Reformatted System Comes Up Setup Screen At Every Boot?

Jan 16, 2007

ive reformatted my hard drive once or twice before but this time after it has copied all the system files to the computer and it restarts it goes right back to the system set up screen and asks what i want to do and never actually botts xp from the hard drive.

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OS Setup Screen Does Not Load - Reformatted Seagate Disk

Feb 17, 2009

My computer was missing a system file after restarting one day. I inserted winxp disk to repair I would boot from it but the setup would wouldn't ever load anything. I reformatted with the Seagate disk and tried a different winxp disk to install same thing, it hangs at asking for third party adapter software. Any ideas?
Winxp, 160gig SATA seagate, 1gig of ram biostar mobo. It all worked fine until I lost that file now I cant even reload windows!

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Setup Stop - Reformatted

Jul 31, 2005

I attempted to download XP HOme Edition to a fresh hard drive that was reformatted.

It appears to get to a certain point and this message appears:

STOP: 0X0000000A (0XFFFFFFF0, 0X00000002, 0x00000001, 0x80879641)

then, it says something about newly installed Hardware or software, (which there is only the XP I am trying to setup that is new) and then it says to disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing, which I went ahead and did after reading this, but to no avail.

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Setup Duel Boot Configuration - Slow Boot Up - Occurred Error Operating System

Oct 27, 2007

I"m running WinXP SP2 Home. Hardware is 2.0 Celeron, 1 gig Ram, 64MB Nvidia Video Card, PS/2 keyboard and mouse, HD's are 250GIG Western Digital with 4 partitions and 27% free on the XP Boot and 200GIG Western Digital with 2 Partitions. I have a Lite-On DVD +-R/RW drive and a 3.5 floppy. I am setup with a Duel-Boot configuration Win 98/XP. I do not have a paging file.

My problem occures after I hit enter for the Select Operating System page. I Hit enter, Win XP proceeds to load. After I hit enter and Windows loads the blue welcome screen 1 minute has passed. I hear the Welcome Audio music, however blue welcome screen is still there for 30 more seconds. Next is my picture that I have as my background that is shown without icons for 1minute 21seconds. Windows now displays my icons on my desktop. the icons blink at minute 4. after 4 minutes and 51 seconds I am able to use my computer. At bootup I only have 43 programs running and 357MB of the 1 gig ram taken.

What I have done:
1) I have started in safe mode and defraged my PC, 0% frag on all partitions except a drive that isn't currently plugged in and it was 1% because it's my backup drive (not worried about that 1%)
2)Removing all connected Componets and rebooted, same problem.
3) I have tried using msconfig.exe and setting the startup selection as Normal- it's defaulted to Selective. Tried reducing my startup programs. ....

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How Is A Dual Boot System Setup?

Nov 23, 2008

How do I establish a dual boot system? I am running WinXP on both drives.

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Dual Screen Setup Works Fine During System Bootup; TV Goes Crazy When Windows

Jul 17, 2008

In the past, I have used the S-video port (with RCA adapter) in a dual view setup with my TV. I recently reinstalled Windows XP and now I can't get the secondary display (the TV) to work correctly. I just get a bunch of black & white lines moving up the screen (looks like bad reception/static on a TV). The weird thing is that the TV displays everything fine during the bootup process, including the loading screen with the Windows XP logo. Full color and everything. It's when Windows actually starts that the TV freaks out. Another weird thing is if I use nVidia's TV setup Wizard and select "Span," the image on the TV actually stabilizes. But I am forced to keep a low resolution on the monitor (which wasn't the case before I reinstalled XP), and as soon as I make any other changes the TV goes back to freaking out.

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Reformatted System Now Not Recognizing Ethernet Card?

Aug 31, 2006

I just recently re-formatted my Dell Dimension 3000 at work. I didn't have the original system disks and just installed a vanilla copy of XP Home. For some reason it will not read the ethernet port, making it difficult for me to install any new programs, or the obvious (get on the internet).

