Recently Used Files Shortcut Not Appear In Start Menu
Nov 10, 2004
The recently used files shortcut does not appear in my start menu. It cannot be solved as per help instructions, because the related command does not appear in the properties dialog box. Actually, the bottom part of the advanced tab is empty. I am using Win XP pro.
I didn't find an existing thread to the topic, so i apologize if the question has already been answered. at one point in time i had a mahjongg game installed on my windows xp run pc. i placed a shortcut on the start menu (above the frequent programs list). somehow or other, the shortcut was not removed when i uninstalled the program. my attempts to get rid of it since then are as follows:
1. when i right click on the icon, and select "remove from this list", nothing happens. 2. i attempt to run the shortcut and it says "the item you selected is not available. it might have been moved, renamed, or removed. do you want to remove it from the list?" i select yes, and nothing happens. 3. i attempt to rename the shortcut and it says "cannot rename file: cannot read from the source file or disk." 4. i open the properties and there is a message in the target type field saying "this is not a valid shortcut". i cannot change any of the fields without getting the error message in #3. 5. reinstalling the game doesn't change anything. i get the same error messages as above. 6. i searched through the registry for anything named "mahjongg", and it doesn't turn anything up.
I want to add a FOLDER as a shortcut in the MAIN part of the start menu. I would prefer it be where "My Computer", "My Documents", etc is, but I would settle for where "Internet" and "E-Mail" currently are. I can successfully add apps to that area, but not folders. I basically just want to click the start menu, click on the folder, and have it open up.
This is how to add a shortcut to the XP Start Menu in addition to the default "Internet Explorer" and "Outlook Express" (when XP Start Menu is in XP Style, not classic). Right click any application icon in Start Menu, on the desktop or in Explorer and select "Pin to Start Menu". Alternatively just drag and drop the icon to the Start button.
In the last few weeks I have noticed that if I try to search for a file or folder by clicking "Search" on the start menu I am not able to open the search window. I used to be able to do it this way until quite recently. I can however, search by opening a new explorer window and hitting the "Search" button on the tool bar.I have looked on Microsoft KB for a solution and tried repairing it by following Article ID:913503, to no avail. I also tried doing a system restore but no help.The problem has occurred on both my Desktop PC as well as my Laptop.Has anybody else come across this problem, and more importantly found a solution.I'm running XP MCE on both machines, with Norton Internet security on my laptop, and Zonealarm Pro Security Suite on my desktop PC.
I can still use system restore; but my problem is I can't seem to locate system restore on the start menu, I know that it used to be there. Is there any way to put the icon back on the start menu? Running Window XP Home Edition.
I can't access the "Run" command from the start menu. When I click on it windows brings up a message box saying "Windows can not create a shortcut here. Do you want the shortcut to be placed on the desktop instead?" Even if I click yes, the shortcut doesn't do anything. I can still access the run command by using the windows button + r on the keyboard. This affects the "Search" and "Help & Support" commands too.
My laptop has recently stopped running .exe files.Now whenever I try to run a .exe file, windows prompts me what program do I want to open it with.Does anyone know what's going on here?
how to delete an item from the right click shortcut menu that opens up when you right click on a program icon? It seems that sometimes when I install a new program, the new program takes it upon itself to stick an option in this menu. It's getting quite lengthy and most of them I have no use for. I would like to clean it up if there is an easy way short of going into the registry.
I've been trying to figure out how some software winds up on this list and other packages don't. i can't find any rhyme or reason to it. i know that you can add items, by going to the file types tab on the folder options, but how packages that you don't add wind up there is a mystery that i'm hoping some one can shed some light on.
Here is a keyboard shortcut to the System Properties menu:Press: WINDOWS KEY + REAKNote: In versions earlier than Win XP this shortcut will bring up the device manager.
