Rename Folders In My Documents

Mar 28, 2006

As of yesterday, I am no longer able to rename subfolders within the My Documents Folder. As suggested here I have tried right-click, and F2 but no luck. Ran Ad-Aware and SpyBot and system is free of spyware. The option is not available using the File menu. I know have been able to do this in the past using the above methods because I still see the folders I have created using right-click. When I select File>New, I can add a "new folder" but I cannot rename it. Any ideas and why is this happening all of sudden?

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Rename A Group Of Files Or Folders (Batch Rename)

Jun 22, 2003

To rename a group of files or folders in WinXP, open the explorer folder that contains the files and do the following:
(be careful not to include any critical windows system files or folders when applying this technique.  back up with system restore first if you're not sure.  also, it only makes sense to apply it to files of the same type.)
1. Highlight the files and/or folders to be renamed (remember to hold down the CTRL key to select non-adjacent files); or hold  CTRL-A to select all the files and folders in a given folder
2.  Let the mouse hover over the file that you wish to be the first in the series

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Un Able To Open , Delete , Rename User Folder In My Documents

Dec 24, 2005

To begin with. My Hal.dl file ended up missing, so I got an error and had to reinstall windows, bla bla bla bla. i didn't lose all my data, and just reinstalled windows. I had to reinstall all my programs again, and everything went swell, untill I hit one problem. I had a ton of data (over 15 GB of pictures/music, etc) on my desktop. Since it was on my desktop, I now have my previous user folder in my documents, and I am un able to open it, delete it, rename it, etc. I know that the data is still there because when I check how much of my drive is taken up, it is obvious. (22.2 GB DOES NOT just disapear

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Unable To Delete Or Remove And Rename Files And Folders?

Jun 17, 2005

Using XP SP2 and I can not move, rename or delete any folders.For example - I create a New Folder and try to rename it - it stays as New Folder. I try to move ANY folder and it does not move - stays where it is. Even when copying contents of a USB stick - folders will not move, be renamed or deleted. I CAN however, move files and rename and delete files - just not ANY folder!I can delete the folders from the command prompt though.

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Merging Folders - My Documents

Mar 22, 2007

I use Windows XP and I'm the only person who uses this computer and, therefore, only 1 user profile. But there are still 12 different links all over the computer to the various My Document folders and Owner/Nathan(my user name)/Shared/All Users folders and even some folders that change names based on their moods.So, is there any way to get rid of the excessive links and make it so there is only 1 set of folders located in something like c:/My Documents?

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Names Of Folders And Files In My Documents Are Gone

Aug 31, 2007

the other day i was working in My Documents in Windows XP when the page suddenly clicked off. no big deal, but when i brought My Documents back up, all the names below each and every folder & file were gone!!! All other files in all other folders are fine, the problem is only in My Documents in Thumbnail vewing form. how do i get the names of my folders and files back? i tried to attach a picture of what my screen looks like now.

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Folders Deleted In Documents And Settings?

Jul 4, 2005

What folders in Documents and settings can be deleted if there is only one user and that use has administrative privileges.

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Multiple My Documents Folders-safely Delete Others?

Aug 13, 2005

I have built an new xp pro machine and upon first boot up, it created (among others) a My Documents folder. Then when I used the Files and Settings Transfer wizard, it moved my old My Documents folder from the old machine to the new one. Problem is, they have different names. I expect if I'd named them identically, there wouldn't be two of them. Each file I try to save defaults to the one from the old machine. My question is, can I safely
delete the other?

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My Documents Folders - SettingsJay Between Mobile Devices

Jul 28, 2005

Just getting around to asking this I have a few 'My Document' folders' listed in Explorer. Under Desktop Under Documents & SettingsJay Between Mobile Devices and My Network Places They appear identical. Why do I need all these?

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User Folders In Documents And Settings Are Disappeared?

Dec 28, 2004

I had a registry problem, in that when I booted up my laptop, it said a hive file for the SOFTWARE key was damaged. I fixed this by going into recovery console and restoring the registry backup. So now Windows starts again and everything is good. All of my files are still in tact. However, my settings are all gone. Even though my files are on the hard drive, the appearance of everything is as if Windows has just been installed. In Documents and Settings, the reason is revealed.

