Error Dialog On Login

Jul 18, 2005

Getting a popup the first time I login after a reboot of XP Pro SP2: Windows cannot find /idlist,:518:1864,'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. Tod search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search. I notice that it takes nearly a minute to complete my first login. During that time I get the welcome screen and the notice that my personal setting are being loaded. Shortly after (10 sec) I initiate the login, I hear an alert tone; I assume that is the popup described above.

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Remove Network Login Dialog Box?

Dec 17, 2007

I have a Windows XP Pro computer at work. When I start the machine, I normally login to our work domain thru the "Ctrl+Alt+Del" login dialog. The company domain is selected by default or you can select the local computer. The company domain is controlled by a server running Small Business Server 2003.This computer is now going to be used at home for personnal use. How do I get rid of that "business" login and get back to the normal XP login? Normal XP login being the screen with the list of users and their associated icons.

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Open Dialog Box Error

Sep 5, 2005

I do a newsletter for a group I belong to. I use MS Word. I have one member who cannot open the attachment. He says he gets the Dialog Box Open error.Can someone help me.I have researched as best I could, but all I can find is associtions. He needs to associate the Word attachment to MS Word or his word processor to open it. I think he has another program trying to open it at the same time.

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Gets Dialog Box - Your System Recovered From A Serious Error

May 2, 2008

Quite frequently while I'm in the middle of typing an email in Gmail, my computer without warning restarts itself. When I log back in I get this dialog box that tells me the subject title and offers to send to the error report to Microsoft. I'm not the only one who has experienced that. So, what do you think is the problem and how can I stop the computer from arbitrarily restarting itself?

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Mpfservice.exe Error After Login

Aug 17, 2006

i have been getting a problem lately involving a an error,to see a picture of it here is the link I would get this error right after logging into windows and i dont know what to do about it.

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Error Message Appear Every Time When Login

Oct 27, 2007

I have provided two screenshot and here's the list i aware my system are cross-linked files. I have tried Seagate Disk Ulitity and Chkdsk to solve cross-linked files. I am aware that other partition has solved and enable me to resize but Windows XP parition wont allow me to resize because Windows XP has cross-linked.. And i want to dealt with this error, It has mad me enough.

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Won't Go Past Login Screen - Unspecified Error

Jan 17, 2005

When you start the computer it boots all the way to the login screen with all the users then you hear a clang from inside the computer then it restarts. It'll go into safe mode. I ran spybot and adaware from my thumb drive but they both couldn't fix all of the listed problems. Tried to do a disk check but it would stop due too "unspecified error". The hard drive is only a little over 6gigs with 15% free space(after cleanup from safe mode)Got it defraging now(gonna take all nite) Like I said this is an older machine as my g/f had one just like it and hers had windows 98 on it original. Not sure if my friend upgraded to xp or it she bought it like this. Says it was working fine up until a couple weeks ago.

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Error Message Pops Up On Login Dserve.exe

Oct 12, 2006

Dserve.exe error message pops up on login.

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Error On Login - Add Or Remove Programs List

Jun 9, 2007

Every time i login , i get the following error at the account selection screen ,
Since i don't know anything about softwares i click on OK everytime . After that as the desktop is loading , I get a send error report prompt saying that Firedaemon.exe has encountered some problem . So that means firedaemon is causing this error to pop up .But the thing is that i never installed firedaemon into my computer and i can't find it in Add or Remove programs list either .

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Login Error Admin Account Restriction - Tough One This

Jan 1, 2005

its my friends pc and spec is athlon xp2200,80gig hd, 512mb ram, xp home,4 login accounts,3 set as admin level. i'll be as through as i can with what has gone wrong and what i have done at each stage to correct it. i dont want to reinstall cos its my friends business pc with loads of data on, and yes he does not have a backup cos he dont do them.(he will know though) he installed corel draw 4 (bad news i know - old 16 bit app for win95) and then rebooted. he couldnt log in on his user as he got an error about "INVALID ACCESS TO MEMORY LOCATION". none of the other logins worked as they suddenuyl had passwords on them.

ok i took it off him and tried the login. safe mode admin didnt work as it had suddenly got a password on it. i also got some memory ref 0xc00000bb and same error message. obtained the password crack cd boot image from (website not allowed- boot disk site suggested by a mod on another forum post) and did a reboot. lots of the accounts where locked so i sorted that and reset all the passwords to blank.............