This one is super easy,first open X:Documents and SettingsusernameSendTo (it is hidden)where X is your drive letter and username is your usernamemake and delete shortcuts to folders at will
I recently did a google search and when I entered one of the websites a prompt script download appeared, worried about what it was doing I unplugged the computer and rebooted. I started up IE and when I entered the search menu under the history toolbar the internet shortcut "what I searched" - google search could not be deleted I even ran a history cleaner and yet it was the only thing that remained in the history toolbar under the search menu.
whenever I start my laptop two windows search boxes open. This is irritating and it may be linked to the (more irritating) fact that in the right-click dropdown shortcut menu thing, the top option is 'search' instead of explore or open, so double clicking opens a search box, but I don't know. How do I change all that? I'd be really grateful for any pointers.
Running XP with 'CLASSIC' style menus. When I display PROGRAMS in the START menu, it only displays 3 or 4 items and then it has two Down Arrorws at the bottom of the menu, which I have to click to get the full menu. Is there some setting causing this to happen?
I am using Windows XP/SP2 a newish computer and some things changed from how it used to be.From the *Start* Button, there is the further button *Programs*. This then has the fly-out menu which used to open only the most recently accessed programs. Typically, after a boot it would show the items which opened in *Start-Up*, the rest were accessible only by hovering the mouse cursor over a button showing downward pointing arrows (more chevron like). This would then open the entire sub menu of programs to choose from. However, in the past week it now opens in that expanded view all the time. There is no sign of the little arrows anymore, and I always end up with a screen full of program lists whenever I go to Start/Programs.
can i create folders to put specific types of progs inside them as my all programs from the start menu is too long and needs tidying up i.e put photographic applications all together in one folder.
Is there a way to have the "favorites" menu in the start menu? Not just a shortcut to the "favorites" folder, but an actual menu that pops up and closes by itself, like in windows 98?
I have experienced a sudden problem starting programs. The computer boots correctly, and all desktop icons appear correctly. But when I double click a desktop icon, or start a program from the start menu, I get a popup window displaying a list of programs and asking me which program I want to use to start the application. I select the correct program (or browse to the appropriate .exe file), but still the application doesn't start. This includes IE and Windows Messenger. My virus scanner was about the only thing that I could start up, and I did a system scan with Panda Anti-Virus, but it didn't show anything substantial (just some cookies).Using my WinXP set up disk,I've tried to do a repair (I guess reinstallation without reformatting the hard disk), but after I entered the License Key, the computer did a reboot and then stopped. It is stuck on the XP splash screen and won't go any further (I once let it run over night, but it was still frozen on the splash screen). I even tried to repeat the repair process, but that didn't work.Automatic updates did download an update just before this problem started (I think it was the day before the problems began). I don't know what this update was and I'm not sure it was SP3 (system does have SP2 installed).Considering that the computer freezes now when booting up, is there anything that I can do short of reformatting the Hard Drive? I also have another hard drive that I can use to install XP onto. Is there any way that I can rescue the data from the old Hard Drive and transfer to new drive?
How do you key a "windows"-R shortcut to start a run command?On Swiss French keyboard layout, the usual key immediately on the right of the shift is missing; how do you type a backslash is this keyboard config?
I have a new Toshiba satellite A105-S4084, with an Intel centrino duo. I want to remove a "Buy" icon from the start menu. How can I do this? It's easier to remove windows icons.
I can't get to "search" or "run." I changed the icon size to "small" in the properties>start menu>customize, but that isn't helping at all. In my other accounts the start menu text is fine.
I would like to add several folders under the Run command on the right of the START menu. I used this tweak (below) of Kelly's to add one folder there. But If I run this tweak again it replaces the first folder with the new one.I thought I might be able to make the changes by hand so I tried to understand the code of the tweak.
I only have a backround nothing else, the only way i was able to get online was by following the link in the error report, the error report was about my computer crashing, which it happens alot and i have to reinstall the computer many times a week. I updated my computer just now with the windows updates, and i dont know what to do now.