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Save The Icon Order Of Music Folders In Documents

Apr 11, 2010

I have one question. Is it possible to save the order of my music folders (and files!) in My Music folder. What I mean is that I'm going to transfer all of my music (55 GB) on external HDD and then back to freshly installed Windows 7. And what I would like is that my order of folder is sorted as I did it in Win XP, and NOT by alphabetical order or something else. I have really huge collection and organizing it like it is now would be a nightmare. I do not want music to be sorted like: ATB, Coldplay, Linkin Park, Trance; but in my order (like Coldplay, Linkin Park, ATB, Trance). I wonder if thumbs.db hidden file has to do something with order of the icons (I guess not ) So is it possible or not?

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Access My Documents Folders Form Older Hard Drive - Won't Boot

Sep 16, 2005

I am trying to access the My Documents folders form an older hard drive that is no good (something is corrupted within Windows and the machine won't boot). I am going to replace the hard drive, it's time for that anyway. I have the old hard drive connected to another computer as a second drive. I can see the file structure on the drive, but I can't see the files and folders in My Documents for my old profile. How can I access those files adn copy them to the good drive?

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"My Documents" Directory Grows Folders All By Itself?

May 25, 2009

My "My Documents" directory grows folders all by itself. I don't store my stuff there and like to keep it empty for quicker access to my Windows Explorer aka File Manager. About once or twice a week I find a "My Music" or "My Pictures" has appeared there and I need to delete them. No big deal but I really hate evidence of M$ pushing its help upon me when I've indicated otherwise.

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Renaming My Documents Folder: Immediately Reverts Back To Username's Documents?

Jun 22, 2005

I have a user's My Documents folder redirected to a share on our domain controller. The name of this user's My Documents folder is username's Documents. Whenever I try to change this to My Documents, it immediately reverts back to username's Documents.However, if I open a command window and say dir, I see My Documents which is what I would expect.

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Redirect My Documents: Change The Path That The Explorer My Documents Use?

Jul 20, 2005

I keep my docs and importante files on a hard drive separate from my C: hard drive where I have XP Pro SP2 installed. On my second hard drive (E I have a folder called My Documents. I know that the normal My Documents link in explorer is some kind of dynamic link because it points to Document and Settings user My it possible to change the path that the explorer My Documents use to point somewehre different than the Docs and Settings path.

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Deleting Shared Documents Folder W/o Removing My Documents

Apr 17, 2008

I want to remove the shared documents folder from everywhere but I want to keep the my documents folder in my computer.i am using winxp sp2.

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Classic Start Menu - How Under Documents Can View MY Documents

May 20, 2005

Im using XP and the classic start menu. I like how under documents I can view my documents but I dont like how it shows recently used documents. How can I make it so that it does not show this.

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Target Folder Location - Shared Documents - Pc1's Documents

Jul 27, 2007

im using winXP i go to desktop and double click "My Computer" in my computer i see:
Shared Documents pc1's Documents (Local Disk C:) (Local Disk D:) i have already manage to change the target folder location of "My Documents" (c:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) --> (d:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) now the problem is; i want to change the target folder location of "Shared Documents" from(c:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments) (d:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments)

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Can Not Rename Folder

Sep 13, 2005

when I bought my Laptop,right at the beginning I dit a mistake,my keyboard was in arabic,then I could change to french/english.So in C/downloads and settings there are a vew folders,like :cookies,desktop,favorites,my documents,start menu,windows NTUSER and also a folder whiche I named by mystake at the beginning in arabig. This causes me a problem now and I want to rename it. But I can't I thing I have to do this in the register, please tell me how and what to do step by step, I am a beginner.

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How To Convert Works Documents To Word Documents

Jul 18, 2006

has a Works name and address list that needs to be converted to MS Word name and address list. And he needs to print labels from the Word list. how to convert the Works data to Word data.

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All Users Display As My Documents Rather Than User Documents

Aug 30, 2005

All the 'My Documents' folders for all users display as 'My Documents' rather than '<User> Documents' in My Computer, so it is hard to distinguish between them. Is there anyway to change them so only the current user's are displayed as 'My Documents?

