Hangs

Jul 27, 2005

In any applications, when I click save as, that box hangs for at least 35-40 seconds before I can tell it where to save the file. Exemple: In IE, if I download a file, I'll click save as, and wait 35-40 seconds before I get a response from the computer. I have tried just about anything I know to fix this without having to reformat. I have the same dehavior in messenger or any of the other programs I use. The problem seems to be with the open/save as dialog box. I run WinXp Pro, SP2. Does anybody have any clues on how to fix this bizzare problem of mine?

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Adding Shortcuts To Open / Save Dialog Box?

Nov 28, 2007

Without going through regedit, is there a way to add a network drive or some other shortcut on the left pane of the open/save dialog box? See the red circled area in the image below. I'm using WinXP SP4 with Windowblinds installed. What about rearranging the order the icons already appear?

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Add Personal Folder To Places Bar In Save Dialog

Aug 24, 2009

How can I add a personal folder to appear in "Places Bar" of all Save Dialogs (irrespective of the application) in Windows XP Professional SP3.The personal folder, added, in any Microsoft Office document's "My Places" bar, appears in Save Dialogs of only Microsoft Office documents. But I want a personal folder to appear in ALL Save Dialogs, irrespective of the application.

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Changing Default View In Save Picture Dialog Box

Jan 18, 2007

I can change the view format with the drop down menu each time, but I would like to change it so it defaults to thumbnail view. I'm OK with a registry edit if I have to. Screenshot of the dialog box Note: the folders open as thumbnails in My Documents>My Pictures.

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File Open - Save As - Common Dialog Takes Too Long To Open

May 26, 2010

I was having this problem on my old install of XP, which desperately needed a new install. In any case, I'm now using a freshly installed version of XP, and everything has been running perfectly for about 2 weeks. Suddenly, this one problem reappears: The File Open / Save As dialog box (aka Windows Common Control / comctl32.dll) takes forever to open (20 seconds to 60 seconds). I just did a chkdsk and defrag, and that did not solve the problem. Also, there are no network drives connected which could be slowing things down. This happens in both MS programs (such as Notepad) and 3rd party programs (such as Firefox).

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"save As" Or "open" Dialog Box Hangs

Jul 26, 2005

In any applications, when I click save as, that box hangs for at least 35-40 seconds before I can tell it where to save the file. Exemple: In IE, if I download a file, I'll click save as, and wait 35-40 seconds before I get a response from the computer. I have tried just about anything I know to fix this without having to reformat. I have the same dehavior in messenger or any of the other programs I use. The problem seems to be with the open/save as dialog box. I run WinXp Pro, SP2.

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Checking Print Preview: Blank Box And The Printer Wont Print?

Jul 21, 2005

I write a file in Word and then save it.Before I print it I usually go into Print Preview just to check things out.This time however it just showed me a blank box and the printer would not print.Everything was OK for a complete day and then the problem happened again - blank preview and no printing. This time switching off for 10 minutes and then back on had no effect.I have been trying most of today to correct things without success. I then copied it onto a floppy, put the floppy in my friends PC - same result as before

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Black Ink Wont Print/No Pages In Previous Printer Would Print?

Dec 28, 2006

I previously owned a Lexmark Z25 printer and up to a certain point, it was printing ok. Then it abruptly stopped printing any pages. It sounded as if it was getting the signal from the computer, but nothing would print. Rather than buy new cartridges, which would have cost more than a new printer, I bought a Dell 720. Now, the color prints fine, but I cannot get the black to print. The cartridges are just about full with only a small amount out of the black cartridge.

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Unable To Print Envelopes: Print Coming Blank?

Jul 3, 2010

Walk me through printing an envelope on my Lexmark X125. I have clicked on envelopes, then options for the envelope size, then print. The envelope comes out blank.

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Print Icon Brings Up Print Properties Box?

Jul 20, 2005

All worked as normal Printer icon would print automatically with default print settings; File -Print would bring up print properties dialogue box to select options.Unhooked printer from laptop. Since reconnecting printer, the print icon button reverts to bringing up the print properties box as happens with going File - print. There is only one printer attached - it is shown in "Printers and Faxes" with a tick. There is nowhere to check it as the default printer as it is the only printer.How can I make the print icon button just do straight default prints again?