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Reformatted & Reinstalled System: PCI Device Not Found?

Sep 22, 2005

After formatting and installing W2k on a DEll 4100 PIII I'm getting the 'new device found' wizard and it says I have a PCI device not being found.. But all my devices are working (i.e. modem, sound card etc.) When I right click on properties in the device manager it says "PCI Bus 0, device 31, function 3" Anyone know how I can tell what device it's finding and can't locate a driver for?

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Reformatted System: Unable To Record Video / Webcam Wont Work?

Sep 12, 2005

I reformatted my computer recently and now the ability to record a video using my web cam wont work because of some changes between Microsoft and the Indeo codecs it used.Is there a compatible web cam video driver for home XP I can download at no charge?

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Blue Screen Error Bring Boot Selection Screen - Reinstall Operating System

Nov 12, 2009

Encountered a Blue Screen of Death error. The error stated that I should run Chkdsk and then proceeds to restart and bring me to the Windows boot selection screen (safe mode, last known good configuration, normally). No matter which choice I pick, it always leads to the BSOD then restarts. Since this is getting me nowhere fast, I want to just format and reinstall windows. I do not have my recovery CDs, and when I enter the BIOS to change the boot sequence I cannot change it so the CD drive is above the hard drive in priority. The reason it gives me in the bios is that "All items on this menu cannot be modified in user mode. If any items require changes, please consult your system supervisor. Any ideas on how I can boot off the cd and reinstall windows from scratch?

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Can't Boot To Windows / Strike F1 To Retry Boot / F2 For Setup Utility

Aug 10, 2009

During System startup, the system always halts at "Strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility". The only way I can manage to boot to Windows is by selecting "Boot to utility partition" from the Boot Device Menu or if there is a Windows XP installation CD in the cd-rom drive. When I boot this way, everything works fine .This behavior started when I performed a fresh install of XP Professional (XP Home came with the system). The problem did not start immediately after the installation; I was able to install some drivers and reboot a couple times (maybe twice) before it happened. When I installed the display driver (from Dell) and rebooted, it went to the "Strike F1. " screen. I have since tried another fresh installation of XP Home (the original OS) and the problem is still occuring. This time it occurs immediately after the installation; No drivers have been installed at this point.

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System Startup Screen And Boot Loader:F10 For System Restore?

May 26, 2008

i rescently had to format the drive for a fresh copy. I have installed xp home retail version and realised i wanted to try something diferent. At system start the computer starts up prior to the windows boot screen and displays COMPAQ in big bright bold letters with option of F10 for system restore which is no longer on system (reformated) as well as other options for boot select pres ESC and F1 for setup.Can i remove this from my system? and then can i create a menu with 2 options 1 load windows normaly and 2 install a disk image stored on a hidden partition? maybe like the F10 key assighn that to access the imge and install it.

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Removing Dual Boot Setup - Boot Partition

Dec 9, 2005

I have a system which was initially set up a while ago as a dual boot, Win98SE/Win2K. I had a need for the Win98SE side of things then, but now that has gone but the Win98SE partition is the boot of course.I want to be able to do away with the Win98SE partition completely and ideally add the space to the Win2K one, maybe leave it as a clean NTFS partition if that makes things easier. This would mean that I would end up with a drive with a single boot partition holding Win2K. This of course is not a trivial process as the drive letter of the boot partition will need to change. (I do want that drive letter change incidentally).

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System Wont Boot: Blue Screen, "boot Device Inaccesible"?

May 15, 2006

My pc was running fine when it just started beeping like a warning klaxon. Rebooting didn't help, but rebooting into safe mode then normal mode did. Then 1 hour later while running spysweeper, I stopped the scan early because it was taking too long. It detected 1 adware and 1 trojan, but the log said the trojan (ruin) could not be quarantined and some threat was still in memory, despite a problem free pc except for the beeping which I thot was resolved. After exiting spysweeper

my pc locked up and could not be turned off manually, so I unplugged the cord in back. Then I got a blue screen after it tried rebooting. The bootup started normally, but then a blue screen read as follows, more or less-If this is the first time you are seeing this message reboot your pc. Otherwise check for viruses, remove any new hard drives or hard drive controllers. or refer to your startup manual. I can't even boot in safe mode.