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How To Rename Admin Account On Pc

May 23, 2010

how to rename my admin account on my pc

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Won't Allow To Rename System Folder

Jul 24, 2008

One of my computers is a Compaq desktop running Windows XP Home SP2. The My Documents folder is located at C:Documents and SettingsCompaq_AdministratorMy Documents. I want to rename the Compaq_Administrator folder but when I try Windows tells me that it is a Windows system folder and that it can't be renamed.The reason that I want to rename it is that I just installed Network Magic to make it a little easier for my family to navigate the home network. When I share folders, they come up with the family friendly names that I had setup for each computer along with the folders that are shared. Folders such as Documents, Music, etc. The folders that are shared by the Compaq computer come up as Compaq_Administrator Documents, etc.That computer's name and user logon are family friendly to match the theme that I have used for all of my computers. Is there some way to rename that folder even though Windows doesn't seem to want me to?

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Folder Won't Rename Or Delete

Sep 10, 2008

I'm trying to rename or delete a folder but there is no options for the folder.Ok the problem I am having is I can't delete or rename the folder..... 'S Documents this folder is empty. I think I used a trick on u-tube to hide the name and I cant find iThe trick. This folder shows up as a My Document folder in dos. and says acesss denied. It may be a duplicate or used in the same way. Posibly it a folder used by windows

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Rename Your Old User Folder

Oct 16, 2008

Quote:Originally Posted by TheOutcaste Welcome to TSG!When you did the recovery, it apparently didn't rename your old User Folder (HP Administrator in this case). So when Windows was being re-installed, as a folder named HP Administrator already existed, it created a new one named HP Administrator.ComputerName.Just move the stuff you want from the old HP Administrator folder to the new HP Administrator.ComputerName folder. Mostly just move stuff from My Documents (may be called HP Administrators Documents), Favorites (Internet Explorer), Desktop (files that were on the old Desktop, best not to move shortcuts though).If you use Firefox, your old profile and bookmarks will be here:C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles andomname.default
The profile under Administrator.ComputerName will have a different randomname.default folder, so you can't just copy the folder. You can copy the contents of this folder to your new profile folder, overwriting the current profile,

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Cannot Rename Networked Printer

Dec 15, 2008

We have several printers located in various rooms and connected to various computers. I would like to rename the networked printers so that the computer they are attached to is the first part of the name. Presently, the computer is the last part of the printer's name.

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Cant Rename Or Delete File

Nov 11, 2008

I have a spare drive where I keep all my music. When I open that folder and right click on a song to rename or delete the folder, it just shuts down and takes me right back to desktop.Normally when you right click on a song you get all kinds of options like scan with antivirus,create shortcut,rename,delete and so on.

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Easily Rename Recycle Bin

Aug 12, 2002

If you (like me) would like to be able to rename the Recycle Bin to something else (Trash, Waste, Shredder, etc) then this tweak will make it easy to do so. Now save this text file as a .reg file, such as "Rename Recycle Bin.reg" and put it wherever you like. Double click on the file, and when it asks you if you want to import it into the registry, choose Yes. You'll notice a new option in the right-click menu to Rename the Recycle Bin. You can also rename it by highlighing the Bin and hitting F2, or by highlighting it and clicking on the file name (just like renaming any other file.If you want to turn off this new feature, make another .reg file with the same content as above, but change the first number in the "Attributes"=hex: line from 50 to 40 and import that file into the registry.

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How Do I Randomly Rename Many Files?

Feb 13, 2007

For this question, I have about 7217 files that each have strange filenames. For this, how can I rename all files at once, with each file with its own random name?(Preferably a random string of numbers.) How can I do this so I don't have to manually edit each file?

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Use Command Line To Rename Many Files At Once?

Jun 8, 2005

I've got a very specific task in mind: I'm creating a CD full of mp3's which will play on my portable cd player. BUT: for it to 'see' the mp3s, all the file names have to be preceded by 3 digit track numbers, i.e. 001, 002, NOT 1, 2, or 01, 02.

Rather than re-label 'em all by hand, I'd like to use the rename utility. The only problem is that the rename utility doesn't 'add' the zeroes in front, it 'overlays' the zeroes over the existing label, so I get a bunch of files all numbered '00'.

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Is It Safe To Rename Removable Drives?

Dec 22, 2007

See attached screen shot. The drives: E, F, G, H, are all parts of my multi-card reader. One is for MemoryStick, another is SD Cards, CompactFlash, etc. Would it be alright to rename these to something more recognizable at a glance? (for example, rename "Removable Disk (H)" to "SD Card") Or will it somehow mess up the way the drives read the cards?

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