Restart Computer - Splash - Fixboot

Jun 24, 2005

XP gets to the Windows XP splash screen and reboots. I tried to start it in
safe mode and it reboots. I did a fixboot, fixmbr. Still reboots. Any ideas?

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BSOD After Startup Splash Screen, Restart

Jun 15, 2008

Put the machine in standby. Came back to it, hit the power button and it wouldn't wake up completely, it stopped at the background, would load icons or respond to any keys or buttons. Pressed and held power until it shut down.When it tries to startup, it gets to the part where its a black screen and says Windows loading, with the scrolling load bar. After that I get the blue screen with the message below.Same result when trying to load using safe mode except the BSOD flashes quicker and is gone.Is there any way to get beyond this point, or is a repair from the Windows CD the only or best solution? I have backups of my most important data with Carbonite, so I'm not too afraid of losing data, but re-loading everything I have installed would be a major kick in the bits.

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Hal.dll Missing Or Corrupt - Tried A Fixboot

Oct 9, 2005

This is not your typical Hal.dll file is missing or corrupt. I've tried all the fixes, and am getting nowhere. This is a Windows XP Pro install.I tried chkdsk /R in the Windows XP Recovery Console first, and while it did complete, it reported that "the disk contains one or more unrecoverable problems." I also should note that Recovery Console did not ask me to identify the windows install, nor did it ask me to enter the Administrator password.Next, I tried bootcfg /rebuild and got "Error: failed to successfully scan disks for windows installations. This error may be caused by a corrut file system, which could prevent bootcfg from scanning.Use chkdsk to detact any errors."

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Fixboot Command Doesnot Sort Out The Partition

Sep 21, 2008

After a catalogue of other mistakes and errors, I've found myself in the following situation which I'm hoping one of you might be able to help with... I somehow managed to mess up my partitions so that when I used the Windows XP boot CD, it seemed to think there were two partitions, one which was unpartitioned space and another which was available. The unpartitioned space was actually my main XP partition with my current windows installation and all my files on it etc.

So - and this may have been a very silly thing to do - I went into recovery console and issued a 'fixboot' command. It succesfully did the fixboot, but then it didn't sort out my partitions. Now when I try to boot my computer, it keeps giving me the NTLDR Missing message.

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Computer Splash Screen Every Time

Dec 8, 2004

Why on the XP splash screen does it not say professional after you update to SP2? It always used to say Professional?

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Computer Screen Splash And Beeps

Jul 26, 2005

I switch on my PC, it starts ok till the Windows Welcome screen. I hear the XP intro music then there's a 3 second pause, then a short beep, another 3 second pause, then another short beep, and then another 3 second pause followed by another short beep. Then the PC continues on to the desktop, and it seemingly runs ok. I regularly run Adaware, Spybot, Spyware blaster, CWShredder, and Microsoft Antispyware. everything comes up fine. I have PC-cillin 2005 on my system and that is checked regularly. Now I don't know if this is a coincidence or just what, but when I first heard the beeps, I thought to do a system restore back a month or so, but the system restore had been turned off. Now I know that I didn't do it, and no one else uses my system, so I don't know if that has anything to do with the beep problem.

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Computer Stalled At Splash Screen

Feb 22, 2007

I know I have seen this talked about but I cannot find a resolution. I have a new HP Pavilion desktop PC that has Media Center 2005 installed with all updates from Microsoft. It has the following hardware, etc:I recently had to replace the internal Media Card Reader as it had failed. Last night I tried to start it up and it kept hanging at the Windows XP splash screen with the blue bar scrolling left to right. It just stayed there and would not go further. I then booted up to Windows XP install CD and entered the Recovery Console to start CHKDSK /R which it completed successfully. However that did not solve anything. I have read that Windows is loading drivers, etc. under this splash screen and it more than likely is trying to resolve an issue with one of those.