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Print Jobs Don't Get Into Print Server Is Offline

Apr 25, 2010

I have an old Sony VAIO (running Win Xp) that I am using a print server. The VAIO is connected to a HP PSC. The VAIO is on a wireless network along with two other laptops. One laptop is running Win Xp and the other is running Vista. Everything was working fine as far as printing went until I reinstalled the OS on the Win Xp machine (same OS). Previously the VAIO would go offline due to hibernation and so if I tried to print something from the Xp machine, it would get in the queue and get printed when I turned the VAIO on. Now the print jobs are not getting in a queue when the VAIO is offline.I don't know what I did right before and so I don't know how to remedy the problem.

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Notepad, Wordpad, Paint Automatically Closes Whenever Save Or Save As Is Selected

Mar 9, 2010

I've been searching for most parts of the net and the forums here and did install uninstall restore my notepad, paint and wordpad but nothing seems to work.When these files are opened, nothing seems to be a problem. But whenever you attempt to save by Ctrl+S, or the by clicking File>Save or File>Save As the program automatically closes. This has been a consistent behavior for the 3 softwares.I'm using Windows XP 64 bit OS and had no error messages of any sort except that these programs just close themselves when a save attempt is done.I did virus and malware scans by Avast, ESET Nod & Kaspersky and nothing was detected.Reinstalling isn't an option for me now as I don't have any optical drive... besides, this may be very hard for me but I'm willing to suffer for the sake of learning.

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Customize The Save Menu List To Save My Pictures?

Apr 9, 2007

A while back I had a program or a tweak that enabled me to change/add to the list on the left side of the window that opens when you want to save or save as. So, if I was saving a photo, instead of clicking on My Documents >> My Pictures, I was able to just click on My Pictures, ect. (See Photo) Does anyone know of a tweak/program that would allow me to do this?

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Printer Wont Print: Getting Message "this Document Failed To Print"?

Aug 17, 2005

I installed a new modem the other day cause the old one got fried. Now I am trying to print and the printer keeps giving me an error message, "this document fail to print." I tried all possible troubleshooting techniques but nothing help. I don't know what to do.

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Pro Explorer Save Or Save As Dialogs

Jul 23, 2005

When downloading files, any type files, just using IE's dialog, or using a Download Manager's dialog, Explorer's Save or Save As panels *will not* allow me to create a new folder on XPpro [current user's] desktop! I am allowed to save the file to the desktop, and of course, can then create a new folder directly on the desktop with the context menu, and etc. It will allow me to create a new folder anywhere else and save any type file being downloaded into that new folder.It simply will not allow me to create a new folder on the Desktop.Could this be some kind of registry alteration?

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Can't Save Download Anda Save

Mar 17, 2007

I noticed this problem like a week ago. I tried to download and save some vids, but the windows that says the percent of your download just freezes. I thought it was a problem with the vid, but now I see it's the computer.Whatever I try to dowload it's the same problem. What can it be? It was fine before.

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Printer Wont Print: Wont Take Pages To Print?

Sep 5, 2008

Printer wont print THE printer normally prints fine but now it wont print atall the usb cable is in and the printer wont take the paper it just sits there
CONTROL PANEL> PRINTERS> OPEN and it says its printing just fine but it isnt Its in the front usb hub and tried the rear it dont make any differnence. The printer is on and its got paper etc etc.

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Unable To Save Any Files Cannot Save Any Files In A Save As

Sep 4, 2006

my computer is unable to save any files at all. It cannot save files off the internet or save any files in a Save As.. format? Ive searched the internet for the last 2 weeks looking for some infomation on the problem but i cannot find anything?

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Stalling When Doing Save / Save As

Sep 16, 2009

My computer does this stalling when I do a Save, Save As. It stalls for about 20 sec. But when I do a Save or Save As out of Auto-Cad it stalls and then locks up completely. I've check all my network setting and they seem to be correct.

