SATA Port Order Desktop

May 10, 2009

I'm in the final stage of building my WinXP Pro SP3 Desktop [Abit IP35 Pro MB, Intel E6600, 4 GB G. SKILL DDR2 RAM, 2 Seagate SATA II HD (500 GB & 1000 GB), SATA DVD-RW/BDROM, etc.]. Originally I had planned on using an U320 SCSI HD for System drive but gave up due to setup difficulties. Instead, I've installed a Western Digital Caviar Black, 640 GB HD that will become the System drive. This leads to my question: Is SATA port ordering important to device performance, i.e., should the WD HD be connected to Port 1? The MB has 6 SATA ports. Note also that: 1)

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Set Order Items Start Computer - Pop Area Different Order?

Aug 25, 2008

Just wondering?? Is there a way to set the order in which items start when I start my computer. The items in the notification tray are what I am talking about. Is it possable to get things to pop into that area in a different order?

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Changing The Port In Remote Desktop Connection?

Sep 11, 2005

Hello is there a way i can change the port of the remotedesktop connection?

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Finding The Port Remote Desktop Connection?

May 18, 2007

how do I find the port of a computer to set the ip address for remote desktop connection? we have many work stations that share the same IP, but we just added a station and I can't figure out how to get the four digit port number

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Changing Listening Port On Remote Desktop

Aug 12, 2002

You can use the Remote Desktop feature in Windows XP Professional to connect to your computer from another, remote computer. WARNING: The Remote Assistance feature in Windows XP may not work properly if you change the listening port.the Edit menu, click Modify, click Decimal, type the new port number, and then click OK. Quit Registry Editor.NOTE: When you try to connect to this computer by using the Remote Desktop connection, you must type the new port.Update: I forgot to inform you that you need to add this to the default.rdp file for the XP terminal client Add this line anywhere in the file. server port:i:your port numberie server port:i:21

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PC Is Showing The Ethernet Port As A 1394 Port

Oct 17, 2007

I have a laptop that is showing the Ethernet port as a 1394 port. How do I get it to recognize the Ethernet port correctly ?

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Promise SATA 300 (SATA IO) PCI Controller On SATA 150

Aug 2, 2005

I was wondering if it makes any sense to buy and install a SATA 300 controller to work with two WD SATA 300 drives. I kind of doubt I will achieve 300mb buffer to host transfers with only SATA 150 motherboard.

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IIS Port: Change The IIS Port From Port 80 To 81?

Apr 29, 2006

is there a way to change the IIS port from port 80 to 81 or something?

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Order Of OS

Aug 18, 2006

What are the order of Windows Operating Systems after 98SE?

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Print In Order

Dec 27, 2004

On my old coputer I could print documents so they came out with the first page on top. I ca not find how to make that happen on my new computer with XP.

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Name Resolution Order

May 27, 2005

Can any one let me know how to change the Name Resolution order in Windows NT4 please?

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Best Partition Order?

May 3, 2006

I want to split my existing Windows partition into three partitions:

1. Windows system + apps

2. Personal data

3. Swap file

My question is, is that the best order for them? Or should I keep the swapfile partition next to the system partition?I've heard some people say the swap partition should go on the outside of the disk, because it's the part that turns the fastest (so it has faster reads/writes). Or is that an urban legend?

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Order Of Startup?

May 4, 2006

How do I set the order of startup with the modules that load on the right side of desktop next to the clock? I would like to control in what order thoese modules load on the desktop when a user logs in.

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Order Of Drives

Sep 15, 2007

My laptop came with one harddisk and a DVD drive. These were initially C and D drives.I later used a partition software and made 3 partitions out of my single harddisk. I meant to have these as C: (original drive), D:, and E: Drives. How can I change the oder/visible sequence of drives as per my requirements?

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WinPro SP2 Boot Order

Apr 23, 2006

I recently added a 300 GB external USB2 hard drive to serve as a backup and general storage repository. Before connecting the drive, the system was booted. Once connected, the drive functioned flawlessly. However, after system shutdown the next boot failed with "no boot disk found," which was easily traced to the external drive.

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Switching Order Of Controllers In XP

Sep 10, 2005

I had a Thrustmaster Dual Power 4 game pad, and bought a Logitech Rumblepad later. I like the Rumblepad better, and want to consider it my "first string" controller. But if I go into say, Nba Live 2005, and go to choose controllers, no matter what I do, the thrustmaster is on the top of the list, and the logitech is on the bottom. All the old posts talk about choosing Preferred device in the control panel. By running DxDiag, I can see that setting something as the Preferred Device assigns it Controller ID 0. But I also see that the order of the Controllers, as recognized by most games, is the same as the order listed in the game controller control panel, and is completely unrelated to which device is "controller id 0" and "preferred device." For example, I set the logitech as preferred device, and plugged in the thrustmaster and also a gamepad pro.

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Reverse Alphabetical Order

Aug 16, 2005

When i go to open or save a file, the windows always return to reverse alphabetical order, how can i change this default back to alphabetical order?