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Warning Message Error Code Login 0x10e0

Nov 16, 2008

I am using Windows XP SP 2. Every 20 minutes to a few hours i get this errorwarning message.... Error: (login): 0x10e0 The operator or administrator has refused the request What causes this message?

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Startup Shown Error Message And Unable To Login

Jul 24, 2007

My Dell Inspiron 510m laptop comes up with that message every time i startup the computer. I can't even log in so can't do anything about viruses. I really have no idead about what to do.

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MCE 2005 Error 0x80090006: Slows Down Takes Long To Get To The Login?

Jul 5, 2010

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 installed on it.When I try to boot it, it will load well until Windows is booted. Then, it slows down and takes a few minutes to get to the login screen (using the two textbox screen). Then, it takes a few minutes to load a message box with error 0x80090006, Windows can't authenticate. I cannot access safe mode. My friend does not have a repair disk, and I have an XP Home SP0 install disc (from an old computer). Is there a way to fix this issue?

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Error (login):0x10e0The Operator Or Administrator Has Refused The Request?

Nov 28, 2009

i want to know how to rectify the above shown orror notification in my windows xp dextop computer

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Error C:Windowsdsr.dll - Change Or Login With A Specific Desktop User Profile

Jan 27, 2006

I seem to get an error message C:Windowsdsr.dll when windows is running and I attempt to change or login with a specific desktop user profile. Does anyone have any thoughts? I also noticed that the virus software, althought up-to-date with subscription and definitions, was disabled. This is an additional backup work station at the office of my employment and is used by many different people. One of those individuals must have disabled Norton about 45 days ago.

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Administrator Login / Directly Login Into Admin Account

Sep 30, 2009

I bought a new system with XP OS. First time it is directly login into admin account.I created 2 more users on this system and created password for admin user.But when I switch on computer, It directly login into Admin user.Once I log off it is coming welcome screen and asking selecting user and Password.

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Getting Login Option At Startup: Unable To Get Auto Login?

Aug 25, 2007

i've installed my Win Xp Home using an nLite mastered image on which I selected my user to autologin on boot. Now I want to turn that off, and have the login screen at boot instead. Any hints on how I shall do it?

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Ctrl+Alt+Del - Login Banner Instead Of The Fast Switching Login

Jul 7, 2005

How do I change newly installed XP SP2 to give me the Ctrl-Alt-Del login banner instead of the Fast Switching login?

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Admin Login Versus Profile Login

Nov 29, 2008

What happened is I just installed a new Hard Drive and a fresh windows install (XP Pro with Service pack 3). After all was installed it logged into my account (Me) which was my account with Administrator privileges. I did a series of windows updates now when I turn my computer on it goes straight to the Administrator account and not my account (me). So I have to log off or switch accounts from Admin to Me. I just want it to login to Me all the time. So I am not smart enough to figure it out.

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Win Xp After Login Jumps Back To Login Prompt

Oct 15, 2010

Please help urgently as I am not able to login. After inputting my password it says loading user configuration and after that it again jumps back to login screen.

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Dialog Box That Says CoRegisterInitializeSpy

Aug 3, 2008

When I start my laptop, it gets to the log on screen and when I hit enter with my password I get the dialog box that says the procedure entry point CoRegisterInitializeSpy could not be located in the dynamic link library ole32.dll" and will not go any further.I have read several posts about this happening with Internet Explorer 7 but cannot find any information on not being able to start the operating system.

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Gets To Login Screen But After Login It Slows Down

Nov 21, 2006

I'm using Win XP sp2 and I usually leave my computer on 24/7. This morning I tried to open a file but it never opened. I went into the task manager to see if its even processing and it was there but the ccapp was taking all the cpu. So i tried to shutdown and restart. After that windows boots up to the login screen just fine but when i click on my account it take a long time to show my wallpaper. I can pull up task manager and the cpu isnt being used. the hdd is only accessed in little bursts. After a while the start menu pops up. any keyboard commands like to bring up win explorer takes a long time and all the commands pop up in a big burp of of command executions. I'm trying to reach system restore but cant. I'm not sure how to get into safemode with this system because just after post when f8 is usually used to bring up the menu the system opens a boot drive selection screen. During the RAM tests during post theres text stating press del to enter bios and f8 to enter boot drive selection so im not sure how to get to safemode now.