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System Won't Boot Up: Stuck At Welcome Screen?

Dec 3, 2007

my system gets stuck at the Windows XP screen with the blue bar scrolling across. I am able to get into safe mode, but restoring didn't work.

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System Will Not Boot Pass Dell Welcome Screen

Jun 1, 2010

System will not boot pass Dell welcome screen. Does not respond to F2/F12/F8 and this all began after i clear cmos. Original problem was BSOD so now i wish to do a clean install but unable to enter the bios to set PC to boot from CDrom. Got into safe mode once but it freezes. I piggy back the HD to another pc, did a virus/malware clean then defragged and clean the hd. Now i am ready for a fresh install but cannot get pass the dell screen. I tried 4 keyboards but still the same. The dell screen shows the F2=SETUP, f12 = Boot menu and Bios revision 1.0.10.

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Blue Screen Shown After Boot UP System

Sep 23, 2006

System will freeze and require restart in the morning it will randomly restart and then say that it's recovered from a serious error and get blue screens but usually has various different filenames or doesn't have one at all just those addresses i'm not sure how to read the files windows puts in mini dump or how to use them.

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Blue Screen In Start Up - Boot Up System

Jul 31, 2007

This morning when I booted up, I got a blue screen that had a message telling me something about memory (I think, was still asleep). it told me to start in safe mode.I did that then turned off. When it started back up it was in the advanced options window. I selected "Start normal mode" I have tried to get it to do it again so I could get the codes but cant. I know it showed many partitions plus the message and codes. I am using XP Home with my Dell Dimension desk top. It uses a Celeron 2.53 GHz and 512 Ram. Thank You for any suggestions. Also I delete temp regulary and defrag every week or so but don't know anything other than that as far as maintaining system.

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System Restart Repeatedly After Boot Screen Comes Up

Oct 18, 2005

Hey guys, i got a serious problem, i booted from the windows xp disc and started the installation process, then the computer restarts after all he bios stuff happens it restarts again before the windows boot screen comes up and keeps repeating over and over again.

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System Won't Boot Past Splash Screen - No Errors

Feb 24, 2007

I'm working on a Compaq Deskpro EN500 running Windows XP Professional SP2 (with all patches and updates), current antivirus and antispyware, and firewall. The system was working fine, user was online browsing the web when the system froze. The mouse froze, etc. Start button could not be accessed. The user shut down the system with the power button. When he turned it back on, he was greeted with the standard Microsoft 'an error has occured' screen' and given the choices of Safe Mode

Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Last Known Good
Start Windows Normally

When I choose any of these, I can get as far as the Windows XP splash screen and then the system seizes. I can get into the Windows Recovery Console. I have run a CHKDSK /P /R and a FIXBOOT. CHKDSK returns no errors. I'm not sure what to try next short of a rebuild.

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Setup Bios To Be Able To Boot To OS?

Aug 5, 2010

I have 2TB SATA HDD for storage purpose and one SATA HDD for my OS, how can i setup my bios to be able to boot to my OS?

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Boot From My Cd - The Setup Is Loading

Aug 3, 2009

My friend told my about TinyXP (windows xp with a lot of crap left out = fast)
I don't know if I can give you the link where I got it because maybe that will be seen as advertising.But whatever, the problems I have don't have to do with the TinyXP specific I think, they are also occuring when isntalling a normal windows XP versionWhenever I boot from my cd, the setup is loading But after that, I get: the setup is starting and then BOOM, blue error screen:Quote :A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your

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Getting Rid On Dual Boot Setup

Mar 8, 2005

I currently have two partitions on my computer with 98se on one and xp pro on the other. They're both formatted in FAT32. I want to get rid of win98se but keep XP pro and all my data. Also I'd like to change the file system from FAT32 to NTFS.