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Viewing In Alphabetical Order

Jul 17, 2005

I like to think I know my way around a pc but XP has humbled me.By humbled I mean been driven INSANE. I have 2 big problems that I just can't seem to figure out how to fix/why it happens and one little problem. Any help is greatly appreciated. If you need screenshots, blood, whatever, let me know and I'll give it if it gets me down the path to fixing these maddening problems.

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Install - Order Of Updates?

Sep 18, 2007

The hard drive on my five-year old Dell crashed and I will be re-installing the OS on a new hard drive. Of course, my original disk is a Service Pack 1. what order I should be downloading the Microsoft updates? Should I install Service Pack 2 first?

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Copy Shortcuts In Order To Run From Run

May 13, 2010

In windows xp how can i make applications run straight from the start -> run for example when i hit start - run and writing Nero it runs me automatically nero express how can i add personal shortcuts or to which directory should i copy the files in order that i should just write the name of the app and it will run straight 4 example if i'll write "skype" it will automatically open skype 10x always.

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Order SP3 CDs For Small Cost

May 10, 2008

If you're like me have only dial-up or limited www access, order the CDs from MS.

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Change Order In Startup

Jul 15, 2005

There are numerous applications such as McAfee, etc. and other McAfee components in the startup, my question is, can you change their order in startup and therefore control which ones activate first to last? And by doing this can or would you be able to improve any amount of the startup performance?

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Help On Favorites Listing Order

Dec 21, 2004

I have always been able to "drag" sites I have in my favorites list to a position I wanted them, regardless of their name or ABC order or whether or not they were folders or individual sites, but all of a suuden my 98 system lists them in ABC order with the folders first and the individual sites following and I can't change it where they will stay where I move them to. Does anyone know what has happened or tell me where to go to change the setting to get this corrected? Seems like more view this XP forum than the 98 forim so I entered it in both.

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File Order When Writing To CD

Jan 21, 2005

I use COMPUPIC imaging software which allows me to create a slide show where I can change the order of the individual JPEG files in a directory. I can then copy these files into a new directory from within COMPUPIC and it retains the new ordering, not the original alphabetic ordering. So far everything is great. However when I then try to copy these files to a CD they are reordered alphabeticaly. I'm using Windows XP and Roxia CD Creator 5 Basic. This is a problem since I would like to use the reordered file on my CD player to create a slide show in the order I specified in my Compupic imaging software.

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Cant Change Boot Order

Nov 7, 2008

fitted a new hard drive due to virus and want to reinstall windows but went into bios to change boot order but it wont let me it has enter in red alongside all i can do is press it it wont let me go anywhere else.

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Sort Out In Alphabetical Order

Mar 22, 2008

I'm looking for a way to sort out a list of stuff into alphabetical order.The list is in notepad, but i could put it in RTF if that would help.Or into wordpad.

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Boot-up Sound Has Changed Order

May 11, 2010

Before my latest power supply, when my computer booted, it would show the Welcome screen, then play the boot-up sound, then load the desktop. Now there is no boot sound cue until after the desktop loads. Is this something to be concerned about?

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Screen Where You Can Change The Boot Order

Oct 26, 2007

I am receiving the error message about missing or corrupt file and have seen many "fixes" posted on the web. But my trouble is a little different. I have the XP install DVD and when I put it in the computer and start it up it doesn't do anything different, i have tried to change the boot setup (F12 i think upon startup) and try to prioritize it to the number one spot, but it doesn't save the change (although it does look like the drive light is on during startup. I can't boot it up in Safe Mode or any of the options that appear on that screen. Everything I try takes me back to the black screen that says something along the lines of insert the original install disk and press R to go to the restore menu. I cant' get the thing to boot from the DVD. To note - on the screen where you can change the boot order, it doesn't say DVD drive it says CD but the drive came with the computer.

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Get Rid Of Old Operating System In Order To Install A New One?

May 22, 2005

my friend has a gateway with operating system 2000..he is a complete novice and messed up his system..No virus protection.Basicly about all he can do is email and send cards..99% of the sites that he wants he's unable to get...My question is : Is it possible to get rid of his system and install a newer one and start from fresh? Thank you very much.

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Wrong Alphabetical Order For Non-English Characters

Oct 25, 2007

I found that my XP (English version) is not able to put non-English characters in correct order, so that my Thai dictionary doesn't work properly.Here are some details.In Thai language, some vowels are on the left side of consonant, but when ordering those words with vowels on the left side, we don't consider the vowel is the first character, but XP does. I need to introduce 3 Thai characters in order to illustrate this problem more the first consonant in Thai language, ข is the second, ไ is a vowel which is on the left side of consonant, such as ไก and ไข. Now we put these 2 consonants and 2 words in proper order,In the shop where I bought that dictionary, it works pretty well, but I didn't notice what system is was.

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Sort Start Menu In Alphabetical Order

Aug 12, 2002

When you move programs around in your WindowsXP start menu, the OS will stop arranging it when you add new software. This happens when you move items from your user start menu to the all users start menu. Here is the fix:1. Open regedit (Start -> Run. Type regedit)2. Navigate to Remove the order key by right clicking and going to delete.4. Log out then back in.I wish they would include a feature that was in Windows 2000 that let you resort the start menu!

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