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Dialog Box Appear Whenever Open Program

Jun 23, 2005

Few days ago I happened to come across a free anti-spyware program and install it. However it appear to be too intrusive and slow down my system and a few hours later I uninstall it.After that whenever I boot my system, there are numerous "Run As" dialogue box appear. The contents of the dialogue box are as follows: Which user account do you want to use to run this program? When I click "OK" the program will then proceed to run and which I have to click quite a number of "Run As" dialogue box for all the background program to run. If not it will struck there until I click "OK".Not only that whenever I run any software program the "Run As" dialogue box will appear and I have to click "OK" in order for the program to run.Some of the programs are affected as it cannot run properly.

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Home Open With Dialog Box

Aug 1, 2007

After right clicking a file open with choose app.( to place a check mark in the box " always use the selected program to open this file" is greyed out? I cannot place a check mark here, so as to open with a set program, in this case, using (Open Office 2.2)Need some guidance. OS XP HOme SP2.

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Open / Save As Dialog Box

Apr 30, 2005

Running Windows XP SP2 and I have just noticed in the couple days, that whenever I use an open/save as dialog box (to open/save a song in from firefox, to send a file in messenger etc), all the files are getting listed and arranged by name in reverse order (z-a).They were always getting displayed by name in the right order, which I assume is the default, until recently.Any idea on how I could get it back that way? I know it is a minor issue, but it has really decreased the speed with which I look through my system.I've tried arranging the icons by name, but it never seems to save.

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Save As Dialog Box Hangs

Jul 27, 2005

In any applications, when I click save as, that box hangs for at least 35-40 seconds before I can tell it where to save the file. Exemple: In IE, if I download a file, I'll click save as, and wait 35-40 seconds before I get a response from the computer. I have tried just about anything I know to fix this without having to reformat. I have the same dehavior in messenger or any of the other programs I use. The problem seems to be with the open/save as dialog box. I run WinXp Pro, SP2. Does anybody have any clues on how to fix this bizzare problem of mine?

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Save Dialog Box Instead Of Print

May 19, 2009

Desktop - Windows XP SP3 - AMD Athlon 1800+1.53GHz - 640MB RAM (Built 2002)(Wife's Computer) - HP 3740 Printer.I have only just fixed this PC after a 6 month viral infection and now have full security (if there is such a thing) and all seems to be working fine except that whenever I try to print, I get the Save Dialog Box (prompting a '*.xls') instead of the Print Dialog Box. Naturally with all the Malware scans and fixes that have been done, the Registry has taken alot of messing about but should be clean now. However there is an entry which I cannot find any info for;
HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentversionRunlphc17aj0er6r.exe Supposedly residing in C:/Windows/System32 but I have been unable to find it there. As a temporary precaution I have renamed it's file extension. Does anyone know anything about this file and whether there may be a connection with the Save/Print problem.

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File Download Dialog Box Gone

Mar 15, 2007

OS: Win XP Pro Default Browser: Firefox When I click on a link to download, the dialog box does not appear. At some point in time I checked the box that says "Always perform this action ... yada/yada" (don't remember the exact words. It said I can change this setting any time by doing ?(don't remember). I do know I had the Save to disk box checked Now when I try to download, it automatically saves everything to desktop.

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Explorer Dialog Does Not See The Short Cuts?

Dec 30, 2008

The short cuts on my HDD work when using the desktop to get through them, but upon opening any sort of Explorer dialog it does not see see the short cuts at all. Previously, when the problem first started, it(the Explorer dialog) would see them as a ".lnk" rather than treating them as a short cut, and taking me to the place specified. So, were I attaching a picture to an email, if said picture was in a folder that a short cut could lead me to, it would simply attach a "*.lnk" to the email rather than taking me to the folder where the pic resides.

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Customize Open Dialog Box / Look In Pane

Aug 3, 2005

When you click File, Open, in a Windows program like FrontPage, Word or Excel, you see 5 icons for My Recent Documents, Desktop, My Documents, My Computer, and My Network places. Is there a way to customize the Look in pane and remove or add any locations here? I would like to add the My Webs folder to this pane.

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Mystery Dialog Box When Logging Into Account

Feb 16, 2006

I encountered a weird problem while booting up my computer after being away for a month. When logging into any XP account (including administrator and additional new accounts with administrator access), I encounter a mystery dialog box which contains nothing other than "yes" and "no" buttons. This box pops up after the system accepts my password. I can tell all bootup processes are still happening in the background but if I press either yes or no buttons, the account logs off and I am back to the login screen. I would really appreciate it if anyone can tell me how to figure out what is launching the mystery dialog box or how to read the log file to find the problem point.

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