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Computer Will Not Move Past Blue Splash Screen

May 1, 2005

A friend of mine has a year old computer 2.4ghz running XP Pro.Recently the computer had gotten slower and slower and had lots of Popups. Sypbot found 127 bogus things going on.It could not clear all of them.We went into control panel and removed programs and took out a bunch of things that were not operating related programs.Computer was rebooted multiple times. Finally the computer just hangs when it gets to the blue XP screen, and will sit there for hours until rebooted.I have tried ever mode of Safe Mode to boot and I get the same blue XP screen. The mouse can still be moved around.I cannot boot from the CD rom with the XP disks and do not have bootable floppies. I cannot get into the setup screen to change the order of boot.Since this computer was a gift to the person, we do not know the administrator password.

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Fixboot Changed NTFS To FAT / Windows Wont Recognize Ntfs Partition?

Jun 4, 2006

Windows Xp does not recognize the NTFS partition. Any ideas on how to get at the files?

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Computer A Mess - Viruses - Restart Computer

Aug 30, 2005

I have windows me I have cable hook up my computer is so slow I don't even know where to start. I have norton anti viru when I turn my computer on it takes forever to start up.I always have to get repair for my Internet connection to work right. When I open outlook express and get my e-mail everything is ok then but when I close I get and error message from msn if this keeps happening restart your computer I don't ever want to restart takes forever to come up. I do have my connection with insight to come on when I start my computer should I stop that and connect after I turn on my computer. And also I keep getting norton stopping tnall4c something like that why does this keep coming on my computer.

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Computer Restart Itself?

May 4, 2006

I had SP1 in my laptop. So, I updated to SP2 and now XP loading screen shows up and 10 seconds later it goes blank. The machine then proceeds to reboot itself. Also, safe mode does not work.

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Computer Restart Constantly

Dec 30, 2006

My computer is restarting constantly. I tried sunning my virus software and it doesnt even work now. i tried and online scanner but it restarted when it started scanning. Now you guys are my last hope T-T.

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Random Computer Restart

May 20, 2005

My computer restarts at random times: Sometimes when I'm playing a game, sometimes when I'm surfing the web, and sometimes right when it has been previously restarted. I haven't a clue what the problem could be.

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Computer Won't Shutdown Or Restart

Sep 18, 2007

my computer it won't shut down or restart i have verizon and it comes wit a internet security suite and it has a anitvirus on it. i wouldn't update so i uninstalled it and installed it again but when its done it says u need to restart the computer so the programs can work rite but the cmputer won't restart it jus stays there and when i hit shutdown it jus stays there too. its like my computer won't shutdown or restart when i want it to.

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Restart Computer After Reinstallation

Oct 2, 2002

I run on Windows 2000 professional.Intermittently my computer on its own will restart. The only consistency is that I am online using broadband.For a completely different reason I just reinstalled Windows 2000.

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Computer Automatic Restart

Feb 19, 2004

My computer keeps restarting after me being on it for around 5 mintues, sometimes less, sometimes I can go for about 30 minutes before it restarts. I have tried my virus scan and adaware but it will not go through because it restarts constantly. It was missing some file I can not remember what it was. Also the last time it restarted I got these errors. Error Loading Language Resource DLL (na EvtRes.dll) and Runtime Error

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Computer Restart Randomly

Dec 26, 2007

We have XP running on an AOpen model computer. It's an Intel Pentium 4 with 1 GB of RAM and a Radeon X700 series video card. We've been having some trouble these past few days with the computer just randomly restarting for no reason. At first my father was having the trouble, but I didn't believe him. So I decided to sit down a little while ago to confirm what he told me.He initially told me the restart happened as he was burning a CD, but then after a restart he burnt like four of them in a row with no difficulty. So then he said it has occured while playing music. So I tested it out, played a song on Windows Media Player, and then tried to play a second one. Boom, instant restart.Now, as I said I was looking elsewhere. I do have the "auto restart" thing disabled, and I do not get a blue screen of death. As for cleaning the computer? Way ahead of you on that one. Prior to me sitting down to test the music thing, I unplugged everything in my computer and opened it up.