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Dialog Box That Says CoRegisterInitializeSpy

Aug 3, 2008

When I start my laptop, it gets to the log on screen and when I hit enter with my password I get the dialog box that says the procedure entry point CoRegisterInitializeSpy could not be located in the dynamic link library ole32.dll" and will not go any further.I have read several posts about this happening with Internet Explorer 7 but cannot find any information on not being able to start the operating system.

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Dialog Box Appear Whenever Open Program

Jun 23, 2005

Few days ago I happened to come across a free anti-spyware program and install it. However it appear to be too intrusive and slow down my system and a few hours later I uninstall it.After that whenever I boot my system, there are numerous "Run As" dialogue box appear. The contents of the dialogue box are as follows: Which user account do you want to use to run this program? When I click "OK" the program will then proceed to run and which I have to click quite a number of "Run As" dialogue box for all the background program to run. If not it will struck there until I click "OK".Not only that whenever I run any software program the "Run As" dialogue box will appear and I have to click "OK" in order for the program to run.Some of the programs are affected as it cannot run properly.

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Home Open With Dialog Box

Aug 1, 2007

After right clicking a file open with choose app.( to place a check mark in the box " always use the selected program to open this file" is greyed out? I cannot place a check mark here, so as to open with a set program, in this case, using (Open Office 2.2)Need some guidance. OS XP HOme SP2.

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Open Dialog Box Error

Sep 5, 2005

I do a newsletter for a group I belong to. I use MS Word. I have one member who cannot open the attachment. He says he gets the Dialog Box Open error.Can someone help me.I have researched as best I could, but all I can find is associtions. He needs to associate the Word attachment to MS Word or his word processor to open it. I think he has another program trying to open it at the same time.

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File Download Dialog Box Gone

Mar 15, 2007

OS: Win XP Pro Default Browser: Firefox When I click on a link to download, the dialog box does not appear. At some point in time I checked the box that says "Always perform this action ... yada/yada" (don't remember the exact words. It said I can change this setting any time by doing ?(don't remember). I do know I had the Save to disk box checked Now when I try to download, it automatically saves everything to desktop.

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Error Dialog On Login

Jul 18, 2005

Getting a popup the first time I login after a reboot of XP Pro SP2: Windows cannot find /idlist,:518:1864,'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. Tod search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search. I notice that it takes nearly a minute to complete my first login. During that time I get the welcome screen and the notice that my personal setting are being loaded. Shortly after (10 sec) I initiate the login, I hear an alert tone; I assume that is the popup described above.

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Explorer Dialog Does Not See The Short Cuts?

Dec 30, 2008

The short cuts on my HDD work when using the desktop to get through them, but upon opening any sort of Explorer dialog it does not see see the short cuts at all. Previously, when the problem first started, it(the Explorer dialog) would see them as a ".lnk" rather than treating them as a short cut, and taking me to the place specified. So, were I attaching a picture to an email, if said picture was in a folder that a short cut could lead me to, it would simply attach a "*.lnk" to the email rather than taking me to the folder where the pic resides.

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Customize Open Dialog Box / Look In Pane

Aug 3, 2005

When you click File, Open, in a Windows program like FrontPage, Word or Excel, you see 5 icons for My Recent Documents, Desktop, My Documents, My Computer, and My Network places. Is there a way to customize the Look in pane and remove or add any locations here? I would like to add the My Webs folder to this pane.

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Mystery Dialog Box When Logging Into Account

Feb 16, 2006

I encountered a weird problem while booting up my computer after being away for a month. When logging into any XP account (including administrator and additional new accounts with administrator access), I encounter a mystery dialog box which contains nothing other than "yes" and "no" buttons. This box pops up after the system accepts my password. I can tell all bootup processes are still happening in the background but if I press either yes or no buttons, the account logs off and I am back to the login screen. I would really appreciate it if anyone can tell me how to figure out what is launching the mystery dialog box or how to read the log file to find the problem point.

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Gets Dialog Box - Your System Recovered From A Serious Error

May 2, 2008

Quite frequently while I'm in the middle of typing an email in Gmail, my computer without warning restarts itself. When I log back in I get this dialog box that tells me the subject title and offers to send to the error report to Microsoft. I'm not the only one who has experienced that. So, what do you think is the problem and how can I stop the computer from arbitrarily restarting itself?

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