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Dual Boot Setup Of Pro And MCE

Jan 3, 2006

Does anyone know if it is possible, or has done, a dual-boot setup of Win XP Pro and Win MCE (2005)? I'm curious to know if it is possible and if so, what is the best way to go about it and any potential problems.My current setup is I have a Athlon 64 3800+ with 1TB RAID 0 running Win XP Pro. I have partitioned the OS onto C: with 50GB and left the rest as general storage for the moment. I also have a digital TV tuner card, which is why I'm thinking of installing MCE.

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System Wont Pass The Login Screen: Getting Multi Boot Options?

Jun 19, 2006

I have a friend, seriously - it's a friend not me, that had to do the windows genuine updgrade. She paid the $150 and instead of just plugging in the new product key she inserted the CD they mailed her and started a new install of windows. It seems it had trouble locating files and now she gets a option to select which operating system at start.The setup won't continue (it can't locate files on CD - maybe bad disk) and when she selects the original XP pro setup it won't let her past the login screen.

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Computer Automatically Boot Up Into Setup

Sep 16, 2005

I've got two operating systems on my computer. One of which isn't set up. this is causing my computer to automatically boot up into setup for that OS. I need to find out how to delete it.

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Unable To Perform Setup Using SP2 Boot CD

May 5, 2006

I have been using this PC without any problem for 6 months. I wanted to reinstall my Windows XP on my PC and tried to booting up with a bootable Windows XP_SP2 Prof CD(first boot is CD ROM). But to my surprise, the setup process in not taking place. I am getting a grey blank screen(instead of windows setup screen) after this message "Setup is inspecting your Computer's Hardware configuration".This is the case only with the Windows XP bootable CD. I have tried to boot with different WinXP CDs, but of no use. However, I am able to boot with Win 98, Win 2000 and even with Win 2003 via boot CDs.I am suspecting whether there is any problem with the motherboard, as I was able to install Windows XP Pro before on the same PC.

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Best Dual Boot & Vista Setup?

Mar 29, 2008

I'm going to build a new computer. It will have a new 500 GB Seagate 7200.11 32 MB cache. I want to reuse my current 500 GB Samsung Spinpoint 7200 RPM 16 MB cache, which is currently used only for backup storage. What's the best way to have both XP and Vista on the new computer (which is also possible to do)?Vista on the new Seagate; XP on the the old Samsung (will all my files be wiped out during the installation?)The reverse of the above XP on 100GB partition on the new Seagate; Vista on the remaining 400GB; use the old Samsung as I have been all this time. XP will only be used to run Internet Explorer 6 and minimal web design tools.

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Dual Boot System - Long Time Booting - Stays On Splash Screen

Sep 18, 2008

i have a dual boot system xp / vista64 all of a sudden my computer takes a long time to boot it stays on the splash screen for about 10 minutes before showing me the boot selection screen what could be the problem?

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Boot Up Options: Either Start Windows XP Or To Run XP Setup?

May 26, 2005

When I start my pc I get an option to either start Windows XP or to run Windows XP Setup. If I am not quick then it automatically selects Windows XP setup where it goes into the intial setup screens where I need to quit and re-boot the PC. There is nothing wrong with my pc and I have no need to carry out any setup tasks, what I want to do is to get rid of this option.

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Dual Boot Drive Setup 2000 Pro

Jun 8, 2005

I have two hard drives, both of them with Win 2000 Pro. The First has been the master in machine one from the start. The second HDD has been in machine twoand that machine has crashed so bad that it is not worth the time, energy or money to fix it. This second HDD has important data on it that is only accessable through older programs that are only on this drive. (It is a church membership data base program and a church financial record program) I have the added problem that no one in the office has a clue where the install disk are for these programs and they are not where they are suppose to be (this was before my time). I would like to place the second HDD in the first machine and set up a dual boot so the user can choose which drive to operate from. There is the added problem that the computers only have a restore disk that came from Dell and not a full Win 2000 Pro CD.

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