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Does Not Start Computer / Restart Every Time

Jan 19, 2009

when i turn my computer on it goes to windows loading and the computer restart and try to do last nkwn configuration but dint work i try to go safe mode and do system restore i did but nothing work any one help me with diz matter i have important files on my computer thanks alot

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MCE 2005 - Computer Shut Off And Restart Itself

Mar 17, 2006

it will shut off and restart itself. He claims that this has been happening close to when he received it. We had no real proof of it restarting until last night when he was actually using it and it restarted before his eyes. He is running Windows XP MCE 2005.

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Restart Computer - Getting Blue Screen

Dec 2, 2006

I am getting a blue screen when I start my computer and as well as the error message in the title I get the below:*** STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0xFEB74D0, 0xF7B11FC8, OxF7B11CC4

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Cannot Open Any Program And Computer Will Not Restart

Oct 30, 2006

I'm using Windows XP Sp2 and when I restarted my computer I could not open up any program even windows programs like control panal or even solitaire. The hour glass just shows up on the screen and then goes away without anything opening. I tried a system restore by my computer will not let me restart except a hard restart and then the System restore errors out because of the hard restart. Im not sure if this is a windows problem or a virus problem. I have stopzilla and spy bot as well as adaware.

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Computer Takes 5 Minutes To Restart

Feb 16, 2005

When I do a restart it takes 5 minutes.I have cleaned the reg. all temp files and defraged the hard drive.

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Restart Pc - Change All Icons In My Computer

May 10, 2007

why everytime i restart pc i have to change all my icons in My Computer etc from Tiles To Icons. Is there a save somewhere to keep everything on Icons.

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Installed SP3 - Computer Wont Restart

Nov 21, 2008

So, i installed SP3 on my computer and it starts to start up fine. . . then BAM Blue Screen flickers for like a second and then the reboot process starts all over and over again. When i hit F8 and tyr and get into safe load the safe mode stuff..and then RESTARTS again! i cant even get into SAFE MODE! i really don't want to have to reformat

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Restart Computer / Can No Longer Log In As User

Feb 1, 2008

I log onto the computer as the administrator, lmadmin (Local Machine Administrator)I add a user to the computer.When i log out, i can log back in as this user.But when i restart the computer, i can no longer log in as this user, and when i log back into lmadmin, the user i created is gone.This has been bothering me for weeks..what's the problem?

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Computer Restart After Select Any Mode

Jun 26, 2005

Turn on my computer, it takes me to a screen which gives me a number of options like safe mode and start windows normally and a time limit of about 27-30 seconds. Whenever I choose something, whether it be safe mode or to start windows normally, my computer decides to just restart and the whole process repeats over and over again. Does anyone know what the problem is? I've tried connecting and reconnecting the computer, checking for loose wires and even keeping the computer off for a couple of days, nothing seems to work.

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Computer Restart - Getting Blue Screen

May 3, 2006

Whenever I try to run a game or put something on full screen I either get the blue screen or my computer restarts. I recently reinstalled windows and it's only been happening after I installed a few drivers and I have no idea what could have cause the problem. I've tried system restore but I get an error message saying that my system couldn't be restored.

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Defender - Manually Restart Computer

Jan 26, 2007

I installed windows defender about 6 months ago and recently it stopped running.I keep getting an alert message ; APPLICATION FAILED TO INITIALISEOX800106BA A PROBLEM HAS FORCED IT TO STOPIt instructs to restart computer or search help and support to start manuallyI can not find how to manually restart it

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Computer Crash And Restart Automatically

Jun 17, 2007

My computer crashes and restarts. it will automatically restart itself after around five to fifteen minutes of usage.I think it might be a video card setting or driver problem. ran devmgmt.msc and there is an unknown device under imaging devices.

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Restart Computer After Install Program

Feb 23, 2006

When i install any program into my computer, it restarts for no reason. Anyone know how to fix it???

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Pressing Restart Option Twice For Making System Restart?

Sep 24, 2009

All of a sudden, in the last couple of days, I find that I have to go through my Start>Turn off Computer > Restart twice in order for the computer to restart. Unfortunately, I've made a LOT of changes in the past few days (new programs, a system restore, windows registry cleanup, startup configuration changes, etc.) so I have no idea what caused this.

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